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(Sesuai Surat Edaran Kemendikbud No 14 Tahun 2019)


Mata Pelajaran : PRAKARYA
Kelas / Semester : IX/ GANJIL
Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 40 JAM

Tujuan Pembelajaran

.> Menyatakan pendapat tentang keragaman karya kerajinan dari bahan keras
.> Memahami pengertian , sejarah, jenis, soifat, dan karakteristik dari bahan keras
.> Membuat karya kerajinan bahan keras.

Langkah –langkah kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Pendahuluan
• Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengucap salam dan doa.
• Guru melakukan apersepsi dan motivasi serta menyampaikan kempetesi dasar dan
tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai.

2. Kegiatan Inti
• Guru memberikan penjelasan singkatan mengenai kerajinan bahan keras
• Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk mengamati gambar bahan keras
• Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada siswa mengenai kerajianan bahan keras
• Guru meminta untuk menjelaskan berbagai jenis bahan keras
• Siswa diminta untuk menjelaskan berbagai jenis bahan keras
• Guru menerima umpan balik dari siswa

3. Penutup
• Siswa bersama guru menyimpulkan materi yang telah dipelajari
• Guru memberikan tugas terikat materi yang telah di pelajari
• Guru meminta siswa untuk memfoto tugas telah dikerjakn
• Siswa mengirim tugas melalui aplikasi Whatsapp kepada guru

• Sikap : Kedisiplinan mengumpulan tugas dan mengikuti pembelajaran
• Pengetahuan : Tes tertulis
• Keterampilan : Kreatif dalam mengerjakan tugas
Jakarta, Juli 2020

Kepala SMP SSEJAHTERA Guru Mata Pelajaran


Lampiran :
- Menirukanungkapanmemintaperhatiandanmengecekpemahamanygakandipelajari:
Asking for attention
• Attention please
• Pay attention
• Can I have your attention, please?
• Listen to me
• Look at the picture, please!

Checking of understanding (mengecekpemahaman)

• Do you understand?
• Is it clear for you?
• Does it make a sense?

To express compliment (ungkapanmemuji)

• Excellent
• That’s excellent
• That’s good job
• Well done

Dialogue :
Mother : lily, can you help me, please?
Lyli : sure mom, what can I do?
Mother : ………….. I need you to go to Mr. Anderson’s house. She has finished sewing our
clothes. I will give you the money to pay.
Lily : alright. How much do we have to pay?
Mother : I already gave payment. You only need to pay a part of the full price. ……………
Lily : yes, I do. Do I try my dress there?
Mother : no, I don’t think so. Just do it at home. If there is something that need to be fixed,
we will go there. …………..
Lily : yes, mom. …………………..
Mother : oh don’t forget to buy the fish on your way home.
Lily : I already did that.
Mother : really? ………………

Yoga : ……1……..Iwant to make an important announcement
Sari : What is it? Yoga?
Yoga : There is a sad news from our classmate, Bruce, his father passed away this morning
Tino : When is the funeral?
Yoga : This afternoon at 1 PM
Sally : Do we all go the funeral/ what about the donation?
Yoga : ……2………..we will collect money from each of student about the funeral, if we are
allowed by the teacher, we will go there together.
Ginting: Are you going to talk with the teacher about this?
Yoga : That’s right, sally, please help me collect the money. Then put them in an envelope…..
Sally : Sure, I will do it now
Yoga : ……3…….. Thanks.

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