Development and Application of Superhydrophobic Outdoor Insulation A Review

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4, AUGUST 2022

Development and Application of

Superhydrophobic Outdoor Insulation: A Review
Refat Atef Ghunem , Senior Member, IEEE, Edward A. Cherney , Life Fellow, IEEE,
Masoud Farzaneh , Life Fellow, IEEE, G. Momen, Hazlee Azil Illias ,
Gustavo Arturo Mier Malagón , Member, IEEE, Vidyadhar Peesapati , Member, IEEE,
and Fanghui Yin , Member, IEEE

Abstract — The aim of this article is to present a review outdoor high-voltage insulation applications [1], [2]. Novel
of the development and application of superhydrophobic ways of preparing such materials have been proposed, and
insulation for outdoor high-voltage applications. The meth- a few of them were reported useful at an industrial scale
ods of preparing insulation exhibiting superhydrophobic
properties to mitigate the pollution problem under high [3]–[5]. Evaluation of wettability, without applying electrical
voltages in the outdoors are explored. In addition, the stress, reported a significant increase in the static contact
existing evaluation techniques at the material development angle (CA) [6]–[10]. Laboratory experiments performed under
stage are reviewed and potential new modifications are voltage have reportedan increase in flashover voltage of
discussed. The self-cleaning and anti-icing properties, the superhydrophobic electrical insulators, when compared with
electrical performance, and prospects of superhydrophobic
insulators are also addressed. Although superhydrophobic conventional hydrophobic insulators [11]–[13].
insulators may show promising behavior in small-scale Nevertheless, evaluation of these insulators has been mostly
laboratory conditions that do not use electrical stress, the limited to laboratory conditions and not thoroughly performed
effect of surface micro–nano structure responsible for the under actual outdoor conditions of pollution, moisture, icing,
superhydrophobicity on the performance under the actual and high voltage. There is a need to explore the loss of
outdoor and weathering conditions under voltage remains
to be fully understood and verified. Therefore, there is a need superhydrophobic properties in the outdoors and the role of
to verify the feasibility of superhydrophobic insulators for the mechanical properties of the nanostructure that gives rise
outdoor high-voltage applications with a solid evaluation to the superhydrophobic phenomenon. Aging performance and
protocol, while using material screening methods in the durability remain questionable and need to be verified [14],
laboratory, and with reference to field experience. [15]. Also, the need for reliable maintenance and replace-
Index Terms — Anti-icing, hydrophobicity, outdoor ment procedures after aging should be addressed. Therefore,
insulators, pollution performance, self-cleaning, questions remain as to the state-of-the-art of such insulators
superhydrophobicity. and their application for commercial applications [16]. This
I. I NTRODUCTION review article is focused on technical practical aspects per-
tained to the application of the superhydrophobic materials as
O VER the past 30 years, various materials exhibit-
ing superhydrophobic properties have been studied for outdoor electrical insulators.

Manuscript received 1 December 2021; accepted 13 May 2022. Date II. W ETTABILITY OF AN I NSULATOR S URFACE
of publication 27 June 2022; date of current version 4 August 2022. Wettability of a clean insulator surface depends on the
(Corresponding author: Refat Atef Ghunem.)
Refat Atef Ghunem is with the Metrology Research Center, National strength of the intermolecular interaction between water
Research Council Canada, Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6, Canada (e-mail: droplets and the insulator material. The measurement of the apparent CA on a flat insulating surface observed between the
Edward A. Cherney is with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada. tangent line drawn to a sessile water droplet separating air
Masoud Farzaneh and G. Momen are with the Département des and the material is the usual way of quantifying wettability.
Sciences Appliquée, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, A sessile water droplet has a definitive volume, usually defined
QC G7H 2B1, Canada.
Hazlee Azil Illias is with the Centre of Advanced Manufacturing and as 10 μL.
Material Processing (AMMP Centre), Department of Electrical Engineer- The magnitude of the measured CA indicates the balance of
ing, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, the intermolecular forces between the water droplet, air, and
Gustavo Arturo Mier Malagón is with the Research and Development the insulator surface. If the insulation material/water adhesion
Department, GrupoDriel, Queretaro 76121, Mexico. forces are stronger than the cohesion forces within the water
Vidyadhar Peesapati is with the Department of Electrical Engineering molecules, then the water spreads on the surface. Conversely,
and Electronics, School of Engineering, The University of Manchester,
Manchester M13 9PL, U.K. if the cohesive forces are stronger than the adhesive forces
Fanghui Yin is with the Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate between the water and the insulation, then the water remains
School, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen 518055, China. as a sessile droplet on the insulation.
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at A hydrophilic surface has a water CA θ less than 90◦ ,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TDEI.2022.3183671 while a hydrophobic surface has a water CA greater than or

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equal to 90◦ . As an extension of these two basic definitions, ranges from 5 to 9 μm with nanosized branches having
solid surfaces having θ values greater than 150◦ are called average diameters of about 120 nm is present on both sides of
superhydrophobic. the lotus leaf [24]. A low free energy is provided by a wax that
Young’s equation [17], which will not be reproduced in covers these micrometer diameter papillae. This two-size range
this article as it is described in most articles dealing with structure creates a large volume of air trapping when in contact
hydrophobicity, is the usual way of quantifying the wettability. with water, which is essential for superhydrophobicity [24].
This equation is based on the assumption that the surface is Synthetic superhydrophobic surfaces were developed since
chemically homogeneous and topographically smooth. How- the 1990s [25]. The methods used to obtain superhydrophobic
ever, this is usually not true for real solid surfaces, such as surfaces can be divided into two main categories: 1) creating
insulator surface. In practice, a dynamic CA is often observed, nano- and/or microscale roughness on a hydrophobic surface
ranging between the advancing CA and receding CA. Thus, having a low surface free energy and 2) modifying a for-
without appropriate modification, Young’s equation could not mer micro/nanostructured rough surface by coating with a
be applicable to the discussion of wettability of insulator hydrophobic layer having a low surface free energy. At the
surfaces. end of 2020, the number of publications that appeared in
The degree of roughness can affect the wettability of a solid a Google Scholar search for “superhydrophobic surfaces”
surface. A rough surface consisting of hills and valleys in exceeded 14 000.
which water diffuses into the roughness of the surface is a bet-
ter approximation of wettability, and Wenzel’s equation [18] is IV. A PPLICATION M ETHODS TO E LECTRICAL
a more plausible way of demonstrating CA. For ahydrophilic I NSULATORS
surface, the CA will decrease with the increase in surface A. Etching Techniques: Plasma, Laser, and Chemical
roughness. On the contrary, if the surface is hydrophobic,
A superhydrophobic insulator can be developed by etch-
it will become even more hydrophobic when the increase in
ing a hydrophobic insulating surface so that a micro–nano
surface roughness treatment is applied [19]. Furthermore, sur-
roughness can be obtained. Common etching methods include
face treatment must not produce polar byproducts or alter the
non-thermal plasma treatment in which the insulator surface
surface chemistry, otherwise superhydrophobicity will likely
is impinged with free radicals, engraving the surface with
deteriorate. Once again, the theoretical aspects are not included
laser ablation, and chemically treating the surface with acids.
here as they appear in many publications on the subject.
Research efforts have been mainly devoted to the application
It should be noted that the Wenzel equation considers the
of non-thermal plasma in the development of superhydropho-
roughness while the surface should be chemically homoge-
bic insulator surfaces because the process is simple, environ-
neous. As practical insulator surfaces have a multitude of
mentally friendly, and easy to control [3].
surface structures due to pollution, the Wenzel equation is still
Table I summarizes the use of etching techniques reported
not complete to describe the wetting process on the insulator
in the literature either for the development of superhydropho-
surface [20].
bic insulators or the hydrophobicity improvement of existing
Insulators can have varying degrees of surface heterogeneity
overtime and air pockets may be trapped in the valleys of
the surface structure. Thus, CA involves air, water, and solid
surface interactions. Although the estimate of CA under these B. Superhydrophobic Coatings
conditions is useful, the equation that can describe CA is In recent years, superhydrophobic coatings have attracted
even more complex. Currently, the Cassie–Baxter equation is more attention potentially as better alternatives for the tra-
widely used to analyze CA on a flat surface with chemical ditional room temperature vulcanizing (RTV) silicone rubber
heterogeneity [21]. This equation was derived based on the coatings [1], [33]. The state-of-the-art has shown superhy-
two-dimensional model and is also adopted for the visual drophobic coatings for outdoor high-voltage insulator evalu-
description of droplets on superhydrophobic surfaces. In recent ated by artificial contamination, water immersion, ultraviolet
years, numerical approaches were used to extend the equation exposition, icing, and thermal stability tests.
to three dimensions [22], [23]. In summary, the presence of Other material screening tests and surface failure measure-
surface roughness and chemical heterogeneity of the insulator ments conducted at high voltages have also been suggested
surface, contamination on the surface by foreign materials, and from an electrical insulation point of view, such as dry arcing
drop size effects are the most important aspects of wettability. test, corona resistance test, inclined plan test, leakage current,
flashover voltage, and surface conductance measurements [34].
It should be noted that electrical properties measured in
standard tests at high voltages have also been described for
Water-repellent property, or superhydrophobicity, in nature evaluation of RTV silicone rubber coatings in the IEEE guide
is a well-known phenomenon which has been extensively stud- for application, maintenance, and evaluation of RTV silicone
ied to replicate the properties for industrial applications. These rubber coatings for outdoor ceramic insulators [35].
studies on plants, insects, and animals will not be discussed Generally, fabrication of a superhydrophobic surface could
here as they have appeared in numerous publications. In all the be accomplished via two kinds of approaches including
studies, a similar micrometer and nanometer range structure by creating air-infused hierarchical rough structures or by
has been found. For example, the micrometer structure that infusing a lubricating liquid into low surface energy solid

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surfaces [36]. In the air-infused hierarchical rough struc- In [43], a stable RTV silicone rubber/titanium dioxide
tures which are inspired by the lotus effect [37], transition nanocomposite was prepared using a convenient spray coating
from Cassie to Wenzel state is influenced by the Laplace method. The number of deposited coatings was optimized
pressure which depends on surface geometry. Oil-infused to three layers, since some superhydrophobicity was lost
surfaces inspired by the Nepenthes (also known as tropical by adding a fourth layer, due to the reduction in surface
pitcher plants) present extreme liquid repellency and slippery roughness. However, it should be noted that finding the most
behavior. Most of the matrices used for electrical insula- useful number of coating layers may require further investi-
tors consist of polysiloxanes loaded with silica, alumina, gation in actual field conditions. The synergistic effect of the
and ATH [38]–[40]. micro/nanobinary scale roughness similar to lotus leaves was
Inspired by the lotus effect, a nano size silica coating has produced by a multilayer RTV SR/TiO2 composite.
been developed using sol–gel method by Ramalla et al. [8]. Zhao et al. [9] fabricated a superhydrophobic coating
The superhydrophobic surface was generated using two kinds using PDMS loaded with nanosilica filler for glass insula-
of approaches: creating hierarchical structures on hydrophobic tors. Compared with a commercial RTV silicone coating, the
surfaces and chemically modifying it with a low surface fabricated coating exhibited reduced ice accumulation and an
free energy material including tetraethoxysilane (TOES) and increased flashover voltage from 75 to 100 kV. Fabrication of
perflouorodiethlytrioxysilane (PDTS). Li et al. [10] reported a nanocomposites could generally increase the hydrophobicity
very similar approach to achieve a superhydrophobic coating of insulators. However, nanoparticles agglomerate easily due
for glass/porcelain insulators. to their high surface energy, and achieving a well-dispersed
Peng et al. [2] reported the fabrication of a multifunc- nanocomposite may encounter manufacturing problems.
tional, micro–nanoscale SiO2 /epoxy resin as a superhydropho- Based on lubricant-infused surfaces’ approach, Zhu et al.
bic coating for composite insulators with superb anti-icing [44] introduced a silicon-oil-infused PDMS porous surface
performance. Liao et al. [6] fabricated a superhydrophobic by the aid of silica particle for icephobic insulator coatings.
coating by mixing the nanoparticle filling of hydrophobic Evidence showed that water repellency improved and low ice
fumed silica along with the addition of fluorosilicone resin adhesion strength of 50 kPa (about 3% of the value on a bare
to lower the surface energy, thus improving the anti-icing surface of Al), by adding silicone oil to the coating, due to
property of insulators. The provided evidence revealed that the creation of a nonpolar surface with a low surface tension.
the fabricated superhydrophobic coating has delay icing effect
and it could decrease ice accumulation due to coarse surface
formed by silica nanoparticles. C. Replication Molding Methods
Zhuang et al. [41] investigated the effect of nano-sized tita- As an industrial practical technique for fabrication of
nium dioxide (TiO2 ) on the performance of porcelain insulator superhydrophobic polymeric surfaces, replication molding has
under contaminated conditions. It was reported that TiO2 films been proposed. Different polymer basis and polymer molding
coated on the surface of the porcelain insulator promoted the processes including injection molding, compression mold-
self-cleaning property and enhanced the electrical properties ing, hot embossing, and polymer casting have been used
of ac wet flashover voltage by approximately 6% for a single to fabricate superhydrophobic surfaces. A comprehensive
insulator unit. However, it should be noted that using TiO2 state-of-the-art review on replication molding techniques of
filler in outdoor insulators may not be a competitive solution. superhydrophobic surfaces can be found in [4]. Relatively,
Gou et al. [7] successfully achieved a superhydrophobic little attention has been given to the application of replication
surface by adjusting the contents of nanometer calcium car- molding techniques to develop superhydrophobic surface with
bonate and nano-silica particles in fluorosilicone resin. The potential use in high-voltage outdoor insulation applications.
coated glass insulator showed superhydrophobic and excellent Yan et al. [45] used a laser ablated template to pro-
anti-icing properties, respectively, at nano particle content of duce micro–nano roughness on silicone rubber insulation,
33% (when compared with 20% and 49%) and when 20% of and Wang et al. [46] combined the use of a template
the surface area was covered by glaze ice. with compression molding to develop a superhydropho-
Yao [42] fabricated a superhydrophobic coating by the mix- bic high-temperature vulcanized (HTV) silicone rubber.
ture of graphene and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Graphene Maghsoudi et al. benefited from applying a perfluorooctyl-
was prepared by electrochemical stripping. High CA of silane anti-stiction coating on the micro/nanostructured alu-
160±2◦ and rolling off angle of 9◦ were reported for this minum template surface in compression molding of HTV
coating which was claimed to perform as an anti-ice coating silicone rubber to enhance the replication quality. It was well
for insulator application. proved that the release agent with very low surface energy did
By spray coating of ZnO particles and multiwalled car- not transfer to the silicone rubber surface during replication
bon nanotubes (MWCNTs) dispersed in PDMS elastomer, process, and hence it was concluded that it does not affect the
Zhu et al. [13] fabricated a superhydrophobic coating with hydrophobicity of silicone rubber. The silicone rubber surface
superior surface insulation strength (maximum 54% flashover showed super hydrophobicity, icephobicity, and self-cleaning
voltage increase) and moderate surface conductivity at about properties which make this fabrication a suitable choice for
3 × 10−16 S/m. It was claimed that the invented approach high-voltage composite insulators [47].
provided a new insight for simultaneously improving the Mulroney and Gupta reported using an intermediary for
multiple surface properties of dielectric insulation. demolding PDMS from a microtextured template to improve

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the surface quality. In the used process, the microtexture was it became difficult to retain Cassie’s state on an insulator
transferred from the aluminum template to the polycarbonate surface [15].
surface and then from the polycarbonate to PDMS. Therefore, In addition, although icephobic properties of superhy-
PDMS was demolded easily with a better surface quality. drophobic insulators were promising, complete prevention of
The height of the microstructures replicated directly from ice formation could not be achieved [52], [53]. Jung et al.
aluminum was much higher compared with microstructures [54] studied the freezing mechanism of supercooled droplet
replicated from polycarbonate [48]. on surfaces and proved that icephobicity could fail by simple
changes in environmental conditions such as humidity and/or
the flow of a surrounding gas. Other research also proved that
superhydrophobic surfaces cannot reduce ice adhesion [52] or
even accelerate the ice nucleation rate under extreme humidity
[47]. These findings might be related to the loss of air voids
Self-cleaning enhances the resistance of the superhydropho- in the porous structure caused by water condensation in the
bic surface to contamination. The self-cleaning property can porous surface [55]. In this regard, a smooth hydrophobic sur-
be evaluated by the ability of a rolling water droplet to easily face may present better icephobic properties although it does
wash off contaminants on a superhydrophobic surface inclined not serve as a superhydrophobic surface [56]. Zhu et al. [44]
at an angle, known as the rolling off angle. Micro–nano struc- introduced a liquid-infused porous surfaces (LIPS) material
ture on superhydrophobic surfaces significantly diminishes the based on silicon-oil-infused PDMS for icephobic insulator
adhesion of surface contaminants by a factor that corresponds coatings.
the effective contact area between the surface and the conta- In the presence of superhydrophobic coatings, it was demon-
minant [49], thereby achieving rolling off angles ≤10◦. Anti- strated that the dielectric breakdown strength of PDMS sheets
icing has been another sought property of superhydrophobic under wet conditions does not reduce significantly compared
insulators, particularly to minimize the number of unplanned with dry condition due to their surface roughness [31]. While
outages due to insulator icing in cold climates. experiments reported in [31] were controlled, they seem to lack
Self-cleaning and anti-icing properties can expand dry band strong relevance to outdoor insulation applications. Therefore,
areas on an outdoor insulator surface, which increases the further discussion of the experimental outcomes in [31] is
surface resistance along the flashover path, and eventually not provided herein. The superhydrophobic coatings assist
the flashover voltage [12]. In addition, micro–nano surface water droplets to roll off from the surface due to its low CA
structure could suppress the accumulation of surface charge hysteresis. Hence, under wet condition, the superhydrophobic
and reduce the depth of charge traps on the insulator, which coating on the insulator surface allows the retention of its
also increase the flashover voltage [50]. dielectric strength, which could enhance the performance and
However, the wettability of self-cleaning under voltage was prolong the service life of insulators.
shown to be dependent on the nature of the wetting mode [42].
Self-cleaning suppressed leakage current during a modified VI. M ATERIAL E VALUATION AND S CREENING M ETHODS
rotating wheel dip test and the clean fog test under voltage, but In a way analogous to hydrophobicity, superhydrophobicity
no enhancement of electrical performance was observed during of outdoor insulators would be expected to be lost under
the condensation test under voltage [51]. Superhydrophobic the effect of various factors such as corona, weathering, and
surfaces tested under voltage were prone to the formation of ultra-violet radiation in the electrical power system. There is
wet layers when the surface was subject to dew, produced in a lack of information available about the aging performance
the condensation test [51]. Tested insulator surfaces could wet of superhydrophobic surfaces in outdoor insulation conditions
out, as soon as their superhydrophobicity was lost [15], [51]. and the corresponding aging evaluation at the material devel-
Corona etching on superhydrophobic insulator surfaces was opment stage. A particular concern would be the effect of
shown to be destructive to the surface-fabricated micro–nano remarkable surface roughness of superhydrophobic surface,
structure, which questioned the approach of only using the when the hydrophobicity is lost in service, on various prop-
direct replica fabrication method without chemically modify- erties such as tracking, erosion resistances, and the ability to
ing the base material of the insulator to be superhydrophobic recover hydrophobicity.
[14]. The experimental results showed that a superhydropho-
bic insulator surface could be transformed to be completely
superhydrophilic after corona aging [15]. The hydrophobicity A. Tracking and Erosion
recovery was reported to undergo two phases: 1) fast recovery An insulating surface tracks due to the formation of con-
and 2) slow recovery. The fast recovery phase is quicker after ducting carbon (graphite)-based residue as the surface is
fewer hours of corona aging and was reported as quick as hit by discharges, whereas loss of surface material due to
about 2.4 h to restore the CA to 114.6◦ after 10 h of corona pyrolysis (combustion) during discharge is called erosion.
aging, whereas the second recovery stage could be as slow Allowing the insulator surface to be superhydrophobic may in
as 57.6 h to restore the CA with a value of 144.3◦. Although general enhance the tracking resistance of polymeric materials,
superhydrophobicity was fully recovered after corona aging as determined with the comparative tracking index of the IEC
[14], recovery was not achieved to a similar extent after water 60112 [57]. However, verifying composites for outdoor high-
immersion aging [15]. Thus, once Wenzel’s state was reached, voltage insulation requires testing under higher electric stresses

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preferably with inclined plane specimens according to IEC TABLE I

In addition, outdoor insulation composites are highly loaded
with inorganic fillers, which prevents the tendency of the
composite to track, and therefore erosion becomes the property
of primary interest. Applying the constant voltage method as
per IEC 60587 and ASTM D2303 has been the most accepted
inclined plane test (IPT) method for measuring the erosion
resistance of outdoor insulation housing materials. The critical
test voltage commonly accepted for outdoor insulation housing
materials is 4.5 kV ACrms in general [58], but this test voltage
level has not been specified as firmly for coatings. Similarly,
the constant voltage method could be applied to verify the
erosion performance of superhydrophobic coatings. Generally,
surface texture or surface roughness may alter the wetting
behavior of the surface and thus the nature of the dry band
arcing. Silicone rubber materials with textured surfaces at
the millimeter scale showed better performance when com-
pared with untextured counter samples in the inclined plane
tracking and erosion test [59]. Superhydrophobic surfaces
have completely different scale of surface texture (micro–nano
roughness) and therefore needs to be verified with IPT as per
the ASTM D2303 or IEC 60587.
However, initial surface wettability is an important aspect
that needs to be addressed for inclined plane tracking and
erosion tests to be suitable for evaluating superhydrophobic
insulators. IPT is a test for tracking, erosion, and should
not be used to test for hydrophobicity. The standard liquid
contaminant applied on the surface under test must wet out the surements. Very limited number of studies have evaluated
surface before starting the test. Triton X100 is added to the the loss of hydrophobicity for superhydrophobic insulators
liquid contaminant of the inclined plane tracking and erosion under voltage. Studies were conducted using modified rotating
test at 0.02 wt% as per IEC 60587 and ASTM D2303 to wheel test and multistress test was reported in [15], but
obtain hydrophilic surface before starting the test. In other more thorough investigation is required with various wet-
words, the effect of the fabricated micro–nano structure on ting modes as in the salt-fog test for example, while using
tracking and erosion needs to be evaluated when the surface is different salt-fog conductivity and flow rates. In addition,
hydrophilic. evaluation conducted in field testing stations is another task
The use of Triton X100 and its recommended amount need that has yet to be conducted to verify the performance of
therefore to be verified for testing a superhydrophobic surface superhydrophobic insulators on site. The so-called dynamic
in the inclined plane tracking and erosion tests. In addition, the drop test has been conducted in evaluating the hydrophobicity
inclined setup of test as recommended by the IEC 560587 and retention of outdoor insulation materials under voltage [60],
ASTM D2303 may promote self-cleaning, which represents an but this test may need to be modified for superhydrophobic
obstacle in wetting out the surface before starting the test. surfaces. The inclined setup of the dynamic drop test may bias
Treatment of the superhydrophobic surface under test may the test conditions by promoting self-cleaning of the surface
be attempted to turn it into a hydrophilic surface. Treatment under test, thus making it difficult to wet the surface under
must be performed without damaging the fabricated micro– electric field and extending the test time to be an impractical
nano roughness. For example, treatment with corona may extent.
damage the micro–nano surface roughness [14], but water The evaluation of superhydrophobic surfaces may be
immersion aging potentially appears suitable for deteriorating improved by adding intelligent-based, image processing, and
the hydrophobicity without damaging the micro–nano surface mapping techniques, such as artificial neural network, support
roughness [15]. vector machine, self-organizing map, and k-nearest neighbor
(KNN) algorithm, to characterize the superhydrophobic sur-
face during material screening tests. These techniques may
B. Evaluating Hydrophobicity Under Voltage help characterize the evolution of surface hydrophobicity loss
Loss of hydrophobicity in polluted conditions can give or its recovery during aging tests in the laboratory or in
rise to leakage current under voltage. Thus, it has been actual field conditions. They can also reduce error in providing
an important life expectancy indicator of outdoor insulators a decision, assist human intervention in decision-making,
and therefore should be a more important parameter when increase accuracy, save time, and can be easily extended for
evaluating superhydrophobic surfaces than simple CA mea- future use.

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Soft Matter, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 1589–1596, 2015.
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[30] W. Peng, X. Gou, H. Qin, M. Zhao, X. Zhao, and Z. Guo, “Robust [55] X. Zhan, Y. Yan, Q. Zhang, and F. Chen, “A novel superhydrophobic
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[33] E. A. Cherney et al., “RTV silicone rubber pre-coated ceramic insulators 2015.
for transmission lines,” IEEE Trans. Dielectr., Electr. Insul., vol. 20, [58] A. Krivda et al., “Inclined-plane tracking and erosion test according
no. 1, pp. 237–244, Feb. 2013. to the IEC 60587 standard,” IEEE Elect. Insul. Mag., vol. 25, no. 6,
[34] Arshad, G. Momen, M. Farzaneh, and A. Nekahi, “Properties and pp. 14–22, Nov. 2009.
applications of superhydrophobic coatings in high voltage outdoor [59] R. Waters, A. Haddad, H. Griffiths, N. Harid, P. Charalampidis, and
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[35] IEEE Guide for the Application, Maintenance, and Evaluation of Room- vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1995–2003, Dec. 2011.
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1523-2002), 2018, pp. 1–25. high voltage outdoor applications under AC and DC stresses with the
[36] S. Heydarian, R. Jafari, and G. Momen, “Recent progress in the anti- dynamic drop test,” IEEE Trans. Dielectr., Electr. Insul., vol. 23, no. 1,
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Coat., vol. 151, Feb. 2021, Art. no. 106096.
[37] A. Marmur, “The lotus effect: Superhydrophobicity and metastability,”
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[38] G. Momen and M. Farzaneh, “Survey of micro/nano filler use to improve
silicone rubber for outdoor insulators,” Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci., vol. 27,
no. 1, pp. 1–13, 2011.
[39] S. A. Seyedmehdi, H. Zhang, and J. Zhu, “Superhydrophobic RTV Refat Atef Ghunem (Senior Member, IEEE)
silicone rubber insulator coatings,” Appl. Surf. Sci., vol. 258, no. 7, received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the
pp. 2972–2976, Jan. 2012. American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United
[40] A. C. Ribeiro, J. G. M. Furtado, L. A. F. Silva, and B. G. Soares, Arab Emirates, in 2008 and 2010, respectively,
“Superhydrophobic nanostructured coatings for electrical insulators,” and the Ph.D. degree from the University of
Polym. Compos., vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 2557–2567, Jul. 2020. Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, in 2014.
[41] J. Zhuang et al., “A novel application of nano anticontamination tech- He is currently the Team Leader of elec-
nology for outdoor high-voltage ceramic insulators,” Int. J. Appl. Ceram. trical power measurements at the Metrology
Technol., vol. 7, pp. E46–E53, Jul. 2009. Research Center, National Research Council
[42] T. Yao, “Preparation of super hydrophobic coating for insulator against Canada. He is also a Professeur Associé with the
icing flashover,” Adv. Eng. Res., vol. 123, pp. 1032–1038, May 2017. École de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal, QC,
[43] F. Madidi, G. Momen, and M. Farzaneh, “Development of a stable Canada. His research interests include outdoor insulation, application
TiO2 nanocomposite self-cleaning coating for outdoor applications,” of novel measurement techniques in the study of polymeric insulating
Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng., vol. 2016, pp. 1–8, Jun. 2016. materials, and high-accuracy electrical power measurements.
Dr. Ghunem is an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
[44] L. Zhu, J. Xue, Y. Wang, Q. Chen, J. Ding, and Q. Wang, “Ice-phobic
coatings based on silicon-oil-infused polydimethylsiloxane,” ACS Appl.
door Insulation Technical Committee, and a member of the Education
Mater. Interfaces, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 4053–4062, May 2013.
Committee of the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society. He
[45] Z. Yan, X. Liang, H. Shen, and Y. Liu, “Preparation and basic proper-
is also a Professeur Associé at the Ecole de Technologie Supérieure and
ties of superhydrophobic silicone rubber with micro-nano hierarchical
a Registered Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario.
structures formed by picosecond laser-ablated template,” IEEE Trans.
Dielectr., Electr. Insul., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1743–1750, Jun. 2017.
[46] G. Wang et al., “A superhydrophobic surface with aging resistance,
excellent mechanical restorability and droplet bounce properties,” Soft
Matter, vol. 16, no. 23, pp. 5514–5524, 2020.
[47] K. Maghsoudi, E. Vazirinasab, R. Jafari, and G. Momen, “Evaluating the
effect of processing parameters on the replication quality in the micro Edward A. Cherney (Life Fellow, IEEE) received
compression molding of silicone rubber,” Mater. Manuf. Processes, the B.Sc. degree (Hons.) in physics from the
vol. 35, no. 14, pp. 1567–1575, Oct. 2020. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada,
[48] A. T. Mulroney and M. C. Gupta, “Optically transparent superhydropho- in 1967, the M.Sc. degree in physics from
bic polydimethylsiloxane by periodic surface microtexture,” Surf. Coat. McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, in 1969, and
Technol., vol. 325, pp. 308–317, Sep. 2017. the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from
[49] F. Geyer et al., “When and how self-cleaning of superhydrophobic the University of Waterloo in 1974.
surfaces works,” Sci. Adv., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1–11, Jan. 2020. In 1968, he joined the Dielectric and Electri-
[50] Z. Yan, X. Liang, I. Cotton, and C. Emersic, “Suppression of surface cal Insulation Group, Ontario Hydro Research
charge on micro- and nano-structured superhydrophobic silicone rubber,” Division, Toronto, ON, where he was involved
IEEE Trans. Dielectr., Electr. Insul., vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 1095–1102, in many areas of electrical insulation. In 1988,
Jun. 2018. he went into the insulator industry, first with a manufacturer of polymer
[51] J. Wu and A. Schnettler, “Degradation assessment of nanostruc- insulators and then later with a manufacturer of silicone materials. Since
tured superhydrophobic insulating surfaces using multi-stress meth- 1998, he has been an International Consultant in the outdoor insulation
ods,” IEEE Trans. Dielectr., Electr. Insul., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 73–80, field and an Adjunct Professor with the University of Waterloo. He has
Feb. 2008. published extensively on outdoor insulation, holds several patents, coau-
[52] J. Chen et al., “Superhydrophobic surfaces cannot reduce ice adhesion,” thored one book on outdoor insulators, and involved in several IEEE
Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 101, no. 11, Sep. 2012, Art. no. 111603. working groups on insulators.
[53] M. Nosonovsky and V. Hejazi, “Why superhydrophobic surfaces are not Dr. Cherney is a Registered Engineer in the Province of Ontario, a
always icephobic,” ACS Nano, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 8488–8491, Oct. 2012. Whitehead Lecturer of the DEIS, the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Electrical
[54] S. Jung, M. K. Tiwari, N. V. Doan, and D. Poulikakos, “Mechanism Insulation Magazine for ten years, and was the Editor-in-Chief of the
of supercooled droplet freezing on surfaces,” Nature Commun., vol. 3, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION for
no. 1, pp. 1–8, Jan. 2012. three years.

Authorized licensed use limited to: SRM Institute of Science and Technology. Downloaded on January 13,2024 at 13:06:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Masoud Farzaneh (Life Fellow, IEEE) has done Gustavo Arturo Mier Malagón (Member, IEEE)
pioneering research in the field of power engi- received the B.E. degree in mechanical engineer-
neering. He has authored or coauthored about ing from the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey,
750 technical articles, four books, and 15 book Querétaro, Mexico, in 2016.
chapters in power engineering. As a mentor, He began working in the insulation industry
he has trained over 250 highly qualified per- when he graduated. He started in the research
sonnel, including 48 Ph.D.’s, 44 master’s, and and development of insulator coatings and
38 post-doctoral’s. His research has focused wildlife protection with polymeric materials. Then,
on elucidating complex multiphysics phenomena he began international consultation regarding
resulting from the interactions of electric fields, insulation materials for high-voltage applications.
liquid water, and ice or snow on conductors and He has been an active member of the IEEE
insulators. Advanced laboratory tests, multidisciplinary mathematical Power and Energy Section, participating in international congress and
modeling, numerical implementations, and field studies of natural icing giving conferences regarding research and development, and innovation
have supported this research which has led to technological innovations. in insulating materials and solutions for the electrical grid.
Dr. Farzaneh was the President of IEEE DEIS in 2013, the Editor-in-
Chief of the High Voltage journal (IET), and a Convenor of CIGRE WG
B2.29, B2.44, and B2.69 related to de-icing techniques and coatings
for protection of overhead power network equipment during winter
conditions. He is an IET Fellow, CIGRE Fellow, EIC Fellow, Fellow of
the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), and Fellow of the Royal
Society of Canada. His contributions and achievements in research and
teaching have been recognized by many prestigious prizes and awards
at national and international levels. In recognition of his outstanding
contribution and impact, the Masoud Farzaneh Award was established
in 2010 by the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi in his honor.

G. Momen is currently an Associate Profes-

sor with the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
(UQAC), Chicoutimi, QC, Canada, and the Direc- Vidyadhar Peesapati (Member, IEEE) received
tor of the Anti-Icing Materials International Lab- the B.Eng. degree in electrical and electronics
oratory (AMIL). AMIL is the only laboratory in engineering from the University of Madras, Chen-
the world accredited to certify de-icing and anti- nai, India, in 2001, and the M.Sc. degree in
icing fluids used to protect airplanes prior to electrical power systems and the Ph.D. degree in
take-off. She is also heading the Laboratory electrical and electronics engineering from The
of Icephobic Material and Surface Engineering University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K., in
(LaRGIS), UQAC. LaRGIS is to identify issues 2006 and 2010, respectively.
related to atmospheric icing and surface wettabil- He is currently a Knowledge Exchange Fel-
ity to develop realistic anti-icing methods based on a variety of knowledge low with The University of Manchester. He spe-
that meet the needs of industries. She has supervised the research cializes in area of high-voltage systems, asset
work of more than 50 students’ at all academic level, including research management, and condition monitoring. He currently bridges the gap
associate, post-doctoral fellow, Ph.D., and master’s students. She is the between academia and industry, applying research findings and tech-
author or coauthor of more than 50 scientific publications, having more niques to real-life high-voltage projects.
than 1200 citations. Dr. Peesapati is a member of IET and a Chartered Engineer.
Prof. Momen is a member of several International Working Group,
including “Ice Adhesion Working Group” and the international working
group of the Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) to report on
“Coatings for protecting overhead power network equipment in winter
conditions.” Before joining UQAC as a Professor, she worked at the
Global Completion Centre (GCC) of Bombardier Aerospace and was
responsible for research on interior coatings of aircraft, where she
established and equipped the first interior experimental laboratory at the

Hazlee Azil Illias received the Ph.D. degree

in electrical engineering from the University of
Southampton, Southampton, U.K., in 2011.
He has been an Academic Staff with the
Department of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Fanghui Yin (Member, IEEE) was born in Ji’an,
Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, since 2011. Jiangxi, China, in May 1983. He received the
To date, he has secured research grants of nearly B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Chongqing Uni-
USD 0.7 million, published more than 70 journal versity, Chongqing, China, in 2004 and 2008,
articles in ISI-indexed publications and 70 refer- respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the
eed conference papers, and successfully super- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC),
vised to completion of ten Ph.D., five master’s Chicoutimi, QC, Canada, in collaboration with
degree by research, and 27 master’s degree project (by coursework) Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
candidates. His main research interests include partial discharge, poly- After that, he did his post-doctoral research
meric insulation materials, and nanocomposites. with the Tsinghua Shenzhen International Grad-
Dr. Illias is currently a member of the Institution of Engineering and uate School (TSIGS), Tsinghua University, Bei-
Technology (IET), a Corporate Member of the Institution of Engineers jing, China, from 2017 to 2020, where he is currently an Assistant
Malaysia (IEM), a registered Chartered Engineer (C.Eng) in U.K., and a Professor. His main research interests include high-voltage technology,
Professional Engineer (Malaysia). external insulation, and transmission line’s icing.

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