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1. The Tomara Rajputs were the first rulers who established their capital at Delhi.

2. : Peasantry was the backbone of the entire kingdom. The king could not do anything without it
because it was the source of revenue. The soldiers got the salaries which came from this revenue.
Hence, it was necessary to keep the peasants prosperous and happy because only then they could
be able to pay revenue. Now, it becomes clear why the military commanders kept the interests of
the peasantry at top

3.The earth’s crust consists of several large and some small, rigid, irregularly— shaped
plates, Le., slabs which cany continents and the ocean floor.

1. : The members of the sabha were the prominent landlords. However there were separate
committees to supervise different fields like gardens, temples etc. Names of the eligible persons to
be members of the different committees were written on small tickets of palm leaf. The tickets were
put into an earthen pot and a young boy was asked to take out the tickets one by one for each
committee. The person selected through this process was declared to be the member of that

2. The term ‘foreigner’ is used in the sense of a person who is not an Indian. In the medieval
period it was applied to any stranger who appeared, say in a given village, someone who was
not a part of that society or culture. In this sense a forest-dweller was a foreigner for a city-
dweller. But two peasants living in the same village were not foreigners to

3. The government can take steps to provide healthcare for all by: Increasing the number of
hospitals, healthcare centres and family welfare centres. Organising free camps for check up
of general public. Organising Pulse Polio campaigns. Spreading health awareness among
common people through different means. Workshops, seminars and training camps can also
prove to be effective ways.

(i) In deserts, winds usually erode the lower section of the rock more than the upper part. Therefore,
such rocks have narrower base and wider top, which take the shape of a mushroom. (ii) Flood plains
are formed by the deposition of fine soil and other material called sediments on the river banks. As
the soil and sediments are brought by flood water, they are very fertile. (iii) Sea waves strike at the
rocks. As a result cracks develop which become bigger over time and hollow like caves are formed on
the rocks. They are called sea caves. These cavities become bigger and bigger and a time comes
when only the roof of the caves remain to form sea arches. Further erosion breaks the roof and only
walls are left. These wall like features are called stacks. In this way, sea caves are turned into stacks.
(iv) Most of the buildings are not safe enough to resist the vibrations of the earthquakes. They are
not made earthquake-proof. They collapse tearing apart due to shallow foundation and lack of
adequate steel in the interior design.

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