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1.1 Background of the Study
Nigeria, including Ekiti State, is grappling with frequent power outages that
significantly impact various aspects of national life, hindering the country's energy
and industrialization goals. The widespread power outages have led to a reliance
on generators, even in critical infrastructure like the state house, and have
negatively impacted significant events like the Junior World Cup.
Nigeria’s vision to become one of the twenty industrialized countries by 2020
requires a robust and reliable power supply. However, the current state of power
supply interruptions and outages has highlighted the urgent need for solutions
tailored to the specific challenges faced in Ekiti State.
This study acknowledges the demand for energy and electricity in Nigeria and the
need to achieve a stable power supply to support economic development and
improve citizens’ quality of life. It emphasizes the importance of addressing power
outages and improving power quality to align with the country’s developmental

1.2 Aim and Objectives

The primary aim of this study is to analyze the power quality improvement
strategy and solution to long power outages in Ekiti State. The specific objectives
are to:
1. Analyze the current state of power quality and identify the root causes of long
power outages in Ekiti State.
2. Propose a power quality improvement strategy that includes both technical and
policy-based solutions.
3. Recommend specific solutions for mitigating long power outages and enhancing
the reliability of the power supply in Ekiti State.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Ekiti State, Nigeria, faces a significant challenge in the form of persistent power
outages and poor power quality, profoundly impacting the state’s economic,
social, and developmental landscape. The inadequacy of the power supply has
resulted in various issues hindering the state’s progress and residents’ well-being.

1.3 Scope of the Study

This study will investigate the power quality issues and long power outages
affecting Ekiti State, focusing on understanding the causes, impact, and potential
solutions. The research will assess power quality metrics, analyze power
interruption data, and identify the root causes of the problems. Based on the
findings, the study will recommend practical solutions to improve power quality
and reduce power outages, aiming to enhance the reliability and efficiency of the
power supply and promote economic development in the region.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study on power quality improvement strategy and solution to long power
outages in Ekiti State is multifaceted. It aims to ensure a reliable and efficient
power supply, crucial for economic growth, industrial development, and improved
quality of life. The study's findings will also help minimize economic losses,
prevent food spoilage, ensure food security, and reduce economic losses for
farmers and food processors. Additionally, the study will address social unrest and
dissatisfaction caused by long power outages, improve the education sector, and
inform policy decisions, guiding the development of a comprehensive power
sector policy for Ekiti State. This study has the potential to make a significant
impact on the lives of individuals, businesses, and the economy of Ekiti State.
1.5 Definitions of Terms
1. Power Quality (PQ): The degree to which electrical power conforms to
established standards, ensuring reliable and efficient operation of electrical
2. Power Quality Improvement Strategy (PQIS): A comprehensive plan to enhance
the reliability, efficiency, and overall performance of the power supply system in
Ekiti State.
3. Long Power Outage (LPO): An extended interruption in electricity supply,
exceeding two hours, affecting households, industries, and businesses in Ekiti
4. Renewable Energy Sources (RES): Natural resources that can be replenished
over time, such as solar, wind, and hydro power, used to generate electricity.
5. Power Supply System (PSS): The infrastructure responsible for generating,
transmitting, and distributing electricity to meet the energy demands of Ekiti
6. Power Outage Reduction (POR): The decrease in frequency and duration of long
power outages, ensuring a more reliable and efficient power supply system.

1.6 Organization of the Study

Chapter one provides the background of the study and introduces the project’s
subject matter, explaining the purpose and objectives. Chapter Two reviews the
existing literature and presents information on the topic. Chapter Three describes
the methodology, including research design, approach, and methods used to
collect and analyze data. It also explains the selection of variables, data sources,
and sampling procedures, discussing ethical considerations and limitations.
Chapter Four presents the results and discussions, and Chapter Five concludes the
project with recommendations for further work.

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