(Dịch) Dạy học dự án TA

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I. Objectives
1. Special abilities
After completing the project, students will achieve:
- Know which foods originate from plant parts.
- Recognize the signs of poisonous plants
- Present dishes made from plant parts.
2. General capacity
After completing the project, students have the opportunity to form and
- Ability to be autonomous and self-study: Carry out the learning tasks given by
the teacher. Be confident when presenting and expressing opinions
- Communication and cooperation capacity: Actively participate in performing
learning tasks under the teacher's guidance. Carry out common tasks in the
given group
- Problem solving ability: Self-study, self-improvement, conscious in learning.
Know how to apply what you have learned to real life.
3. Quality
- Responsibility: Initially forming responsibility for completing common work
in the group and assigned individual tasks.
- Patriotism: Love nature, know how to preserve and protect the environment.
II. Teaching aids
1. Teacher preparation:
2. Student preparation:
III. Main teaching activities

Time Content Teacher activities Student activities

3’ 1. Warm-up Teacher organizes for

students to warm up with a
- Teacher shows the song - Students sing along to the
- Teacher comments on the music
students' activities. - Students listen
- Teacher leads: Plant world
around us is really rich and
diverse, each species has
their own beauty and
differential function. In the
previous lesson, we explored
the plant world through
Chapter 1: Living Things.
Today, we are going to
review all the knowledge
through designing some
projects. Are you ready!

2. Explore - Teacher divides class into 3 - Students pay attention to

Objectives: group based on class size performing tasks
- Know which foods - Teacher requests student to
originate from plant elect the monitor to each - Groups elect group
parts. group leaders
- Recognize the - Teacher distributes three
signs of poisonous sample for each group to
plants observe and ask each group
- Present dishes questions:
made from plant + With this vegetable/fruit,
parts. which part of this can we
+ What dishes can you make
with these vegetables/fruits?
- Teacher lets students
- Planning includes discuss in groups in 2 - Students present:
choosing topics and minutes. + Group 1: cabbage,
planning learning - Teacher invites the carrots, mango. (Students
tasks. representative of each group continue presenting)
share the result + Group 2: water spinach,
- Teacher invites the onion, apple.
remaining groups to + Group 3: coriander,
comment potatoes, oranges.
- Teacher comments - Students below class
- Teacher concludes: We eat comment and add edible
the roots of some plants, the parts and some dishes
leaves of other plants, and made from them.
we eat the fruit. It is seldom - Students listen
that we eat the entire mature
plant. Usually when we eat
plants and call them either
fruits or vegetables. Since
most plant foods are grouped
into the two groups many of
the foods we eat as
vegetables are actually fruits.
*Teacher instructs student
to explore and expand their
knowledge about poisonous
Based on name
- Teacher asks:
+ Who can share with me
some names of the poisonous
+ How can you know that?
- Teacher invites 2-3 students
to answer
- Teacher invites students to
comment - Students answer
+ poison ivy, poison oak,
poison sumac, or poison
+ I recognize it by name.
- Teacher comments - Students answer
- Teacher concludes: You can - Students listen
easily realize this through the
word “poison” in their name.
But, there are some other
species that we will have to
recognize, so let's find out
Teacher organizes activities
for student to learn about
poisonous plants through
- Teacher shows pictures and
has students comment on the
appearance of each type of
tree. - Students observe

- Teacher introduces the

above plants as poisonous
plants and concludes: The
- Students listen
poisonous plants usually live
in the deep forest. They are
very colorful with
outstanding appearance. So,
many people are attracted to
them. Some people eat them
and the result is itching,
redness, difficulty breathing,
nausea, high fever,...

So, when you see the

poisonous plants in the forest
- Project or any garden that you cross. - Students answer: Do not
implementation Should you touch or eat touch or eat strange plants
- Teacher requires all groups
to do the project and the
mission: Systematize
knowledge about plant parts
that you can eat and present
signs that identify poisonous
- Teachers monitor and guide
students on how to find a
way to solve the problem. - Students observe
- Teacher invites
representatives of groups to
present their products - Students learn how to do
- Teacher invites the things from relatives and
remaining groups to the internet.
comment - Representatives of the
- Teacher comments and group presented
- Teacher concludes: We just
systematized some foods from - Students commented
plant parts. You also know
which plants you should eat - Students listen
or not. Now to apply that
knowledge into practice, we
participate in a project
called "MasterChef Junior".
- Teacher continues to
perform group 3 with the
following tasks:
+ Group 1: Make salad. - Student groups choose
+ Group 2: Making fruit products
yogurt. + Group 1: Vegetable salad
+ Group 3: Making French with vinegar oil.
fries. + Group 2: Fruit yogurt.
- Teachers monitor and
support students in + Group 3: French fries
completing projects when shaken with cheese.
- Teacher asks groups of
students to state the materials - Student presents:
needed to use. * Group 1:
Lettuce, cherry tomatoes,
herbs, purple cabbage.

* Group 2

Apple, mango,
watermelon, yogurt.

* Group 3:

Potatoes, cooking oil,
cheese powder.
- Teacher asks the groups to
show how to make the dish - 3 groups show how to
make the dish
+ Group 1:

Steps Making
1. Put the prepared
vegetables in a
2. Pour the
dressing into the
vegetable bowl.
3. Mix
4. Pour onto a plate
and enjoy.

+ Group 2:

Steps Making
1 Pour 1 box of
yogurt into the
2 Cut fruit into
pieces and place
on top of the
3 Add 1 teaspoon
of condensed
4 Decorate and

+ Group 3:

Steps Making
1 Peel the potatoes,
wash them, cut
them into 5cm
long pieces (ask
an adult to use a
2 Ask an adult to
pour oil into the
pan and wait for
the oil to boil.
3 Drop the
potatoes in to fry.
4 Remove, shake
cheese and place
on a plate to
- Present project enjoy.

- Teacher organizes for - Representatives of

students to report the results student groups presented
of their learning projects.

- Project evaluation - Teachers organize - Monitor students

evaluation of project
+ The teacher and group
leaders of 3 groups will
grade each dish according to
the following criteria:
● Smell.
● Form.
● Hygiene and food
- Teacher lets students
summarize each group's - Students pay attention.
scores based on the scoring
sheet and announce the
winning group.
- Teacher comments,
concludes and commends.

Apply and Teacher: Just now I praised - Students listen attentively

experience. the whole class for
completing our project very
well. You all summarized the
knowledge you learned
together. And to reward this
well-done part, I want to
dedicate a song to you.
- Teacher shows the song: - Students sing along with
The Plant Parts SONG … the lyrics
This song ended today's
lesson, and that is also the
message I want to give you in
the lesson.


Food scoring sheet

Evaluate section Criteria Score

Content Complete all steps.
(1 points)

Delicious taste
(5 points)

Presentation Decorative, eye-catching

appearance (1 point)

Food hygiene and safety (3


Total 10 points

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