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1 Making salts – acids

Making salts
and metals Worksheet 11.1.2
Lesson 1

Making salts from acids and metals

Making magnesium chloride
This question is about the experiment on worksheet 11.1.1.
1 Complete the sentences below. Use each word or phrase once, more than
once, or not at all.
reacted unevenly evaporated hydrochloric solution
evenly water dissolved sulfuric liquid

First we added magnesium to ________________ acid. Some magnesium

remained. It did not react because all the acid had ________________.
Then we filtered the mixture. This separated solid magnesium from a

Next we placed the magnesium chloride solution over a water bath. This
heats the solution ________________. We heated the solution to boiling.
Some of its water ______________. This separated some ______________
from the solution.

Finally we left the solution in a warm place. The rest of the water
________________. Magnesium chloride crystals formed.
Making other salts
2 Name the salts made by reacting the pairs of acids and metals below.

a Zinc and hydrochloric acid.________________________________

b Magnesium and nitric acid._________________________________

c Zinc and sulfuric acid._____________________________________

3 Label the diagrams and add instructions to describe how to make zinc nitrate
from a metal and an acid.
1 2

3 4

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