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1.1 Background Of Study
Ekiti State faces significant power quality and reliability challenges, with frequent
and prolonged power outages causing economic losses, discomfort, and safety
risks (Adewole et al., 2020). The electricity supply industry in Ekiti State is
characterized by aging and deteriorating infrastructure (Adeoti et al., 2017),
overloading and inadequate transmission and distribution capacity (Adeoti et al.,
2017), limited generation capacity and fuel supply issues (Adeoti et al., 2017), and
weather-related events and natural disasters (Adeoti et al., 2017).
Power outages in Ekiti State can last for several hours or even days, causing
significant economic losses and social inconvenience (Adeoye et al., 2019), and
highlighting the need for effective power quality improvement strategies and
solutions to address this challenge (Adeoye et al., 2019). Previous studies have
identified the need for power quality improvement strategies and solutions to
address power outages (Fagbenle et al., 2018 Olowu et al., 2020), but a
comprehensive framework is needed to address the root causes of power outages
and improve power quality and reliability in Ekiti State.
This study aims to investigate power quality improvement strategies and
solutions to long power outages in Ekiti State, focusing on identifying the root
causes of power outages, evaluating effective power quality improvement
strategies and solutions, and developing a comprehensive framework for
optimizing the electricity supply industry in Ekiti State.
Furthermore, the study will explore the impact of power outages on the economy,
healthcare, education, and overall wellbeing of the citizens of Ekiti State. It will
also examine the role of the government, power utilities, and consumers in
addressing power quality and reliability challenges. The study will employ a
mixed-methods approach, combining both qualitative and quantitative data
collection and analysis methods. The findings of this study will contribute to the
development of a comprehensive framework for power quality improvement and
reliability enhancement in Ekiti State, and provide insights for policymakers,
power utilities, and other stakeholders.
The study will also investigate the potential of renewable energy sources, such as
solar and wind power, to improve power quality and reliability in Ekiti State.
Additionally, it will examine the role of energy efficiency measures, such as
energy-efficient appliances and lighting, in reducing power consumption and
improving power quality. The study will also explore the potential of smart grid
technologies, such as advanced metering infrastructure and grid management
systems, to improve power quality and reliability.
The findings of this study will be significant, as they will provide insights into the
power quality and reliability challenges facing Ekiti State, and identify effective
strategies and solutions to address these challenges. The study will also contribute
to the development of a comprehensive framework for power quality
improvement and reliability enhancement in Ekiti State, and provide insights for
policymakers, power utilities, and other stakeholders.

2.2 Aim and Objectives

The aim of this study is to investigate power quality improvement strategies and
solutions to long power outages in Ekiti State. The specific objectives are:
1. to identify the root causes of power outages in Ekiti State;
2. to evaluate effective power quality improvement strategies and solutions;
3. to develop a comprehensive framework for optimizing the electricity supply
industry in Ekiti State.

1.3 Statement of the problems

Frequent and prolonged power outages in Ekiti State cause economic losses,
discomfort, and safety risks, and there is a need for effective power quality
improvement strategies and solutions to address this challenge. This study aims to
investigate power quality improvement strategies and solutions and develop a
comprehensive framework for optimizing the electricity supply industry in Ekiti

1.4 Scope of the study

This study investigates power quality improvement strategies and solutions to
long power outages in Ekiti State, Nigeria, focusing on identifying root causes,
evaluating effective solutions, and developing a comprehensive framework for
optimizing the electricity supply industry.

1.5 Significant of the study

This study is significant because it identifies the root causes of power outages in
Ekiti State, evaluates effective power quality improvement strategies and
solutions, and develops a comprehensive framework for optimizing the electricity
supply industry, thereby contributing to the development of a reliable, efficient,
and sustainable electricity supply system, and providing insights for addressing
power quality and reliability challenges in similar contexts.

1.6 Definition of terms

1. Power Outage: A temporary loss of electric power, resulting in a cessation

of electricity supply to consumers
2. Power Quality: The degree to which electric power meets certain standards
of voltage, frequency, and waveform.
3. Power Quality Improvement Strategies: Measures aimed at enhancing the
quality of electric power, including voltage stabilization, harmonic filtering,
and power factor correction.
4. Renewable Energy Sources: Natural resources that can be replenished over
time, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.
5. Energy Efficiency Measures: Techniques and technologies aimed at
reducing energy consumption, such as energy-efficient appliances and
6. Smart Grid Technologies: Advanced technologies that enable real-time
monitoring, control, and optimization of electricity distribution and
7. Electricity Supply Industry: The sector responsible for generating,
transmitting, distributing, and selling electricity to consumers.

1.7 Organization of study

Chapter 1. Introduction (background, problem, research questions, aim,
objectives, significance, scope, and limitations)
2. Literature Review (power quality, reliability, outages, improvement strategies,
renewable energy, and smart grid technologies)
3. Methodology (research design, data collection, analysis, sampling, and ethics)
4. Results and Discussion (findings on power outages, improvement strategies,
renewable energy, and smart grid technologies, plus summary of key findings,
implications, and limitations)
5. Conclusion and Recommendations (summary, conclusions, and
recommendations for policymakers, power utilities, and consumers)
The study also includes a References list and Appendices.

2.1 Introduction
Power quality and reliability are critical aspects of modern electric power systems,
essential for ensuring a sustainable and efficient electricity supply (Ajayi et al.,
2020). Long power outages, such as those experienced in Ekiti State, can have
severe consequences, including economic losses, food spoilage, and even loss of
life (Oyedepo et al., 2012). The impact of power outages is felt across various
sectors, including industrial, commercial, and residential, and can lead to
significant financial losses and decreased productivity (Adefarati et al., 2019).
Several factors contribute to power outages, including weather-related events,
equipment failures, and human error (Adefarati et al., 2019). In Ekiti State, the
power outage problem is exacerbated by inadequate infrastructure, poor
maintenance, and high demand (Ekiti State Government, 2020). The state’s power
sector faces significant challenges, including aging infrastructure, inadequate
generation capacity, and high transmission and distribution losses (Oyedepo et al.,
To address these challenges, various power quality improvement strategies and
solutions have been proposed, including renewable energy sources, energy
efficiency measures, and smart grid technologies (Oyedepo et al., 2012; Adefarati
et al., 2019). These strategies and solutions offer potential benefits, including
improved power quality, reduced power losses, and increased efficiency (Ajayi et
al., 2020). However, their implementation faces significant barriers, including high
upfront costs, technical limitations, and regulatory hurdles (Adefarati et al., 2019).
This literature review provide an overview of power quality improvement
strategies and solutions, with a focus on their applicability to Ekiti State. The
review will examine the benefits and limitations of various strategies and
solutions, and discuss their potential for mitigating long power outages in Ekiti
2.2 Power Quality
Power quality refers to the degree to which electric power conforms to
established standards for voltage, frequency, and waveform, and good power
quality is essential for ensuring that the power supplied is stable, reliable, and free
from disturbances. Poor power quality can cause equipment malfunction,
damage, or even complete failure, and is often caused by aging or faulty
infrastructure, weather conditions, overloading or underloading of power
systems, electromagnetic interference, or equipment failure or malfunction. To
improve power quality, utilities and industries use various technologies and
strategies, such as power conditioning and filtering, voltage regulation and
stabilization, harmonic filtering and mitigation, surge protection and lightning
arresters, redundancy and backup systems, and regular maintenance and
monitoring. Good power quality is crucial for many applications, including
industrial processes and manufacturing, commercial and residential buildings,
healthcare and medical equipment, data centers and IT systems, and
transportation and infrastructure, as it can improve reliability, efficiency, and
productivity, while reducing downtime, damage, and costs.

2.3 Power Quality Improvement Strategies for Ekiti State

Ekiti State can adopt various power quality improvement strategies to address the
challenges of power outages, voltage fluctuations, and harmonic distortions.
Integrating renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydro power into
the power grid can improve power quality and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
Implementing energy efficiency measures such as using energy-efficient
appliances and lighting can reduce energy consumption and decrease the strain
on the power grid. Deploying smart grid technologies such as advanced metering
infrastructure and grid management systems can improve power quality and
reduce power losses. Upgrading the power system infrastructure, including
transmission and distribution lines, substations, and transformers, can improve
power quality and increase the capacity of the power system. Regular
maintenance of power system equipment can reduce the likelihood of equipment
failures and power outages. These strategies can be implemented through a
combination of government policies, private sector investment, and public
awareness campaigns.

2.4 Enhancing Power Reliability and Quality in Ekiti State

Ekiti State’s outdated grid infrastructure is prone to faults, leading to frequent
power outages that disrupt economic activities and daily life. To address this, a
comprehensive strategy is proposed to upgrade and modernize the grid,
leveraging smart grid technologies and advanced distribution management
systems. This will improve efficiency and reliability, reducing the frequency and
duration of outages.
The strategy will also explore Introducing renewable energy sources and energy
storage solutions to enhance power transmission and distribution efficiency.
Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power can reduce reliance on fossil
fuels, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. Energy
storage solutions like batteries can stabilize the grid and provide backup power
during outages.
By implementing this approach, power outages will be significantly reduced,
leading to improved economic and social development in Ekiti State. Businesses
will operate efficiently, residents will enjoy a better quality of life, and the state
will attract new investments and create jobs, driving economic growth and
prosperity. Enhancing power reliability and quality is crucial for Ekiti State’s
development, and this strategy provides a comprehensive roadmap for achieving
this goal.

2.5 Causes of long power outage

Long power outages in Ekiti State are a persistent problem, and their causes are
multifaceted. The state’s power infrastructure is aging and deteriorating, leading
to frequent faults and failures. Additionally, the generation and transmission
capacity is insufficient, resulting in a significant shortfall in electricity supply. Poor
maintenance and repair practices exacerbate the issue, as regular upkeep and
repair of power infrastructure are often neglected, leading to a buildup of faults
and failures. Natural disasters and weather events, such as storms and floods, also
damage power infrastructure and lead to extended outages. Furthermore,
vandalism and theft of power infrastructure, including copper wire and
transformers, contribute to the problem. Finally, Ekiti State has limited access to
renewable energy sources, making it reliant on unstable and inadequate power
sources. These factors combine to cause frequent and prolonged power outages,
which have a significant impact on the state’s residents, businesses, and economy.
To address this issue, comprehensive solutions are needed to upgrade and
modernize the power infrastructure, increase generation and transmission
capacity, and improve maintenance and repair practices.
Adefarati, T., Oyedepo, S. O., & Akinbulire, T. O. (2019). Power quality
improvement strategies for Nigerian power system. International Journal of
Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 113, 105-115.
Ajayi, O. O., Oyedepo, S. O., & Adebayo, O. S. (2020). Power quality and reliability
assessment of Nigerian power system. Journal of Power Systems, 2(1), 1-12.
Ekiti State Government. (2020). Ekiti State Power Sector Reform.
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improvement techniques for electrical power systems. International Journal of
Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 43, 130-138.
Adewole, A. A., Oladele, E. O., & Oyedemi, O. O. (2020). Power quality
improvement strategies for electrical power systems. International Journal of
Electrical Engineering and Technology, 11(2), 1-12.
Adeoti, O. M., Ojo, O. S., & Salami, M. O. (2017). Power sector reforms and
electricity supply reliability. Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 9(3), 1-10.
Adeoye, O. O., Fagbenle, R. O., & Olowu, T. O. (2019). Power outage reduction and
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Fagbenle, R. O., Olowu, T. O., & Oyedemi, O. O. (2018). Power quality and
reliability enhancement. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy
Systems, 9(1), 1-10.
Olowu, T. O., Fagbenle, R. O., & Adeoye, O. O. (2020). Power outage reduction and
reliability improvement in power distribution systems. Journal of Electrical Power
and Energy Systems, 11(1), 1-11.

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