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Preparing to answer your essay questions,

practical steps that you should follow

1. Underline key terms and phrases

Every essay question contains key terms and
phrases that gives it meaning.
Before answering any essay question, make sure
you understand key terms and command words.
Let’s consider the following question
Evaluate the economic effects of a country
transforming its economy from command to a
market economy [25]

Evaluate – this is your command word, it tells you

how to answer your essay.

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To evaluate is to express an opinion, using evidence,
of how good/bad, negative/positive, successful/
unsuccessful something is.
So you can see that, this command word is telling
you how to answer your question.
If you fail to abide with command words in essay
questions, you won`t get full marks.

Effects of transforming a country – If you can see,

this phrase calls for action, underling this phrase
helps you understand your topic much better.
Your answer should reflect that there is
transformation taking place, failing to show such
details in your answer result in loosing marks.
Command to a market economy – This is a topic
phrase, terms in topic phrase should be defined,
and definition of such terms should make up your

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Where there are two different topical terms, your
introduction must differentiate these terms.

2. You must use frame works to structure your

We have a number of frameworks that can help you
plan your essay structure, which include the
(i) CLASSP Concept
(ii) DPEEL Approach
(iii) DEED Concept.
These concepts can be used in different situational
CLASPP concept helps you to recall important
factors to consider when evaluating.
The following command words are associated with
evaluation of economic concepts, policies and

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Analyse the effectiveness
This phrase is very common in questions which
command you to analyse and evaluate economic
policies aimed at solving macro or micro economic
A clasp is something that holds things together. But
(spelled with 2 P’s) it’s also an acronym for the 6
types of evaluation in AS and A level, as well as ZOU
This acronym reminds you of; Conclusions, Long-
terms and short-term effects (time tags),
Assumptions, Stakeholders, Policies and Priorities.
These are important factors to consider when
evaluating economic theories and polices.
If the question commands you to analyse the
effectiveness, actually it requires you to consider if
that policy or theory in question really do as

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So that is when we expect you to consider factors in
the acronym framework CLASPP.
If the policy for instance, is effective in solving one
of macroeconomic problems, it must not cause
other problems (time lag effects L), or resulting in
spillover effects of negative impact to third parties
(stakeholders S).
So when answering questions with such commands,
you must consider to address factors in acronym
CLASSP, tell the examiner that “this policy however
result in stakeholder manipulation”, if so.
To argue is to put forward reasons of or against a
So this acronym is of great importance in addressing
reasons for your support, for instance, if the
statement is in support with the government well
being or Society well being (Stakeholder effect S),
CLASPP will help you remember that, just write it
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down before you attempt to answer any question
which commands you to argue and you will see
some magic kkkk.
For instance, you can argue against a certain
economic theory due to its assumptions which
might not hold true. (Assumptions A)
To assess is to estimate the nature, quality or
value of something.
Economic estimations should be done in accordance
with policy guide, theory guide line or economic
concept guide line (Policies P)
In value estimation it is proper to consider pros and
cons of something (Priorities P)
Any policy cannot be of great quality if it result in
other problems, might be in the long-run, for
example a fiscal policy might cause inflation in an
economy which is close to full capacity (Time lags L)

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Comment on the effectiveness
That is to give your opinion, based on facts
These facts can be derived from the factors of the
CLASPP concept.
Your opinions should be in line with economic facts
addressed in favor of the CLASPP concept.

Express an opinion, using evidence, of how good /
bad, negative / positive, successful / unsuccessful
something is.
“Using evidence” – this phrase implies that you
employ case study application in your answers.
For instance, if you are mentioning bad part of the
fiscal policy in the long-run (Time lags L), you must
apply examples of what happened in the past 6
months when the government of your country

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apply expansionary fiscal policy or contractionary
fiscal policy in the last 6 months, or last year.
“how good or bad” - That`s where you must
comment on priorities of policy, concept or theory
in question (Priorities P)
So remember CLASPP helped you to evaluate, and
all those command words above are associated with
evaluation of economics.
Remember to write it down, every time you come
across such command words, always refer to it
when evaluating.

DPEEL approach is another framework that helps in

paragraph development.
Definition – The first thing after underling your key
terms and key phrases, is to define them.

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Your introduction is your first paragraph, and this
paragraph should be made up of definition of key
terms and interpreting key phrases.

Soon after your introduction follows a thesis

statement, a thesis statement sums up the central
argument of your essay. It is just one or two
sentences long, and usually appears near the end of
your introduction.
The form of your thesis statement depends on the
type of paper you’re writing, but it should always
directly state the main point you want to make. It
might make a strong argumentative claim,
summarize your perspective on a topic, or outline
the key information you’ll discuss.
After your thesis statement (paragraph), follows
body paragraphs, each paragraph may start with
the topic sentence (point P).

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Your point is your topic sentence; all the sentences
that follow should build up, develop and add more
information to support your point.

Point – Attack the question and pinpoint what your

overall answer will be, akin to a mini thesis.
For instance, let us consider the following question;
Free market are often viewed as efficient in
allocating scarce resources Why then and with
what implications on efficiency, are governments
often intervening in economic activities?

A free market economy promotes the production

and sale of goods and services, with little to no
control or involvement from any central
government agency. (Definition)

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Free markets are efficient in number of ways;
efficiency is attained through use of price signals,
economic efficient is attained through productive
efficient, allocative efficient, dynamic efficiency
through large firms and monopolies, just to
mention few. (Thesis statement)
Government therefore intervene to correct market
failures result in free markets, despite their
efficiency, sources of these failures are;
externalities, underproduction of merit goods,
over production of demerit goods, failure to
provide public goods, imperfect competition ,
imperfect information. (Thesis statement)
So you can see that a thesis statement is like a
summary of points which will later on build up body
paragraphs, with each point turns to be paragraph.
For instance;
Free markets attain allocative efficiency; this can
be explained with reference to perfect competitive

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market structures. Allocative efficiency occurs
where P = MC. In this case, the firm will be
allocatively efficient because at Q1 P=MC
It is clear that all of the sentences in this paragraph
are developers of allocative efficiency

Explain – Provide further details that elaborate on

your point.
So that`s it, soon after the topic sentence, all of the
sentences that follow will be providing further
details that elaborate the topic sentence.
Evidence – In economics, you are supposed to
bring in case study application. Your examples
should be practical examples of what is happening
in your economy.

Link – Conclude your paragraph by linking your

points back to your original thesis.

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These frameworks calls for enough practice if you
are to master them at your finger tips, you are
supposed to answer at least one question per week,
just do everything explained in these frameworks,
infect everything in this document.
There is no any other way you can become an
expert in essay answering, practice create experts,
and this document is just your guide line to do so.
Just do it!, one essay per week, scan it and drop it
Via WhatsApp @078 254 8852 for assessment,
scroll down this paper, you will find a dozen of
questions waiting for you.

DEED Concept, another framework

This framework helps to draw up your analysis
By analyzing we mean giving your Definitions,
Explanations, Examples and Diagrams (DEED).

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Show how theories relate to the question and
explain the theories.
Basically analyzing is drawing out the theory and
then evaluation is drawing your conclusions and
also challenging the analysis.
(So these techniques needs more practice for one
to understand them, join other students on our
WhatsApp groups 078 254 8852)

DEED is the reminder that your essay needs

Definition of terms, Explanation of points, practical
Examples of case study from your economy and

This framework is more useful with the following

command words which require less or no
evaluation of economic theories, policies and
concepts, but more of analysis.

DEED is the analysis framework.

Relief of Covid~21

Is to explain or make something clear by using

examples, charts, pictures and drawings


Show or make clear; illustrate or explain; prove by

reasoning and evidence (note that you can give


Make clear, interpret, and spell out the material

you present. Give reasons for differences of
opinion or of results

Now practice.

Try to interpret, then apply the DEED, DPEEL and

the CLASPP concepts on answering these questions,
scan them and send a pdf for marking, to track your
progress. (078 254 8852 WhatsApp)

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1 Discuss the practical applicability of elasticity
concept to the government (25)

2 To what extent does marginal revenue

productivity theory explain determination of wages
in Zimbabwe?[25]

3 Explain what is meant by the basic economic

problem of scarcity (10)

4 Discuss whether the basic economic problem is

best solved in the free market (15)
(b) What do economists mean by
(i) Externalities
(ii)Opportunity cost in production (10)
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5 Discuss how the discovery of new mineral
deposits in a park should be assessed by the
government (15)

(a) Explain the factors that determine the demand

for a product such as sugar (10)

6 Discuss the economic effects of price controls on

consumer goods in your country (15)

7 Discuss the measures that a government may take

to address the inadequacies of a free market
economy (25)
8 Explain the factors that influence price elasticity
of demand (10)

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9 Discuss whether different elasticity of demand
concept could be useful to a tobacco farmer (15)
(b) Account for the survival of small firms in an
industry (10)

10 Are large firms more beneficial to society than

small firms (15)

11 It was reported that in Egypt private sector

companies were being offered the chance to invest
in the development and operation of airport and

(a)Explain and illustrate what is meant by

(i) Social costs
(ii) A public good
(iii) A private benefit (12)

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Discuss whether the above concepts are of any use
in explaining why it is often the government and not
the private enterprise that is responsible for the
development and operations of airports and roads.

12 Evaluate the economic effects of a country

transforming its economy from command to a
market economy [25]

13 Explain the diminishing marginal utility theory


14 Discuss the relevance of the marginal utility

theory in determining the demand curve of a good.

(b) Explain the following terms

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(i) Law of variable proportions
(ii) Increasing returns
(iii) External dis-economies of scale [12]

15 Discuss the benefits of multinational firms to a

developing country [25]

16 Distinguish between the long run and short-run

positions of firms under perfect competition. [13]

(b) To what extent does the demand and supply

theory explain the determination of wage rates in
your country? [12]

17 Explain how the buffer stock system can be used

to stabilize agriculture price. [15]

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18 Discuss the view that intervention in agriculture
market by government causes more problems than
it solves. [15]

19 Discuss the view that intervention in agriculture

market by government causes more problems than
it solves. [15]

20 To what extent does the demand and supply

theory explain the determination of wage rates [25]

21 Explain the following

i Quasi - rent
Ii Economic rent
iiiTransfer earnings [12]

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(b) Using income and substitution effects, discuss
how an individual worker may react to a rise in the
wage rate [13]

22 To what extent does the economic theory

explain interest rate determination in your country

23 Low pay in an industry is due to weak bargaining

power of the trade union to which workers belong,
Discuss [25]

24 Discuss whether wage differentials are

determined by workers` level of education. [15]

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Let`s take a break
Your answer must make use of economic relevant
For example if you are writing about market
economy, we expect phrases like “forces of demand
and supply”, terms like “efficiency or inefficiency”
You must explain your points, do not just assert
points, for instance, it is not sufficient to write “a
cut in government spending will cause
unemployment, we need to know why.
Don’t just drop diagrams into your answer, a
diagram must be introduced by the sentence, and
must be explain again after drawing them.

Relief of Covid~21
25 Explain how resources are allocated in a free
market economy. [10]
(b) Discuss whether an economy can be better-off
by relying on the price mechanism to allocate it`s
scarce resources [15]

26 Explain (i) horizontal integration

(ii) vertical integration [10]
(b) Discuss the benefits of big firms to society [15]

27 Explain the elasticity of demand concept to a

large retail outlet [13]
(b) Discuss the relevance of elasticity concepts to a
large retail outlet. [12]

28 Explain the difference between the economist`s

profit and the accountant`s profit [12]

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(b) Discuss whether the profitable firms are efficient
firms [13]

29 With the aid of examples, explain the differences

between a free trade and an economic union [10]
(b) Discuss the effectiveness of tariffs and quotas in
protecting trade [15]

30 Explain the importance of national income

statistics accurately measure standards of living in
your country [15]

31 Discuss whether national income statistics

accurately measure standards of living in your
country [15]

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Revision is something that should be done
throughout the year!
So you must answer all these questions again and
again before your final exam.

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