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Subject Name : PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH II Department :
Subject Code : HS3252 Year : I
Date : 08.04.2024 Semester : II
Time : 08.15 am - 10.15 am Max.Mark : 60
Batch : 2023 – 2027 Duration : 02:00Hrs
Assessment : Internal Assessment Test – I B.E/B.Tech : B. E/ B.TECH
Regulation : R -2021 Month/Year : APRIL /2024
Students will be able
C1O9. Enables students to acquire competence in LSRW for basic general and technology-based professional
1 requirements.
C1O9. Develop ability in LSRW to achieve more demanding tasks in technical fields
C1O9. Apply more strategies and skills to enhance LSRW to produce quick, effective and coherent responses in
3 the professional fields
C1O9. Build communication employment-based communication competence by making students self reliant and
4 analytical
: Foster LSRW ability to respond effectively and competently for job-based demands
Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT): 1. Remembering 2. Understanding 3. Applying 4. Analyzing 5. Evaluating 6. Creating
Part A – (10×2 = 20 Marks) BT Outcomes
Answer all the Questions CO PO
Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb:
a) The great painter, Leonardo Da Vinci once ----(predict) the creation of robots in the
future. Mechanics --- (be) the great force behind the invention of robots, but as science
01. ---- (become) more technologically advanced, mechanics was replaced with
3 C109.1 3
electronics. The first digital and programmable robot was ---- (invent) by George
Dewol in 1954. This robot was named Unimate.
Complete the following with suitable Prepositional Phrase:
a) ___ the doctor immediately. (Call in, call after)
02. b) Julie ___ us yesterday. (Called on, called for) 2 C109.1 6
c) My grandfather cannot ___ past events. (call up, call on)
d) His arrogance________his ruin. (brought about/ bring about)
Supply Gerunds or Infinitives for the following:
03. a) I look forward to _____ you this weekend 3 C109.2 5
b) The question is easy_______
Rewrite the sentences in to Active voice:
04. a) This picture was painted by Pablo Picasso. 2 C109.2 7,12
b) Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare.
Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb:
a) Every morning she ____ (wake/wakes) up early and gets ready for work
05. b) I _____ heard (Have/Has) anything from her in a long time. 3 C109.1 3,6
c) All students ___handed (have/has) in their work.
d) The students ___(are/is) their dialogues.
Rewrite the sentences in to Passive voice:
06. a) Harish bought a brand new laptop 2 C109.2 10,12
b) The farmer grows vegetables.
Part B – (03×16 = 48 Marks) BT Outcomes Marks
Answer all the Questions CO PO
11.a I Read the text and answer the questions that follow 2 C109.1 8 16
As you read this, your eyes should be doing three things:
Focusing from distance to near, converging inward to a single
point and angling downward. But with electronic screens fast
supplanting plant, this law of nature is turning upside down: We
are focusing too long, too close, too high and too often. As India
fast- tracks to the digital era and people work or play the day
away on LCD screens, vision problems are spiraling. Computer
Vision Syndrome (CVS) is the newly- minted catch all term now
doing rounds.
If humans spend a third of their lives asleep and a third awake,
most of the final third is spent staring at computer screens today.
And computers make the eye shift and focus between the screen,
document, and keyboard 25,000 times a day – equivalent to 60
push-ups a minute – says a 2004 report by the Industrial Design
Centre of IIT, Mumbai. If an office worker spends 80,000 hours
sitting at a desk throughout his career on an average, and more
than 50% use computer on the job as estimated by the
occupational Safety and Health administration of the US, it is
hardly a surprise that 88% develop CVS In the present context of
an IT revolution, the nation’s computer population stands between
15 and 20 million. People work long hours too – 60 hours a week
compared to 43 globally (ASSOCHM Survey, 2007). (Nearly 40
million IT workforces spend over 10 hours every day squinting at
screen (Cyber Media Dice
– TNS Report, 2007).
Ten years back, CVS was unheard of. Today out of 12 patients a
day, two to three would show computer- related eye strain. The
latest issue of the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology surveys 300
Ophthalmologists and report that they average 16 CVS patients a
month. Nearly 98 percent patients show eye strain, 82 percent
headache, 79 percent burning eye, 66 percent watering, 61 percent
redness, 44 percent shoulder pain and 36 percent neck pain.
Working on a computer is really different from reading a book or
a newspaper. We are used to looking down to read, but focusing
on a virtual computer system puts strain on the eye. Position your
monitor 16 to 30 inches away from your eyes. The screen should
be four to eight inches lower than eye – level, so you are looking
slightly down towards it. A real option is wearing special
occupational or computer glasses during work. The new-
millennium disorder is churning out trendy slogans. One is,
“Blink, Breathe and Break” (blinking 20 times a minute,
breathing often to increase blood flow, and taking a break after 20
minutes of non- stop compute work). There is also “the 20-20-20
rule”. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus on
something 20 feet away. CVS is a bit like a spam. We may get
the suffering we invite, but that does not stop it from being in
i. Say whether the following statements are True or
False: (5 x 1 = 5)
1. 1.1 million IT workforce spends over 10 hours every day
squinting at screen.
2. Reading a book or a newspaper is like working on a
3. Most of the humans spend one-third of their lives in
staring at computer screens today.
4. 15 to 20 million IT professionals work 60 hours a week.
5. Take a 20-secongd break and focus on something 20 feet
away for every 20 minutes.
ii. Complete the following sentences (5 x 1 = 5)
1. The screen should be four to eight inches lower than
eye-level, ___________
2. Today out of 12 patients a day, two to three would
3. Preventing CVS is just as simple as deleting spam
4. As you read this, your eyes should be doing three
5. If humans spend a third of their lives asleep and a
third awake, most of the final third is,
iii. Summarize the passage : (1x6=6)

Prepare a checklist for the vacation you are going after the
12.a I 2 C109.3 6&12 16
Imagine you are the Sports secretary of your college Prepare a
12.b I 2 C109.3 1,6 16
checklist to conduct the sports day with ease.

Write a letter to the in-charge of the text book section of

NCERT, New Delhi complaining about the non availability of
13.a I text-books even after one month after the beginning of the new C109.1 10&12 16
session. You are Pranav Baskar, residing in St. Xavier’s
School Delhi.
Write a letter to the Editor of the newspaper (The Hindu)
about the noise pollution that is caused due to Election that is
13.b I announced recently. Write in detail about the issues faced by C109.1 8&12 16
the people and also give recommendation on how to have a
peaceful environment.

Prepared By Verified By Approved By

Subject Faculty Dept. Exam Cell In-Charge HOD

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