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Teacher: Andrew Class: Grade 2 Subject: Running Jumps Week: 6

Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:

Unit 1:
Session : 12
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
● Develop a short approach run when taking off from one foot (taking three steps and jumping for distance and height.)
II. Teaching content: Running Jumps
III. Time: 80
IV. Teaching aids:
V. Students’ assumed knowledge: Jumping from previous lesson
VI. Procedures
Stages / Time Activities and Presentation Ss’ Grouping Teaching aids
Welcome SS
Do warm up learnt from previous lessons
Jumping has numerous benefits such as:
Jumping requires no equipment or any specialized gear. ...
1. Warm up Jumping builds strength and improves muscle tone. ...
(10 mins) Jumping is an excellent calorie-burner. ...
Jumping helps improve bone density. ...
Jumping improves your metabolism. ...
Jumping improves heart health.
No need for a long run up (3 to 5 strides for younger athletes)
• Run up should be fast and controlled
• Drive lead knee up into the air (extend drive leg fully before it leaves ground)
• Bring arms up high as knee comes up to encourage lift
• Jump high (as if jumping over a fence) as well as long (JUMP UP AND OUT)
• Keep body tall and head up (do not look down into the sand)
2. • Do not look down at the take-off board when doing the run up
( 15 mins) • Keep chest and hips up high
• Try to land feet together and bend knees on landing (legs in front of body)
• It is okay to get dirty in long jump
• Try to not fall backwards on landing
• To work out take off leg – ask athlete to run and jump over something a few times (to see which leg
they naturally jump off

Target Jump
Develop landing skills and control.
Long jump sand pit, hoops / skipping ropes, ground markers.
Mark targets in the sand (or lay down hoops or skipping ropes). Players line up in groups along the side of
( 20 mins) the pit. (Ensure that the pit is wide enough to allow safe landings) On command, players attempt to land in
the target from a standing jump, or a walking or running approach. Players must control the landing so
that they can remain balanced within the target until given a signal to leave.
Teacher: Andrew Class: Grade 2 Subject: Running Jumps Week: 6
Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:
Jump and Clap
Encourage use of arms when jumping.
Players lined up along the side of the pit in groups, or on the runway.
As part of a standing, walking or running jump, players attempt a loud clap above their heads whilst in the
air. The leader can award points for the quality of the clap.
In addition to asking players to clap, ask them to, when landing, make hand prints in the sand just in front
( 20 mins) of their feet. This encourages bending legs and leaning forward on landing. An additional challenge
requires each successive player to land their hands in the hand prints left by the previous player.
General jumping development.
Using a standing or walking jump, players attempt to jump across a "river" drawn in the sand or marked
with skipping ropes. Mark a widening river in the sand. Players proceed to points further along the river as
they succeed.
4. Wrap-up (5’) Warm down doing activity sheet and review

5. Home link (5’)

HoDs signature
Long jumping is all about explosive power. The more power you can generate through your legs, the higher and farther
you'll be able to jump.

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