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JBI video

Part 1 PubMed Search, enter details on Excel file and

Download onto EndNote

1. After created New Library file titled “Capstone” in Endnote (ensure to save in
2. Create three new groups as containers to represent three separate database (e.g.
PubMed, Academic Search Ultimate & CINAHL).

3. Go to PubMed Website, click on “advance search”

Then change “All Fields” to “Title-Abstract”

4. Copy and Paste the first part of search string into the box - “Eye Movement
Desensitization and Reprocessing” OR EMDR OR “eye movement desenstisation and
reprocessing” OR “eye movement desensitization reprocessing” OR “EMDR therapy”
– and then click “ADD”

Ensure that when copy and paste, there is no space at end of the each of the phrase.
5. Do the same step for part 2 (i.e. the addiction) and part 3 (i.e. the effectiveness) of the
search string, and then click “Search”:

6. Once search results generated, adjust the start year to be 2014:

7. If happy with the results, click “Send to” and then “Citation Manager”

8. Ensure it’s “All results”

9. Create File

10. Now a download file will be automatically created.

11. Before we open the file in Endnote, we want to enter various details on Excel file,
including the date that this search was performed, the total search string used (copy
from the Search filed from screen above), results (in this case, it’s 12), fields (in this
case it’s TI/Abstract), Database (in this case, it’s PubMed), or any other details

12. Next, ensure that the EndNote App is opened. Then go to “Download folder” on
macbook, open the file named “pubmed-EyeMovemen-set.nbib” (or any nbib file that
is immediately downloaded from PubMed).

13. Once file opened, all of the results should now be downloaded onto your library. In
this case, there are 12 references:
14. Now use select all function by using Control A, all of the references will be
highlighted like this:

15. Then, Drag those references (While they have all been selected) onto “PubMed”:
Part 2 EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate, enter
details on excel and Download onto EndNote
1. Open EBSCOhost through your library portal, and then select “Academic Search
Ultimate” (Notice that my screen says “Academic Search Complete” not
“Academic Search Ultimate” – we won’t have similar screen due to different
university library portals):
2. Now you will be at the search page for Academic Search Complete. Then enter the
part 1 (i.e. EMDR) of search strong in to the first field, and then select TI Title:

Ensure that when copy and paste, there is no space at end of the each of the phrase.

3. Do the same step for part 2 (i.e. addiction) and part 3 (i.e. effectiveness) of search
Ensure that when copy and paste, there is no space at end of the each of the phrase.

4. The screen will look like this:

5. Now go down to the page to add more selections. Select “Peer Reviewed”, enter
“Start year” and “End year”.
6. Now click “Search”:

7. The results page will look like something like this (note that your screen will look
different than mine due to different library portal). In this case, there was 3 results:

8. Now we need to enter the details in Excel like what we did with PubMed,
including the date that this search was performed, the total search string used
(copy from the Search history referring to the screen below screen above), results
(in this case, it's 3), fields (in this case it's TI), Database (in this case, it's
Academic Search Ultimate), or any other details required.

9. Now copy and paste the total search from this page into Excel file:
10. Now we want to export the results onto Endnote. We do so by click “Share” and
then click “Results1-3”:

11. Then click “folder” on top of menu:

12. On this screen, ensure that you click “remove items after saving”, then click
“select all”, and “export” the file:

13. The file is now downloaded. And open the file from Download folder again. Once
in file opened in EndNote, do same procedure to Control A to select all of the file
downloaded (3 references) that is showing on the screen, and then Drag onto
“Academic Search Ultimate” sub folder.
14. Redo this process for “Abstract” search (because this database does not combine
title and abstract search together, therefore we need to do it separately). However
the download procedure might be different for “abstract” search due to length of
file by using email link and ensure that it’s RIS format. We can go through that
together (it’s from the JBI Video 07:07).
15. Enter details on Excel File (e.g. Search Strings)


+ Create Project 15:59

Select Scoping Review, + Create
Select “Screening” on top menu
Endnote Library, Select All, Export, save file as XML, Save on desktop
“Import” (blue icon) 1650
Screen Stage “Title and Abstract Screening”, Import (blue icon) 16:52
Select the XML file saved earlier and import

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