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Digital Marketing
UNIT -01
Introduction to Digital Marketing – 01

Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning – 02

1. Introduction to Digital Marketing:
• Overview of digital marketing,
• Evolution of digital marketing,
• Importance and benefits of digital marketing,
• Digital marketing channels and platforms
• The 4 Ps of marketing

2. Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning:

• Developing a digital marketing strategy,
• Setting goals and objectives,
• Budgeting and resource allocation.
• Affiliate marketing
01 02 03
Overview of digital Evolution of digital Importance and
marketing marketing benefits of digital

04 05 06
Digital marketing Developing a digital
channels and platforms
Setting goals and
marketing strategy objectives


Budgeting and resource

Overview of digital marketing

Digital marketing — often referred to as ‘online marketing’,

‘internet marketing’, or ‘web marketing’
It encompasses any type of marketing effort requiring an
electronic device or the internet.

And there are a lot of electronic devices connected to the

internet now, making digital marketing more business-
critical every day.

History The term ‘digital marketing’ was coined in the

1990s, yet its complete usage and importance has risen
only in the recent past.

What is Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is achieving marketing objectives through applying digital media data and
technology, it is the act of promoting and selling products and services by leveraging online marketing tactics
such as social media marketing, search marketing, email marketing, mobile apps and any other form of
digital media.

▪ Social media marketing ex: facebook, Youtube, Instagram
▪ Search marketing ex: search engines such as Google,
Bing, and Yahoo
▪ Email marketing ex : receiving personalized coupon/offers on
products via email

Traditional Marketing: Just a decade ago, if a business

wanted to reach out to target customers they would
promote using traditional marketing mediums such as
TV, radio, print (ads in newspaper or magazine),
business card etc.,.

Traditional and Digital communication

Traditional Vs Digital Marketing
Sl. No. Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing
1 The promotion of products and services The promotion of products and services through digital
through TV, Telephone, Banner, Broadcast, media or electronic mediums like SEO,
Door to Door, Sponsorship, etc. SEM, PPC, etc.
2 Traditional Marketing is not cost-effective. Digital Marketing is more cost-
3 It is not so good for Brand building It is efficient and fast for brand building.

4 Traditional Marketing is difficult to Measure Digital Marketing is easy to Measure with the help of
analytics tools.
5 It is difficult to quantify the return on It is simple to calculate in the case of digital marketing.
investment in traditional marketing
6 After the posting of the advertisement, it Even after the posting of an advertisement, it can be
cannot be altered amended

Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is about

• Audiences
• Digital devices
• Digital platforms
• Digital media
• Digital data
• Digital technology

Digital Marketing
✸ Digital marketing is about:

➢ Audiences: What audience interactions we need to understand and manage.

Digital marketing involves the following “5Ds” of managing digital marketing interactions:

➢ Digital devices: Our audiences interact with business using a combination of smart phones,
tablets, desktop computers, gaming devices…

➢ Digital platforms: Most of interactions on these devices are through a browser or apps from
the major platforms e.g. Twitter, Instagram…

➢ Digital media: Different communication channels for reaching and engaging audiences are
available including advertising, email and messaging…

➢ Digital data: The insight businesses collect about their audience profiles and their
interactions with businesses now needs to be protected by law in most countries.

➢ Digital technology: The marketing technology that businesses use to create interactions
from websites and mobile apps to in-store and email campaigns.

✸ Evolution of digital marketing

• Digital marketing first appeared as a term in the 1990s but, as mentioned above, it was very different
world then; Web 1.0 was primarily static content with very little interaction and no real communities.

• The first banner advertising started in 1993 and the first web crawler (called WebCrawler) was created
in 1994 – this was the beginning of search engine optimization (SEO).

• 1998 saw the birth of Google. Microsoft launched the MSN search engine and Yahoo brought to the
market Yahoo web search.
• Once Google started to grow at pace and Blogger was launched in 1999 the modern internet age began.
• In 2000, the internet bubble burst and all the smaller search engines were either left behind or wiped
out leaving place for the giants.
• The rise of social media platforms like Facebook (2004), Youtube (2005) and Twitter (2006) introduced
new opportunities for digital marketing.
• Then in 2006, digital marketing world saw its first steep surge. At that time, search engine traffic already
grown to about 6.4 billion in a single month.
• 2007 – First smartphone –iPhone introduction.
• 2008 – First Android smartphone.
• 2010 – Instagram , Pinterest , ipad

✸ Evolution of digital marketing

Digital Marketing History Graphic Guide

Importance and benefits of digital marketing

Digital marketing offers the ability to reach and engage target audiences in ways
which were never before possible (local audience, but also an international one).

A strong digital marketing strategy can deliver a far higher return on investment
(ROI) than traditional marketing methods.

People are consuming digital content at a never seen before rate. More than half of
the planet now has regular access to the internet, spending an average of 6 hours
online per day, presenting massive opportunities for brands and businesses

Importance and benefits of digital marketing

Digital marketing offers a wide range of benefits for businesses and organizations in today's
digital age. Some of the key advantages of digital marketing include:
• Cost-Effective
• Targeted Marketing
• Measurable Results
• Increased Reach
• Personalization
• Greater Engagement
• Flexibility and Adaptability
• Brand Building
• Competitive Advantage
• Global Reach
• Better ROI

In summary, digital marketing offers numerous advantages, from cost-effectiveness and

precise targeting to immediate impact and valuable customer insights. It has become an
essential component of modern business strategies for reaching and engaging with a diverse
and ever-connected audience.

Digital marketing channels and platforms

Digital Marketing Channels
A Channel is a means of communication. A digital marketing channel refers to a specific online
platform, medium, or method through which organizations or individuals can communicate,
engage with their audience, and deliver content or messages in the digital space.

These channels are the means through which digital marketing strategies are executed.

Digital Marketing Platforms

Platforms are foundational. You build upon them, using the tools they offer to implement your
communication strategy. An integrated digital marketing platform is a combination of integrated
tools and technology
that allow marketers to manage big chunks of their digital marketing responsibilities.

The world of business just can’t do without digital media. From targeting new people to
maintaining relations with loyal customers, everything happens digitally.

Digital marketing channels and platforms

Digital marketing channels
Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of channels and tactics used by businesses
and organizations to promote their products, services, or brand online.

Here's a brief overview of some key digital marketing channels:

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

2. Content Marketing
3. Social Media Marketing
4. Email Marketing
5. Affiliate Marketing
6. Video Marketing
7. Mobile Marketing
8. Chatbots and AI-Driven Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the process of improving brands website ranking in search engines like Google.
SEO is closely linked with content marketing. If you consistently create high-quality content around relevant
topics, it will help improve search visibility, which can increase website traffic.

Digital Marketing platforms

Digital marketing platforms are tools and online services that businesses and marketers use to
execute and manage their digital marketing campaigns effectively.
These platforms provide a wide range of features to help reach and engage with target
Here's a brief overview of some key digital marketing platforms:
1. Search advertising - Google Ads
2. Facebook Ads
3. LinkedIn Advertising
4. Twitter Ads
5. YouTube Ads
6. Content Management Systems (CMS)
7. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software
8. Analytics and Data Tools
9. E-commerce Platforms
10. SMS and Mobile Marketing Platforms

✸ Digital Marketing Platform
✸ Search Advertising – Google ads
Google Analytics
The 4 Ps of marketing
● Product
● Price
● Place
● Promotion
This may be a physical product or it may be your service proposition.
The key here is that something is developed that people actually want to
buy. Some businesses begin with a product and then try to force that on an
audience. If there is no demand for your product and no one is interested
then you will not be able to create demand.

The 4 Ps of marketing
Pricing is the second P and one that can be more of
a science than an art.

Understanding price elasticity and competitive

positioning are angles to consider.

the key factor

is whether you are asking for a price that people are willing to pay.

The ‘willing to pay’ element of that does of course have many factors behind it such as your
brand value, online reviews, product quality and others but there are also numerous tactics that
can be employed here.

The 4 Ps of marketing
Location, location, location. Building your shop in
the wrong place decreases footfall and ultimately
means fewer sales.

Having your shop in the right place but not having the
stock in the shop is even worse.
Having your product in the shop in the right location but
then not displaying it correctly –
so people cannot find it – is also a factor of ‘place’
All of these apply to digital marketing. You may not have a physical shop
but your online shop must be easy to find – this relates back to SEO, paid
search and most other digital acquisition channels. Once someone arrives
✸ is it easy to navigate and find the information and products that they want?
Do you have the items in stock and is your site working correctly to dispatch
The 4 Ps of marketing
Promotion is what most people think of when they
hear the word market-
ing. Your TV campaign, your press advertising,
your display banners.

Above-the-line and below-the-line marketing are

terms used to differentiate between broadcast and
targeted marketing techniques
Above-the-line:refers to mass market Below-the-line: (tailor your communications to
advertising individuals)
– TV; – SEO;
– radio; – direct mail;
– press; – paid search;
✸ – display advertising; – e-mail;
– outdoor. – direct selling.
The 4 Ps of marketing
Promotion is what most people think of when they
hear the word market-
ing. Your TV campaign, your press advertising,
your display banners.

Above-the-line and below-the-line marketing are

terms used to differentiate between broadcast and
targeted marketing techniques
Above-the-line:refers to mass market Below-the-line: (tailor your communications to
advertising individuals)
– TV; – SEO;
– radio; – direct mail;
– press; – paid search;
✸ – display advertising; – e-mail;
– outdoor. – direct selling.
Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning
➢ Developing a digital marketing strategy,

➢ Setting goals and objectives,

➢ Budgeting and resource allocation.

Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning
➢ Developing a digital marketing strategy,

➢ Setting goals and objectives,

➢ Budgeting and resource allocation.

Why do you need a digital marketing strategy?

Because without one organizations will miss opportunities and lose business.
Formulating a digital marketing strategy will help you to make informed decisions
about your foray into the digital marketing arena, and ensure that your efforts are focused
on the elements of digital marketing that are most relevant to your business.
It is a crucial first step towards understanding how the constantly evolving digital marketplace
relates to you, and how it affects the relationship between your business or brand, and your
customers and prospects

Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning
What is a digital marketing strategy?
A digital marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan that outlines how a business will
achieve its marketing goals via online channels like search, social media, Apps and
email. It involves understanding your target audience, setting clear objectives, and
implementing effective digital marketing tactics to reach and engage your audience.
A digital marketing strategy is a set of planned actions performed online to reach specific
business goals. In simple terms, this means performing consistent actions at the right time
via the most suitable online channels to increase revenue and improve relationships with
your audience.
Core elements of creating a successful strategy include:
•Digital channels.
•Target audience and regions.
✸ •Core messaging components.
Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning
➢ Developing a digital marketing strategy,
Developing a digital marketing strategy involves a series of steps that guide your online
marketing efforts to achieve specific goals. Here's a detailed breakdown of the process:
1. Define Your Objectives:
2. Identify Your Target Audience:
3. Research Your Competitors:
4. Choose the Right Digital Channels:
5. Content Strategy:
6. Budget Allocation:
7. Implement SEO and SEM:
8. Social Media Strategy:
9. Email Marketing:
10. Analytics and Metrics:
11. Testing and Optimization:
12. Compliance and Legal Considerations:
✸ 13. Review and Adjust:
14. Execution and Monitoring:
Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning
➢ Developing a digital marketing strategy,

1. Define Your Objectives:

- Start by setting clear, specific, and measurable objectives for your digital marketing campaign.
These objectives should align with your overall business goals. Common objectives include
increasing brand awareness, generating leads, driving sales, or improving customer engagement.

2. Identify Your Target Audience:

- Create detailed buyer personas to understand your ideal customers. Consider demographics,
behaviors, interests, challenges, and pain points. This helps you tailor your digital marketing efforts
to effectively reach and engage your audience.

3. Research Your Competitors:

- Analyze your competitors' digital marketing strategies to identify their strengths, weaknesses,
and opportunities. This research will inform your strategy and help you stand out in your industry.

Developing a digital marketing strategy,
4. Choose the Right Digital Channels:
- Determine which online platforms and channels are most suitable for reaching your target
audience. Consider the following options:
- Social Media: Choose platforms that your audience frequents, such as Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, LinkedIn, or TikTok.
- Email Marketing: Utilize email to nurture leads and retain customers.
- Content Marketing: Develop high-quality content like blog posts, videos, infographics, and
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your website to rank higher in search engine
- Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC): Use paid search and display ads to promote your products
or services.
- Influencer Marketing: Partner with influencers who can reach your target audience.
- Affiliate Marketing: Collaborate with affiliates to promote your products or services. Affiliate
marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another
person's or company's products.

Developing a digital marketing strategy,
5. Content Strategy:
- Develop a content strategy that aligns with your objectives and resonates with your target
audience. Plan the creation of valuable, relevant, and engaging content that serves your
audience's needs.

6. Budget Allocation:
- Allocate your budget across different digital marketing channels and tactics. Consider factors
like advertising costs, content creation expenses, and tools or software subscriptions. Ensure
that your budget aligns with your objectives.

7. Implement SEO and SEM:

- Optimize your website for search engines (SEO) to improve its visibility in organic search
results. Consider using search engine marketing (SEM) for paid advertising, such as Google

8. Social Media Strategy:

- Create a social media marketing strategy that outlines your content scheduling, engagement

strategies, and paid advertising campaigns. Tailor your approach to the specific platforms you're
Developing a digital marketing strategy,
9. Email Marketing:
- Develop an email marketing strategy to nurture leads and maintain customer relationships.
Personalize your email content and segment your email lists to deliver targeted messages.

10. Analytics and Metrics:

- Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your objectives, such as website
traffic, conversion rates, click-through rates, and social media engagement. Implement analytics
tools like Google Analytics to track and measure your results.

11. Testing and Optimization:

- Continuously test and optimize your digital marketing campaigns. Implement testing and
analyze data to refine your approach for better results.

12. Compliance and Legal Considerations:

- Ensure that your digital marketing activities comply with relevant laws and regulations, such
as data protection and privacy rules (e.g., GDPR). Be transparent about data collection and

Developing a digital marketing strategy
13. Review and Adjust:
- Periodically review your digital marketing strategy to adapt to changes in your industry,
technology, and consumer behavior. Stay updated with digital marketing trends and
incorporate new tactics as needed.

14. Execution and Monitoring:

- Implement your digital marketing strategy and monitor the performance of your
campaigns. Make real-time adjustments when necessary to optimize your results.

By following these steps, once can create a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that
helps achieve your business goals and effectively reach your target audience in the online
space. That digital marketing is an evolving field, so ongoing analysis and adjustments are
crucial for long-term success.
C,D- 8/11 done

Setting goals and objectives
❑ Setting Goals

Setting goals is one of the key phases in any marketing plan. Goals are high-level statements
about what you need to achieve in order to deliver against your vision.
Goal setting offers an idea of where the organization is going and it enables adjustments to
the marketing strategy.

Goals need to be structured to meet a set of criteria - the 4 Rs

● Relevant: does it fit with your vision?

● Resonating: does it fit with your business’s values and goals?
● Responsive: is it adaptable and flexible so that it can change if
● Recognizable: is it easily understandable?

▪ Setting goals
Some example goals are:
● increase sales;
● improve profitability;
● provide best-in-class customer service;
● deliver a world-class digital experience;
● hire the best talent;
● become the thought leader;
● gain market share.
One should aim to set a limited number of goals that focus on the key aims of your strategy
and fit with the strategic pillars of your business. They also need to be integrated so that
they fit together without any conflicting elements.

▪ Setting goals
Your business strategy will have goals and each goal will have objectives, strategies and
action plans below it.
Some of these strategies may in turn have goals that have their own objectives and so
through a waterfall effect the goals of your organization are delivered

Setting Goals and Objectives
▪ Objectives
Your objectives are specific, quantifiable and time-based. They are the steps or
milestones that you need to take towards meeting your ultimate goal. Many businesses
use a SMART approach to creating objectives.

SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based

Specific: simple and easy to understand. no matter who were to look at your action
plan it should be absolutely clear what needs to be achieved for the action plan to be
met. There must be no ambiguity.

Measurable: they can be measured through any kind of quantitative or qualitative unit.
how will you know when you have met your action plan?
It is vital that there is a clear measure so that everyone involved knows when the action
✸ plan has been hit and there is no confusion. This also allows you to understand how
much progress you are making towards meeting your action plan.
Setting Goals and Objectives
▪ Objectives
Attainable: setting action plans that are realistic is crucially important and should be
achievable. If your action plans are not attainable then you can never meet them,
which ultimately means you can never reach your goals. So Ensure that your objectives
are realistic and attainable.

Relevant: the action plan needs to be relevant to your goal. Having an action plan that does
not tie in with the wider work is not only irrelevant but also a distraction from achieving your

Time-based: Your action plan needs a time frame and also specific milestones. As
with any piece of work, having a deadline gives the action plan a much greater chance
of being delivered.

Budgeting and
Resource allocation.
Budgeting and resource allocation.
▪ Budgeting
Budgeting in digital marketing is the process of allocating financial resources to various
online marketing activities and campaigns. It involves setting aside a specific amount of
money for digital marketing initiatives, such as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social
media marketing, content creation, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO),
and more. Effective budgeting is crucial for managing and optimizing the return on
investment (ROI) in digital marketing.
▪ Defining Marketing Goals ▪ Social Media Advertising

▪ Understanding Your Audience ▪ Analyt0ics and Tracking Tools

▪ Determining the Right Channels ▪ Contingency Fund

▪ Content Creation and Distribution ▪ Regular Monitoring and Adjustments

▪ Email Marketing Costs

✸▪ SEO and Website Optimization
Budgeting and resource allocation.
▪ Budgeting
Defining Marketing Goals: Before allocating a budget, it's essential to clearly define your
digital marketing goals. Whether you aim to increase website traffic, generate leads, boost
online sales, or improve brand awareness, your budget should align with these objectives.

Understanding Your Audience: A deep understanding of your target audience is

essential. Knowing your audience's preferences, behaviors, and demographics helps you
allocate resources to the channels and strategies that are most likely to reach and engage
your customers.

Determining the Right Channels: Different digital marketing channels may require
different budget allocations. For example, PPC advertising may require a daily or monthly
budget, while content marketing or social media may have ongoing content production costs.

Budgeting and resource allocation.
▪ Budgeting
Content Creation and Distribution: Content marketing is a crucial component of digital
marketing. Allocate resources for content creation, including blog posts, videos, infographics,
and other materials. Budget for distribution and promotion to ensure your content reaches
your target audience.

Email Marketing Costs: Email marketing tools, list management, and creative assets for
email campaigns should be budgeted for, especially if you plan to run email marketing
campaigns regularly.

SEO and Website Optimization: Budget for SEO efforts, including keyword research, on-
page and off-page SEO, and technical website optimization. This can also include the cost of
SEO tools and analytics platforms.

Budgeting and resource allocation.
▪ Budgeting
Social Media Advertising: For social media marketing, allocate a budget for paid advertising
on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Consider the costs of ad
creation, targeting, and monitoring.

Analytics and Tracking Tools: Allocate funds for analytics tools, data analysis, and tracking
platforms that allow you to measure the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns.

Contingency Fund: Maintain a contingency fund to address unexpected opportunities or

challenges in the digital marketing landscape. This flexibility can be particularly important in
the fast-paced online environment.

Regular Monitoring and Adjustments: Continuously monitor your spending against the
allocated budget and adjust as necessary. Analyze the performance of each digital marketing
channel and campaign to ensure that your resources are being used effectively.

Budgeting and resource allocation.
In simple terms, a Gantt chart shows the distinct elements of a project, their individual
timelines and how they fit together to reach the project goal.

Budgeting and resource allocation.
Gantt chart sample project Project Morris, being run by ‘Lulu’. This project has just
three tasks and each has tasks underneath it that ensure the above level can be completed.
Each task then can have a clear start and end date so that it can be tracked. You can also add
dependencies to the chart to show where one task cannot be completed until another has been
completed first. It is also quite common now to include a RAG (red, amber, green) status to give
an immediate indication of the status of the task.

Resource allocation
What is Resource allocation in digital marketing?
Resource allocation refers to the strategic distribution of available resources, including
budget, time, personnel, and technology, to achieve specific marketing goals and
objectives. It is a critical aspect of digital marketing management, as it ensures that resources
are utilized efficiently to maximize the return on investment (ROI) and achieve desired

Here's an overview of resource allocation in digital marketing:

• Budget Allocation
• Time and Effort Allocation
• Personnel Allocation
• Technology and Tools Allocation
• Campaign Allocation
• Testing and Optimization Allocation
• Content and Creative Asset Allocation
✸ • Data and Analytics Allocation
Resource allocation
Budget Allocation:
One of the most crucial aspects of resource allocation in digital marketing is the
allocation of budget. Marketers need to decide how to distribute their financial resources
across various digital marketing channels and campaigns, such as pay-per-click (PPC)
advertising, social media marketing, content creation, email marketing, and search engine
optimization (SEO).

Time and Effort Allocation:

Marketers must determine how to allocate their time and effort to different tasks and
strategies within the digital marketing realm. This includes content creation, campaign
management, data analysis, and strategy development.

Personnel Allocation:
Depending on the size and structure of the marketing team, allocating personnel to
specific tasks and roles is crucial. This includes designating team members to manage social
media, content creation, email marketing, SEO, and other responsibilities.

Resource allocation
Technology and Tools Allocation:
Digital marketing relies on various tools and technologies. Decisions must be made about
which tools to invest in and how to allocate them across the marketing ecosystem. This may
include customer relationship management (CRM) software, analytics tools, marketing
automation platforms, and ad management systems.

Campaign Allocation:
Within digital marketing, individual campaigns or initiatives need resource allocation. This
involves determining how much budget, time, and personnel to assign to each campaign, as
well as selecting the appropriate marketing channels for each campaign's objectives.

Testing and Optimization Allocation:

Resource allocation is also required for testing and optimization efforts. Marketers need
to allocate resources to A/B testing, data analysis, and iterative improvements to enhance
campaign performance.

Resource allocation
Content and Creative Asset Allocation:
Allocating resources for content creation, design, and other creative assets is vital for
maintaining a strong online presence. This includes producing blog posts, videos,
infographics, and other content.

Data and Analytics Allocation:

Allocating resources for data collection, analysis, and reporting is essential for measuring
the effectiveness of digital marketing efforts and making data-driven decisions.

What is Affiliate marketing and its example?
Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for
marketing another person's or company's products. The affiliate simply searches for a
product they enjoy, then promotes that product and earns a piece of the profit from each sale
they make.

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