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Al-Ansor Islamic Boarding School

Address: H. Tengku Rizal Nurdin

Street, 3, Padangsidimpuan, Province
of North Sumatra, Indonesia

Student certification

To Whom it May Concern

This is to certify that Miss Soraida Maktar, Student ID 15.1100 / 9983204335

identification Number 1949900365402 Date of birth October 12, 1999, father's name Mr Abdullah
Maktar , Mother's name Mrs Rosana Supea, is studying in Secondary 6 (Grade 12) at Al-Ansor Islamic
Boarding School, Acadamic year 2017/2018.

Issue Date : November 30, 2017

Mr. H. Sahdi Ahmad Lubis

Al-Ansor Islamic Boarding School

(Miss Soraida Maktar)

No. /PA/11/2017
Al-Ansor Islamic Boarding School

Address: H. Tengku Rizal Nurdin

Street, 3, Padangsidimpuan, Province
of North Sumatra, Indonesia

Student certification

To Whom it May Concern

This is to certify that Miss Hayatee Maleh, Student ID 15.1099 / 9988720193

identification Number 1949800131752 Date of birth Agustus 17, 1998, father's name Mr Abdurrohim
Maleh , Mother's name Mrs Hamidah Maleh, is studying in Secondary 6 (Grade 12) at Al-Ansor Islamic
Boarding School, Acadamic year 2017/2018.

Issue Date : November 30, 2017

Mr. H. Sahdi Ahmad Lubis

Al-Ansor Islamic Boarding School

(Miss Hayatee Maleh)


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