English Grammar Santosh

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### Sentences with Two Subjects Joined by "And"

1. Jack and Jill **are** going up the hill.

2. The cat and the dog **were** playing in the yard.
3. My brother and sister **have** finished their homework.
4. The teacher and the principal **were** discussing the new policy.
5. Water and electricity **are** essential for modern life.
6. The book and the pen **belong** to me.
7. The manager and the employees **are** attending the meeting.
8. The flowers and the trees **look** beautiful in spring.
9. The sun and the moon **shine** brightly in the sky.
10. John and Mary **are** planning a trip.

### Error Correction Questions

1. The cat and the dog **was** playing in the yard.

2. My brother and sister **has** finished their homework.
3. The teacher and the principal **is** discussing the new policy.
4. Water and electricity **is** essential for modern life.
5. The book and the pen **belongs** to me.
6. The manager and the employees **is** attending the meeting.
7. The flowers and the trees **looks** beautiful in spring.
8. The sun and the moon **shines** brightly in the sky.
9. Jack and Jill **is** going up the hill.
10. John and Mary **is** planning a trip.

For each of the error correction questions, the correct form should
use a plural verb to match the compound subject.

### Sentences with Two or More Nouns/Adjectives Representing a

Single Entity
1. Bread and butter **is** my favorite breakfast.
2. Slow and steady **wins** the race.
3. Time and tide **waits** for no one.
4. The long and short of it **is** that we need to hurry.
5. The rise and fall of the empire **is** fascinating.
6. The horse and carriage **is** ready.
7. Fish and chips **is** a popular dish in the UK.
8. The captain and leader of the team **is** John.
9. The hammer and sickle **is** a symbol of communism.
10. My friend and guide **is** always there for me.

### Error Correction Questions

1. Bread and butter **are** my favorite breakfast.

2. Slow and steady **win** the race.
3. Time and tide **wait** for no one.
4. The long and short of it **are** that we need to hurry.
5. The rise and fall of the empire **are** fascinating.
6. The horse and carriage **are** ready.
7. Fish and chips **are** a popular dish in the UK.
8. The captain and leader of the team **are** John.
9. The hammer and sickle **are** a symbol of communism.
10. My friend and guide **are** always there for me.

For each of the error correction questions, the correct form should
use a singular verb to match the compound subject that represents a
single entity.

### Sentences with Two Uncountable Nouns Joined by "And" with a

Plural Verb

1. Knowledge and wisdom **are** essential for personal growth.

2. Sugar and salt **are** used in many recipes.
3. Honesty and integrity **form** the foundation of trust.
4. Air and water **are** crucial for survival.
5. Music and art **bring** joy to life.
6. Time and effort **are** needed to achieve success.
7. Milk and honey **make** a nutritious drink.
8. Rain and snow **affect** the weather patterns.
9. Wealth and power **influence** many decisions.
10. Patience and perseverance **lead** to success.

### Error Correction Questions

1. Knowledge and wisdom **is** essential for personal growth.

2. Sugar and salt **is** used in many recipes.
3. Honesty and integrity **forms** the foundation of trust.
4. Air and water **is** crucial for survival.
5. Music and art **brings** joy to life.
6. Time and effort **is** needed to achieve success.
7. Milk and honey **makes** a nutritious drink.
8. Rain and snow **affects** the weather patterns.
9. Wealth and power **influences** many decisions.
10. Patience and perseverance **leads** to success.

For each of the error correction questions, the correct form should
use a plural verb to match the compound subject consisting of two
uncountable nouns indicating different subjects.

### Sentences with Compound Subjects Using "As Well As," "With,"
"Along With," etc.

1. The teacher, along with her students, **is** going on a trip.

2. The manager, accompanied by his assistant, **is** attending the
3. The president, as well as the vice president, **is** giving a speech.
4. The book, along with the notes, **is** on the table.
5. The dog, together with the cat, **was** playing in the yard.
6. The cake, accompanied by ice cream, **was** delicious.
7. John, with his friends, **is** coming to the party.
8. The team, as well as the coach, **is** ready for the match.
9. The singer, along with the band, **is** performing tonight.
10. The captain, with his crew, **is** sailing the ship.
11. The movie, along with its sequels, **is** popular.
12. The principal, as well as the teachers, **is** attending the
13. The car, together with its accessories, **was** expensive.
14. The report, accompanied by the data, **is** complete.
15. The doctor, along with the nurses, **is** examining the patients.
16. The player, as well as his coach, **is** confident about the game.
17. The artist, with his paintings, **is** exhibiting his work.
18. The author, accompanied by his editor, **is** signing books.
19. The chef, along with his staff, **is** preparing the meal.
20. The actor, as well as his co-stars, **is** attending the premiere.

### Error Correction Questions

1. The teacher, along with her students, **are** going on a trip.

2. The manager, accompanied by his assistant, **are** attending the
3. The president, as well as the vice president, **are** giving a
4. The book, along with the notes, **are** on the table.
5. The dog, together with the cat, **were** playing in the yard.
6. The cake, accompanied by ice cream, **were** delicious.
7. John, with his friends, **are** coming to the party.
8. The team, as well as the coach, **are** ready for the match.
9. The singer, along with the band, **are** performing tonight.
10. The captain, with his crew, **are** sailing the ship.
11. The movie, along with its sequels, **are** popular.
12. The principal, as well as the teachers, **are** attending the
13. The car, together with its accessories, **were** expensive.
14. The report, accompanied by the data, **are** complete.
15. The doctor, along with the nurses, **are** examining the
16. The player, as well as his coach, **are** confident about the
17. The artist, with his paintings, **are** exhibiting his work.
18. The author, accompanied by his editor, **are** signing books.
19. The chef, along with his staff, **are** preparing the meal.
20. The actor, as well as his co-stars, **are** attending the premiere.

For each of the error correction questions, the correct form should
use a verb that agrees with the first subject in the compound subject

### Rule 1: Use of Articles

**Explanation:** If an article is used only before one subject, it

implies one person or thing, hence a singular verb is used. If an
article is used before all subjects, it implies different persons or
things, hence a plural verb is used.

#### Sentences (Singular Verb)

1. The principal and teacher is attending the meeting.
2. The manager and assistant is in the office.
3. The cat and dog is sleeping on the bed.
4. A pen and pencil is on the table.
5. The chef and waiter is preparing the meal.
6. The president and vice president is present.
7. A cup and saucer is on the shelf.
8. The doctor and nurse is on duty.
9. The author and editor is working together.
10. A singer and dancer is performing tonight.

#### Error Correction Questions (Singular Verb)

1. The principal and teacher are attending the meeting.
2. The manager and assistant are in the office.
3. The cat and dog are sleeping on the bed.
4. A pen and pencil are on the table.
5. The chef and waiter are preparing the meal.
6. The president and vice president are present.
7. A cup and saucer are on the shelf.
8. The doctor and nurse are on duty.
9. The author and editor are working together.
10. A singer and dancer are performing tonight.

#### Sentences (Plural Verb)

1. The principal and the teacher are attending the meeting.
2. The manager and the assistant are in the office.
3. The cat and the dog are sleeping on the bed.
4. A pen and a pencil are on the table.
5. The chef and the waiter are preparing the meal.
6. The president and the vice president are present.
7. A cup and a saucer are on the shelf.
8. The doctor and the nurse are on duty.
9. The author and the editor are working together.
10. A singer and a dancer are performing tonight.

#### Error Correction Questions (Plural Verb)

1. The principal and the teacher is attending the meeting.
2. The manager and the assistant is in the office.
3. The cat and the dog is sleeping on the bed.
4. A pen and a pencil is on the table.
5. The chef and the waiter is preparing the meal.
6. The president and the vice president is present.
7. A cup and a saucer is on the shelf.
8. The doctor and the nurse is on duty.
9. The author and the editor is working together.
10. A singer and a dancer is performing tonight.

### Rule 2: Correlative Conjunctions

**Explanation:** When two subjects are joined by 'neither...nor',

'either...or', 'not only...but also', 'nor', 'or', or 'none-but', the verb
should agree with the subject closest to it.

#### Sentences
1. Neither the cat nor the dogs are in the garden.
2. Either the teacher or the students have the keys.
3. Not only the players but also the coach is excited.
4. Neither the manager nor the employees were aware.
5. Either John or his friends are coming.
6. Not only the book but also the notes were lost.
7. Neither the rain nor the snow is expected.
8. Either the president or the senators are responsible.
9. Not only the chef but also the waiters are busy.
10. Neither my sister nor my brother is at home.

#### Error Correction Questions

1. Neither the cat nor the dogs is in the garden.
2. Either the teacher or the students has the keys.
3. Not only the players but also the coach are excited.
4. Neither the manager nor the employees was aware.
5. Either John or his friends is coming.
6. Not only the book but also the notes was lost.
7. Neither the rain nor the snow are expected.
8. Either the president or the senators is responsible.
9. Not only the chef but also the waiters is busy.
10. Neither my sister nor my brother are at home.

### Rule 3: 'Neither of' and 'None of'

**Explanation:** 'Neither of' means 'not one of two'. For 'not one of
more than two', use 'none of'.

#### Sentences
1. Neither of the two students is present.
2. None of the three options are correct.
3. Neither of the books is on the shelf.
4. None of the candidates are suitable.
5. Neither of my parents is at home.
6. None of the players are ready.
7. Neither of the cars is available.
8. None of the solutions are practical.
9. Neither of the plans is feasible.
10. None of the events are happening today.

#### Error Correction Questions

1. Neither of the two students are present.
2. None of the three options is correct.
3. Neither of the books are on the shelf.
4. None of the candidates is suitable.
5. Neither of my parents are at home.
6. None of the players is ready.
7. Neither of the cars are available.
8. None of the solutions is practical.
9. Neither of the plans are feasible.
10. None of the events is happening today.

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### Rule 1: Use "Neither of" to indicate "not even one" among "two"
or "more than two."

#### Sentences:
1. Neither of the students has completed the assignment.
2. Neither of the two options is suitable.
3. Neither of the cakes was eaten.
4. Neither of the solutions worked.
5. Neither of the candidates is qualified.
6. Neither of the brothers is coming to the party.
7. Neither of the phones works properly.
8. Neither of the explanations makes sense.
9. Neither of the teachers agrees with the proposal.
10. Neither of the roads leads to the destination.

#### Error Correction Questions:

1. Neither of the students have completed the assignment.
2. Neither of the two options are suitable.
3. Neither of the cakes were eaten.
4. Neither of the solutions were worked.
5. Neither of the candidates are qualified.
6. Neither of the brothers are coming to the party.
7. Neither of the phones work properly.
8. Neither of the explanations make sense.
9. Neither of the teachers agree with the proposal.
10. Neither of the roads lead to the destination.

### Rule 2: Use "Either of" to indicate "one of the two" or "one of
the more than two."

#### Sentences:
1. Either of the answers is correct.
2. Either of the plans will work.
3. Either of the books is fine.
4. Either of the restaurants serves good food.
5. Either of the options is acceptable.
6. Either of the movies is worth watching.
7. Either of the dresses looks great.
8. Either of the roads leads to the park.
9. Either of the solutions solves the problem.
10. Either of the theories is plausible.

#### Error Correction Questions:

1. Either of the answers are correct.
2. Either of the plans are work.
3. Either of the books are fine.
4. Either of the restaurants serve good food.
5. Either of the options are acceptable.
6. Either of the movies are worth watching.
7. Either of the dresses look great.
8. Either of the roads lead to the park.
9. Either of the solutions solve the problem.
10. Either of the theories are plausible.
### Rule 3: Using "Both" with "not" means "not even one" among
"two," so use "neither of."

#### Sentences:
1. Both of the answers are not correct.
2. Both of the plans are not feasible.
3. Both of the candidates are not suitable.
4. Both of the solutions are not effective.
5. Both of the roads are not open.
6. Both of the phones are not working.
7. Both of the options are not viable.
8. Both of the houses are not available.
9. Both of the dresses are not fitting.
10. Both of the theories are not credible.

#### Error Correction Questions:

1. Neither of the answers is correct.
2. Neither of the plans is feasible.
3. Neither of the candidates is suitable.
4. Neither of the solutions is effective.
5. Neither of the roads is open.
6. Neither of the phones is working.
7. Neither of the options is viable.
8. Neither of the houses is available.
9. Neither of the dresses is fitting.
10. Neither of the theories is credible.

### Rule 4: Some nouns appear plural but have a singular meaning.
Use a singular verb with these nouns.

#### Sentences:
1. Measles is a contagious disease.
2. Billiards is a popular game.
3. The United States is a powerful country.
4. The Arabian Nights is a famous book.
5. Economics is an interesting subject.
6. Politics is often controversial.
7. Mathematics is essential in engineering.
8. Physics is a challenging field.
9. Statistics is crucial for research.
10. Linguistics is the study of language.

#### Error Correction Questions:

1. Measles are a contagious disease.
2. Billiards are a popular game.
3. The United States are a powerful country.
4. The Arabian Nights are a famous book.
5. Economics are an interesting subject.
6. Politics are often controversial.
7. Mathematics are essential in engineering.
8. Physics are a challenging field.
9. Statistics are crucial for research.
10. Linguistics are the study of language.

### Rule 5: If "Statistics" means "data," "Mathematics" means

"calculations," and "Politics" means "political ideas," then they are
usually used in plural form.

#### Sentences:
1. The statistics show an increase in sales.
2. His politics are very liberal.
3. The mathematics of the problem are complex.
4. The statistics reveal a downward trend.
5. The politics of the region are unstable.
6. The mathematics involved in this theory are advanced.
7. The statistics indicate a need for change.
8. Her politics are conservative.
9. The statistics were collected over five years.
10. The politics of the party are changing.

#### Error Correction Questions:

1. The statistics shows an increase in sales.
2. His politics is very liberal.
3. The mathematics of the problem is complex.
4. The statistics reveals a downward trend.
5. The politics of the region is unstable.
6. The mathematics involved in this theory is advanced.
7. The statistics indicates a need for change.
8. Her politics is conservative.
9. The statistics was collected over five years.
10. The politics of the party is changing.

### Rule 6: In a sentence, the verb should agree with the main
subject of the sentence. We often mistakenly match the verb with
the nearby subject, which is incorrect.

#### Sentences:
1. The quality of the apples is good.
2. The appeal of the victims has been accepted.
3. The behavior of the children is unacceptable.
4. The cost of the items has increased.
5. The manager, along with his team, is here.
6. The color of the flowers is beautiful.
7. The taste of these fruits is amazing.
8. The leader, accompanied by his followers, is coming.
9. The design of the dresses is unique.
10. The condition of the roads is terrible.

#### Error Correction Questions:

1. The quality of the apples are good.
2. The appeal of the victims have been accepted.
3. The behavior of the children are unacceptable.
4. The cost of the items have increased.
5. The manager, along with his team, are here.
6. The color of the flowers are beautiful.
7. The taste of these fruits are amazing.
8. The leader, accompanied by his followers, are coming.
9. The design of the dresses are unique.
10. The condition of the roads are terrible.

### Rule 7: Always use a singular verb with a collective noun.

#### Sentences:
1. The team is winning the match.
2. The committee has made a decision.
3. The family is on vacation.
4. The audience was thrilled by the performance.
5. The group is ready to go.
6. The crew is preparing for departure.
7. The jury has reached a verdict.
8. The staff is working hard.
9. The class is taking the test.
10. The herd is grazing in the field.

#### Error Correction Questions:

1. The team are winning the match.
2. The committee have made a decision.
3. The family are on vacation.
4. The audience were thrilled by the performance.
5. The group are ready to go.
6. The crew are preparing for departure.
7. The jury have reached a verdict.
8. The staff are working hard.
9. The class are taking the test.
10. The herd are grazing in the field.

### Rule 8: If there is a disagreement or if each individual is being

referred to in a collective noun, use a plural verb and a plural

#### Sentences:
1. The team are arguing among themselves.
2. The committee have split on the issue.
3. The family are expressing different opinions.
4. The audience have dispersed after the show.
5. The group have gone their separate ways.
6. The crew have taken their positions.
7. The jury are divided in their opinions.
8. The staff have voiced their concerns.
9. The class have finished their assignments.
10. The herd have scattered across the field.

#### Error Correction Questions:

1. The team is arguing among themselves.
2. The committee has split on the issue.
3. The family is expressing different opinions.
4. The audience has dispersed after the show.
5. The group has gone their separate ways.
6. The crew has taken their positions.
7. The jury has divided in their opinions.
8. The staff has voiced their concerns.
9. The class has finished their assignments.
10. The herd has scattered across the field.

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