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1. Module: Return
Screen 1: Return Order List________________________________________2
Screen 2: Create

Return Order List

Use Case: Return Order List
Actor 1. Customer

Goal To Provide an intuitive interface for efficiently managing return orders, allowing
users to view, search, filter, create, and edit return orders seamlessly. This system
ensures streamlined return order processing, enhancing user interaction and
operational efficiency.

Precondition 1. The user must be logged into the system to access the return order list screen.
2. The return order database should be populated with initial data, including
return order ID, status, created date, amount, and associated order ID.
3. The user must have the necessary permissions to view, search, filter, edit, and
create return orders.
4. The return order list UI components (table, search bar, filter options) must be
fully loaded and operational.
5. The system must have predefined return order filter criteria configured and
ready for use (e.g., status, date range, amount).
Flow Steps 1. User selects ‘Return’ option from dashboard, redirected to 'Return Order
List' screen.
2. Central area displays table listing all return orders, providing
comprehensive return order details view.
3. Table columns: Order ID, Created Date, Total Amount, Status.
4. Search bar atop screen allows quick return order search by Return Order
ID or Order ID.
5. Filters available above table for return order filtering by criteria like status,
date range.
6. "Create" button prominently displayed, opens form for new return order
details entry.
7. Return Order ID in table clickable, links to view and modify return order
8. Edit and Delete options available for each return order directly in the
9. Status indicators (e.g., Pending, In preparation, Rejected) with color
coding for easy identification of return order status.
10. If the number of return orders exceeds the table's display limit, pagination
controls (next, previous, page numbers) are available at the bottom of the
table, allowing users to navigate through different pages of the return
order list.

Alternate Flow
1. If no return orders are available based on the current filters or search criteria,
display the message: "No return orders found"

2. Allow users to click on an order ID to view detailed information, such as

product details, return reason, and status history.

Post Condition 1. The user can see a list of return orders with columns like status, return order
ID, created date, order ID, total refund amount, and reason for return.
2. The user can search for specific return orders using return order ID or other
3. The user can filter return orders based on status, date range, or refund
4. The user can view details, edit existing return orders, or create new return
Success Criteria 1. Users can easily see a list of return orders with details like Status,
Order ID, Date, Amount, and Return Status.
2. Users can quickly find specific return orders using Order ID.
3. Users can refine the list by filtering based on Status, Date Range.
4. Users can modify existing return orders, update statuses, and add
necessary information.
5. The screen is designed for easy navigation and requires minimal
training for users to manage return orders effectively.

Create Return

Use Case: Create Return
Actor 1. Customer

Goal Enable users to initiate return requests efficiently by selecting the order, specifying
reasons, managing quantities, uploading images, and adding notes, ensuring
comprehensive and error-free processing of return transactions.

Precondition 1. Users must be logged in with appropriate permissions to initiate return

2. The screen should display relevant order details such as product information
and invoice number for selection.
3. Users must specify a reason for the return and provide contact person details
(name, email).
4. The system should calculate the credit request based on the return quantities
entered by the user.
5. Optionally, users can upload images related to the return and add notes for
additional context.
Flow Steps 1. Select an order ID to access the 'Create Return' screen with product
details and invoice number.
2. Enter return reason, contact person name, and email.
3. Specify return quantities for each product; system calculates total credit
4. Optionally upload images of returned products for documentation.
5. View uploaded images, with option to delete if necessary.
6. Include any additional notes or comments.
7. Review all details and submit return request.
8. Upon submission, update order system with return details for inventory
Alternate Flow
1. Mandatory fields must be filled out completely before submission; errors will
prevent saving until all required information is provided.

2. Invalid data prompts error messages and highlights the specific fields for

3. Notes can be added for additional instructions or details.

Post Condition 1. After selecting the order ID, users are redirected to the 'create return' screen
pre-filled with product details and invoice number.
2. Users can specify return reasons, enter contact information, and select return
quantities. The system calculates and displays the total credit request amount
based on the return quantity entered.
3. Users can upload images related to the return. Uploaded images are displayed
with their names and sizes. Users have the option to delete uploaded images.

Success Criteria 1. Upon selecting the return order ID, users are redirected to the 'Create
Return' screen with pre-populated product details and invoice number.
2. Users can easily specify the reason for return, enter the contact
person's name, and provide a personal email for communication.
3. In the product section, users can add quantities for returned items,
which are automatically calculated to show the total credit request
4. Users can upload images of returned products directly from the 'Create
Return' screen. After uploading, they can view and manage uploaded
images, including deletion if necessary.
5. Users have the option to add notes related to the return order,
providing additional context if needed.


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