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Subject Name : Statistics and Numerical Methods Department : Common to all branches
Subject Code : MA3251 Year : I
Date : 13.04.2024 Semester : II
Time : 08.15 am - 10.15 am Max.Mark : 60
Batch : 2023 – 2024 Duration : 02:00Hrs
Assessment : Internal Assessment Test – I B.E/B.Tech : B.E/ B. Tech
Regulation : R -2021 Month/Year : April /2024
Students will be able

C110.1: Apply the concept of testing of hypothesis for small and large samples in real life problems.

C110.2: Apply the basic concepts of classifications of design of experiments in the field of agriculture.

C110.3: Appreciate the numerical techniques of interpolation in various intervals and apply the numerical techniques of differentiation
and integration for engineering problems.
C110.4: Understand the knowledge of various techniques and methods for solving first and second order ordinary differential equations.

C110.5: Solve the partial and ordinary differential equations with initial and boundary conditions by using certain techniques with
engineering applications.

Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT): 1. Remembering 2. Understanding 3. Applying 4. Analyzing 5. Evaluating 6. Creating

Part A – (6×2 =12 Marks) BT Outcomes

Answer all the Questions CO PO

01. Define critical value of a test statistics. 1 C110.1 1

02. What do you mean by degrees of freedom. 2 C110.1 2

03. Write the condition for the applications of Chi-Square test. 3 C110.1 1

A die was thrown 400 times and 6 resulted 80 times. Do the data justify the hypothesis 1 C110.1 1
that the die is unbiased.
05. What is the purpose of ANOVA? 1 C110.2 1&12

06. Define Experimental Error. 3 C110.2 1&12

Part B – (3×16 = 48 Marks) Outcomes

BT Marks
Answer all the Questions CO PO
07.a i A simple sample of heights of 6400 Englishmen has a mean of 170 2 C110.1 1,3 08
inches and a standard deviation of 6.4 inches, while a simple sample
of heights of 1600 Australians has a mean of 172 inches & a
standard deviation of 6.3 inches. Do the data indicates that
Australian are on the average taller than Englishmen?
07.a ii A random sample of 10 boys had the following I.Q’s : 70, 120, 110, 2 C110.1 1,9 08
101, 88, 83, 95, 98, 107, 100. Do these data support the assumption
of a population mean I.Q of 100 ? Find a reasonable range in which
most of the mean I.Q. values of samples of 10 boys lie.

07.b i Fit a Poisson distribution to the given data and test the goodness 5% 2 C110.1 2,12 08
level of significance:
No of Mistakes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
No of pages 275 72 30 7 5 2 1

07.b ii Twenty people were attacked by a disease and only 18 survived. 2 C110.1 1,9 08
Will you reject the hypothesis that the survival rate, if attacked by
this disease, is 85% in favour of the hypothesis that it is more, at
5% level.

08.a i To test the claim that the resistance of electric wire can be reduced 2 C110.1 1,5 08
by more than 0.050 ohm by alloying, 32 values obtained for
standard wire yields the mean value is 0.136 ohm and standard
deviation is 0.004 ohm, and 32 values obtained for alloyed wire
yielded mean value is 0.083 ohm and standard deviation is 0.005
ohm. At the 0.05 level of significance, does this support the claim?
08.a ii Mechanical engineers testing a new era welding technique, 2 C110.1 14,11 08
classified welds both respect to appearance and X-ray inspection.
Test for independence using 0.05 level of significance.



Bad Normal Good

Bad 20 07 03
Normal 13 51 16
Good 07 12 21

08.b The following random samples are measurements of the heat 1 C110.1 2,3,12 16
producing capacity (in millions of calories per ton) of specimens of
a coal from two mines:
Mine 1: 8130 8350 8070 8340 8260
Mine 2: 7950 7890 7900 8140 7920 7840

Use the 0.01 level of significance to test whether the samples could
have come from the same normal population.

09.a The following table shows the lives in hours of four brands of 2 C110.2 1,2,11 16
electric lamps.
Brand 1610 1610 1650 1680 1700 1720 1800
Brand 1580 1640 1640 1700 1750
Brand 1460 1550 1600 1620 1640 1660 1740 1820
Brand 1510 1520 1530 1570 1600 1680
Perform an analysis of variance test the homogeneity of the mean
lives of the four brands of Lamps.

09.b There are three main brands of a certain power. A set of 120 sample 1 C110.2 2,9,12 16
values is examined and found to be allocated among four groups
(A, B, C and D) and three brands (I, II, III) as shown here under:
I 0 4 8 15
II 5 8 13 6
II 8 19 11 13

Is there any significant difference in brands preference? At 5%


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Subject Faculty Dept. Exam Cell In-Charge HOD

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