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Pre means before

position means the place.
Preposition means - the place before
Preposition hvi hvi c~‡e© e‡m
1) Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m:


i. Abdullah is going to Dhaka with Jannat.

ii. Adi writes with pen.
2) Pronoun Gi c~‡e© e‡m:

Preposition Gic‡i pronoun Gi object form e‡m।


i. What does Abdullah think of she/her?

ii. listen to I/me.

3) Noun equivalent gerund Gi c~‡e© e‡m:


i. Abdullah is fond of playing.


[ we.`ª: Avgiv hv‡`i‡K ‡QvU‡ejv ‡_‡KB Preposition wn‡m‡e wPwb G‡`i‡K Pre ejvi kZ© n‡jv G‡`i
c‡i _vK‡e GKwU - Noun/Pronoun/Gerund/ Noun phrase ]

Preposition Gici hw` - Noun/Pronoun/Gerund/ Noun phrase না থাকে তকে সেই

Pre wU হকে Adverb.
i. Come in.[in=Adverb ]
ii. Abdullah lives in Dhaka. [in=Preposition]

iii. The Titanic went down. [down=Adverb]
vi. The bomb went off. [off= Adverb]
v. Switch off the lamp. [the=Determiner, lamp= Noun] Noun Phrase

vi. Abdullah came in through the window. [In=Adverb, through=Preposition,

the=Determiner window=Noun]

 Noun phrase এর গঠন:

Structure Example
Determiner + noun The window
2. Adjective + noun Good boy
3. Determiner +adjective+ noun A good boy
4.Determiner +adverb +adjective+ A very good boy
5. noun+ and +noun Rahim and Karim
6. noun+ preposition+ noun Poet of beauty
Father of nation

e¨wZµg :
I. Why are you angry about?

 Interrogativepronoun, Relative pronoun এেং Interrogative adverb যু ক্ত

sentence এ Preposition োধারণত সেকে েকে। একেরকে েলা হয় Detached
 Interrogative Pronoun= Who, Whom Which, what, Whose
 Relative Pronoun= Who, whom, whose, which, that, what, but
 Relative adverb= When, How, Where, why

Ex. i. What is Abdullah looking for? [What=Interrogative Preposition]
Preposition/ Detached Preposition

ii. Why are you angry about? [Why= Interrogative Adverb]

iii. Where have you come from? [Where= Interrogative Adverb]
iv. This is the book that I was thinking for. [that= Relative pronoun]
Preposition Gi ZvwjKv wb‡P †`qv n‡jv:
At Above After About Around

Across Along Among Amid Against

Alongside Apropos of As to As for As regard
As of As against As from By before
Behind between beneath but beside
Besides beyond but for close to Concerning
Considering down Despite During Except
Given for from following Like
In Into Inside near Next to
Of Off On Over Onto
opposite Past respect save since
sans To through up up to
under with within without Regarding

i. Adi stood before me like statue. [before=Preposition me=Pronoun like=Preposition]

About অর্থে

ii. I know nothing regarding the issue. [Regarding=preposition, the=Determiner, issue=noun]

iii. Adi hid me behind a tree near the bush.

[behind=preposition, a tree=Noun phrase, near=preposition, the bush= Noun phrase]
iv. I lost everything but honor
[but (ব্যতীত অর্থে )=preposition, honor=noun,

v. Considering the quality, the price is nothing. Considering (বব্র্ব্চনা অর্থে )=preposition]

vi. Abdullah has everything but gumption. [but (ব্যতীত অর্থে )=preposition]

vii. there is none save me in that Island. [save (ব্যতীত অর্থে )=preposition]

viii. The river flows past the village. [past=preposition, the village=noun phrase]
ix. Abdullah went a hunting. [a=Preposition, hunting=Gerund/Noun]

A, O এরা on, of অর্থ ে

Disguised Prepositions

একেরকে েলা হয় Disguised Prepositions.

I. It is 10 o'clock.
II. It is 10 of clock.
Note-03: Preposition+ Noun

Preposition + একটি মাত্র শব্দ NOUN

i. Preposition Gi c‡i GKwUgvÎ kã Zv Noun.

i. Don't budge me an inch from here. [from= Preposition, here= Noun]

ii. Abdullah won’t be satisfied with less. [with= Preposition, less= Noun]

wKš‘ Come here. [here=adverb]

Note- Preposition Ges noun ev gerund Gi gv‡S possessive adjective e‡m।

+ Possessive Adjective+


i. He insisted on me/ my/ mine going.

ii. I don't approve him on managing a foreigner. ❌
Correct - I don't approve of his managing a foreigner.
Note – Avgiv Rvwb to e¨wZZ mKj Preposition Gi c‡i †Kvb verb em‡j Zv‡`i mv‡_ ing hy³ nq
| ïaygvÎ to Gic‡i verb Gi g~j form e‡m |
i. Abdullah fumed at have to waiting

Cor: - Adi famed at having to wait.

ii. I am always after eat/ eating.

 Z‡e wb‡gœ c«`Ë Phrase ¸‡jvi c‡i to e‡m Ges G‡`i c‡i verb em‡j D³ verb Gi mwnZ
ing hy³ nq | Phrase ¸‡jv n‡jv :

With a view to Equal to Take to

With an eye to Prior to Contribute to
In addition to Close to The dedicated to
Look forward to Obstacle to Be akin to
Be used to Shortcut to Compared to
Get used to Amount to Barrier to
Be habitual to Addicted to Bottleneck to
Be accustomed to Be similar to Drawback to
Be developed to Be repugnant to Confess to
Be committed to Be averse to Bar to
Be tantamount to Be conductive to Devote to
Be similar to Be opposed to Refer to
Impediment to Key to Be given to
Object to Prefer to Crucial to
Approach to Alternative to Blockade to
Aversion to Predict to Itinerancy to
Resort to Setback to Adhere to

• দের্ের
• বব্র্ের নাম
• ব্ড় েহর
• েতাব্দী
In • `kK
• ব্ছর
• মাস
• ঋতু
• বব্ষর়্ের
• Street
ককন্তু Road এর
পূর্ব েOn বর্ে
• Morning
• Evening
• Afternoon
ককন্তু at noon

 Avgiv Rvwb wel‡qi bv‡gi c~‡e© In e‡m |

 Z‡e wb‡P cÖ`Ë Phrase ¸‡jvi c‡i wel‡qi bvg _vK‡jI at e‡m |

Phrase ¸‡jv n‡jv : -

Good at, better at, Apt at,

At Bad at, Worse at, Dull at

1. Abdullah is weak in /atEnglish
2. Abdullah is good in /at English
Note 3 – Avgiv Rvwb Street Gi c~‡e© in

Road Gi c~‡e© on e‡m |

 Z‡e wVKvbv D‡jøL _vK‡j Df‡qi c~‡e© at e‡m |
Avgiv Rvwb,
Morning, Evening, Afternoon G¸‡jvi c~‡e© in e‡m |

Z‡e w`‡bi †ejv - by day

iv†Zi †ejv - at night
Avevi – Morning,Evening,Afternoon,Day,Night
G‡`i c~‡e© hw` Adjective e‡m ‡m‡ÿ‡Î G‡`i c~‡e© On em‡e।
At night On a moonlit night

By day On a rainy day

On a lovely day
On a gloomy day

In the morning On a sunny morning
On a story morning
On a foggy morning


 ¯^vfvweK fv‡eB wKQz k‡ãi Av‡M in e‡m |

in arms in a hurry in office In the shade

in cash wKš‘ in the army in ink dressed in silk

by credit
card nq |

in general, in a bad temper in his presence / in a few days

in pain weak in history in the dark G¸‡jv ATM
Z_v GKUvbv gyL¯Í
in time in ruins in advance Ki‡Z n‡e |

in power in the sun in sorrow

Note –

wKQz Av‡Q hviv MÖnY K‡i bv ]

 Verb ¸‡jv n‡jv :
Meet Resemble Violet
Ex. Ex. Ex.
Meet with Belal / Meet Belal
Discuss Command Recommend
Ex. Ex.
Discuss the matter / Tuhin resembles at his father /
Discus about the matter Tuhin resembles his Father
Reach Sign Investigate
Ex. Ex.
Reach at the station / Investigate into the
matter /
Reach the station Investigate the
Enter Resign Order
Ex. Enter into the room /
Enter the room.

At wbw`©ó mgq


 at 10 o'clock
 at half past five (5:30)
 at breakfast
 at down
 at noon
 at that time, at the moment
 At Christmas, at the weekend

at light at Liberty
at the door at war
at present at peace
at play wKš‘ let me die in peace
at work at the age of 8.
at dinner at a distance
at page

cv‡k A‡_© by e‡m :
Ex. Abdullah set by me on the train.
কব.দ্র- by Ges beside Gi cv_©K¨
by → cvkvcvwk ev KvQvKvwQ wKš‘ mvgvb¨ `yiZ¡ (Dating on first day)
Beside → KvQvKvwQ ev jvMvjvwM (Dating after 6 months)

besides /but /save e¨wZZ

/except /without/
hvbevnb †hv‡M †evSv‡Z hvbevn‡bi bv‡gi c~‡e© Determiner bv _vK‡j by বর্ে।
Z‡e Determiner _vK‡j on A_ev in e‡m |

By bus On the bus/ in the bus

By plane On the plane /in the plane
By ship On the ship /in the ship
By train On the train/ in the train
By boat On the boat/ in the boat
By launch On the launch/ in the launch
By rickshaw On the rickshaw
wKš‘ in the rickshaw n‡e bv |
Buy bike On the bike, in the bike n‡e bv

By bi-cycle On the bi-cycle,

wKš‘ in the bi-cycle n‡e bv
By car In the car, wKš‘ on the car n‡e bv

 কব.দ্র- on foot → cv‡q †n‡U

on horseback → ‡Nvovq P‡o

 ‡dvb, ‡Uwj‡dvb BZ¨vw` e¨env‡ii ‡¶‡Î hw` G‡`i c~‡e© Determiner bv _v‡K Zvn‡j G‡`i c~‡e©
e‡m |

ফ ান,
By No determiner
ফিকির্ ান

 wKš‘ _vK‡j e‡m |

on/ Determiner ফ ান,

ফিকির্ ান

By+ ‡dvb/‡Uwj‡dvb On+Determiner+ ‡dvb/‡Uwj‡dvb

By phone on the phone / over the phone
By radio on the radio/ over the radio
By email on the email/ over the email
By internet on the Internet / over the internet
By messenger on the messenger /over the messenger


 Abdullah requested Rini to come by /over telephone.

@ ïaygvÎ ‘the’ em‡e ‘Determiner’ wnmv‡e Zv bq, †h‡Kvb ‘Determiner’ em‡Z |

 on the phone /over the phone /on my phone /on his phone
@‡Kv_vq ‘on’ Ges †Kv_vq ‘over’ em‡e ?
*1g kZ© n‡jv ‘phone ev telephone’ Gi c~‡e© determiner _vK‡Z n‡e |
2q K_v n‡jv:

 c«`Ë ev‡K¨ hw` be verb _v‡K Zvn‡j On.....Phone e‡m |

 Be verb e¨ZxZ Ab¨vb¨ Verb থাকর্ে Over বর্ে।


i. Abdullah is busy on the phone / over the phone.

ii. Abdullah will talk on the phone / over the phone.

 e¨wZµg:- On television
 I watch it on television.

On এর বযবহার
 ZvwiL
 mßv‡ni mvZ w`b
 mv‡_ enb Kiv ‡evSv‡Z
 ‡Kvb wKQyi m`m¨c` wb‡`©k
On  Road

ZvwiL Ges mßv‡ni mvZ w`‡bi bv‡gi c~‡e©|
কব.দ্র.- Born Gic‡i family _vK‡j into, parents _vK‡j to/of e‡m|
 mv‡_ enb Kiv ‡evSv‡Z On e‡m |

 I have no cash on me.

 ‡Kvb wKQyi m`m¨c` wb‡`©k Ki‡Z on e‡m |


 Abdullah is on the committee.


On Campus
the third floor
(‡h‡Kv‡bv n‡Z

 ‡Kv‡bv Dcj¶ ev w`e‡mi bv‡gi ‡k‡l day _vK‡j on e‡m |

• On Eid day/ at Eid
• On Christmas day/ at Christmas
• On my birthday /at my birthday party
• at a tea party
• at a cocktail party

Over এর বযবহার

 ‡Kvb wKQyi Ici AvovAvwofv‡e Ae¯’vb Kiv ‡evSv‡Z Over বর্ে।


• The bridge is over the river.

 Dci w`‡q AwZµg ‡evSv‡Z Over বর্ে।


• The plane flew over Barishal.

@ ¯úk© bv K‡i Dc‡i MwZkxjZv †evSv‡Z ‘over’ e‡m |
The fan is moving over his head

• hw` K‡i Cover ‡m ‡¶‡Î n‡e Over.

GKUz fveyb,

hw` ewj- The book is on / over the table. ‡m‡ÿ‡Î Aek¨B DËi n‡e ‘on’.

wKš‘ hw` ewj- The table cloth is on/ over the table. ‡m‡ÿ‡Î Aek¨B DËi n‡e ‘over’
KviY Uv fveyb- eB Uv w`‡q cy‡iv †Uwej Kvfvi Ki‡e bv wKš‘ †Uwej K¬_ w`‡q cy‡iv †Uwej Kvfvi Ki‡e|

• Abdullah put a quilt on / over me.

• Abdullah put a blanket over /on a sleeping child.

Above + Minimum level

Fixed point

Temperature will not rise above zero tonight.

Over + Number He is over 50.
Ages It costs over tk. 500
Money We waited over 2 hours

Through/ Across

 ‡Kvb wKQyi ‡fZi w`‡q ev ‡Kvb wKQy ‡f` K‡i GK c«všÍ ‡_‡K Ab¨ c«v‡šÍ Mgb Kiv ‡evSv‡Z
Through e‡m |
‡Kvb wKQyi Dci w`‡q AvWvAvwofv‡e GK c«všÍ ‡_‡K Ab¨ c«v‡šÍ Mgb Kiv ‡evSv‡Z Across
e‡m |

1. Abdullah walked through/across the forests. Through

2. The train can travel through/across the tunnel.
3. Water can flow through/across the pipe.
4. light can pass through/across glass.
5. Water flows across/through the field.
6. We swim through/across the river. Across
7. We Walked across/through the road.
8. We walked through/across the river.
9. We can learn through/across the mistakes.

For Gi e¨envi

c‡ÿ ev Kv‡iv n‡q

For wewbgq g~j¨ †evSv‡Z


1. For/with his all pelf and power, he is unhappy. (m‡Ë¡I A‡_© ‘with’ em‡Z cv‡i)
Zvi mg¯Í m¤úwË I ÿgZv m‡Ë¡I †m AmyLx |
2. He is very mature for his age. (Zvi eq‡mi Zzjbvq †m Lye cwicK¡) |
3. What did you buy him for Chritsmas? (Dcj‡ÿ)
4. I bought a mobile for Tk. 1000 ( wewbgq g~j¨)

For & Since Gi e¨envi

Since = Beginning of Time/ Point of time / ïiæi mgq |

For= Total Duration/ Period of time / ‡gvU †gqv`Kvj

Padma Bridge
Since=2015 7 years= For 2021, 1 January

Avgiv Aek¨B GKwU mg‡qi wbw`©ó we›`y‡Z `vwo‡q AvwQ| g‡b Kiæb AvR 2021 mv‡ji 1jv
Rvbyqvix | c`¥v †mZz wbgv©Y ïiæ n‡q‡Q g‡b Kiæb -2015 mv‡j hv KvRwUi ïiæi mgq †evSvq|
Avi gvSLv‡bi 7 eQi a‡i wbg©vY Pj‡Q hv wbgv©Y Kv‡ji †gvU †gqv`Kvj †evSvq | myZvivs †Kvb
KvR ïiæi mgq †evSv‡j- Since em‡e Ges †gvU †gqv`Kvj †evSv‡j- For em‡e | g‡b Kiæb
Avwg 2010 mv‡j ‡cÖg ïiæ KiwQ hv ïiæi mgq †evSvq Ges 10 eQi a‡i †cÖg Pj‡Q hv ‡gvU
†gqv`Kvj †evSvq | Avkv Kwi eyS‡Z cvi‡Qb |
*Period of Time ‡Pbvi Dcvq:
Second, minute, hour, day, week, night, month, year, decade, century,
age/12 eQi, while, moment, etc- G‡`i c~‡e© †Kvb msL¨vevPK kã †hgb- 1, 2, 3, 4
_vK‡j ‘for’ em‡e |
A_ev, G‡`i c~‡e© hw` ‘a/an’ e‡m Zvn‡j G‡`i c~‡e© ‘For’ em‡e |
an hour
For + two weeks
five years
a while

Between Gi e¨envi

*Between = mvaviYZ `yBwU e¨w³ ev e¯‘i †ÿ‡Î e‡‡m| ( cixÿvi n‡j Ggb fvevi `iKvi
bvB †h ‘between’ wb‡q bZzb †Kvb wbqg AeZiY K‡i‡Q| Between= gv‡b n‡jv 2 Rb |
GUv 2.1 I bv, Avevi 1.99 I bv | †hgb- Romeo and Juliet ‡hfv‡e `yRb wVK Ggb K‡i
`yR‡bi g‡a¨ †evSv‡j- between em‡e|

Among = `y‡qi AwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘ †evSv‡j e‡m|
Collective noun Gi c~‡e© among e‡m |
Divide the mangoes between /among Romeo and Juliet.

Divide the mangoes between/ among the children.

1. `y‡qi AwaK Proper noun _vK‡j ev ¯^Zš¿ ev Avjv`v mË¡v eySv‡j AwaK †Kvb wKQzi
†ÿ‡ÎI ‘between’ e¨eüZ nq |
* i. Luxemburg lies between/ among Belgium, Austria and France
2. cvi¯úvwiK m¤úK© eySv‡j `yB‡qi Awa‡Ki g‡a¨I ‘between’ e‡m|
i. There is a treaty of friendship between the five great power.
3. sharing/ dividing eySv‡j A_ev share/divide Gi c‡i a series of singular
nouns _vK‡j mvaviYZ between e¨eüZ nq |
i. He shared his property between his wife, his son and his daughter.

Previous Question:
1 . ‘Among’ is a preposition that is used when ___ people are involved.
a. More than three b. two
b. Four only d. two or more than two

In time/By time/On time Gi e¨envi

*In/within= fwel¨r Kv‡j †Kvb KvR wbw`©ó ‘period of time/ Total Duration Gi
g‡a¨ †kl n‡e eySv‡Z in/within e‡m |
*By= fwel¨r Kv‡j †Kvb KvR wbw`©ó ‘point of time Gi g‡a¨ †kl n‡e eySv‡Z by e‡m|
Hurry up! We have to go by/ in five minutes.
Period of time
Hurry up! We have to go by /in 5pm
Point of time

Irregular Preposition:
1. Past = cvk w`‡q A‡_©

The river flows past the village.

2. Like = gZ A‡_©

Abdullah looks like his father.

3. Participial Preposition: wKQz participle Av‡Q hviv Noun phrase Gi c~‡e© e‡m preposition wnmv‡e KvR K‡i
| Participle ¸‡jv n‡jv :
1. Excluding
Excepting + Giv e¨wZZ/Qvov/ev` w`‡q A‡_© ‘preposition’

Regarding + Giv m¤ú‡K©, e¨vcv‡i, about, as to, respect to BZ¨vw` A‡_© preposition.


3. Considering, Given + Giv we‡ePbv A‡_© preposition.

4. Failing (without, bv n‡j A‡_©) 5. Following (after ev c‡i A‡_©)
6. Gone ( past, c‡i, †cwi‡q‡Q A‡_©) 7. Counting/Including(with ev mn A‡_©)
8. Notwithstanding ( despite ev m‡Ë¡I A‡_©) 9. Saving ( e¨wZZ ev Qvov A‡_©)
10. Touching ( with regard to, m¤ú‡K© A‡_©)


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