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Teacher: Andrew Class: Grade 2 Subject: Standing jumps Week: 6

Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:

Unit 1:
Session : 11
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
● Practise the standing jump for distance and height
II. Teaching content: Standing jumps
III. Time: 40
IV. Teaching aids:
V. Students’ assumed knowledge: warm up from previous lesson
VI. Procedures
Stages / Time Activities and Presentation Ss’ Grouping Teaching aids
Welcome SS
1. Warm up Play the Freeze game
(10 mins) Do warm up learnt from previous lessons
The standing long jump is widely applied to assess lower body strength in children and adolescents.
How to do a standing vertical jump
Here is a step-by-step guide into how to do a standing vertical jump.
Spread your feet slightly.
Crouch slightly at the knees.
Keep your back straight.
( mins)
Push up explosively through the balls of your feet.
Throw your hands up to help with momentum.
Land on the balls of your feet, then your heels.
Crouch slightly and repeat the exercise.
Hippity Hop Obstacle Course
Practice his motor and coordination skills by taking a soft foam ball and putting it between his knees while
standing. Have your kid hop around with the ball between his legs to different parts of the classroom room.
Can he hop to the couch without dropping the ball?
( mins) Take a piece of chalk and draw a hopscotch game on your sidewalk, driveway or an empty school
playground. Even without chalk, you can still outline hopscotch on the snow with sticks, rocks or even food

Lilly Pads Jumping Game

The Lilly Pads jumping game can be played in groups as well as individually. Choose large objects such as
4. place mats, hula hoops, or flat cardboard boxes, as Lilly pads. Place about eight Lilly pads on the ground in
such a way that each Lilly pad should be placed one foot apart. Lilly pads are known to hold anyone on it
( mins)
safely above the river. Let your preschoolers jump from one Lilly pad to the next by taking turns in order,
one at a time while play-pretending the Lilly pads are in water. The kid who misses jumping onto the Lilly
pad and touches the ground outside the Lilly Pad is out or must start all over again.
Teacher: Andrew Class: Grade 2 Subject: Standing jumps Week: 6
Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:
Jumping helps kids understand their body better. They develop better coordination overall and lead a
5. Wrap-up (5’)
rewarding life. Both sides of the brain and body work together to maintain balance and coordination.
Warm down with activity sheet

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