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Teacher: Andrew Class: Grade 2 Subject: PE Week: 5

Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:

Unit 1:
Session : 10
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
● Explore the various ways of jumping (taking off from one foot and landing on two feet etc)
II. Teaching content: Jumping
III. Time: 40 mins
IV. Teaching aids: Tape, cones, rope
V. Students’ assumed knowledge: Apply warm ups from previous lesson
VI. Procedures
Stages / Time Activities and Presentation Ss’ Grouping Teaching aids
Welcome SS
Play the movement game
Do warm up learnt from previous lessons
Benefits of Jumping
Improves balance and coordination
Is a whole body exercise
Improves cardio-vascular health
1. Warm up Improves bone density
(10 mins) Improves muscle strength
Jumping may not seem like an important developmental milestone for children, but it’s one of the activities
children need for better gross motor strength, proprioception, motor planning, balance and core muscle.
Without this development, your child’s lower levels of the brain (cerebellum) used for balance, coordination,
attention and rhythm could become underdeveloped, which could lead to delays in learning, sensory-
seeking behavior, or attention and focus issues in the classroom.
Jumping requires strong legs, a strong trunk, coordination and balance.
Checklist of skill criteria for jumping (broad jump & vertical jump):
Eyes focused forward (broad jump) or upward (vertical jump) during jump.
Ankles, knees and hips bend
Arms swing behind the body
Forceful forward and upward swing of the arms
Legs straighten in the air
Ankles, knees and hips bend on landing
Controlled landing with no more than one step in any direction
( 15 mins)
Jump off a small height and practice landing like you are riding a motorbike
Experiment with different types of jumping – into hoops, jump for a target, over small hurdles, into long
jump pits, in jumping sacks
Children can get very easily fatigued when performing continuous jumps so mix jumping up with running
and other activities
Teacher: Andrew Class: Grade 2 Subject: PE Week: 5
Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:
Jumping Jacks (Star Jumps)
Old Fashioned Jumping Jacks – Great for cardio-vascular fitness as well as strengthening muscles and
bones. This activity also requires motor planning, sequencing and coordination skills. No expensive
equipment and can be done anywhere – just ensure there is sufficient space for the children to extend their
arms without bumping into anyone. Perfect for a mini break in between lessons.
Animal Fun Jumps
Animal Fun’s Kangaroo Jumps and Frog Jumps encourages children to use their imagination whilst
performing the jumps.
( 10 mins) Position one person on all fours on the ground. Leap over that person spreading your legs like a frog. If you
have more than two people playing, keep leaping until you reach the front of the line, and then land in a
crouched position covering your head on the floor. Start the game over with the last person in line starting
the leaping.
Position each on the ground parallel to each other about 5 inches apart. Have your kiddo stand behind the
first piece of tape and ask her to jump. Measure how far she makes it. Too easy? Move the pieces of tape so
they are farther apart.
4. Wrap-up (5’) Do an activity cool down review

5. Home link (5’)

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