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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2020.3013618, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Cognitive Automation for Smart Decision Making

in Industrial Internet of Things
Geetanjali Rathee, Farhan Ahmad, Member, IEEE, Razi Iqbal, Senior Member, IEEE, and Mithun
Mukherjee, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Classical automated schemes in the Industrial In- Product

ternet of Things (IIoT) are challenged by the problems related
to huge record storage and the way they respond. To properly CPS
Product Product Cloud
manage the manufacturing settings, cognitive systems aim to find Manufacturing Distribution
a way to efficiently adapt their actions based on uncertainty INDUSTRY 4.0 COGNITIVE AUTOMATION
management and sensory data. However, due to the lack of Machine(
existing IT integration, cognitive systems are not fully exploited System
Integration Services
by organizations. In this paper, we provide a novel decision- Web
making process in the industrial informatics during information
transmission, manufacturing and storing records through the
Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and Analytic Hierarchy Pro-
Fig. 1. Illustration of cognitive automation system in IIoT.
cess (AHP). The proposed mechanism is analyzed and validated
rigorously using various sensing and decision-making parameters
against a baseline solution in industrial parameter settings. The
simulation results suggest that the proposed mechanism leads However, existing automated schemes are challenged by cer-
to 87% efficiency in terms of better detection of the sensor tain issues related to storage of huge amount of record and the
node, decision-making, and alteration of transmitted data during
analyses of product manufacturing in the IIoT.
way it responds. Therefore, it is desirable to introduce some
new concepts for handling future demands. In past few years,
Keywords—Industrial Internet of Things, Cognitive Automa- authors started focusing on bionic principles for designing new
tion, Data Sharing, SAW, AHP, Decision making process
concepts in smart industries.
The quest to improve the industrial growth and automate
I. I NTRODUCTION the utilization of information and controlling techniques for
reducing human intervention in production, processes lead to
Industrial automation is one of a plethora of initiatives in the a new smart technique known as Cognitive Automation [7],
current fourth industrial revolution for developing and finding [8]. In order to properly manage the manufacturing settings
smart solutions to tackle classic industry-related problems and in IIoT, cognitive systems have found a way to efficiently
making our lives easier [1]. The term Industrial IoT (IIoT) adapt their actions on the basis of uncertainty management and
defines a new type of smart industry with a higher degree of sensory data. However, due to lack of existing IT integration,
production flexibility in terms of product quality, specification, cognitive systems are not fully exploited by organizations.
resource utilization and cost efficiency [2]. IIoT is a network They are considered as a promising technique to improve
centric concept that uses smart information and communica- reliability and safety for critical infrastructure elements, In-
tion techniques for ensuring production flexibility in terms ternet of Things (IoT) systems and transport systems. Fig. 1
of resource and cost utilization [3]–[6]. While implementing depicts a decentralized IIoT architecture where entities need
these concepts, devices acquire new functional capabilities to share a number of documents, records and products with
to extract knowledge from facts and plan further on the each other [9], [10] through cognitive systems. The aim of
basis of this knowledge and experience. For targeting comfort cognitive automation system in IIoT is to design a system
and energy preservation in business organizations, classical that is capable of perceiving the environment and reacting
automation systems were mainly concerned with monitoring according to various situations. Sometimes, intruders may
the environment and adjusting it to certain predefined ranges. hack the legitimate devices that record and maintain each and
every industrial activity for undertaking mischievous ventures.
Corresponding author: Mithun Mukherjee ( In order to prevent these issues, it is needed to propose a
G. Rathee is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineer-
ing, Jaypee University of Information Technology, India (e-mail: geetan-
secure detection system that can take a smart decision upon identification of malicious devices by blocking their activities.
F. Ahmad is with the Cyber Security Research Group, College of En- In the context of smart factories, an intruder might interfere
gineering and Technology, University of Derby, United Kingdom (e-mail: with the data stored in the factories’ database that may contain
R. Iqbal is with the Institute of Computer Science, University of Engineer- sensitive information. Further, from the perspective of smart
ing and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan (e-mail: factories, an Intelligent Management System (IMS) is quite
M. Mukherjee is with the School of Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing Univer-
sity of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China (e-mail: essential to create connectivity in production and apply big data analysis for providing decision making information. Also,

1551-3203 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Edinburgh. Downloaded on September 04,2020 at 09:56:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2020.3013618, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

in order to maintain smooth automation in decision making decision making model in IIoT to achieve maximum produc-
process of IMS and IIoT, decision makers should also take tion benefits in terms of environmental and social development
social, economic and environmental issues into consideration. etc. In this paper, we attempt to design an efficient and novel
Now-a-days, automotive robots have drawn much attention decision making process to handle and control the transmitted
in IIoT for their reduced cost and increased management information using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and
capabilities. Manufacturing and optimization of production can Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Basically, SAW is the most
be efficiently managed and implemented with the support of efficient and widely used method to obtain a weighted sum
robotic systems due to multidimensional features of Multiple- of performance rating of each alternative’s overall attributes
Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM). These techniques along to analyse the response or behaviour of each device through
with other compromised ranking methods can be further certain parameters [19]. SAW decision making model is used
used in various applications such as healthcare, supply chain to compute the legitimacy of each communicating node by
evaluation, green supplier selection, transport infrastructure analyzing its various characteristics. Further, the AHP method
selection and so on [11], [12]. For interpreting and processing is combined with SAW to simplify the ill-structured issues
huge amount of sensory data and taking intelligent decisions by arranging decision factors in hierarchical manners [20],
on them, we need a cognitive system capable of extracting [21]. AHP is used to further improve the computation process
information and controlling the environment based on this of node’s legitimacy by separating its beneficial and non-
knowledge. beneficial attributes. The main contributions of this paper are
summarized as follows.
A. Research Objective 1) We propose an efficient and novel cognition-enabled
smart system that can sense and control its immediate
Today, existing technical solutions are not capable of com-
surroundings according to the data collected from the
peting with human cognitive capabilities. The decisions can be
various sources.
made by IoT devices themselves if they are cognition enabled.
2) Moreover, the SAW and AHP methods are integrated
A normal factory works only with a proper coordination of all
with cognitive systems to undertake an efficient decision
its activities; any problem in a particular section or on a spe-
making process.
cific part of the assembly line can hamper the entire work and
3) Finally, we analyze the proposed cognitive mechanism
bring an indefinite standstill to production. However, if smart
with several measuring parameters, such as execution
cognition-based IoT devices are enforced across the setup, they
time, records accuracy, analysis of stored data, and
can collect data from all the places and create a centralized
resource utilization.
database. Any change in data at any place will indicate a
problem and the devices would slow down production in the The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The related
subsequent sections to save resources [13], [14]. For example, works of cognitive model-IIoT are presented in Section II.
food and agriculture industries are not only labor demanding The cognitive decision making scheme using SAW and AHP
but also require highly controlled environmental settings in method is described in Section III. Further, Section IV de-
order for food preservation. Such a factory implemented with tails the evaluation process of cognitive automation model.
cognition-based devices can achieve high efficiency as the Section V illustrates the benefits of using proposed decision
devices will automatically monitor various parts of the factory making in IIoT cognitive systems and analyzes its performance
and the related infrastructure. over various metrics. Finally, Section VI concludes the paper
These devices can also control production based on var- and highlights the future scope of the article.
ious factors (weather conditions of the area [15]) that may II. R ELATED W ORK
favor/support the production.
IIoT stands for a dynamic reorganization, integration and
resource efficiency in industrial setups. The technical advance-
B. Contribution ments in communication and control systems generate new
Cognitive systems are defined on a process of acquisition infrastructures that can handle more and more tasks without
and understanding the knowledge through experience, thought human intervention. Various studies have been carried out
and sense. The integration of computational power and Artifi- to sense and control industrial surroundings using various
cial Intelligence (AI) advancements provide the opportunity to sources and efficient decision making accordingly. This sec-
design a human like machine to learn from available data and tion discusses the need of decision making processing and
experiments [16]. Smart industries generate huge amount of cognitive systems in IIoT applications. Pfeiffer et al. [22]
data from multiple sources and produce meaningful solutions have discussed the advancements in control systems that may
and insights related to enterprises. Productivity accuracy, im- further lead to complexity issues which are still hidden from
provement, scalability, cost saving and flexibility are the ma- the users. The authors in this paper have discussed the usage
jor advantages of adopting automotive systems in industries. of human empowerment, understanding ability, controlling
Further, automotive industries may help to make technology and monitoring automated processes in industries. They have
as a sub ordinate to do pattern based and repetitive decision discussed powerful and flexible methods for user experience
making work [17], [18]. Therefore, cognition in industries can and usability in IIoT context.
be achieved by processing and integrating entire enterprise’s The industrial automation deployment came into existence
data. The aim of this paper is to propose an optimal intelligent in order to fasten the product manufacturing process and

1551-3203 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Edinburgh. Downloaded on September 04,2020 at 09:56:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2020.3013618, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

storage activities. For ensuring an efficient coordination while power in production processes lead to the generation of a
sharing the efforts among smart devices, decomposition of new automatic technique known as cognitive automation.
each task into a sequence is considered as a very difficult task. Bruckner et al. [29] have discussed flexible and automatic
Further, the task separation and assignment is considered as a decision making concerns based on challenging conditions
very general issue in automation systems. Lamon et al. [23] such as lack of prior knowledge, contradicting and missing
have identified the agent features that can be considered for information and increased amount of records in future tech-
fast re-configuration systems in industries. nologies. As discussed above, several authors have proposed
The proposed framework’s validation showed the equal various autonomous techniques in a variety of fields, such as
distribution of workload among various agents. Though an transportation and vehicular systems. However, the efficient
efficient utilization, distribution and evaluation of devices can utilization and controlling of records through multi-decision
not be significantly measured using one or two parameters. criteria methods in the industries is still at its early stage.
Further, automotive robots have drawn the attention in industry This paper focuses on providing an efficient utilization and
4.0 for their reduced cost and increased management capabil- handling of autonomous records through MCDM in IIoT.
ities. The manufacturing and optimization of production costs
can be efficiently managed and implemented with the support
of robotic systems. Wan et al. [24] have proposed a cognitive
smart industry for handling advanced material management The proposed model is based upon cognition-automated IoT
known as context aware cloud automation. devices that can sense and control their immediate surround-
Further, a case study is projected to highlight the cost casing ings according to the data collected from various sources and
and energy efficiency capabilities. The proposed mechanism is can undertake efficient decision making accordingly. The prin-
validated through simulated results over cost and energy effi- ciple is that a normal industrial setup is composed of various
ciency metrics. However, the data management and response units and sub-units entities each with a different assigned task.
time by the devices during data transmission is still missing The coordination of these activities is not only time consuming
in the paper. In order to properly manage the manufacturing but also labor intensive. However, when various IoT enabled
settings, cognitive systems have found a way to efficiently nodes are setup across an industry/factory for collection of data
adapt their actions on the basis of uncertainty management and and automatic decision making, management becomes much
sensory data. However, due to lack of existing IT integration, more enhanced and cost effective.
cognitive systems are not fully exploited by organizations. The aim of this section is to take decision on how to
In order to reduce the latency among IoT communications react adequately to an event, object, situation and scenario.
for real time monitoring and controlling the power applica- The proposed cognitive model for industrial informatics is de-
tions, Zhao et al. [25] have proposed a high speed recording scribed with integration of SAW and AHP model. This section
function monitoring system that is implemented using field proposes a SAW mechanism integrated with AHP where IoT
programmable gate arrays. The proposed mechanism provided based entities sense the environment, produce data and submit
remote visualization of systems in a real power substation. In their reports to a Cognitive Model (CM). It is a centralized
addition, Wang et al. [26] have proposed a design for IIoT framework that conducts independent assessment of entities’
systems for continuous controlling and analyzing the control performance, manufacturing and availability of resources. For
systems. For controlling the collected data and streaming sensing and analyzing ongoing processes, CMs are equipped
of devices, the authors integrated the existing and newly with intelligent devices known as intelligent sensors where
developed software components for fault detection and iden- IoT-based nodes compute the data using decision making
tification. The authors claimed it is a first publically reported parameters. CM evaluates the submitted reports and analyzes
IoT design for process automation mechanisms. Westin et the services provided by each entity in terms of response time,
al. [27] have presented the strategic conformance concept efficient handling and management of records. The proposed
by influencing initial acceptance of automation and decision framework employs SAW integrated with AHP to evaluate
making actions. The authors have shown the match between services of each entity. Table I describes the major divisions of
problem solving among individuals and decision aiding cogni- the proposed phenomenon and Figure 2 depicts the CM-IoT
tive systems. The paper concluded the critical discussions on framework where there is a need to record communication
drawbacks and limitations of strategic conformance. and transfer information through a legitimate entity in real
Though various authors have proposed several schemes on time scenario. Further, SAW is engaged by CM for monitoring
enabling different sensors while recording the data, however, the service parameters. The parameters are monitored and the
the ability to integrate record with sensors is still missing. services are evaluated with respect to the finalized report of
Further, in order to automate the inspection, monitoring, and CM. Table II provides the list of abbreviations used in this
controlling of industrial processes and equipment’s, Coutinho manuscript.
et al. [28] have studied the shared edge caching performance
for delivery of industrial contents along with connected vehicle
applications. However, the efficient utilization of resources A. Main Parameters for Performance Monitoring and Services
while transmitting or recording information through multi Evaluation of Sensing
decision approach is still missing. The automatic utilization We consider the following computation and service measur-
of information and controlling techniques for reducing human ing parameters for the performance monitoring.

1551-3203 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Edinburgh. Downloaded on September 04,2020 at 09:56:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2020.3013618, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics


Entity Details
CM Responsible to conduct independent assessment of entities performance, manufacturing and avilability of resources.
SAW and AHP Multi decision processing scheme to efficiently provide manufacturing, information transmission and storage records.
IoT devices Responsible to collect and provide information requested by vehicles during mobility.

TABLE II Therefore, the OMV of the parameter Pi at time t is calculated

pi + CMVtpi
Symbols Definition OMVtpi = (t−1)
, (3)
n pi +1
Nx1 ,x2 Number of times device x1 interacts with device x2
x1 , x2 ....xm Number of devices (t−1)
CM Cognitive model
where npi is the number of values measured for parameter
Pi i number of trust measuring parameters Pi till time (t − 1) and CMVtpi is the Current Measured
di,j Device rating of ith alternative with respect to jth criteria Value (CMV) of parameter pi at time t. Now, for the trust
OA Optimal alternative
ai , ci A set of alternatives to choose the best criteria
computation, the OMVtpi is compared with the actual values
OM Vpti OMV of Pi at time t offered by the device d. Therefore, Cpt i expressed as trust of
Wi The weights assigned to each node, i = {1, 2, . . . , n} the parameter Pi at time t is calculated as
rij Normalized decision matrix
Vij Weighted rij of alternative i and attribute j OMVtpi
S Service Cpt i = , (4)
RNSN ×1 Normalized service matrix
where CMpi is the value provided by device d for the
parameter Pi using CM. In the following section, we elaborate
• Energy consumption: It is defined as the amount of energy on how the trust values of various parameters are used to
consumed by each device while transmitting the data and evaluate the trustworthiness of devices.
communicating among each other.
• Interaction frequency (IF): The IF can be used to identify IV. C OGNITIVE AUTOMATION E VALUATION P ROCESS
the activeness of a communicating node and therefore For the processes of resource management, record handling
detects its malicious behavior. It is the ratio of the number and efficiency measurement, the proposed framework can be
of times a device interacts with another particular device articulated as a decision making scheme. This decision making
to the average number of times it interacts with all the model can be represented hierarchically as shown in Fig. 2 that
other devices. includes three major components i.e. CM, SAW, and AHP. The
Nx1 ,x2 CM is responsible for monitoring the number of parameters
Interactionx1 ,x2 = (1) considered while evaluating the trust of each device at different
time intervals.
where, Nx1 ,x2 is the number of times P the device x1 An improvement is suggested for SAW method to help
interacts with device x2 and Nx1 = ST u∈ST . ST is the decision maker to decide relative importance of attribute
the set of all the other devices. weight in systematic manner by employing AHP technique.
• Interaction timeless: The interaction timeless is the num- Further, AHP separates decision issues into constitutional parts
ber of positive interactions by the CM with respect to all by providing powerful schemes for checking consistency of
malicious and legitimate types of nodes and expressed as evaluation alternatives and measures.
legitimate The proposed CM has employed improved SAW for for-
InteractionN = . (2) mulation of trust on entities. Denote A = {ai |a1 , a2 , . . . , an }
malicious + legitimate
and C = {cj |c1 , c2 , . . . , cn } and W = w1 , w2 . . . wn as a
• Response Time (RT): The time required by a particular set of alternatives (or options), a set of criteria to select the
node to receive or transmit the information/data can be best alternative and set of weights respectively. The main steps
considered as an evaluating parameter. We define RT as employed by the CM are discussed as follows.
the amount of time required to respond to the query • Step 1: We first construct an evaluation matrix consisting
requesting by a user. of m entities/devices (alternatives) and S services.The
• Interaction effects: It denotes the positive and negative initial step of SAW is to construct a decision matrix,
interactions by legitimate or malicious devices during the denoted as D = {{di,j } : i = [1 : n], j = [1 : n]}
transmission or interaction among each other. with the intersection of each alternative and criteria.
We use these metrics for the performance evaluation while • Step 2: Further, the matrix is normalized to rij by
analyzing the trust value of each communicating device. constructing a normalized decision matrix for beneficial
Basically, these parameters may be monitored several times and non beneficial attributes known as:
during a given time interval. Denote OMV(t−1)
pi as the Overall dij
Beneficial attribute of rij = max , (5)
Measured Value (OMV) of the parameter Pi at time (t − 1). dij

1551-3203 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Edinburgh. Downloaded on September 04,2020 at 09:56:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2020.3013618, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Integration Manufacturing Record Handling Integration Manufacturing Record Handling

IoT devices I0, I1, I2...In IoT devices I0, I1, I2...In

(CM-IoT) (CM-IoT)

SAW and AHP Decision Making Tehcniques SAW and AHP Decision Making Tehcniques

d1 d2 dn d1 d2 dn

d1p1 d1p2 d1p3 d1p1 d1p2 d1p3

Fig. 2. Hierarchical model of cognitive industry 4.0.

5) Further, the maximum eigen values Emax is iden-

ij tified. Basically, Emax is the average of RN Sn×1
Non-beneficial attribute of rij = , (6)
dij matrix. Further compute Consistency Index (CI) as
(Emax − n)/(n − 1).
where dmax
ij is the maximum device rating value corre- 6) Further, we obtain random index (RI) for the num-
sponding to an alternative ai and criteria cj and dmin
ij ber of attributes and compute consistency ratio as
is the minimum device rating value corresponding to an CI/RI.
alternative ai and criteria cj . • Step 4: The score of the ith alternative is computed by:
• Step 3: A set of weights Wij (for alternative and cri-
teria) have to be decided for the service parameter by X
Sci = Vij , i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n . (9)
constructing weighted normalized decision matrix as:
X •Step 5: Finally,
Pthe Optimal Alternative (OA) are selected
Vij = Wij × rij , Wi = 1. (7) n
as: OASAW = i=1 Si , where Si is the matrix score from
a set of alternatives i.
Here, AHP technique is suggested in improved SAW for The procedure outlined above is the logic to analyze final ideal
helping decision makers to decide relative importance of service by considering various number of perspectives.
service parameters weights in a systematic manner. The
procedure for evaluating the AHP weights is defined as V. P ERFORMANCE A NALYSIS
A. Simulation Setup
1) Construct a pair-wise matrix comparison using rela-
In order to validate the results, we analyze and compare
tive importance of service parameters. As there are
the performance of the proposed mechanism over baseline
S service parameters, the pair-wise comparison of
method [24] with various measuring parameters. The proposed
the ith alternative with jth criteria yields a square
model is verified incrementally by adding the number of
matrix Sn×n , where Sij denotes relative importance
devices upon each run. We consider 50 IoT devices de-
of alternative i with respect to the jth criteria.
ployed uniformly in the observation area where the update
S1 1 S2 . . . . . . S1n period of decision criteria is 60 sec. The IoT devices are
S2 S21 1 . . . . . . S2n categorized initially into different types according to their
Sn×n = . .. .. .. .. .. , (8) service behaviours such as ideal, malicious, excessive energy
.. . . . . . consumption, hyper active etc. The proposed phenomenon is
Sn Sn1 Sn2 ... ... 1 analyzed using numerical simulation using MATLAB to show
efficiency and management of data transmission in IIoT. Other
2) In the comparison, service weights (Wi ) are ob-
simulation parameters are summarized in Table III.
tained by computing systematic mean of ith row
and normalized geometric mean of the rows in the
comparison matrix. B. Baseline Method
3) Validate Wi of each service parameter from step (2) In order to address the secure data sharing (or say, transfer-
and compute normalized service (NS) matrix as: ring) through the cognitive devices, the authors have proposed
N Sn×1 = Sn×n × Wn×1 . a cognitive smart industrial mechanism in [24] for handling
4) Further, compute relative normalized service (RNS) advanced material management known as context aware cloud
matrix RN Sn×1 = N Sn×1 /Wn×1 . automation. Our proposed mechanism is analyzed over the

1551-3203 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Edinburgh. Downloaded on September 04,2020 at 09:56:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2020.3013618, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

TABLE III presented in Figure 3(a), it is apparent that the involvement

S IMULATION PARAMETERS of multiple evaluation criteria while making the decision,
cognitive systems ensure better performance in comparison
Parameters Setting
of analysing one or more major parameters. The reason of
Coverage Range [500, 500]m
IoT Device Response Speed [50, 150]km/h
significant improvement is because of SAW and AHP schemes
Weight Parameters (Wi ) (25, 45) where the accurate working while manufacturing, recording
IoT Device Bandwidth 20 MHz and analyzing the IoT entities are measured against various
I/O Block Size [50, 500] KB
service parameters.However, the baseline approach performs
less and shows a decrease in efficiency with the increase
of network devices because of increasing complexity and
baseline method, where instead of manual context handling inter communication among IoT devices. Further, Figure 3(b)
and management activities, cognitive devices are used for de- presents the analysis of records measured by different IoT
cision parameters. The proposed mechanism uses the Multiple devices. It can be clearly seen that for large service metrics,
Decision Making (SAW) method instead of the subjective less number of faults arise while validating the analyzed or
logic scheme based on various evaluation parameters. The stored record of each device. However, in case of baseline
validity of the proposed mechanism is confirmed against multi- approach, the content handling and management activities can
ple metrics, such as resource handling, management activities, be altered, transformed or be inaccurate because of their less
and message alteration. The parameters mentioned above, i.e., measuring parameters.
energy consumption, interaction frequency, and response time,
The resource utilization of each IoT device while analyzing
and interaction effects as discussed in section 3, subsection ’A’
the records is shown in Figure 3(c). The proposed approach’s
are used in the computation of the trust of each node depending
resource utilization frequency is better in comparison of base-
upon their various measuring parameter.
line approach. The reason is that cognitive system analyses
or verifies the accuracy of each IoT device based on multi
C. Adversary Model decision criteria. The legitimacy, efficiency and proper uti-
The proposed mechanism using AHP and SAW is ana- lization of resources consumed by each node is continuously
lyzed by introducing an adversary model where intruders try monitored by AHP or SAW based cognitive automation sys-
to invade the communication mechanism or alter the data tem. In addition, Fig. 4(a) illustrates the altered information
while sharing with various devices. Traditionally, to launch an where IoT devices may behave maliciously while gathering or
adversary framework, the trusted entities are selected based storing the records. The identification of information alteration
upon their stake-based voting schemes. In order to ensure in the case of the proposed phenomenon is very high as
secure communication and spectrum sensing, some of the compared to the baseline approach. The reason is that initially,
entities are distributed without the security of protection where the SAW method is used to categorize the features of each
they may be semi-trusted and vulnerable to compromise by device that proves the validity of the node. Further, the AHP
intruders. The attackers may launch DoS, or compromise IoTs method is used to eliminate the ill-structured or altered records
for generating false reports to CM. The possible number of from information gathered by IoT devices. The integration of
threats generated by intruders are as follows: SAW and AHP significantly detects the altered record upon
• False Report Generation (FRG): It is the one where increasing the number of devices.
intruders compromise several devices for generating false
reports about channel availability and submit false reports E. Impact of Decision Making Model in Cognitive Industrial
to FC. Informatics
X Altered reports We have analyzed the proposed phenomenon in term of
F RG = , (10)
Total generated reports execution time while the nodes perform their various activities.
where m is total number of devices. In addition, the analysis of automated and manual measured
• DoS Attack: It is a cyber attack in which the intruder records are compared. As illustrated in Fig. 4(b), the execution
attempts to make a device temporarily unavailable with time while analyzing each and every activity of individuals in
the intent of disrupting the communication process. comparison to the baseline approach is more. The reason is
• Alteration of Transmitted Data: The intruders aim to alter
that the more servicing or measuring parameters are needed to
the data shared among vehicles. validate the node’s accuracy. In practice, SAW method is used
to analyze the cognitive activity of each node by measuring
The proposed mechanism is verified against various security
its servicing parameters. However, to speed up the analysis or
storage process of each node, the AHP method is integrated
with the SAW algorithm.
D. Results and Discussions Finally, Fig. 4(c) validates the feasibility of the proposed
The impact of the proposed phenomenon on the industries’ approach by showing the comparison of manual and au-
efficiency through decision making methods is discussed in tomated systems to analyze and record each activity. The
this section. Figure 3(a) depicts the accurate record of ef- cognitive automated systems increase the accuracy and validity
ficiency and correct decision automation by each node. As of record analysis. Further, SAW and AHP method add on

1551-3203 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Edinburgh. Downloaded on September 04,2020 at 09:56:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2020.3013618, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics


Resource utilization (%)

10 50
Records accuracy (%)

Analysis of stored
40 25

information (%)

6 30 20
15 Baseline
10 Baseline
2 Proposed Proposed
0 10
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
Number of devices Number of devices Number of devices

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3. (a) Accuracy of records, (b) analysis of stored information, and (c) resource utilization.
Altered information record (%)

Cognitive and manual reports

100 0.06
Baseline Cognitive

Execution time (ms)

80 Proposed Manual
60 3

20 Baseline
0 1 0
10 20 30 40 50 10 15 20 25 30 10 20 30 40 50
Number of devices Number of devices Number of devices

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 4. (a) Altered information of record, (b) execution time, and (c) cognitive and manual reports.

to significant accuracy by measuring the activity of each SAW and the AHP mechanism. In addition, the mechanism is
device against a number of service parameters. In all the validated extensively for different evaluation criteria such as
mentioned simulation results, the proposed solution leads data transmission, the accuracy of shared data, sensing time,
to approximate 87% efficiency in terms of execution time, etc. Further, the simulation results suggest that our proposed
records accuracy, resource utilization and altered information model achieves 87% in the success rate in comparison to the
because of multiple evaluating parameters to transmit and existing approach. In our future work, we will further enhance
record each entity. Till now, we have simulated baseline and the accuracy of sensing and transmitting of data through
proposed phenomenon up to 50 numbers of devices. Now, cognitive devices by considering more parameters such as
upon increasing the network size, the metrics such as message parameters’ accuracy, false report generation, and message
alteration, resource utilization, execution time and records alteration in SAW and AHP method.
accuracy will always perform better against baseline scheme.
The reason is that cognitive decision-making systems without
affecting the bandwidth utilization as SAW and AHP methods R EFERENCES
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1551-3203 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Edinburgh. Downloaded on September 04,2020 at 09:56:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2020.3013618, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

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tomation of human technical environments,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Informat., a guest editor for IEEE Internet of Things Journal
vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 206–215, May 2012. and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. His
research interests include fog computing and intelligent edge computing.

1551-3203 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Edinburgh. Downloaded on September 04,2020 at 09:56:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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