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Iodine and Iodine Compounds

PHYLLIS A. LYDAY, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Washington, DC, USA

TATSUO KAIHO, Godo Shigen Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. Physical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8. Economic Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3. Chemical Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9. Inorganic Iodine Compounds . . . . . . . 9
4. Occurrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 10. Organic Iodine Compounds . . . . . . . . 10
5. Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 11. Toxicology and Occupational Health . 11
6. Quality Specifications, Transportation, References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
and Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1. Introduction new element. GAY-LUSSAC named the substance

“iode” after the Greek word for violet-colored.
Iodine, I [7553-56-2], atomic mass 126.9044, In 1814 GAY-LUSSAC published the results of his
atomic number 53, a nonmetallic element of the investigations in Mémoire sur l’Iode.
halogen family, appears in group 17 of the
periodic table between bromine and astatine.
The electronic configuration of the iodine 2. Physical Properties
atom is [Kr]4d105s25p5. The relative atomic
mass of the only stable isotope of iodine is Iodine is the first member of the halogen family
127. There are 22 artificial isotopes with masses that is solid at ambient temperature. Iodine
between 117 and 139, and fourteen of these vapor exhibits fluorescence at low pressure,
yield significant radiation, 122I through 123I and emitting a yellowish green light when illumi-
I through 136I (→ Radionuclides, 2. Radio- nated by sunlight or the light from an electric
active Elements and Artificial Radionuclides). arc. It also rotates the plane of polarized light
The half-lives of the isotopes vary; 136I, has the when placed in a magnetic field between
shortest half-life of 86 s, and 129I, has the longest crossed Nicol prisms, and is thermoluminescent
half-life of 1.6 × 107 a. The isotope 129I is a above 500 °C. Some physical properties of
product of the fission of 235U with slow neu- iodine are as follows:
trons. Because of their use in radioactive tracer
work and radiotherapy, the most important Atomic radius 133.1 pm
radioisotopes are 131I, which has a half-life of Covalent radius 136 pm
8 d, and 125I, which has a half-life of 60 d. Ionic radius 220 pm
Electronegativity (Pauling scale) 2.66
Iodine was first discovered by COURTOIS in Electron affinity 301.9 kJ/mol
1811. While cleaning kelp pans with hot sulfuric Ionization potential 10.451 eV
acid, he noticed the evolution of a violet vapor Solid iodine
that condensed as crystals on the cooler parts of mp 113.6 °C
Density at 101.3 kPa
the vessel. COURTOIS provided samples of this d20 4.93 g/cm3
unknown material to other scientists, and in d60
4 4.866 g/cm3
1813 DAVY and GAY-LUSSAC identified it as a Refractive index, n20
D 3.34

 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

2 Iodine and Iodine Compounds

Vapor pressure Except for the +4 state, thermodynamically

at 25 °C 0.031 kPa
at 113.6 °C 9.17 kPa
stable compounds are formed in all these oxi-
Electrical resistivity dation states. Iodine is the least electronegative
at 25 °C 5.85 × 106 Ωcm of the halogens and is usually less violent in its
at 110 °C 8.33 × 105 Ωcm reactions than fluorine, chlorine, or bromine. It
Thermal conductivity 0.421 W m 1K 1
Dielectric constant at 25 °C 10.3
exhibits mild oxidizing properties in acid solu-
Entropy at 298.2 K 116.81 JK 1mol 1 tion. Iodine is a stronger oxidizing agent than
Heat of fusion at mp 62.17 J/g astatine, the fifth halogen. A basic chemical
Heat of sublimation at mp 238.4 J/g characteristic of the halogens is the formation
Specific heat, J g 1K 1 at 25–113.6 °C 0.21163 + 19.615 × 10 5 t
Liquid iodine
of a salt by direct reaction with a metal. Iodine
bp 184.35 °C reacts slowly with metals that form nonvolatile
Critical temperature 546 °C iodides, for example, magnesium, especially if
Critical pressure 11.6 MPa they are not finely divided.
Critical compressibility factor Zc 0.268
Iodine forms compounds with all the ele-
d120 3.960 g/cm3 ments except the noble gases, sulfur, and sele-
d180 3.736 g/cm3 nium, but only reacts indirectly with carbon,
Electrical resistivity at 140 °C 1.1 × 105 Ω cm nitrogen, oxygen, and some of the noble metals.
Kinematic viscosity
at 116 °C 0.5727 mm2/s (=cSt)
Unlike chlorine, iodine does not form com-
at 184 °C 0.3785 mm2/s (=cSt) pounds with carbon monoxide, nitric oxide,
Dynamic viscosity or sulfur dioxide. Ferric and cupric salts, as
at 116 °C 2.268 mPa  s well as compounds of vanadium, chromium,
at 184 °C 1.414 mPa  s
Dielectric constant at 118 °C 11.08
and manganese in their highest oxidation states,
Heat of vaporization at bp 164.46 J/g are reduced in acid solution by iodide ion, with
Specific heat at 113.6–184 °C 0.3163 J g 1 K 1
the liberation of free iodine.
Gaseous iodine
Vapor density at 101.3 MPa, 185 °C 6.75 g/L
Entropy at 298.2 K 260.63 JK 1
mol 1 Reaction with Organic Compounds. Iodine
Specific heat 25–1200 °C 0.1464 J g 1
K 1 reacts with hydrocarbons but the equilibria
are often unfavorable because hydrogen iodide
The solubilities of iodine in water and is liberated, which may reduce the alkyl iodide
organic solvents and the color of the solutions to the hydrocarbon with formation of iodine.
are given in Table 1. Iodination can sometimes be made to go to
completion by preventing the formation of
free hydrogen iodide. The following three meth-
3. Chemical Properties ods are commonly used:

The principal oxidation states of iodine are 1, 1. Addition of an oxidizing agent, such as nitric
+1, +3, +5, and +7, but an oxide of formula IO2 acid, iodic acid, or a peroxide
with a formal oxidation state of +4 also exists. 2. Neutralization of hydrogen iodide with a
Table 1. Solubility of iodine in various solvents at 25 °C 3. Combination with mercuric salts to form
Solvent Solubility, g/kg Color
mercuric iodide or an iodomercurate(II)
complex [1, 2]
Benzene 164.0 red
Butan-2-ol 97 brown
Carbon disulfide 197.0 red Iodine also adds to carbon – carbon double
Carbon tetrachloride 19.2 violet bonds in compounds such as ethylene, but the
Chloroform 49.7 violet
Ethanol 271.7 brown
reactions often do not go to completion due to
Diethyl ether 337.3 brown their reversibility.
Ethyl acetate 157.0 brown Iodine is used as a catalyst in many
Hexane 13.2 violet organic reactions (e.g., acylation, halogen-
Toluene 182.5 red
Water 0.34 brown
ation, dehydration, isomerization, and pyro-
lytic decomposition).
Iodine and Iodine Compounds 3

Detection of Iodine. Iodine as the free ele- salinity. For example, the Red Sea contains 0.06
ment can be detected by the characteristic blue ppm and the Baltic Sea, 0.01 ppm. Iodine is
color given with a starch solution, or by the concentrated by marine organisms, (e.g.,
violet color of its vapor and of solutions in sponges and seaweed) and by fish, especially
carbon tetrachloride or carbon disulfide. Iodine in the thyroid gland and in liver oil, which
is also detected by the precipitation of yellow contain 510–69 200 ppm [5]. The brown algae
silver iodide, black palladium iodide, or yellow Laminaria and Fucus, which grow in temperate
or red mercuric iodide. Iodine can be quantita- zones of the Northern Hemisphere, have the
tively determined in acidic aqueous solutions by highest iodine content (0.0279–0.4535 wt %
titrating with a standard solution of sodium after drying). The name kelp was originally
thiosulfate by using starch as the indicator. applied to the ash obtained by burning seaweed,
Iodides can also be assayed by the Volhard but has been extended to include the seaweed
method, in which an excess of a standard silver itself, particularly the varieties yielding potash,
nitrate solution is added and then backtitrated iodine, and other commercially important
with a standard thiocyanate solution with ferric products.
alum as the indicator. Quantities of up to 0.05 μg
of iodine can be determined by colorimetric Brines. Iodine occurs frequently as potassium
methods. Iodide and iodate in seawater and or sodium iodide in subsurface brines associated
other saline matrices can be detected by with oil and gas deposits.
using a reagent-free ion chromatography system In Oklahoma, iodine occurs in brines with
with suppressed conductivity and UV detection concentrations of 150–1200 ppm in the Morro-
[3]. wan formation of the Pennsylvanian age [6]. In
California, brines containing 30–70 ppm of
iodine are found in the Monterey Formation
4. Occurrence of the Middle Miocene age and in the Repetto
Formation of the Pliocene age. In Michigan,
According to the U.S. Geological Survey,
brines containing about 30 ppm of iodine occur
iodine is the forty-seventh most abundant ele-
in the Sylvania Formation of the Devonian age.
ment in the earth’s crust if the rare earths are
In playa lakes in the western USA, iodine occurs
counted as a single element. Small quantities of
at a concentration of 14 ppm [7].
iodine are widely distributed in rocks, soils,
In Japan, the major iodine production
underground brines, and seawater.
occurs in the southern Kanto gas field that
Minerals. Iodine is found in nature in the underlies the Chiba, Tokyo, and Kanagawa
following mineral forms: bruggenite, Prefectures. The primary iodine reservoirs
Ca(IO3)2H2O; dietzeite, Ca2(IO3)2CrO4; iodo- occur in the Kiwada, Otadai, and Umegase
argyrite, AgI; iodoembolite, Ag (Cl, Br, I); Formations of the Pliocene to middle Pleisto-
lautarite [7789-80-2], Ca(IO3)2; and marshite cene. Iodine concentrations in the southern
[24401-69-2], CuI. The most important iodine- Kanto gas field range between 110 and 130
containing mineral is lautarite (anhydrous ppm. In the Miyazaki Prefecture, iodine and
calcium iodate) [4]. Iodate occurs in the minerals natural gas are produced from the late Pliocene
bruggenite, dietzeite, and lautarite, in caliche Sadowara and Tonogori members of the Miya-
deposits (between 2 and 50 feet below ground zaki group. Iodine concentrations in the Sado-
level) in the Atacama Desert of Chile’s Antofa- wara gas field range between 59 and 101 ppm.
gasta and Tarapaca Provinces. The iodate is Iodine is contained in the Tomigusuku Forma-
believed to have formed from oceanic emissions tion of the Shimajiri group of late Miocene to
during the late Tertiary and Quaternary epochs. early Pliocene. Iodine concentrations in the
The atmospheric photochemical oxidation of southern Okinawa gas field range between
iodide to iodate is thought to have occurred in 40 and 110 ppm. In the Niigata Prefecture,
the troposphere and at ground level. iodine concentrations range between 7 and 68
ppm in brines in the Niigata and Hachimori gas
Seawater contains approximately 0.05 ppm of fields. The Niigata basin is of the Pliocene to
iodine [5]. The amount of iodine is related to the Pleistocene age [8].
4 Iodine and Iodine Compounds

In Indonesia, iodine occurs with trace Crushed ore is leached to give a solution
amounts of bromine in brines associated with containing sodium nitrate and calcium iodate.
oil. The most important iodine-producing area is After removal of sodium nitrate by precipita-
the Gujangon anticline of sandstone and diato- tion, the iodate-rich mother liquor is treated with
maceous marls of the Upper Pliocene, Kailibeng aqueous sodium hydrogensulfite to reduce the
Formation. The brines were reported to contain iodate to iodide as follows [11]:
about 50 ppm of iodine [9].
Information on iodine production in other 2 NaIO3 ‡ 6 NaHSO3 →2 NaI ‡ 3 Na2 SO4 ‡ 3 H2 SO4
parts of the world is incomplete, but the former
Soviet Union has reported iodine concentrations Addition of an equivalent quantity of the
of 67 ppm in brines associated with oil fields at mother liquor then liberates free iodine.
Lake Bejuk-Schor, near Baku in the Azerbaidz-
han area on the Caspian Sea. Brines in the 5 NaI ‡ NaIO3 ‡ 3 H2 SO4 →3 Na2 SO4 ‡ 3 H2 O ‡ 3 I2

Slavyansko – Troitsko area were reported to

have iodine concentrations of 80–120 ppm in The iodine precipitate is collected by filtra-
the Neftechinski oil field near the Black Sea. At tion and is then fed into a melting tank where it
the Nebit-Dag iodine – bromine plant in is indirectly heated with steam to 120 °C. The
Turkmenistan, iodine is produced from brines molten iodine flows to a settler tank for flaking.
that contain 250 g/L of a combination of boron, The flaker consists of two water-cooled cylin-
calcium, magnesium, sodium compounds, and drical drums made of Hastelloy C, an alloy
iodine [10]. which is resistant to corrosion by iodine. The
molten iodine flows into the trough formed by
the drums and is removed by scraping. The
5. Production iodine flakes are carried by conveyor belt to
be packed in fiber drums with two plastic bags
There have been three phases in the history of inside. An alternative refining process is the
iodine production: prilling process. The molten iodine is intro-
duced into a prilling tower through a perforated
1. Production from seaweed began in 1817 and surface so as to form a plurality of molten
continued until 1959. streams, which transform into droplets, and
2. Production as a byproduct of sodium nitrate are then solidified to prills by a counter-current
production began in 1852. flow of cold air and atomized water. Prilled
iodine is flowable and easy to handle.
3. Production from brines began in 1854.

Six processes have been used to produce Production from Brine. In the USA, iodine is
iodine from brines; the three that are currently produced in Oklahoma by two brine processes.
used are described here in detail. Other, obsolete The brines contain ca. 300 ppm of iodine. In the
processes include the nitrate – sulfite and silver blowing-out process, brine is pumped from the
iodide methods [10]. production well into a surge tank. The iodide-
rich brine is fed into a column, where it is
Production from Chile Salpeter. Chile is the acidified with hydrochloric acid and treated
only location in the world where an iodine- with chlorine to oxidize the iodide to iodine.
containing deposit is commercially mined and The iodine is stripped from the brine by large
processed. Iodine is present in the deposits as volume of air and sent to a second column,
calcium iodate (lautarite and dietzeite). Process- where it is reduced and absorbed in an aqueous
ing of the deposits began prior to the 1800s. The solution of hydriodic acid and sulfuric acid. A
first iodine plant opened in 1852, but closed reducing environment is maintained by adding
during the first year of production. Iodine sulfur dioxide and water. The iodide solution
production did not begin again until about is continuously fed to a storage tank where
1868 and has continued ever since. Iodine is chlorine gas precipitates crystals of molecular
obtained as a byproduct of sodium nitrate iodine. The iodine is filtered from the solution,
production. and the acid stream is returned to the absorption
Iodine and Iodine Compounds 5

column. The wet iodine is purified by melting compounds and the manufacturing step of
under concentrated sulfuric acid to remove iodine-containing materials such as X-ray con-
water and organic contaminants. Finally fused trast agents and optical polarizing films is very
iodine is flaked or prilled, and packaged [6]. beneficial from the viewpoint of economy, envi-
The second process is an adsorption process ronmental protection, and the conservation of
that is used with brines from oil field disposal natural resources. Many iodine manufacturers
plants. The brines are skimmed in holding tanks have recently focused on collecting and recy-
to remove suspended oil. Oil and suspended cling iodine from waste streams with a view to
matter are removed by filtration through sand. sustainability [14].
Hydrochloric acid is added to the brine and
chlorine gas to oxidize the iodide to iodine. 6. Quality Specifications,
The brine is then passed through the absorber,
where iodine is absorbed, and the waste brine is
Transportation, and Storage
neutralized and sent to a disposal well. The
Commercial crude iodine normally has a mini-
adsorbent is treated with sodium hydroxide
mum purity of 99.5 %. Impurities are chiefly
solution, which elutes the iodine as sodium
water, sulfuric acid, iron, and insoluble materi-
iodide. The iodide-rich eluate is sent to a refin-
als. The U.S. Pharmacopeia (U.S.P.) XVII spec-
ery that uses a process similar to the blowing-out
ifies an iodine content of not less than 99.8 %.
The Committee on Analytical Reagents of the
In Japan, iodine is produced from under-
American Chemical Society (ACS) allows a
ground brines associated with gas fields by a
maximum of 0.005 % total bromine and chlo-
blowing-out process and by an ion-exchange
rine, and 0.010 % nonvolatile matter.
process [10]. The blowing-out process is similar
Crude iodine is packed in fiber drums with
to that used in the USA.
two plastic bags inside that contain 25–50 kg.
In the ion-exchange process, the acidified
There are no specific transportation, shipping, or
brine is treated with chlorine or sodium hypo-
safety requirements. As low temperatures
chlorite to liberate iodine, which is adsorbed on
reduce vapor pressure and therefore decrease
an ion-exchange resin (Amberlite) as polyio-
the rate of loss, a cool, well-ventilated storage
dides. The resin is transferred to a recovery
area is recommended.
plant, and the polyiodide is removed as hydro-
Under normal conditions, the rate of loss from
gen iodide by elution with sulfurous acid. Iodine
intact commercial containers is negligible.
is precipitated by addition of chlorine. The
Investment and maintenance costs are high for
iodine is then recovered from the resulting
a new iodine plant using underground brines
slurry by filtration or centrifugation, and purif-
because brine sources usually do not contain
ied by melting under sulfuric acid. Finally fused
high concentrations of iodine and because 1 kg
iodine is flaked or prilled, and packaged [12].
of chlorine is required for the production of
In China iodine resources are limited; almost
1.4–1.8 kg of iodine. Electrical costs for main-
all iodine is produced as a byproduct of seaweed
taining the pumps to bring the brine to the surface,
processing. The Wengfu Mine in China has
for air blowing the iodine, and for reinjecting the
reported iodine concentrations of 0.010% in
brine are major components of maintenance
phosphate rock. Calcining phosphate rock at
costs. Capital costs include high-quality stainless
1050 °C yielded an iodine-rich gas that could
steels because iodine is highly corrosive. In
be further processed. The iodine recovery plant
addition, the brine must be leased from private
consisted of a blowing column and an absorbing
landowners over large acreages for many years.
column with an annual output of 100 t of crude
iodine was commercialized in 1998 [13].
7. Uses
Recycling of Iodine. The production of iodine
is limited mainly to Japan and Chile, so that Iodine was first exploited commercially in 1916
iodine is an extremely limited precious resource. in the form of potassium iodide as a remedy for
Accordingly, recovery of expensive iodine from goiter. In 1916, tincture of iodine and iodoform,
used iodine-containing materials or iodine CHI3, were used as disinfectants for cuts and
6 Iodine and Iodine Compounds

abrasions, and for sanitation. In 1939, LOUIS and carpets, and for converting rosins, tall oil,
DAGUERRE published details of his method for and other wood products to more stable forms is
making photographs on plated silver by using the second major end use [21].
iodine vapor to form a thin coating of light- Butadiene reacts with iodine and copper
sensitive silver iodide crystals. Clinical uses of cyanide to yield a copper(I) iodide complex
iodine have evolved from simple tinctures to of dehydroadiponitrile. Reaction with hydro-
radiopaque media, iodophors, and batteries in cyanic acid gives a high yield of adiponitrile,
subcutaneously implanted pacemakers [15]. which can be catalytically hydrogenated to give
Iodine is also used in a wide variety of specialty hexamethylenediamine, a precursor of nylon 66
chemicals. [22]. In the reaction with HCN the starting
Uses include dietary supplements, catalysts, materials, copper(I) cyanide and iodine, are
inks and colorants, pharmaceuticals, radiopaque regenerated.
diagnostic (X-ray contrast) media, photographic
equipment, sanitary and industrial disinfectants, Animal Feeds. The third area of major iodine
and stabilizers, as well as the production of consumption is in the form of additives for
motor fuels, smog inhibitors, lubricants, high- animal feeds. In 1986, the recommended
purity metals, and iodized salt. Iodine also has amount of ethylenediamine dihydroiodide
applications in cloud seeding. [5700-49-2] (EDDI) consumed in animal feeds
was lowered from 50 to 10 mg per head per day,
Catalysts. The major end use of iodine is in in accordance with the U.S. FDA Compliance
catalysts. Most acetic acid is produced by meth- Policy Guideline (7125.18). Cattle and sheep
anol carbonylation processes. The process are fed iodine compounds for the prevention of
involves hydrogen iodide and iodomethane as soft tissue lumpy jaw. The use of iodized salt
the intermediates. Two processes are known for has significantly reduced the incident of goiter
the carbonylation of methanol: the rhodium- in livestock in certain iodine-deficient geo-
catalyzed Monsanto process, and the iridium- graphical regions. In addition, iodized protein
catalyzed Cativa process. The latter process is in fowl and cattle feed increases yields of eggs
greener and more efficient [16]. Iodide catalysts, and milk. About 25 % of the reported domestic
such as titanium tetraiodide [7720-83-4] and consumption of iodine was in animal feeds,
aluminum iodide [7784-23-8], are also signifi- primarily as the compound EDDI, but also as
cant in the dehydrogenation of butane and potassium iodide, calcium iodate [7789-80-2],
butene to butadiene [17], and in the preparation and calcium periodate [7790-28-5]. Iodine is
of stereoregular polymers [18]. Samarium diio- one of 14 mineral commodities listed by the
dide (SmI2) [32248-43-4] is an important National Feed Ingredients Association as being
reagent in organic synthesis. SmI2 promotes a used for domestic meat production.
number of important carbon–carbon bond for-
mation reactions and is utilized for stereoselec- Agrochemicals. Today a number of halogen-
tive synthesis of natural products [19]. modified compounds are among the best-selling
agrochemicals. However iodine-containing com-
Optical Polarizing Film. Optical polarizing pounds are in the minority. Typical iodine-con-
films are indispensable materials for liquid crys- taining compounds, in use for a long time to date
tal displays (LCDs) such as LCD TV, mobile are as follows;
phones, and automotive navigation systems. In Ioxynil [1689-83-4] (herbicide), Ioxynil octa-
the widely-used iodine-type poly(vinyl alcohol) noate [3861-47-0] (herbicide), triiodobenzoic
(PVA) polarizing films, iodine-dyed PVA films, acid [88-82-4] (plant growth regulator), Iodobo-
which are drawn and cross-linked in a hot boric nil [25671-45-8] (herbicide), Benodanil [15310-
acid solution to improve their durability by cre- 01-7] (fungicide), and Iodocarb [55406-53-6]
ating a cross-linked internal structure, are used as (fungicide).
polarizers [20]. Modern iodine-containing agrochemicals are
as follows;
Stabilizers. Consumption of iodine as a stabi- Iodsulfuron-methyl-sodium [144550-36-7]
lizer in the manufacture of nylon for tire cord (herbicide), Proquinazid [189278-12-4]
Iodine and Iodine Compounds 7

(fungcide), and Flubendiamide [272451-65-7] include meglumine diatrizoate [131-49-7],

(insecticide) [23] sodium diatrizoate [737-31-5], iopanoic acid
[96-83-3], iothalamic acid [2276-90-6], and
Disinfectant. Iodine is an effective germicide sodium tyropanoate [7246-21-1]. These sub-
for a wide range of microorganisms. The use of stances contain between 47 and 67 wt % iodine.
iodine in sanitary preparations, such as disin- Of the nonionic contrast media, Iohexol (1985),
fectants, is the fourth major area of consump- N,N'-bis(2,3-dihydroxypropyl-5-[N-(2,3-dihy-
tion. Iodine is often used in conjunction with droxypropyl)acetamidol]-2,4,6-triiodoisophtha-
iodine-complexing nonionic surfactants or lamide, which contains 46 wt % iodine, and
polymers (iodophors) in disinfectants that are Iopamidol (1985), 1-N,3-N-bis(1,3-dihydroxy-
used in dairies, laboratories, and food process- propan-2-yl)-5-[(2S)-2-hydroxypropanamido]-
ing plants, and for the sanitation of dishes in 2,4,6-triiodobenzene-1,3-dicarboxamide were
restaurants [22]. Poly(vinyl pyrrolidinone) – the first to be marketed [30]. Thereafter,
iodine complex [25655-41-8], PVP-iodine, is many nonionic contrast media, such as Ioversol
extensively used because of its germicidal, bac- (1988) 1-N,3-N-bis(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-5-[2-
tericidal, fungicidal, and general disinfecting hydroxy-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)acetamido]-2,4,6-
properties [24] (→ Disinfectants). The solution triiodobenzene-1,3-dicarboxamide, Ioxilan
contains about 10 % available iodine and about (1995), N-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-N´ -(2-hydrox-
5 % inactive iodide [25]. Globaline tablets are yethyl)-5-[N-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)acetamido]-
used by the army to disinfect water supplies 2,4,6-triiodoisophthalamide, Iopromide (1995),
without boiling [26]. Iodine is used as a disin- 1-N,3-N-bis(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-2,4,6-
fectant in swimming pools and is an efficient triiodo-5-(2-methoxyacetamido)-1-N-methyl-
microbiocide. It is more effective than chlorine benzene-1,3-dicarboxamide, were developed
against the standard fecal indicators. High [31]. Potassium iodide is widely used as an
iodine concentrations are easily maintained expectorant in cough medicines. Hydriodic
and are more stable than chlorine [27]. A study acid and potassium iodide are used in the syn-
in Florida showed that concentrations up to 5 thesis of amphetamine, methamphetamine, and
ppm of iodine in potable water are not deleteri- ethylamphetamine.
ous to health and that 1 ppm is sufficient to
safely disinfect a water supply with no loss of Miscellaneous Uses. One of the oldest indus-
effectiveness at high pH values [28]. Triosyn is trial uses of iodine is in photography. Up to 7 %
a stable iodinated ion-exchange resin consisting of the silver salt in negative emulsions is iodide.
of a triiodide complex (I3–) that is bound ioni- However the digital photographic industry has
cally to a quaternary amine based ion-exchange accomplished unprecedented growth in the past
polymer. This polymer is a versatile antimicro- decades. As a result, traditional silver halide-
bial agent that belongs to a novel class of based photography is being rapidly displaced by
nontoxic, broad-spectrum biocidal agents used digital photography [32]. Iodine is also a con-
to control disease-causing microorganisms and stituent of some dyes including 4´ ,5´ -diiodo-
to treat microbial infections. Triosyn provides fluorescein [38577-97-8], rose bengal [11121-
active biological protection and chemical neu- 48-5], and erythrosine [16423-68-0].
tralization of agents [29]. Erythrosine, certified food color Red No. 3,
contains 58 % iodine and is used in carbonated
Pharmaceuticals. The fifth major area of soft drinks, powdered drinks, gelatin desserts,
iodine consumption is in pharmaceuticals, pri- icings, and pet food. 4´ ,5´ -Diiodofluorescein
marily as radiopaque (X-ray contrast) media, [38577-97-8], C.I. Solvent Red 73, is used
which are injected intravenously or intra- in dyeing and printing cotton, in printing
cerebrally to produce X-ray photographs of half-silk, and in dyeing jute and straw prod-
the internal structure of the body (→ X-Ray ucts. Sodium iodate can also be used in the
Contrast MedIA2). Clinical use includes cardi- dyeing process as an oxidizing agent. Fluo-
oangiography, cerebral angiography, arteriogra- roiodocarbons, such as CF3(CF2)7I [507-63-1]
phy, urography, and phlebography. Media listed and CF3(CF2)7CH2CH2I [2043-53-0], are
by the U.S. International Trade Commission intermediates in the manufacture of oil and
8 Iodine and Iodine Compounds

water repellents, surfactants, and fire- Table 2. Worldwide production of crude iodine [39]
extinguishing foams [33, 34]. Country Production, t/a
Trifluoroiodomethane [2314-97-8], CF3I),
Mr 195.91 is a nontoxic, nonflammable, low 2010 2011 2013 2014
global warming potential (GWP<5) compound Chile 17 500 18 000 20 700 21 000
with almost zero ozone depletion potential. CF3I China NA∗∗ NA NA NA
is also useful as a foam blowing agent and a Indonesia 75 75 75 75
plasma etching agent. CF3I can be produced Japan 9300 9400 9500 9500
Former Soviet Union 300 170 200 200
from CHF3 and I2 by a novel catalyst system Turkmenistan 480 480 500 500
that allows practical and cost-effective large- Azerbaijan 350 350 350 350
scale manufacture [35]. Total 28 000 28 500 31 300 31 600
The addition of iodine to aromatic hydro- ∗
W = Withheld to avoid disclosing company proprietary data.
carbons, such as n-butylbenzene [104-51-8], ∗∗
NA = not available.
results in the formation of charge-transfer com-
plexes that are effective lubricants for some
metals, e.g., titanium or steels [36]. Iodine is crystal, according to Industrial Minerals, aver-
also used to produce high-purity forms of tita- aged around $50 per kilogram at the beginning
nium, silicon, hafnium, and zirconium in the van of 2014 and decreased continuously to an aver-
Arkel process, which involves the formation of age of around $37 per kilogram in September
volatile iodides [37]. 2014 [38].
Table 2 summarizes world production of
crude iodine; estimated iodine consumption
8. Economic Aspects according to use is given in Table 3.
Strong demand for iodine has continued,
In Japan, iodine is produced entirely as a driven by the LCD and X-ray contrast medium
byproduct of natural gas production. Therefore, industries. Some companies that minimized
Japan’s iodine production has remained at con- their use of iodine and iodine compounds in
stant levels because the amount of water 2011 and 2012 owing to the uncertainty of
extracted for this purpose has to be maintained supply have come back into the market. With
at constant levels to prevent land subsidence continued global economic recovery, demand
associated with pumping of water from for iodine for use in biocides, iodine salts,
unconsolidated formations. Japan accounted LCDs, synthetic fabric treatments, and X-ray
about 30% of iodine production in the world contrast media was expected to increase at a rate
in 2014. of between 3.% and 4% per annum during the
Chile has large reserves of iodine associated next decade [38].
with sodium nitrate deposits, but until 1986 had
not provided capital for expansion or process
improvements. In 1987, Chile completed con-
Table 3. Estimated world consumption of iodine according to use
struction of a 150 t/a iodine plant to extract
iodine from waste tailings from sodium nitrate Use Consumption, %
production. After that many iodine plants were SQM (2014)a Kanto (2014)b
constructed in Chile. These new plants guaran-
teed Chile a secure source of iodine from the X-ray contrast media 22 22
Biocide 18 12
accumulated waste tailings. Pharmaceuticals 13 10
Today Chile has the largest iodine produc- Optical polarizing films 12 11
tion capacity in the world. In recent years, Chile Animal nutrition 8 7
is the world’s leading producer of iodine, fol- Heat stabilizers 4 5
Fluorine derivatives 7
lowed by Japan and the USA. Chile accounted Human nutrition 3 4
for more than 60% of world production in 2014. Industrial catalysts 11
The iodine price reached historically high Others 13 18
levels in 2012, after which iodine prices steadily a
Annual Report SQM, 2014.
declined throughout 2014. Spot prices of iodine b
Kanto Natural Gas Dev. WEB [40].
Iodine and Iodine Compounds 9

9. Inorganic Iodine Compounds of free iodine, up to 1 % of ammonium hypo-

phosphite is added as a stabilizer.
Iodine forms binary compounds with hydrogen,
metals, other halogen elements, and oxygen. Iodates have the general formula MIO3, where
M is a univalent metal or electropositive radical.
Iodides range from completely ionic to Iodates can be prepared by dissolving iodine in a
covalent structures; for example, potassium caustic alkali solution and recovering the iodate
iodide is ionic and titanium tetraiodide is by filtration. Iodine can be oxidized with con-
covalent. In general, the ionic iodides are the centrated nitric acid to iodic acid, followed by
most soluble of the halides of a given element. neutralization with an oxide or hydroxide; oxi-
Commercially, iodides are the most impor- dation of an alkaline iodide solution with chlo-
tant class of iodine compounds. In general, they rine; or electrolytic oxidation of a neutral iodide
are less fusible and volatile than chlorides or solution containing chromate with a platinum
bromides. At higher temperature, even the more anode and an iron cathode in a nondiaphragm
stable iodides show dissociation. Volatile cell. Iodates are precipitated when solutions of
covalent iodides, such as those of aluminum metal salts react with alkali metal iodates.
and titanium, form inflammable mixtures with Most iodates are white. The solid metal
air. Dry nitrogen triiodide, NI3, formed by iodates are stable and safe to handle in the
reacting iodine with excess ammonia, will pure state, but should be kept out of contact
explode at ordinary temperature under the with organic substances and other combustible
slightest shock. materials because such mixtures can be explo-
sive. The salts of the alkali metals and magne-
Potassium iodide [7681-11-0], KI, Mr 166.02, sium are soluble in water.
mp 686 °C, forms colorless cubic crystals, Iodates and periodates can be determined by
which are soluble in water, ethanol, methanol, addition of excess alkali metal iodide in an acid
and acetone. It is used in animal feeds, catalysts, solution followed by titration of the liberated
photographic chemicals, and for sanitation. iodine with thiosulfate. Periodates can be deter-
Potassium iodide is produced by reaction of mined in the presence of iodates by adding
potassium hydroxide with iodine. The product potassium iodide to a solution buffered with
is purified by crystallization from water. borax and boric acid, and titrating the liberated
Sodium iodide [7681-82-5], NaI, Mr 149.92, iodine with sodium arsenite solution.
mp 662 °C, forms colorless cubic crystals which Hydrogen iodide [10034-85-2], HI, Mr 127.93,
are soluble in water, ethanol, acetone and glyc- mp 50.9 °C, bp 35.4 °C, is a colorless gas
erol. It is used in photography, for the produc- which fumes in moist air. It is the least stable of
tion of organic chemicals, and as an expectorant the common hydrogen halides, and the best
in cough medicines. Sodium iodide is produced reducing agent. It cannot be prepared using
by the addition of sodium hydroxide or sodium strong acids because it is readily oxidized; there-
carbonate to an acidic iodide solution. The fore, it must be prepared from a weak acid and
anhydrous product is obtained from the solution iodine, or by the hydrolysis of certain iodides.
by evaporation.
Hydriodic acid is the colorless solution formed
Ammonium iodide [12027-06-4], Mr 144.96, when hydrogen iodide gas dissolves in water
forms white tetragonal crystals which are solu- and, at commercial strength, typically contains
ble in water, alcohol, glycerol, and methanol. 47 % hydrogen iodide. Hydriodic acid is used in
On heating, ammonium iodide sublimes with the preparation of iodides and is an important
decomposition. It is used as an expectorant and reagent in organic chemistry. Dilute hydriodic
in photographic chemicals. Ammonium iodide acid reacts with metals or their hydroxides,
is prepared from ammonia, iodine, and hydro- carbonates, and other salts to yield metal
gen peroxide; from ammonia and hydrogen iodides.
iodide; or from ammonium carbonate and
hydrogen iodide. To prevent the crystals or Iodic acid [7782-68-5], HIO3, Mr 175.93,
solution from turning yellow due to formation forms colorless rhombohedral crystals, which
10 Iodine and Iodine Compounds

decompose at 110 °C. It is prepared by oxidizing in a sealed strong glass tube, the Carius method;
iodine with nitric acid. It is a strong oxidizing (2) sodium peroxide in a combustion container;
agent that oxidizes iodide to iodine, sulfite to or (3) a mixture of chromic and sulfuric acids,
sulfate, and hydrogen sulfide to sulfur. It reacts followed by addition of phosphoric acid and
vigorously with dry carbon, phosphorus, and distillation into a solution of sodium arsenite
organic matter. [41].
Polyiodides and polyhalides form when Iodoform [75-47-8], triiodomethane, CHI3, mp
iodine or iodine halides combine with halide 119 °C, crystallizes from acetone as yellow
salts. Some examples are RbI3 [12298-69-0], hexagonal plates, which have a characteristic
[N(CH3)4I9 [3345-37-7], [N(C2H5)4IBr2] penetrating odor and are insoluble in water. The
[20445-98-1], and KICl4 [14323-44-5]. Polyio- compound can be prepared by the reaction of
dide and polyhalide salts usually form highly iodine chloride with acetone in the presence of
colored orthorhombic crystals; however, KIF6 potassium hydroxide, or by reaction of chloro-
[20916-97-6] is white. form with methyl iodide. Iodoform is used as a
Iodine Halides. Seven iodine halides are
known: IF, IF3, IF5 [7783-66-6], IF7 [16921- Methylene iodide [75-11-6], CH2I2, Mr 267.85,
96-3], I2Cl6 [865-44-1], ICl [7790-99-0], and mp 5 °C, bp 180 °C (101.3 kPa), is a colorless
IBr [7789-33-5]. All are readily formed by liquid when pure. It has a relative density of
direct reaction of the two halogen elements. 3.325 at 20 °C and can be mixed with benzene
20 ˆ 0:879† to produce liquids with different
10. Organic Iodine Compounds densities. These mixtures are used in the deter-
mination of the refractive indices of minerals
As with inorganic iodides, organic iodides have and for the separation of minerals according to
higher specific gravities and refractive indices density.
than the corresponding chloro and bromo deriv-
atives, and higher melting and boiling points. Ethyl iodide [75-03-6], C2H5I, Mr 155.98, bp
Compounds containing an iodine atom attached 72.3 °C, is a colorless liquid, which is com-
to a primary carbon atom are the most stable. pletely miscible with ethanol and ether, but only
Secondary compounds are less stable, and ter- partially miscible with benzene. Ethyl iodide is
tiary are the least stable of all. Aliphatic iodo prepared by reaction of ethanol with iodine and
compounds can be prepared by treating alcohols red phosphorus.
with a mixture of iodine and red phosphorus.
Methyl iodide [74-88-4], CH3I, Mr 141.95 mp
Other methods for preparing aliphatic iodo com-
66.1 °C, bp 42.5 °C, is a colorless, transparent
pounds include the addition of iodine halides or
liquid, which turns brown upon exposure to
iodine to olefins; the substitution reactions
light. Methyl iodide is prepared from methyl
between an alkyl bromide or chloride and an
alcohol, iodine, and red phosphorus. Methyl
alkali metal iodide; and the reaction of alcohols
iodide is used as a methylating agent.
with triphenyl phosphite and methyl iodide.
Organic iodo compounds are highly reactive. Iodobenzene [591-50-4], Mr 204.02, mp
The alkyl iodides are generally 50–100 times 30 °C, bp 188.7 °C, is a colorless liquid that
more reactive than the corresponding chlorides. rapidly turns yellow and has a characteristic
Reactivity of unsaturated organic iodides is odor. Iodobenzene is prepared by diazotization
affected little if iodine is attached to one of of aniline followed by treatment of the solution
the carbon atoms involved in the double with an aqueous solution of potassium iodide, or
bond, but reactivity is promoted if iodine is by the action of nitric acid on a benzene and
attached to the carbon atom in the α position iodine mixture.
to the double bond. Iodine in organic com-
pounds can be determined after being converted 4,4´ -Diiodobiphenyl [3001-15-8], C12H8I2, Mr
into an inorganic form by heating the compound 406.00, mp 201–204 °C, is colorless crystalline
with one of the following: (1) fuming nitric acid powder, which turns yellow upon exposure to
Iodine and Iodine Compounds 11

light. 4,4´ -Diiodobiphenyl is prepared from NIS is an electrophilic iodinating reagent and
biphenyl and iodine. It is used as liquid crystal is used to iodinate various substances in a
and intermediate for high-performance polymers. similar manner to molecular iodine. A number
of iodination reactions using NIS have been
5-Amino-2,4,6-triiodoisophthalic acid [35453- reported, and alkenes, heteroaromatic rings,
19-1], C8H4I3NO4, Mr 558.84, mp 265–270 °C, and the α position of ketones are successfully
is beige solid, which is used as an intermediate iodinated. DIH is a powerful electrophilic iodin-
for nonionic iodinated X-ray contrast agents. ating reagent and readily iodinates various
aromatic compounds under mild reaction con-
Hypervalent Iodine Compounds. Phenylio- ditions. DIH is a pale yellow solid that does not
dine(III) diacetate [3240-34-4] (PIDA), C6H5I sublime like molecular iodine. NIS is a mild
(O2CCH3)2, Mr 322.10, mp 161–163 °C, is a electrophilic iodinating reagent that is chemi-
white to off-white solid. cally stable and soluble in common polar
Phenyliodine(III) bis(trifluoroacetate) [2712- organic solvents. NIS can convert various
78-9] (PIFA) (CF3CO2)2IC6H5, Mr 430.04, alkenes and activated aromatic rings to corre-
121–125 °C, is white crystalline solid. sponding iodinated compounds. In addition,
1,1,1-Triacetoxy-1,1-dihydro-1,2-benzio- NIS is an efficient reagent to synthesize benzyl
doxol-3(1H)-one [87413-09-0] (DMP) and allyl iodides from the corresponding alco-
C13H13IO8, Mr 424.14, mp 130–133 °C, is a hols [43].
white powder.
Hypervalent iodine reagents are receiving
considerable attention as oxidants due to their 11. Toxicology and Occupational
low toxicity, mild reactivity, ready availability, Health
high stability, easy handling, and so on. A major
use of hypervalent reagents is replacing the Iodine is absorbed by the body and concentrated
highly toxic heavy metal oxidizing agents, in the form of diiodotyrosine and tri-
that is, lead(IV), mercury(II), and thallium(III) iodothyronine, which form thyroxine that is
reagents. As stoichiometric oxidants, they medi- stored as thyroglobulin. Thyroxine is secreted
ate a wide array of bond-forming reactions and by the thyroid, enters the circulation, and is
other oxidative transformations. For example, carried to the peripheral tissues, where it con-
PIDA- and PIFA-induced oxidations of phenols trols tissue metabolism primarily through regu-
and related reactions have been applied to total lation of enzyme activities (→ Hormones, 1.
syntheses of biologically important natural Hormone Systems). Iodine is essential to higher
products and their pivotal intermediates. The animals and humans. A normal person requires
pentavalent iodine compound Dess–Martin about 75 mg of iodine per year, which is usually
periodinane (DMP), is widely known as mild consumed as iodized salt that contains one part
and highly selective reagent for the oxidation of sodium or potassium iodide to 100 000 parts of
alcohols. For details of the synthetic versatility sodium chloride. Iodine deficiency is a major
of these reagents, see [42]. cause of goiter. Studies on chickens link auto-
immune thyroiditis directly with consumption
Iodinating Agents. N-Iodosuccinimide [516- of large amounts of iodine [44]. These results
12-1] (NIS) are also applicable to humans.
C4H4INO2 Mr 224.98, mp 202–206 °C, is Iodine is safer to handle at ambient tempera-
white or off-white solid. ture than chlorine or bromine because it is a
1,3-Diiodo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin [2232- solid with a lower vapor pressure. When han-
12-4] (DIH) dling properly packaged containers, usual work
C5H6I2N2O2 Mr 379.92, mp 198 °C clothes are sufficient. In the handling of solid,
(decomp.), is light yellow or white solid. unpacked iodine, rubber gloves, a rubber apron,
2-Iodo-1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 1,1- and safety goggles are recommended; more
dioxide [86340-94-5] drastic situations may necessitate the use of a
C7H4INO3S Mr 309.08, mp 206–208°C, gas mask. The maximum safe concentration for
forms pale yellow crystals. short-term exposure of up to 1 h is 1.0 ppm.
12 Iodine and Iodine Compounds

Exposure of the lungs and eyes can be irritating should be taken in handling organic iodine
at concentrations of 0.1 ppm and should be compounds.
avoided. Exposure in concentrations higher In 1979 (Three Mile Island, USA), 1986
than 0.1 ppm for extended periods causes severe (Chernobyl, Ukraine), and 2011 (Fukushima,
irritation to the eyes and the respiratory tract, Japan) nuclear accidents caused the release of
and may lead to pulmonary edema [45]. The radioactive iodine, 131I, into the atmosphere.
mean lethal oral dose for an adult is 2–4 g. Ingestion of potassium iodide, KI, can reduce
Prolonged contact with the skin may be harmful. the radiation dose to the thyroid gland by up to
Treatment includes irrigating the eyes with 90 % if administered before or shortly after
water or washing the contaminated body area exposure. A dosage of 130 mg was recom-
with a 5 % solution of sodium thiosulfate, fol- mended for adults. If administered 4 h after
lowed by saline catharsis. Iodine and concen- exposure, KI can block 50 % of the uptake of
trated solutions, including U.S.P. tincture, are I. The U.S. Federal Emergency Management
classed as poisons because of their irritating Agency provided guidelines to state and local
effects to the gastrointestinal tract. The gastric agencies regarding the distribution of KI for use
treatment antidote is a 5 % solution of sodium as a thyroidal blocking agent by the general
thiosulfate followed by saline catharsis. Medical public in the vicinity of nuclear power plants
attention should be provided. [49]. Guidance on the use of radioprotective
In the USA, the OSHA has set the maximum substances was delegated to the FDA, which
concentration of iodine vapor permitted in the recommended that KI be used by people who
working atmosphere as 0.1 ppm [46]. are likely to receive more than 10–20 rad to the
The ACGIH established 0.1 ppm as the TLV thyroid [50].
(TWA) for iodine. The MAK value is also 0.1
ppm. To detect iodine at this concentration, air
monitoring is necessary [47]. References
Iodine and iodine-containing compounds are Specific References
not genotoxic in most short-term tests, and this
is indirect evidence for the absence of carcino- 1 Jurd, L. (1949) Aust. J. Sci. Res., Ser. A: , 2, 111–1169.
genic activity of these compounds with high 2 Shepherd, R.G and Fellows, C.E (1948) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 70,
probability [48]. 3 Dionex Application Note 236.
Empty containers may be destroyed in an 4 Ericksen, G.E (1981) Geology and origin of the Chilean nitrate
incinerator or decontaminated by washing with deposits. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. (U.S.), 1188.
a dilute sodium thiosulfate solution. Bulk waste 5 Gene Collins, A. (1975) Geochemistry of Oilfield Waters,
Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., New York, p. 228.
should be treated by controlled chemical opera- 6 Cotten, H.M (1978) Iodine in Northwestern Oklahoma (eds K.
tions to reclaim the iodine or convert it to S. Johnson and J.A. Russel), Thirteenth Annual Forum on the
harmless waste. Geology of Industrial Minerals, Norman, OK, pp. 89–94.
Iodine can be mixed safely with ammonia 7 Lyday, P.A (1985) Mineral Facts and Problems, US Bureau of
Mines, Washington, 675, pp. 377–384.
solutions in the presence of a reactive organic 8 Fukuta, O. (1985) Japanese iodine—geology and geochemistry,
substance; however, contact of gaseous ammo- in Salts & Brines 85 (ed. W.J. Schlitt), AIME, New York, pp.
nia or its solutions with free iodine and its 151–168.
halogen derivatives in any form can form explo- 9 von-Bemmelen, R.W (1949) Geology of Indonesia, vol. 2, The
Hague, Netherlands, pp. 103–111.
sive nitrogen triiodide [13444-85-4], NI3. If this 10 Lyday, P.A (1986) Crude iodine production, Industrial Miner-
dark brown to black solid forms, it should be als, 222, p. 65, 66, 69, 70, 75, 76.
discarded while wet or destroyed by adding a 11 Lauterbach, A. (2014) Iodine Chemistry and Applications
reducing agent, such as ethanol, or more of the (ed. Kaiho, T.) John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 213–220.
12 Kaiho, T. (ed.) (2014) Iodine Chemistry and Applications, John
compound to be iodinated. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 231–241.
In general, iodides are acutely toxic only 13 .
when ingested in large amounts. Chronic inges- 14 Kaiho, T. (ed.) (2014) Iodine Chemistry and Applications, John
tion or absorption through the skin may produce Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 243–247.
15 Paulik, F.E (1972) Catal. Rev., 6, 49; Lowry, R.P and Aguilo,
iodism, which is manifested by a rash, nasal A. (1974) Hydrocarbon Process, 53 (11), 103.
drip, or headache. In severe cases, weakness, 16 Wagner Jr., F.S. (1978) Kirk-Othmer, 3rd edn, 1, Wiley-
anemia, and general depression may occur. Care Interscience, New York, p. 135.
Iodine and Iodine Compounds 13

17 Shell Oil Co. (1963) US 3 106 590 (C. W. Bittner); US 3 119 39
881, 1964 (R. L. Hodgson). Nov. 1 (2015)
18 Phillips Petroleum Co. (1963) GB 920 244 GB 931 440, 1963. 40 Nov. 1 (2015)
19 Kaiho, T. (ed.) (2014) Iodine Chemistry and Applications, John 41 Thomas, J.W et al. (1950) Anal. Chem., 22, 726–747.
Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 343–347. 42 Zhdankin, V.V (2013) Hypervalent Iodine Chemistry: Prepa-
20 R&D Report SUMITOMO KAGAKU (2012). ration, Structure, and Synthetic Applications of Polyvalent
21 G and A Laboratories, Inc. (1942) US 2 299 577 (T. Hassel- Iodine Compounds, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
strom, E.A. Brenhan). 43 Kaiho, T. (ed.) (2014) Iodine Chemistry and Applications, John
22 Whitehead, R.R (1981). Water Pollut. Control (Don Mills Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 251–276.
Can.), 119 (12), 10–12. 44 Bagchi, N. et al. (1985) Science (Washington D. C.), 4723,
23 Kaiho, T. (ed.) (2014) Iodine Chemistry and Applications, John 325–327.
Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 439–455. 45 Sax, N.I. (1975) 47th Dangerous Properties of Industrial
24 West Chem. Products, Inc. (1981) US 4 271 149. (M. W. Materials, 4th edn, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York,
Winicor, M. Oberland). p. 32.
25 GAF Corp (1978) US 4 128 633 (D. H. Larenz, E. P. Williams). 46 CFR, 29th, 1910.1000, Table Z – 1, July 1 (1986).
26 Morris, J.C et al. (1953) Ind. Eng. Chem., 45, 1013–1015. 47 ILO (1971) Encyclopaedia of International Occupational
27 Favero, M.S and Drake, C.H (1964) Public Health Rep., 79 (3), Health and Safety, vol. 1, International Labor Office, Geneva.
251–257. 48 Ilin, A. and Nersesyan, A. (2013) Arch Oncol, 21 (2), 65–71.
28 Thomas, W.C et al. (1978) Trans. Clin. Climatol. Assoc., 90, 49 Federal Emergency Management Agency ( (1985) Jun. 20)
153–162. Federal policy on distribution of potassium iodide around
29 ACS the Northeast Regional Meeting (June 29–July 2, 2008) nuclear power sites for use as a thyroidal blocking agent.
Burlington, VT. Fed. Regist., 50 (119), 25624–25625.
30 Lindgren, E. (1980) Acta Radiol. Suppl., 362, 134. 50 Federal Emergency Management Agency ((1985) Jul. 24)
31 Kaiho, T. (ed.) (2014) Iodine Chemistry and Applications, John Federal policy on distribution of potassium iodide around
Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 355–374. nuclear power sites for use as a thyroidal blocking agent.
32 Langford, M. (2007) Langford’s Advanced Photography, 7th Fed. Regist., 50 (142), 30258–30259.
edn, Focal Press, Waltham, MS.
33 Reid, J. D., Connick Jr., W. J. (1970) Kirk-Othmer, 2nd edn,
Wiley-Interscience, New York, 22, pp. 145–146. Further Reading
34 Smith, S. (1971) Kirk-Othmer, 2nd edn, Wiley-Interscience,
New York, Supplement Volume, pp. 964–973. Lauterbach, A. and Ober, G. (2005) Iodine and iodine compounds, in
35 Nagasaki, N., Suzuki, N., and Arai, S. (2000) Halon Options Kirk Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 5th edn,
Technical Working Conference, 2–4 May. vol. 14, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 353–380. online:
36 General Electric Co. (1966) US 3 228 880 (R. S. Owens, R. W. doi: 10.1002/0471238961.0915040912012120.a01.pub2.
Roberts). Preedy, V.R, Burrow, G.N, and Watson, R.R (eds) (2009) Compre-
37 Rolsten, R.F (1961) Iodine Metals and Metal Iodide, J. Wiley & hensive Handbook of Iodine, Elsevier, Amsterdam, London.
Sons, New York. Kaiho, T. (ed.) (2014) Iodine Chemistry and Applications, John
38 Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
Nov. 1 (2015)

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