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ID: 2013-1-10-224



19th April, 2017

Dr. Jashim Uddin

Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration
East West University

Subject: project paper on “Recruitment & selection process of Incepta



With due respect here I am presenting my project work and the topic of
my project work is " Recruitment & selection process of Incepta
Pharmaceuticals". This report focuses on the recruitment & selection
process of Incepta Pharmaceuticals, how the theoretical knowledge
works. I would like to thank you for your proper guidance and support.

I have tried to collect all possible information and make this paper
acceptable to the authority but there can be still some mistake. So, I request
you to observe this paper. Finally, I would like to request you to accept and
pass over the mistake I have done in the paper.
Thank you for your kind assistance and advice in the concern.

Yours sincerely,

Sumit Mutsuddy



I am highly thankful for those who have helped me to make this report possible. First
of all, my humble gratitude goes to the Almighty for helping me stay dedicated
toward creating this report.

I would also like to convey special thanks to my project instructor, DR. Jashim
Uddin Sir for giving me this opportunity to enhance my knowledge by working on
his assigned report. My respected instructor has provided me with valuable
knowledge and understanding on the proposed topic, which is why I am able to
proceed so far with my report. I would really thankful to him for giving previous
advice and time, which helped immensely in preparing the report.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank Mr. Ariful Hasan & HR Department of
INCEPTA who gave their precious time and information which helped me reaching
the required target of my study.


Executive summary

This project report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Bachelors of Business Administration program of East West University, the project
work entitled “Recruitment & selection of Incepta Pharmaceuticals” This topic was
taken up on the suggestion of project supervisor.

From the theoretical part of this report I have found that what recruitment & selection
process is, the methods of recruitment & selection process.

For the analysis part, I have visited Incepta Pharmaceuticals. And met their assistant
HR manager. This interviewed helped me to know about their recruitment & slelction
system. I came to know how much important the process is for them. Because without
the proper procedure they can’t find the right people for the right position.


No. Topic Page no.

1.2 8
3.3 HIRING 37-39
3.4 40-43
4.1 FINDINGS 45-46

Chapter: 1

Human Resource assumes the indispensable part to get top level augmentation from
its workforce. It is the operational hub of the organization as it is to manage man
who is the fundamental and most delicate consider any association. Without the
support of person, machine stay sit out of gear, crude materials lie stacked and cash
gets tied up. To get the best yield the potential individual must be enrolled.

Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a main pharmaceuticals organization in Bangladesh,

set up in 1999. The organization has a major assembling office situated at Savar, 35
kilometer far from the focal point of the capital city Dhaka. The organization create
different sorts of measurements structures which incorporate tablets, cases, oral
fluids, ampoules, dry powder vials, powder for suspension, nasal shower and so on.
This is a quickly developing organization. This development relies on upon the
nature of the items and the better advertising framework, which is likewise relies on
upon the effectiveness of the working power.

Background of the Study:

Through this project, a student can observe and applicability of the theoretical
concepts which were taught in the classrooms. This report is prepared as a
requirement for the fulfillment of BBA Program, which is to be submitted to my
honorable faculty supervisor Associate Professor Dr. Jashim Uddin. The topic of
the project is “Recruitment & Selection Process of Incepta Pharmaceuticals

Importance of the study:

Human asset is one of the fundamental drive to accomplish association objectives
and targets. To accomplish these objectives and targets, the association needs
beneficial HR. An organization needs to offer significance to embrace measures
keeping in mind the end goal to outfit staff with sound learning and aptitudes so they
can contribute in accomplishing the hierarchical, departmental and in addition the
individual targets. Through a sound enlistment strategy, Incepta can find the
proficient representatives and they can be cleaned to sprinkling splendor. Sound
enrollment arrangement will accommodate Incepta to strike a workable harmony
between the organization require and qualified HR.

Objectives of the Study:

Ø General objective:
To learn about the present recruitment & Selection process of Incepta
Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Ø Specific objectives:
• To determine the problem areas which influence the recruitment & selection
• To determine the acceptability and reliability of the recruitment system.
• To determine the reasons of turnover.
• To recommend and suggest in improving the existing system.
• To relate the theoretical knowledge and the practical knowledge.

Collection of Data:

Sources of Data Techniques

Primary Interview from Asst. HR manager
Secondary Online information, training records, job
descriptions & Job evaluation.

Limitations of the study:

• Time allocation to complete the whole study is too limited.
• Unavailability of relevant records and information in the organization is a
major constrains.
• Unintentional non-cooperation of the target group/respondents in providing
necessary information, as they were busy is also a remarkable limitation of
the study.
• Some of the respondents were afraid of in providing confidential
information and some of them showed less interest on such assignment and
in a few of the target group willingly avoided of providing information.

Overview of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Brief Profile of the Organization:

Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a main pharmaceutical organization in Bangladesh
built up in the year 1999. The organization has a major assembling office situated at
Savar, 35 kilometers far from the focal point of the capital city Dhaka. The
organization produces different sorts of dose structures which incorporate tablets,
cases, oral fluids, ampoules, dry powder vials, powder for suspension, nasal
showers, eye drops, creams, balms, moisturizers, gels, prefilled syringes, fluid filled
hard gelatin containers, lyophilized infusions and so forth. Since its beginning,
Incepta has been propelling new and creative items so as to satisfy neglected request
of the restorative group. The concentration has dependably been to bring new, more
mechanically propelled atoms and inventive measurement structures to this nation.


To become a trusted healthcare company to ensure better health for everyone,
everywhere. To discover and develop innovative, value-added products that
improves the quality of life of people around the world and significantly contributes
towards the growth of Bangladesh
Provide quality healthcare products and services for the benefit of humanity in the
best possible way through innovation and diversification.

Date of Incorporation
Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. started its business in the year of 1999.
Corporate Headquarters
40 Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Sarani
Tejgaon I /A, Dhaka-1208. Bangladesh
Phone: +880-2-8837811-26
Fax: +880-2-8837952

Operational Headquarters
40 Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Sarani
Tejgaon I /A, Dhaka-1208. Bangladesh
Phone: +880-2-8837811-26
Fax: +880-2-8837952
Dewan Idris Road, Jirabo, Savar, Dhaka. Bangladesh
Phone: +880-2-7708502
Fax: +880-2-7708507
E mail:

Ownership pattern
Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited is the sister concern of the renowned Impress
Group and the business is running as fully private limited company. Directors of
Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited own the majority shares. Incepta is not DSE listed
in capital market yet, so it is controlled by the internal board of director’s. So any
kind of significant decision is taken by the management

Brief History of the Organization
Incepta started its operation with a modest bunch of exceptionally gifted and devoted
experts guided by a capable initiative. Appropriate key arranging, specialized
magnificence, quick and auspicious choices helped them accomplish their targets
prompting significantly quicker development. Incepta could expect the need of the
market and give the correct item at the opportune time. High concentrate on R&D
speculation from the earliest starting point made conceivable the presentation of
value items in front of its rivals as a rule.

Incepta is a quickly developing pharmaceutical measurement frame producing

organization built up in 1999 with the motto of "Creative idea into practice". The
organization has a major assembling office situated at Savar, 35 k.m. far from the
focal point of the capital city Dhaka. Incepta creates, fabricates and showcases drugs
to address the neglected therapeutic needs of Bangladesh Market. Presently Incepta
has gone past the limits of Bangladesh. Right now it is sending out solutions to 26
nations which are required to be multiplied in this year (March 2008). Around 3000
people from different controls including drug store, microbiology, MBA,
bookkeeping, designing and medication are working across the nation under the
umbrella of Incepta. More than 1200 profoundly proficient science graduate and
post-graduate individuals are speaking to the business group of Incepta. It has its
own particular huge circulation organize having 14 warehouses everywhere
throughout the nation. Incepta dependably offers accentuation to its routine of
Corporate Social Responsibility. Organization CSR movement incorporates its
Year Number of Employees
1999 20
2000 336
2001 744
2002 900
2003 1100
2004 1400
2005 1800
2006 2200
2007 2800
2008 3200
2009 3800
2010 4200
2016 7200
accounts in light of the fact that the organization pays assessment and VAT to the
Government and furthermore settles bank and providers liabilities in a convenient

manner. Incepta gives its representatives a full scope of staff offices including life
coverage and payment of 5% of the organization benefit to them. The organization
gives drug to the Government Relief Fund amid catastrophic event. It additionally
gives budgetary help to costly treatment including heart and tumor and dispenses its
corporate Zakat for alleviation of upset individuals consistently. The historical
backdrop of Incepta is as per the following.
In December 16, 1998, the construction of the factory began.

At the last month of this year first batch of product was produced.
In April 2000, Osartil the first CVS product of Incepta came to the market. By the
end of this year Incepta became 31st company of the country.
18 new generics with 37 presentations were launched in this year. 11 of these
generics were first ever in Bangladesh. By the end of this year Incepta was ranked
12th company of the country.
32 new generics with 49 presentations were launched in this year, of those 14
generics were first ever in Bangladesh. New office for the sales and distribution
operation was also taking place. At the end of this year Incepta was ranked 10th
company of the country. Incepta received two awards in this year – Arthakantha,
Business Awards and The Financial Mirror, Business Awards
In this year 32 new generics with 48 presentations were launched, of which 18
generics were first ever in Bangladesh. By the end of this year Incepta was ranked
8th company of the country.
A total of 17 new generics with 32 presentations were launched in this year. 6 of
these generics were first ever in Bangladesh. The company was ranked 5th largest
company of the country with the highest growth rate among the top five. Incepta
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. received the Enterprise of the Year 2004 Award for
outstanding performance.
Incepta started to provide life saving drugs to UNICEF from March, 2005. A total
of 27 generics were launched, of which 12 generics were first ever in Bangladesh.
The company was ranked 3rd largest company of the country with the highest
growth rate among the top five.
Incepta successfully started overseas marketing in May 2006. A total of 25 generics
with 82 presentations were launched in this year. 9 of these generics were first ever
in Bangladesh.
Incepta introduced the era of biotech and lyophilized products in Bangladesh.
Insulin was manufactured and launched for the first time in Bangladesh by a local
company. A total of 32 new generics with 82 presentations were launched. 4 of these
generics were first ever in Bangladesh. Marketing, sales, distribution and
administration departments shifted to fully owned new office premises.

This is a remarkable and memorable year for Incepta. Its manufacturing plant
attained European “Certificate of GMP Compliance” on January 11, 2008. Incepta
has been able to bring, for the first time ever, such recognition for a Bangladeshi
pharmaceutical company. As a result of this certificate Incepta will be able to start
export of non-patent infringing products to European Union and many other
regulated markets.
Incepta launched 51 new products in 2009. 4 of these were first ever in Bangladesh
pharmaceutical market.
Incepta was awarded GMP certificate from Uganda, National Drug Authority on 5th
August 2010 (Sterile Products, Non-sterile products and Cephalosporin).
Up to June 2011 the company has launched 30 products, 7 of which are first ever in
Bangladesh market.
Beginning in 2000, Incepta has been launching new and innovative products at a
faster pace than its competitors. Up to June 2011 it has already launched more than
317 generics with a total of 625 presentations. The company produces a wide variety
of dosage forms covering nearly all the major therapeutic classes. During the last 11
years of operation Incepta launched as many as 118 new generics for the first time
ever in Bangladesh. High focus on quality and timely introduction of much needed
essential medications previously unavailable in the country has enabled Incepta to
become the second largest pharmaceutical company of the country.

In 2012 the company launched 52 products, 7 of which were first ever in
Bangladesh market.

In 2013 the company launched 40 products, 7 of which were first ever in
Bangladesh market.

In February 2014, Incepta Hygine & Hospicare Ltd, a sister concern of Incepta
Pharmaceuticals Ltd launched the most advanced baby diaper with the brand name
In 2014, the company has launched 22 products, 3 of which were first ever in

The company launched Animal Health products in March 2015. A fully dedicated
plant was engaged for Animal Health products manufacturing.
The company was under focus of global media after launching of Hopetavir (1st
generic Sofosbuvir of the world), a life-saving anti-viral drug used to treat Chronic
Hepatitis-C infection in adults.
In 2015, the company launched 36 products, 5 of which were first ever in

The company inaugurated bulk manufacturing facility of human vaccine at Zirabo
Vaccine plant.
In 2016, Incepta launched most advanced pharmaceutical product monoclonal
antibodies (mAbs) with the brand name Relyto (Rituximab), Denosis (Denosumab)
and Advixa (Adalimumab). These products received overwhelming positive
feedback from doctor’s community.
In 2016, our Chairman & Managing Director received export trophy (for the fiscal
year 2013-2014) from Sheikh Hasina, the Hon'ble Prime Minister of the People's
Republic of Bangladesh.
In 2016, the company launched 41 products, 11 of which were first ever in

Year No. of Products First Ever Product IMS Rank*

2016 783 11 2nd
2015 742 5 2nd
2014 706 3 2nd
2013 686 7 2nd
2012 631 7 2nd
2011 632 9 2nd
2010 594 10 2nd
2009 585 4 2nd
2008 532 10 2nd
2007 451 17 3rd
2006 368 9 3rd
2005 288 12 3rd
2004 198 6 5th
2003 154 18 8th
2002 119 14 10th
2001 78 11 12th
2000 35 4 31st

As indicated by IMS wellbeing study which is a US-based and the world's main
statistical surveying association and has been giving pharmaceuticals showcase
insight to more than 100 nations in the course of recent years, the market position
of the main ten pharmaceuticals organizations in Bangladesh in 2011.

Offers of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd., set up in 1999, remained at Tk. 4.52 billion
in a year ago and it snatched a piece of the pie of 8.24 for every penny amid the

period. In 2011, IPL stood 2nd position as far as piece of the overall industry n the
pharmaceuticals business in Bangladesh.

Type of Organization: Essential Medicine Manufacturing Company.

Types of product: Antibiotics, Antiulcerants, Antihypertensives, Diuretics,

Antihistamines, Antiperkinsonism, Calcium supplement, Iron supplement,
Antifungals, Anxiolytics, Skin depigmenting agent, Antirheumatic, Antiarthritic,
Pain killer, Antiflatulent, Antiplatelet, Nasal Spray and Drop for asthma and allergy,
Antiasthmatics, Antiepileptic, Cough Expectorant, Sedative, Antidiabetic,
Ovulation inducing agent, Prokinetic and Antiemetic, Drug for BPH, Cholesterol
reducing agent, Anticoagulant, and Antidepressant.
Organization Structure:
IPL has a board of Directors headed by a Chairman and Managing Director (MD).
There are eight directors. The MD directly reports to the board of directors.

• Marketing Strategy Department
• Medical Service Department
• Human Resource Department.
• Administrative Department
• Commercial Department
• Sales Department
• Distribution Department
• Regulatory Affairs Department
• Finance & Accounts Department
• Financial System Department
• Management Information Department
• Production Department
• Quality Control Department
• Product Development Department
• International Marketing Department

‘Theoretical Analysis’

Human Resource Department:
Once upon a time people didn’t count HR as a department. But with time being
things have been changed. Human being plays a dual role-as resources as well as
motive force for all other resources by manipulating them, by way of developing,
utilizing, commanding and controlling. HR department in Incepta Pharmaceuticals
Ltd. concentrates on-

• Securing and attracting appropriate people.

• Generating maximum individual development
• Recognizing and satisfying individual needs.
• Maintaining high morale
• Developing leadership quality

Recruitment Process
Ø Recruitment:
Recruitment is the procedure by which associations find and draw in people to fill
work opportunities. Most associations have a proceeding with need to select new
representatives to supplant the individuals who leave or are advanced, and to allow
hierarchical development. It can be very costly regarding time exertion and cash.
The accomplishment of the recruitment procedure for the most part relies on upon
compelling HR arranging. Without exact arranging, an association may enroll the
wrong number of or sort of workers.
Ø Recruitment Goals:
A good recruitment program may serve many conflicting goals. A mentioned goal
is to attract a large pool of applicants but applicant pools can be too large and thus
very costly to process. Recruiting must also attract a high proportion of well-
qualified candidates who are seriously interested in accepting a job offer. Post-hiring
goals must also be considered the recruiting process those workers who are good
performers and who will stay with the organization for a reasonable length of time.
An additional goal is that recruiting efforts should have beneficial “spillover”
effects: that is the organization’s general image should be enhanced and even
unsuccessful applicants should develop a positive attitude towards the company and
its products. Further, all the above goals should be reached with the greatest speed
and at the least possible cost to the organization.

Recruitment Philosophy:
As a piece of the way toward organizing objectives, the association may build up its
enrollment reasoning. One of the key issues in enrollment reasoning is whether to
advance to a great extent shape inside the association or to employ from the outside
opening at all levels.
A moment part of enrollment reasoning concerns where the accentuation is: on only
filling opening or on procuring for long haul vocations. A fleeting perspective may
underline filling opening rapidly. While a more drawn out term view may endure
delay in light of a legitimate concern for finding only the opportune individuals to
acquire for the whole deal.

A third part of enrollment logic concerns profundity of responsibility to looking for
and contracting a various scope of representatives.
A fourth part of enlistment theory is whether candidates are seen as items to be
acquired or as clients to be charmed.
A fifth part of the enlistment arrangement has moral suggestions, as far as
reasonableness and genuineness in the enrollment procedure. Both sides might be
roused to display their best sides while hiding their shortcoming and this may prompt
an allurement to lie or deceive be oversight or commission.

Sources of recruiting:
Choosing whether the position is to he filled inside or outer is regularly an early
assignment in enrollment making arrangements for a particular opportunity. Now
and again, there is no choice to be made. For example, section level occupations
must be filled remotely and for other position the organization's strategy or union
contract may require that interior sources be used first. Most association utilize a
blend of inside and outer sources: advancing from inside when qualified workers are
accessible and selecting from outside sources when new aptitudes are required or
development is quick.

Internal recruiting:
Most organizations fill opportunities inside at whatever point conceivable. An
assortment of inward selecting techniques are utilized for various levels of
occupations. Bring down level occupations, for example, administrative and manual
employments are frequently called nonexempt occupations in light of the fact that
their occupants are not absolved from the lowest pay permitted by law and additional
time arrangements of standard work act. These individuals are regularly paid a time-
based compensation. Interestingly larger amount authoritative administrative and
expert workers are paid on a pay premise and are excluded from the extra minutes
arrangements. The accompanying segment examines the interior enlistment
techniques utilized for every class of occupation thusly.

Internal recruiting for Nonexempt positions:

Some little and non-unionized associations have an easygoing game plan of
discovering promotable delegates. Exactly when openings happen, the enrolling
director may rely on upon memory to propose hopefuls or may ask for that managers
recommend agents who appear to be qualified. The verifiable drawbacks of such a
system are:

1) Good candidates may be disregarded.

2) Favoritism may be appeared.
3) Qualified candidates may be collected by a manager who needs to keep them in
office rather than propose them for justified progressions elsewhere.

The most normally used system for inside choosing is occupation posting and
offering, in which specialists assign they are enthused about being considered for an
opening. The HR Manager posts openings on the declaration sheets or appropriates
them in an in-house day by day paper. All the more starting late, some greater firms
made work posting system by electronic mail. The system allows the delegates to
see internal openings for work in each of the locale in the country. They can even

submit applications through email. Work posting depicts positions, zones, pay rates
and capacities and desire each and every interested laborer to apply. The getting
chief and a HR specialist survey the contenders and settle on the assurance decision.

Internal recruiting for Exempt positions:

Posting and offering are exceptionally remarkable as a methodology for internal
selecting for master and regulatory positions in the private division. Affiliations
endeavoring to fill exhaust regulatory openings may perceive candidates by
directing substitution diagrams or by forming a picking leading group of trustees of
higher bosses who may pool their information to deliver a slate of contenders.
Greater affiliations in any case, have found that they require an all the more efficient
strategy for perceive candidates, particularly in case they wish to stimulate trades
transversely over divisional lines. These associations are making authoritative
movement organizes and mechanized information systems on executive's
preparation, aptitudes, Performance, and experience and work and zone slants. Right
when open doors happen, the information system can quickly interest and convey a
summary of potential hopefuls.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Recruiting:

At the point when an internal source is utilized, there are much preferences and in
addition burdens. The upsides of inner enrolling are expressed underneath:
• The opening is filled by a man with known capacity. Since the business has
watched the worker in one position, there is less mystery required in evaluating his
or her reasonableness for a moment position. Interestingly, evaluations of outer
enlisted people depend on less solid source, for example, references and on generally
short experiences, for example, interviews,

• Another preferred standpoint of advancing from inside is that doing as such

persuades current workers. Gifted and yearning representatives are less inclined to
stop and more inclined to end up noticeably required being developed exercises on
the off chance that they trust that advancement is likely.
• Training and socialization time is diminished when openings are filled inside in
light of the fact that a present worker has less to find out about the association and
its quirky methodology than a newcomer.
• Recruitment may likewise be quicker, and more affordable if an inside competitor
would he be able to establish.
• In times of approaching conservation, filling whatever number occupations as
could be expected under the circumstances inside augmented professional stability
for present representatives.

• If the association quickly, there might be a lacking inside supply of qualified
people over the section level. This circumstance may bring about individuals'
being advanced before they are not prepared or being permitted to remain in a
position sufficiently long to figure out how to carry out a vocation well.

• Again, when an opportunity is filled inside, a moment opening is made the

position of the person who was elevated or exchanged to fill the primary

opportunity. On the off chance that this opening is likewise filled inside then
another opportunity happens. This is known as the expansive influence.

• An association may wind up noticeably ingrained and lose adaptability if every

one of its chiefs are homegrown.

External recruiting:
A fruitful outside enrolling exertion requires cautious arranging a coordination. In
most medium and extensive associations, the HR experts do a large portion of the
enrolling. These individuals might be work force generalists who invest some of
their energy performing enrollment exercises or full-time selection representatives
who have some expertise in looking for and screening potential new representatives.
A different selecting capacity with at any rate on full-time spotter tends to exist in
associations that have a proceeding with need to enroll at least fifty to one hundred
excluded workers every year. Selection representatives may settle on enlisting
choices for some lower level occupations, yet usually they find, assess and allude
the most qualified possibility to the director (or now and then the group) for the unit
in which the opportunity has happened. This chief, called the enlisting director,
settles on the last procuring choice, frequently in counsel which different
administrators. Keeping in mind the end goal to locate the correct sort of hopefuls,
selection representatives must work intimately with procuring chiefs all through the
enlistment procedure.

The spotters initial step in the wake of getting a task to meet with the employing
chief to discover more about the position to be filled. The two of the must exercise
details as far as what instruction, aptitudes, and experience are required and sought.
Other than acquiring the required data about the occupation's necessity, the
enrollment specialist should likewise recognize what may pull in possibility to the
employment. With this data, the enrollment specialist can start to arrange for where
to search for candidates, what number of to search for, and how to screen them.

All through the enrolling procedure, the enlisting supervisor ought to remain in
dosage touch with the selection representative. The procuring supervisor ought to
inspect resumes or applications that have passed introductory screening by the
spotter and ought to audit a portion of the applications that the enrollment specialist
rejected amid the initial step. Such association with respect to the enlisting director
permits input in the matter of regardless of whether the selection representative's
choice is reliable with the procuring chief's inclinations.

Informal methods:
Outside selecting strategies are frequently assembled into two classes: casual and
formal. Casual enrolling techniques tap a smaller work showcase than formal
strategies. Casual strategies incorporate rehiring previous workers or previous
helpful training understudies and employing from among those apply without being
requested (such candidates are called "walk-ins" or door contracts"). Another casual
strategy is having present representatives allude others or urge their companions to
apply ("expression of-moth" selecting). Formal enlisting strategies look the work
advertise all the more generally for competitors with no past association with the

Casual techniques, since they can be actualized rapidly, are by a wide margin the
most ordinarily utilized strategies for enlisting administrative and hands on work
force. Most associations keep up a document of late spontaneous applications that
can be looked when an opening happens. Likewise, workers can without much of a
stretch spread the news when a firm is procuring. Casual strategies have a tendency
to be modest, with uncommon exemptions. One disadvantage of rehiring previous
worker and verbal publicizing is that these strategies may diminish the probability
of an association's meeting its governmental policy regarding minorities in society
objectives. In the event that an association's work compel is basically non-minority,
then the companions alluded by the present representatives are probably going to be
sister minority. Therefore, organizations ought to supplement casual techniques with
formal strategies that contact a more extensive group of onlookers.

College helpful training projects or entry level positions are fabulous casual
strategies for selecting that give organizations the chance to asses the capacity of the
new experts and get an inside track on employing the best ones. Youthful calling
likewise can be extremely awed by an appropriately organized temporary job
involvement and may firmly craving to come back to a similar organization full-
time after graduation.

Formal Methods:
Formal methods of external recruiting entail searching the labor market for
candidates who have no previous connection to the firm. These methods
traditionally have included newspaper advertising, uses of employment agencies and
executive search firms, and campus recruiting.
Newspaper recruitment advertising: The most widely recognized formal enlistment
technique is publicizing. Enlistment promoting has a conspicuous target-individuals
who are looking for work-and an undeniable objective pulling in these occupation
searchers to apply for a vocation at a specific organization. Enrollment promotions,
be that as it may, contact a considerably more extensive gathering of people.
Assessments are that exclusive ten to twenty percent of the perusers of help needed
promotions are as of now looking for work. Around 70 to 75 percent of the perusers
are cheerfully utilized yet skim the promotions consistently to perceive what is
accessible. These perusers are probably not going to apply quickly yet are creating
pictures of the businesses whose advertisements they see. An all around composed,
enlightening commercial may cause persuade these individuals to consider the
organization at some later date when they are keen on another occupation. Another
group of onlookers for the promotions is the organization's own workers. When one
organization suspended its enlisting promoting, it found that its workers were all of
a sudden apprehensive and that bits of gossip about cutbacks were flowing. A last
crowd is comprised of customers, stockholders, agents, activists, and controllers
every one of whom may have some enthusiasm for an association's exercises.

The fundamental motivation behind the enlistment promotion is to create a qualified

reaction - that is, to deliver applications from applicants who are in any event
negligibly fit the bill for the occupation. A decent advertisement ought to likewise
make screening of uses simple by obviously telling the candidates what kind of data
to give in their application bundle. To evoke a qualified reaction, the advertisement
must contain enough data about the employment, essential capabilities, and pay rate

to permit uninterested or inadequate individuals to settle on the choice not to apply.
In the meantime, the advertisement must draw in qualified competitors by passing
on a decent impression of the organization or divisions by stressing the upsides of
the specific occupation. To accomplish its target, a promotion must not distort the
employment and bring impossible desires up in applicants. Or maybe, it ought to
obviously portray the honest to goodness attractions of the occupation. One type of
ad is a visually impaired promotion, in which the organization docs not recognize it
yet rather requests that hopefuls answer to a mysterious mail station box. An
organization may utilize daze advertisements when it doesn't need its own particular
representatives to realize that one of them might be supplanted or when the
organization has a poor notoriety as a business. Daze advertisements commonly
yield an essentially bring down reaction rate than non-dazzle promotions and ought
not he utilize unless there is a justifiable reason.
Employment Agencies: An agency finds and prescreens candidates, alluding the
individuals who appear to be met all requirements to the association for further
appraisal and last determination. An organization can screen adequately just it has a
reasonable comprehension of the position it is attempting to fill. In this way it is
essential that a business be as particular and exact as conceivable while depicting a
position and its necessity to a work office. Organizations that give work
administrations can be freely financed or revenue driven offices. On events, unions
give work benefits too.

Innovative recruiting methods: as employers have had to contend with labor

shortages in some regions and occupations they have used additional recruitment
methods. Some of these include job fairs, 1V or radio ads, direct mail, point-of-sale
recruitment advertising (on the assumption those who buy your product may be
interested in making or selling it), and employment hotlines to provide job
information twenty four hours a day. Another increasingly common method is tele
recruiting in which potential candidates who are already employed are phoned in an
effort to build their interest to change employers.
Campus Recruiting: Campus recruiting is more extensive & utilized by huge and
medium estimated firms that need exceptionally taught passage level workers. This
can be profoundly gainful for an association, the same number of good hopefuls can
be met in a brief timeframe and at a solitary area. Moreover, it is advantageous on
the grounds that the school/college enlistment focus gives both space and regulatory
support. This sort of enrolling is direct in cost however it is more costly than
informal selecting, entryway contracting, or restricted publicizing, yet it is more
affordable than utilizing business offices (when the organization pays the charge).
A few associations are dropping the expression "grounds enlisting", which infers a,
one-dimensional movement led fourteen days a year, for the idea of a "college
relations program". The last brings home the significance of keeping up year-round
perceivability on chose grounds, utilizing assortment of strategies.
– Reference
– Head Hunting
Advantage and Disadvantages of External Recruiting:
However, the advantages that an organization can get by recruiting externally
• Recruiting from outside source can get new thoughts and perspectives, keep away
from perplexity that goes with expansive influence, meet governmental policy

regarding minorities in society objective, and adapt to the requests of quick
development without abusing unpracticed faculty.

• External enrollment may spare preparing cost. Contracting experienced laborers

far from different organizations may eliminate the requirement for a complete
preparing and advancement program in-house.

• There might be cases that require a serious shake-up or turnaround. Especially at

the upper administration level, an untouchable with no earlier duty to present
workers or progressing undertakings might be the main individual with enough
objectivity (and even savagery) to realize required changes and articulate another
vision for the association.

The disadvantages that may occur while recruiting externally can be stated the
• Since the external recruiting, human asset market is substantially bigger and
harder to reach than the inside one, enrolling remotely may ordinarily takes longer
time and costs more.

• With the external enlisting, there is additionally a danger of employing

competitor who does not experience the evident high potential shown amid choice

• Too much external selecting is disheartening to the present representatives

since it diminishes their opportunity to climb in the association.

Planning for External Recruiting:

Before beginning the enrolling exertion, the selection representative must
arrangement which technique to utilize how seriously to utilize them and when to
start enlisting to deliver the required number of competitors at the time they are

Generally speaking, larger amount positions take more time to fill. A few different
variables, including the followings may make enrolling more troublesome or

• The requirement for a secret inquiry or potentially the prerequisite that no ad

be finished.

• A in fact complex position for which qualified people are elusive.

• Competition in the commercial center for the kind of competitors required.

• A poor industry, organization or division notoriety.

• Low pay with respect to what alternate firms are putting forth to also qualified

• An misty expected set of responsibilities or befuddling detailing relationship.

• No lodging help or migration costs paid by the organization.

• An undesirable area.

These components either make it hard to find applicants or make hopefuls less ready
to engage offers. Under any of these conditions, enrollment specialists ought to start
the inquiry early, consider utilizing a more extensive than regular scope of enlisting
strategies and maybe target nontraditional portions of the work showcase.

On the off chance that information from the past selecting endeavors are accessible,
scouts ought to figure, for various kind of positions, the normal time between the
primary contact with a candidate and the principal day of the employment. Such
information can help in deciding how far ahead of time to start the enlisting
procedure. All the more usually, enrollment arranging utilizes to some degree less
complex technique. Enrolling objectives are generally communicated as far as the
quantity of positions to be filled. Notwithstanding, realizing that the firm needs to
contract fifteen specialists does not instantly advise a selection representative how
widely to seek. What the spotter truly need to know is what number of utilizations
or beginning meetings will be expected to find fifteen specialists who are not just
ready to pass all the choice obstacles additionally ready to acknowledge a vocation
offer. In view of past involvement in comparative circumstances, the selection
representative might have the capacity to compute yield proportions for various
employment or enrolling strategies. A yield proportion is the quantity of competitors
who pass each phase of the choice procedure and enter the following stage
contrasted with the number who made each phase in any case. On the premise of the
yield proportions for the past enrolling, the HR expert could figure that the firm
needs to draw in 700 contender to apply to create 4 inevitable contracts. Past
experience information additionally could help the enrollment specialist to arrange
for what number of grounds to visit or what number of advertisements to place to
deliver 700 candidates. Obviously, sensational changes in the unemployment rate
may make projections in light of the past enrollment information off base.

Before starting to enlist competitors, the HR experts must have a framework for
following candidates as they travel through the enrollment and determination
handle. The framework might be manual or modernized relying upon the quantity
of possibility to be taken care of. A productive Recruitment Information framework
must guarantee that applicants don't get lost yet rather travel through the procedure
and remain educated of their status. In candidate who is regarded inadmissible ought
to get an amenable letter to that impact as quickly as time permits after the choice.
Great applicants who are pending ought to get urging letters to keep them inspired
by the association. Such reliable correspondence upgrades an association's picture
even among competitors, who are in the long run dismisses.



Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. provides equal employment opportunity for all
Bangladeshi citizens. It is the policy of the Company to attract, retain and motivate
qua1ified and skilled employees within the Company. To do this, the Company
offers competitive compensation package and provides an equal opportunity for
career development to all employees. It is believed that in order to achieve the
company’s goal, there must have efficient and high caliber human resources.
Therefore, the Company pays maximum attention and efforts in recruiting highly
qualified and competent employees who are willing to face challenges in achieving
Company’s goals. The role of HR in respect to attracting, retaining and motivating
qualified and skilled employees is enormous. The formulation and implementation
of a sound employment policy have great importance in the fulfillment of desired

Identify need and evaluate need

Develop Position Description

Select Search Committee

Post Position and Implement

Recruitment Plan

Review Applicants and Develop

Short List

Conduct Interviews

Select Hire

Finalize Recruitment

Recruitment & Selection process


Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. business approaches depend on the

accompanying managing standards:

1) Fairness: Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. tries to use accessible HR getting it

done. The Company does not victimize any occupation searcher and work on the
premise of race, shading, religion, sex, age, national inception or whatever other
element that does not relate to the individual's capacity to carry out the employment.
Every worker is qualified for reasonable wages and opening for work as an end-
result of their employment, aptitudes, duty, steadfastness, individual intrigue and
best endeavors. The Company applies every business arrangement in a reasonable,

uniform and predictable way. Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. work strategies are strict
as in they don't permit any support, nepotism or particular treatment to anybody.
Any shy of impedance or endeavor of obstruction amid the execution of any
progression of the procuring procedure by any quarter is truly managed by the
Company arrangement.

2) Right man at the privilege place: The Company tries hard to guarantee
best match of abilities and in this way select right and able people at the correct
employment at the opportune time.

3) Efficient and effective: At all phases of enlistment process, full scale

endeavors are given to guarantee that the means are proficient and successful.

4) Realistic planning: With the fast development of Incepta Pharmaceuticals

Ltd., in the operation of client tough items producing and offering fitting HR
arranging is given due significance.

5) Standard Method: The steps and systems being taken after over the span
of enrollment, determination and arrangement fit in with the gauges of the Company.

6) Development Focus: Where qualified HR are not promptly accessible, and

even their enlisting is liable to cost, in this manner, Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
endeavors to create representatives from inside the organization. The organization
is resolved to build up its Human Resources to accomplish the Company's objectives
and will investigate and utilize the accessible advancement openings.


Human Resource arranging is the way toward getting the correct number of qualified
and skilled individuals into the correct employment at the opportune time. Putting
another way, HR Planning is the arrangement of coordinating the supply of
individuals inside and remotely with the openings the Company hopes to have over
a given time span. The nature of the applicant and his/her mastery are main
component how Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. will prevail with regards to
accomplishing its dreams, targets and assignments.

Human asset arranging in Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (IPL) is the piece of the
Company's general arrangement. The fundamental target of HR Planning in IPL is
to venture future HR require. As the center occupation of IPL is to render purchaser
strong items administration to the general population, the individual divisions and
office extend the HR require in the accompanying procedure.

• Analyze the future volume of work of the association and figure the future
stuff request.
• Assess current HR stock.
• Assess the future HR stock in view of extrapolation. For this reason the
division counsels representative turnover rate/leave slant, advancement retirement
and so forth.

• Considering above actualities human asset office ventures stuff inadequacy in
future and take fundamental wanting to top off the normal opportunities.

Taking after the above methodology, the offices set up a rundown of anticipated that
opportunities up would imminent year. Consistently in August Finance division
makes a yearly spending arrangement and they send a letter to every office with
respect to the normal human asset for that year. HR are enrolled by the Quarterly
need. Every one of the executives of the diverse divisions sit together and take
choice whether the asked for labor is important to be enrolled or not. The enlistment
of certain number of labor must be supported. Than they incorporate the legitimized
number of labor in the yearly spending arrangement. A bit much that the quantity of
anticipated labor must be enrolled by the spending arrangement. It can be modified
as fundamental. Enlistment happens without spending arrangement additionally
relying upon the need of the circumstance.


While asking for filling the substitution of existing empty position or new position,
the concerned office will top off an Enrollment Demand frame and send it to the HR
division with the endorsement from M.D. or, on the other hand now and again HR
division take endorsement from MD. The utilization of Enrollment Demand Frame
was drilled some time recently. Presently the concerned office sends a letter as
update to HR division asking for labor.

Existing position: As to will instruct the HR of any vacant position with the
objective that HR can co-ordinates/advise interchange work environments of the
void position. At whatever point required, the Head of HR overview the available
records if there is any Qualified and sensible cheerful open from Incepta
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Internal sources or approaching external contenders
adequately recognized some time recently. The Executive of HR should be taught
in the event; his/her underwriting is required. In exceptional conditions and to settle
on a Fast decision the Head of HR may propose any sensible staff inside the Incepta
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. for the position to separate Office Head.

New position: For a new position each Department follows the following

i. New employee position has to be discussed with Head of HR well in advance.

In case a new position needs to be created, then the Department Head will
submit a request to Head of HR for approval with proper justification attached
with a detailed job description.
ii. Upon the approval of Head of HR, HR recruitment process will begin or
whenever possible internal transferor promotion will be made to fill up the
vacant position.
iii. All new appointments must be in accordance with the approved department
budget and must be approved by Head of HR and the Managing Director of
Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
iv. It is the function of HR to ensure consistency throughout the company in
regard to the creation of any new position. HR reviews and ensures that a
position with similar responsibility is placed in the same grade level.

A vocation investigation is an efficient investigation of the exercises inside an
occupation. This is utilized to characterize the obligations duties and
accountabilities of work. IPL has a precise occupation investigation, which
comprises of employment particular, set of working responsibilities and occupation
assessment. Enrollment prepare preferably starts with the investigation of set of
working responsibilities and individual determination for that employment. A set of
working responsibilities and investigation of individual particular give the
establishment to stipulating the occupation title and compensation size of the

Work determination characterizes the instruction, preparing, knowledge, aptitudes
and abilities required by the jobholder. The occupation particular is key, in light of
the fact that the key some portion of the employment determination, built up toward
the start, is utilized as a part of organized choice meeting. HR office with the
assistance of the concerned office basically readies the occupation detail.
The accompanying data's are indicated in the occupation determination:
• The age of the candidate on account of direct enlistment (other than
advancement), for instance the age roof for the post of chief is 40.
The enlistment source is likewise indicated inward or outside. On
the off chance that the source is outside than applications are called
either from new or from some other references.
• Title of the position.
• Division, Office or Segment.
• There are least instructive and in addition encounter capability for
each post from overseeing chief to right hand. For instance for
sidelong passage a candidate for the post of chief ought to be ace
degree holder and ought to have 7 years of involvement in
comparable positions.
• There are likewise required capabilities for advancement in a
specific post.

Expected set of responsibilities is the premise of IPL's enrollment, determination,
situation, execution evaluation, pay organization, advancement, preparing and other
work force activities for its representatives. IPL has organized set of working
responsibilities, which incorporates the employment title, the obligations to be
played out, the specialist and duties of the jobholder. For instance the obligations of
the faculty supervisor (Human Asset) are taking care of selecting, joining of the new
representatives, administration of leave, administration of nearby and abroad
preparing of the workers, advancement, exchange, help with handling in official
hospitalization and house outfitting advantage and furthermore in preparing outside
travel and performs related assignments and works under the Chief of HR.

Expected set of responsibilities is set up by individual Leader of the HR with the

assistance of concerned division and it is kept with HR. On the off chance that there
is any adjustment in the obligations and duties, then set of working responsibilities
must be updated. A duplicate of the most recent set of working responsibilities is
kept in worker's close to home document.

The line administrator and the HR division guarantee that every worker has a proper
and refreshed expected set of responsibilities expressing beyond a reasonable doubt
the unique circumstance, reason, obligations and duties of the representatives and
individual particular.

A duplicate of the set of working responsibilities is given to the representative when

he/she is selected, advanced, recently doled out or when esteemed vital.

In the wake of evaluating the need of an extra representative in a specific division if

the capacities in that empty position can be effectively performed by collaborator in
a similar office or other office then he/she is redesigned in the occupation scale, no
enlistment of new staff is done .In different cases concerned office send a letter as
update with employment determination and examination. The position is
characterized, legitimized and approved. He/she needs to display an occupation
particular for that specific position alongside the scope of period with which the
enlistment is finished. In different cases, a letter as notice is to be sent to the HR by
the concerned office determining the set of working responsibilities and
employment particular. The position is characterized, defended and approved.


Before checking the enrollment choice, the aptitudes, capabilities, experience and
skills the perfect applicants need, ought to be recognized:

Ventures in building the competitor's profile

• Describe the ordinary day in the part or what the individual would do on run
of the mill day.
• Is the position one of other comparative position (creation administrator,
locale oversee).
• Think about the best entertainers. What are the ascribes basic to the general
population who in those positions?
• Think around a normal/not as much as normal entertainer. Would could it be
that they do not have that makes them normal/not as much as normal?
• If there is/was some person in the part:
• What is/was that individual's qualities in that part?
• What is/was that individual's shortcoming?
• If there were something that would have made that individual performs at a
more elevated amount, what it would have been?
• Why did the past officeholder take off?
• What will be their greatest difficulties?
• What kind of .individuals will be the individual manage and on what level?
• What are the specialized and behavioral skills required?
• Are there any exceptional prerequisites for the part, for example, area,
hardware, physical angle and so on?

Having seen the position portrayal or more question being asked, the choice criteria
for the position are recognized. This go about as a helpful wellspring of data when
the notice and in addition deciding proper things to ask in a meeting.

The remuneration bundle of IPL depends at work assessment. At the season of
foundation investigating every one of the attributes of each post the remuneration
bundle has been produced. In this procedure the employment with basic requests as
far as ability, training other individual attributes are put in the normal pay Gathering
as indicated by the administration run of IPL.

A viable enlistment dependably begins with the right determination of wellsprings
of HR. A selected worker who has not the correct aptitude can't perform viably.
Therefore a general execution level Is certain to break down which has huge impact
on the organization execution. Accordingly IPL has been on consistent hunt of
powerful enrollment sources.
"The earth in which the association works impacts its enrollment procedure. The
component that directs IPL's selecting sources decides the future Enrolling.
Sources are:
• The supply of workforce in our economy has affect upon the enrollment
wellspring of IPL.
• The adequacy of the past enrolling sources decides the future selecting wellsprings
of IPL.




It is the IPL’s policy to give preference to appoint internal candidates provided that
the employee is suitably qualified for the vacant or new position and also meet the
existing and future requirements. Appointments may be made by the way of
promotion, up gradation or transfer with the approval of the authority. Promoting
internal employees on the basis of succession planning may also be looked into”
Any change of job will not compromise on IPL’s commitment to the need for
professional competence and standards for excellence”. As a usual procedure, job
vacancies in IPL have to be advertised through internal notices to the concerned
Sometimes they are called for interview that applied for any position previously and
failed to pass the final selection but he was a competitive applicant and if the quality
of a person matches with the requirement mentioned in the position description.
These applications are stored in the data bank and consulted.


Modern information technology such as web site has also
been utilized for advertising job vacancy for different positions. Since Incepta
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is one of the most attractive employer of the country which
uses an elaborate search of talent through website. Before introduction of talent
search program Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. used advertisement in newspaper
heavily but now IPL can reach to the potential employees through website.
Newspaper advertisement:
Vacancy announced is circulated by publishing advertisement in the national
newspapers, if there is no existing manpower to place the selected person in the new
post. The newspapers that are widely circulated are chosen for publishing
advertisement, one in English and one in Bangla. Advertisements to be published in
the national dailies are attractive. It includes the position, nature of appointment,
location, major areas of responsibility, terms & conditions age limit, minimum
education level, work experience, job requirements, special requirements and the
dead line of the application to be sent. The concerned department sends a job
description to HR with manpower requisition letter in a form of memorandum. HR
drafts the advertisement based on job specifications of the position and send the
same to manager for their inputs, if any and confirmation of the advertisement. HR
is responsible for designing and layouts of any recruitment advertisement before
sending to advertising and sales promotion section then they send it to ad agency for
publishing in the newspaper. It always keeps the Identity concealed in the ads,
mentioning GPO BOX number only. The purpose of concealed identity is to avoid
the unwanted pressure of the employment. Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and a
candidate cannot appear for more than two tests I interview at a time.
Example: Prothom-alo.
Employee referrals:
Employees of the company may refer prospective job seekers to HR Department.
There are professional and technical jobs, which are frequently harder to fill.
Employees of IPL may refer prospective job seekers. It especially occurs at staff
level or for the shop manager post who deals with hard cash. So that In future if
anything wrong happens, the company could charge the employee who referred the
shop manager.
Walk-ins and Write-ins:
Often job seekers arrive at IPL in search of a job and drop their curriculum resume
for suitable position. Write-ins are those who send their curriculum resume by post.
Their relevant information may be kept in a file for any suitable position in future.
Based on their suitability; they may be called for interview against any vacant
Senior executive search:
This one is a unique case when people with special expertise are searched. In this
case, candidate already employed in other organization is attracted to switch the
organization. This has a relatively low rate of success, because the targeted
candidate may not consider the change in job.

Depending on the circumstances, other professional/employment agencies,
educational institute, technical institutes may be chosen to give wider coverage of
job opening. For example, to hire a chartered accountant IPL ask C.A firm often.
The role of HR personnel is very important in dealing with external job seekers
because the outsider’s individuals draw an impression about the company on the
manner their candidature has been dealt with. HR department usually greet the
candidates in a pleasant manner, provide with pertinent information about job
openings, and treat them with dignity and respect. If so the applicants are expected
to develop a lasting positive impression about the company.

Choice process incorporates a progression of steps used to choose who ought to be
contracted. Determination handle starts when enrollment closes subject to adequate
number of candidates got who are ready and ready to do hold the occupation. The
reason for the choice meeting is to gather the data about a hopeful and evaluate how
far she/he can perform in the employment.

Choice process includes screening and evaluating the candidates in a precise way.
The individuals who are found not appropriate for the occupations are prohibited
from determination tests. Amid choice, IPL concentrates on execution related issues
whether the candidate can satisfy the employment prerequisite and can carry out the
occupation. The organization utilizes the various cutoff procedures including
arrangement of screening gadgets.

Normally the enrolling and determination handle in IPL is done in two routes relying
upon the way of the employment of the empty position. Subsequently, the enlisting
procedure of IPL can be ordered into 2 sorts:

• One sort require composed test.

• Other sort don't require composed test, just 2/3 meet after short posting in light of

Normally section level administration (item officer, open connection officer), credit
controller, shop student director, secretary and so on requires composed test. Mid
level or senior level and evaluated staff don't require composed test.

Discovering and attracting potential candidates for actual and anticipated
organizational vacancies.
• Need assessment
• Defining the position description
• Checking the recruiting option
• Advertising
Assess the applicant against criteria established in job analysis in order to predict
which job applicant will be successful, if hired.
• Primary screening based on advertisement
• Written test that evaluate basic Job knowledge/ Communication/ Analytical
• Structured or semi structured interviews that focuses on required Management

• Selection decision
• Medical test
• Appointment

The reactions to the commercial are gathered by HR office and give every one of
the applications to the concerned office for short posting. After the short posting,
the concerned office advises the HR to orchestrate a composed test or a meeting (in
light of level of position) for distinguished short recorded candidates. Amid short
posting the OJ and the covering letters are judged. In the covering letters the style
and dialect of composing, the accentuation put on the regions requested in the notice
and the nature of letter (regardless of whether it is extraordinarily custom-made to
the commercial or only a standard reaction are the viewpoints) that are judged.
Normally applications are not acknowledged after the due dates of getting but rather
if the candidates are especially reasonable and if IPL don't begin the methodology
of sending meeting letters to the short recorded candidates then they acknowledge
those applications. It is IPL's approach to draw in the same number of candidates to
apply, if they meet the pre-requirements of the occupation. Indeed, even the
individuals who have been lamented once are permitted to apply for at all position
in IPL.

Short posting is done on the premise of assessing data on the application in the light
of occupation detail of work being publicized. How far a competitor meets the
occupation criteria is basically checked on. The short posting techniques are
generally subjective one where administrative judgment assumes an essential part.

Short posting relies on upon the way of the occupation. Before short posting of
contender for tests work criteria are set by HR and line director. There are
specialized and general occupation criteria that a competitor needs to meet for
thought of next stride of choice. HR decides the general criteria while line chief
decides the specialized criteria. Albeit both the criteria are vital, nonetheless it is the
way of the employment that figures out which kind of criteria ought to give more
weight than the others. Normally in view of the nearness of this variables to the
coveted degree (encounter, instructive degree, PC education and so on) the
aggregate weight for every one of the candidates are tallied and short rundown of a
sizeable number of the top most hopefuls are created.

Short listing is done by evaluating the followings:

• Educational qualification: Whether the candidate has the required educational
qualification or not.
• Relevant job experience and required skills: how far candidate’s most recent
job experience and skill matches the job requirements of the position in
• The candidate may have irrelevant job experiences and skills which are not
considered during short listing.

The following situation may provide some guidelines during short listing:

Moderately relevant job May be considered subject to

experience and Meets most the number of candidates
or fairly moderate level of based on above are not up to
job Criteria and length of the desired number
past job experience is fully
or fairly satisfactory

Irrelevant job experience Should not be considered

meets little job Criteria and
length of past job
experience Is fairly
satisfactory or
IPL does not follow any standard set rules of short listing of candidates that for one
position the number of short listed candidates for written/oral test should be a certain
number; rather they call all the quality of a candidate matches with the requirements
mentioned in the advertised position, whatever the number is.

During short listing the following criteria must be taken into account:
• Urgency of the personnel
• Importance of other related skills for that position.
• Career development of the position.
• Type of the position.


Taking after short-posting of forthcoming hopefuls, outside and inner, proper
business tests, for example, composed tests, oral tests or whatever other tests as
considered fit are orchestrated to evaluate competitor's reasonableness for the
position. Through the tests the hopeful's chosen mental elements, for example,
knowledge, inclination, personality and demeanors are measured or watched.


• Job related question to asses top to bottom learning of the competitor
• Assessment of mental capacity, memory and so forth
• Assessment of probability and capacity to learn
• Proficiency in performing undertakings
• Assessment in accordance with occupation examination

The choice is made on the premise of progressive obstacle approach. The competitor
will be rejected after each of the stage or test being controlled. Execution in one test
won't be considered in the succeeding tests rather the execution in the following
stage will be unequivocal component for choice.

Composed test is not a customary piece of typical process. It is led as and when
required. Typically administrators experience the meetings with the exception of the
section level and furthermore relying upon the way of the occupation. The composed
test before the meeting procedure has turned out to be compelling and a helpful toot
to choose the alluring hopefuls. The hopefuls are required the meeting in light of
their execution in the composed test.

Typically composed test inquiries are drafted by the HR. An arrangement of

question of specialized nature are drafted by line chief and send it to HR secretly
from which few will be incorporated by HR. While finishing the inquiries, HR
adheres to the employment prerequisites of the position and look after pertinence,
consistency and standard on the example of inquiries. The sort of question relies on
upon the way of position. Generally story sorts of inquiries are set in the composed
test. A delegate of concerned office and HR are in the look at room. Looks at papers
are checked by the concerned division (specialized part) and HR (non-specialized

The base satisfactory/qualifying score in the composed test differs. For instance the
quantity of contender for distinguished position in the composed test is 50 and least
satisfactory number is 25, out of 50 and if 6 people get between 23 to 26 then those
6 people would be called for first meeting and the standard least qualifying score
wind up noticeably extraordinary. Typically the ideal opportunity for composed test
is 60 minutes. The consummation of score acquired in the composed test is finished
by HR. It is the obligation of HR to call the possibility for resulting tests in light of
the execution of the composed tests.

Generally the composed tests are led on off days. For instance the position of
Learner SHOP Chief the composed test ought to be founded on deals related and
general inquiries and English capability.

Testing Tools:
The reason for a test, its plan and its course for organization ought to be audit before
a test is utilized. Each sort of test has a deferent kind of reason. A solitary test may
not be actualized for all positions. The accompanying tests instruments are
considered before controlling any tests.

Performance Test:
Such test measures the capacity of candidates to do a few sections of the work for
which they are to be procured. For instance, module readiness test and introduction
ability tests are required for officers, relational abilities and English capability test is
required for open connection officer.

Knowledge Test:
Such tests are used measure the job related knowledge of an applicant. For example
a math test for an accountant or knowledge about law for an law administrative
officer position is required.

Aptitude test: This kind of test is utilized to quantify a man's ability or inactive
capacity to learn and play out a vocation.

There are other trying apparatuses is accessible. For example, general learning,
essential PC information, logical capacity, push taking capacity, identity test that
might be regulated depending of the way of the occupation.


The interviews process usually a two-tire-one. A preliminary interview is conducted
which follows the “elimination method”. The selection interview is in-depth
discussion between interviewer and interviewee. It is a planned activity does not just
happen. Planning and structuring interviews particularly defining the criteria to be
used are very important steps in selection.
There are several distinct stages of selection interviews:
Interview preparation: Before interview begins the interviewer must be fully
prepare. They should select method be familiar with the job requirements skills are
sought in a candidate, applicant’s background.
Established Rapport: When the candidate has just arrived, interviewer creates a
comfortable situation making the interviewee easy and relaxed by means of all task,
smiles & relaxed posture.

This is the fundamental piece of the meeting session. No less than 80% of time ought
to be allotted for conduction of meeting. At these means the questioners asked a few
occupation related, conduct situated, organized or unstructured and testing inquiries
to asses appropriateness of the applicant. At least 15 to 30 minutes time is spent for
each meeting, in spite of the fact that for some positions it fluctuates and it anyone
performs great then meeting time proceeds relies on upon the approach of the

As a rule in normal half candidates are called first meeting. Rough time between
composed test and first meeting is 2 to 5 weeks in spite of the fact that. At the point
when there are critical to top off position the time takes less. The point of the first
meeting is to additionally abbreviate the rundown of possibility for the second
meeting by taking out evidently ineligible competitors. A meeting board I selection
advisory group is framed involving the accompanying work force:

• Line supervisors

• Head of HR

• Head of concerned office

The meeting board individuals normally ask the inquiries that are identified with the
execution of the employment including questions in regards to required aptitudes.
There are some catchphrases in the first place addressing, for example, tell, how,
why, have you, when, are you and so forth. The kind of inquiries might be blended
of receptive, conduct arranged; competency based and push sort questions. The way
of inquiries will shift as per the nature and level of position toward the end, the

meeting board individuals attempt to find the solutions to some key inquiries:
a) Can the candidate do the job?
b) Will the individual do the job? And,
c) How will the individual fit with the company?
After the finishing of the first questioners another waitlist is set up for the second
meeting needs to experience the last meeting that encourages the business choice.
The second meeting is called for the most part 2 week after finish of 1st Interview.
Normally the quantity of applicant at the stage is kept inside the rough proportion
of 1:3 of individuals to be enrolled on account of it anyone declines to acknowledge
business. After there the competitor is educated about duties of employments,
difficulties he/she needs to face, remuneration bundle and so forth.

Moreover the desire of competitor his/her own issues identified with the family,
areas and so forth are counseled. This is an outstanding reality that the chose
individual by the first board in not chose at last. In the second meeting accentuation
in for the most part given on the decision and inclination of the chose individual. On
the off chance that these don't coordinate with necessity of the association, h/she is
allowed to dismiss the offer.

Some of the time in the administrative level hopeful needs to go through 3 interviews
(oral) with no composed test where the third meeting or in the last meeting the
competitor is offered for the employment. Meetings are made amid business hours
between 9:00 to 5:00, if the quantities of hopefuls are in the middle of 10-20.
Generally talk with proceeds after business hour or in the off days. IPL keep up an
appraisal sheet/frame/talk with sheet. It is joined in the informative supplement – 1.
It contains the position to be selected, the date, and the names of interviewees. The
hopefuls are positioned on the premise of questioner's remark like magnificent great
and poor or whatever other remarks. However, there is no weight for each remark.


At this stage an indication is given that the interviews is about to be closed. The
interviewers evaluate the performance of the candidate by using an assessment form
/sheet and record their overall impression based on notes taken during the interview
session. The interview board members rank all candidates and recommend candidate
who is best suited to them. The basis of preliminary selection is marks obtained in
the written and oral test and their judgment about the candidate’s suitability. A
consensual recommendation is made and forward to HR along with all papers for
next course of action. To get the written approval after that HR send a memo to top
management with all the information that had been processed during the selection
steps. Employment approval later is signed by the top management.
Hiring close relatives of employees is discouraged. But in some cases the
employment of relatives occurs. For example an employee after along service in IPL
may be is going to retire or after that employee’s death, relatives of that employee
may be hired by the company but not usually in the same department or in the same
The reason for a medical examination is to acquire data of the wellbeing status of
the candidate being considered for business and to decide if the candidate is
physically and rationally fit for playing out the occupation. In IPL restorative

checkup is a piece of custom before participate in the association already the
employment offer is dependent upon passing medicinal examination led by the
organization enrolled therapeutic physician I diagnostic focus. Presently
representative does the restorative examination by their own particular medicinal
doctor. The cost of restorative examination is borne by the person.

An arrangement letter is sent to the at long last chose individual or he is made a
request to get his arrangement letter if conceivable from the Head Office. IPL sends
two duplicates of arrangement letter where in the second duplicate two additional
lines are composed saying whether the candidate has acknowledged the occupation
offer or not. In the wake of tolerating the occupation offer the hopeful send the
second duplicate to the IPL and the other duplicate is kept with him. In the second
duplicate of arrangement letter he put the joining date.

Arrangement letter incorporates:

• Job title (agreeing the employment title network), review/step and

• Place of posting
• Name of segment of division
• Effective date of arrangement
• Probationary period, state of affirmation and notice period
• IPL standard terms and conditions.
A present place of employment portrayal, appropriately marked by the boss, is
connected with the arrangement letter. The arrangement letter and set of working
responsibilities will wound up plainly substantial simply in the wake of marking by
the particular marking specialist and the representative, in the space accommodated
the reason.

Indeed, even at this stage the chose hopeful has the opportunity to pull back
her/himself from the occupation offer. He/she is constantly allowed to examine
whatever trouble may emerge in regards to anything. The entryway of HR is
constantly kept open for any kind of important talk.

No less than one week before the individual starting in their new position, an
arrangement notice will be set on notice sheets or in the IPL Barta.

It is normal that at the season of giving over arrangement letter, HR will tell the
worker about the organization, it's polices, pay, terms and condition, proficient
benchmarks of direct and relevant data in a word.

Appointment authority is characterized as the privilege and Obligation to settle on
choices as for enrollment, and the issuance and marking all applicable
correspondence with utilizes amid employing.

The arrangement underwriting for various level of business must be made according
to the accompanying expert level:

Position level Approval needed

Director level MD
Manager, Assistant Manager MD
Deputy Manage MD
Officers (through dept head) MD


IPL's advancement and expanding Ventures made the amount of laborers go up more
than some time as of late. The laborer turnover rate is tremendous perceivable in
IPL especially in Advancing Office. The principle contemplations major the high
turnover rate has been perceived and laid out underneath:

• Employees leaving for outside the country

• Better opening for work/higher
• Compensation Over working weight
• Family issue

• Professional issue
• Lack of calling progression
• Better work position
• Utter frustration

It is perceivable that turn over rate is truly high in entry level organization positions.
The working condition or condition is stunning in IPL, which is astoundingly
extraordinary in various relationship in Bangladesh. Interchange segments bigly
influence the agent turnover issue. It has moreover been seen that few positions are
void for a long time in view of non-openness of authentic and extraordinary people
for those positions. Hence others delegate working at a comparative level or at a
comparable division takes the heaviness of the void positions work commitments.

IPL is in the improvement sort out both in regards to Business and Hypothesis size
and number of agents. IPL is showing new things standard, growing their business
into different portions, and opening new divisions. In this manner, the amount of
laborers is growing rapidly. The amount of IPL laborers will depend strongly on the
improvement of framework, size of theory, number of customer base, and level of
working wage. With the improvement of framework, the association will require the
organization of more people in the specific and diverse divisions to keep up the
framework scope enough.

To survey the HR need of the association IPL additionally relies on upon the
subjective measurements in light of a few signs with respect to future necessity. The
likely opportunity likewise can be dictated by estimating various workers who
approach their retirement age, who leave or will leave the occupation, the past
enlistment incline examination, and so forth. So reliance on the subjective mystery
ought to be supported by precise HR arranging.

IPL ought to keep up Human Asset Data Framework to rapidly and precisely
evaluate the present or up and coming HR require. IPL ought to keep up HR-MIS
that ought to include the accompanying capacities:

• To keep up and refresh representative database

• Maintain representative related insights

After the enlistment, a different representative document is opened including all the
pertinent data of the specific worker. At that point IPL gets ready, keeps up every
one of the representatives document in printed version. In any case, this document
ought to be kept up by HR data framework in light of the fact that

• It is exceptionally adaptable regarding time

• It is exceptionally current
• It includes less bother and space regarding sorting and refreshing every one of
the documents.

As an equal open door employer IPL does not separate an applicant against religion,
sex, conjugal status and some different elements. Be that as it may, this is an
extremely positive element of the enlistment and choice system of IPL. In any case,
while enlisting in the manufacturing plant, where a representative needs to work in
the night move if the circumstance requests, enrollment of a female competitor is
not really considered. Indeed, even in the administration level a unimportant number
of female representatives are working. The title vv1 of the Social liberties
Demonstration of 1964 denies segregation in view of the sex of a man. At the point
when the sex of an occupation candidate ends up noticeably one of the component
on which work choice depends on, the choice is no doubt unlawful. A ready female
ought to be welcome in the wake of making the whole employment necessity
(counting working late and any horrible circumstance that may happen) clear to her.
The female competitor ought to be given the chance to demonstrate that she can be

similarly gainful as the male notwithstanding all the disadvantageous conditions. In
a nation like our own this is an extremely regular work on happening in other
association, and where IPL is the same.

IPL has a deliberate occupation investigation which comprises of employment
detail, set of working responsibilities, and occupation assessment. In the wake of
evaluating the HR require legitimately, the association readies the occupation
position/set of working responsibilities of the contender to be selected and individual
particular for that employment. In this stage, the method took after by IPL's in
building the profile of the competitor is not exceptionally exact. The assurance of
determination criteria recognizing the basic and alluring components is an eminent
framework took after by the association that makes the choice technique simple yet
for some specialized positions it makes issues.
The HR division guarantees that every representative has a refreshed and proper
expected set of responsibilities expressing obviously reason, obligations, duties and
so on.


The association considers the alternatives in a well ordered way. Fundamentally the
choices inside hunt is considered. In the event that the coveted competitor is not
discovered, then the second step is judged et cetera. Once a hopeful is found in the
underlying stage(s), the following ones are not respected any longer. This has been
demonstrated to bring the coveted result. Be that as it may, if all choices are
considered not all the while, a huge number and nature of candidates might be

Enrolling is the finding of potential possibility for genuine and foreseen authoritative
opening. From another's point of view, it is a connecting movement uniting those
with employments to fill and those looking for occupations. Enlistment will
probably accomplish its goal if enrolling sources mirror the kind of position to be
filled. In IPL, both inner and outer wellsprings of enrollment are utilized. Among
various outside sources the utilization of national every day daily paper are prevalent
and they likewise put vocation opportunity promotion on web (bd, the
biggest occupation website of the nation). IPL could partake in the employment fairs
for their enrollment. The extensive volume of use is dropped in the association
therefore of the introduction made in the occupation fairs. IPL can advance its
picture as a potential selection representative through its fruitful investment in the
occupation fairs. The organization can likewise go for grounds enrolling that could
bring a yield of exceedingly taught crisp starters for the section level position. IPL
could begin utilizing its current site as a noteworthy enlisting source. Real focal
points of online occupation application framework are:

• It is cost effective
• It is flexible in terms of time
• Very modern concept
• It is pretty convenient- in terms of receiving and maintaining applications.

This online employment application framework limits the push to record
information identified with the candidates in the CV-Bank. The candidates would
fill the organized shape online so that lone the pertinent data about the candidate is

IPL can likewise introduce exceptionally modem programming to refresh and keep
up enrollment database. By utilizing an easy to use programming HR can without
much of a stretch recover any data in regards to a specific enrollment in the past or
some other specific candidate. The assistance of work Organization is here and there
taken to select top/mid level administration staff. For the enrollment at this level,
the past choices ought to likewise be contemplated, for all intents and purposes.


A perfect business promotion ought to make the man/work particular completely
clear to the perusers so that exclusive the people really fit for the post could apply.
For instance, a few candidates with 3 years drug store graduation had connected who
were not considered up to the coveted standard for that position. All things
considered, the advertisement ought to demoralize those candidates by expressing
"Drug store graduates with 3 year's graduation require not to apply" or "the term
drug store graduates applies for just those having four years four year certification"
or the term business graduates alludes to just the BBA/MBA from any overall
perceived college, and so forth. This would limit the candidate pool and get fitting
contender for that position, prompting limiting screening exertion since the at long
last chose individual match with the coveted man particular.

The perspective of IPL in this sort of enrollment practice is amateurish and some
point deceptive. From their perspective why an ace degree holder wouldn't be
contracted if demonstrates his enthusiasm for that post and the applicant have no
other alternative yet to oblige the occupation and if INCEPTA get a higher degree
holder without approaching it is the advantage for association opportunity in view
of the horrible circumstance of the present place of employment market. Be that as
it may, it makes bad form and disparity. Incepta ought to give an apprehension in
enlisting a graduate degree holder for low level position like store facilitator While
IPL claims itself as one of the main multinational association in the nation; it ought
to share its view to that of the other such association takes lessons from their
qualities and practices.

Selection process in IPL takes after a standard example starting with an underlying
screening of utilizations and finishing up with the last work choice. In the wake of
getting the applications for a specific position, applications are screened out and as
of late unique short recorded contenders are chosen for framed test (relies on upon
the strategy for the work, where made test is required) otherwise for 1st meeting on
the present of some foreordained criteria. For instance out of 200 applications half
are required the at first meeting or made test. Additionally, the general population
who will pass the underlying stride will be required the second step paying little
regard to the probability that 100% hopefuls perform marvelous all will be required
the going with step. The heap up or driving social affair of inspectors all things
considered incorporates line head of various division at the essential stage, Head of
concerned office, Head of HR and every so often MD in the second and third

meeting. In the last stage when in doubt the measure of competitor is kept inside the
degree of 1:3, by goodness of on the off chance that anyone rots to perceive the work
offer. Finally, the last affirmation choice is made and the at last picked solitary needs
to experience the supportive examination. In IPL there is no certain cut off point in
any test. Without a doubt, even in formed test. Dependent upon the condition they
set the pass number or generally when they see no one got even the pass checks then
they assemble those for conference who draw near to the pass marks. Regardless, in
the oral gatherings there is no evaluated point scale. It has constrainment like if the
hopefuls number is 10 and 6 individuals get for all intents and purposes same
comment by the examiners then it ends up being truly hard to assess particular
fittingness, how extraordinary she/he is from the other candidate. It requires
numerical score for sensible value. The examination kind of IPL is not a whole and
standard one. The decision criteria on what introduce the examiner will pick the
contenders are truant.

The work choice is made after all the last choice strategy is done aside from the
physical examination. At this stage the hopefuls are offered an application bank
where the coveted the definitive elements for the association are to be filled. This
stage is extremely run of the mill and no change is by all accounts required in the
way it is being taken care of. In the Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd's. Application
Shape the hopefuls give all the data.

The reference checking system of IPL is particularly unreasonable and amateurish.
IPL does not have any sort of Reference Checking Structure.
In this aggressive, changing and complex business world chiefs must be proactive
as opposed to receptive. May be IPL never confronted any issue with contracting
without keeping up any Reference Checking Structure yet that does not mean in
future they won't confront any issue. The data ought to be exceptionally classified,
so the unwavering quality of the hierarchical agent or relatives or others can make
instability, since data is assumed control telephone and furthermore he can't
demonstrate any papers from his association.

The medicinal examination is finished by any restorative specialist. Here the
unwavering quality on the outcome is essential component in light of the fact that
the enlisted individual may have any kind of infection that can influence others
that he/she wouldn't like to uncover it. For instance, in the event that anyone is
medication dependent, he may impact his partners in taking medication or
potentially won't have the capacity to play out his occupation productively like
some time recently, his profitability will be declined. Toward the final product he
will be let go from the association. Terminating resembles a simple assignment
however it's a long method.


The appointment letter affirms the work of the competitor in IPL and the hopeful is
given a month time to join or ask them when they are accessible to join on the off
chance that they are as of now working in elsewhere. In any case, when it is dire to
join then the work force is advised to join as quickly as time permits or say a date


Findings, Recommendation & Conclusion

The issues that are to be emphasized in the whole recruitment and selection
procedure are summarized below along with some recommendations that identify
avenue for improvement.


• HR Division is extremely ready for choosing competitors and furthermore the

procedure is exceptionally straightforward with the goal that they can pick the best
hopefuls among candidates.

• In this procedure there is no nepotism so there are higher potential outcomes to be

chosen without having any move down.

• When they look for any accomplished individuals they give more fixation on Past
experienced, Instructive foundation, length of administrations and so on with the
goal that they can choose the most reasonable experienced individuals.

• When they select passage level applicants than they focus more on genius
liveliness, inventiveness, thoughts which related with the post.

• HR chooses hopefuls from a draw of use with the goal that they can pick most
reasonable competitors.

• The working condition or condition is brilliant in IPL, which is exceptionally

uncommon in different associations in Bangladesh.

• It is perceptible that turnover rate is really high in section level administration


• IPL is presenting new items consistently, expanding their business into various
parts, and opening new offices. Thus, the quantity of representatives is expanding

• To survey the HR need of the association IPL additionally relies on upon the
subjective insights in view of a few signs with respect to future necessity. The
plausible opening additionally can be dictated by guaging various workers who
approach their retirement age, who leave or will leave the employment, the past
enlistment incline investigation, and so on.

• The HR division guarantees that every worker has a refreshed and proper set of
working responsibilities expressing obviously reason, obligations, duties and so

• The association considers the choices in a well ordered way. Fundamentally the
alternatives inside inquiry is considered. On the off chance that the coveted
competitor is not discovered, then the second step is judged et cetera.

• The reference checking strategy of IPL is particularly illogical and amateurish. IPL
does not have any sort of Reference Checking Structure.

• The restorative examination is finished by any therapeutic professional. Here the

unwavering quality on the outcome is vital component in light of the fact that the
enlisted individual may have any kind of illness that can influence others that he/she
wouldn't like to uncover it.

• The arrangement letter affirms the work of the applicant in IPL and the competitor
is given a month time to join or ask them when they are accessible to join in the
event that they are now working in elsewhere. In any case, at some point it makes
crevice between human asset office and concern office as they think HRD don't do
arrange legitimately with respect to joining when they are in direness.

• Once the enlistment and choice process is done then the representatives are
delegated base on their set of working responsibilities.

• The association fills the position by advancing the present representatives.

• Interns are selected in view of their execution. Worker renting is an


• There are just 13 representatives in the HR division. So they need to battle

progressively and high rivalry.

• There is a constrained degree for human asset office.

Yet, there are a few issues likewise like, they are not taking composed test in each
office. They take just in the creation and control division.

Incepta can enhance there their enlistment and determination prepare a few ways.
What's more, they can likewise decrease their shortcoming by taking after strides.
These are:

• Written test ought to be taken to the all offices.

• Original capabilities ought to be checked by the HR enlistment group.

• Should set up of the position of the consultant.

• Should be produced a preparation program for their administrators in screening

and talking methods.

• Inter individual aptitudes, relational abilities ought to be checked by taking


• Incepta ought to build their extent of human offices by enrolling more gifted

• Funds should be apportioned proficient advancement for every divisions and
expert improvement program should be figured.

• The extent of telephone meeting and e-enlistment process ought to be increment.

• Incepta necessities to build up a procedure for where, when and how to execute
and referral reward program.

• A working condition that empower a positive air, group and ground breaking this
ought to be incorporated into expert group.

• Performance assessment framework ought to be moved forward.

• During the season of meeting some examining inquiries ought to be solicited to

decide the inspiration from potential select. It is important to know in advance if the
competitor has any quick arrangement for higher reviews or any individual issues or
why he/she has left the past occupation et cetera.

• A empty position ought to be filled or the enrollment procedure ought to be begun

as soon the representative leaves the occupation or the choice for his leaving is

Human Resource plays the vital role to get maximum contribution from its
workforce. It is the nerve centre of the company as it is to deal with man who is the
vital and most sensitive factor in any organization. Without the support of human
beings machine remain idle, raw materials lie stacked and money gets tied up. To
get the best output the potential individual has to be recruited.








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