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Instructor…………. Dr. Mozaffar Hussain

Name………………… Mazhar Ali
Reg.I-D………………. 191502
Subject……………… SNM
Semester……………. VII

Department of physics, Faculty of basic & applied sciences,

Q.No.1: Write a note on the development of nanotechnology
and its role in the modern world.

Nanoscience and nanotechnologies are two distinct fields that study

phenomena and manipulation of materials at atomic, molecular, and
macromolecular scales. They involve designing, characterization, production,
and application of structures, devices, and systems by controlling shape and size
at the nanometre scale. Nature relies on nanoscale structures and processes,
including simple colloids like milk and proteins. These fields have been exploited
for centuries, with imaging techniques like scanning tunnelling and atomic force
microscopes improving our understanding of the Nano world and enhancing our
ability to control structure at the nanoscale.
Nanotechnology is gaining significant attention due to its potential applications
in various fields. Nanoscience and nanotechnologies focus on producing new or
enhanced materials, with some products already on the market. Carbon
nanostructures, such as Buckminsterfullerene (C60) and its analogy, show
promise in lubricants, drug delivery systems, electronics, and electronics.
Carbon nanotubes, which can be up to several centimetres long, have unique
properties and are used in reinforced composites, sensors, Nano electronics,
and display devices. Future applications include lighter, stronger materials,
cleaning contaminated land, and energy-efficient water purification or
desalination. Nanoscience and nanotechnologies will continue to play a pivotal
role in the miniaturization of computer chips and data storage. Alternative
technologies and materials to Si-based devices, such as plastic electronic
devices, are also being developed. Nanotechnologies are also enabling the
development of smaller, cheaper sensors, with applications in environmental
pollution monitoring, food freshness, and building stress.
Nanoscience and nanotechnologies offer great opportunities. Almost all
nanotechnologies pose no new risks to heath or the environment. However, we
have concerns about manufactured nanoparticles and nanotubes that are in a
form where they are free to interact with humans or the environment.
Q.No.2: What are Ferro-fluids and Supercritical Fluid (SCF)
Surfactant? Explain their role in chemical modification of
nanoparticles. Also describe its properties.
Magnetic fluids may be classified as Ferro fluids (FF), which are colloidal
suspensions of very fine (~ 10 nm) magnetic particles, and magnetorheological
fluids, which are suspensions of larger, usually non-stable, magnetic particles.
We review the general classification and the main properties of FF, some
theoretical models and a few applications. We consider the stability of a FF in
terms of various forces and torques on the magnetic particles. We discuss
thermodiffusion, which is an important phenomenon in FF, and which gives rise
to the Soret effect. We also consider the rotational dynamics of the magnetic
moments of the particles. A large portion of this review is dedicated to
applications of FF, including a few of the many technological applications.
Among the uses of a FF in the study of materials, we have selected the doping
of liquid crystals. Among the very promising uses in Medicine, we discuss drug
targeting, hyperthermia, cell separation, and contrast in magnetic resonance
imaging. We also make some comments on directions for future research on
the properties of Ferro fluids.
Surfactants like oleic acid, tetramethylammonium hydroxide, citric acid, and soy
lecithin are used to coat nanoparticles in Ferro fluids to prevent clumping and
prevent magnetic particles from settling out. They have a polar head and non-
polar tail, forming an inverse micelle around the particle. Surfactants prolong
settling rates but also hinder the fluid's magnetic properties. The addition of
surfactants decreases the fluid's on-state viscosity, making it softer and less
important for commercial and industrial applications.

Supercritical Fluid:
Nanomaterials have size- and structure-dependent properties that require
control. Supercritical fluids can tune the interaction between nanomaterials and
the medium, allowing for the synthesis of nanoparticles, surface design, and
formation of nanostructures. A holistic understanding of phase equilibria,
solvent effect on kinetics, interaction between nanomaterials and fluid, and
transport phenomena in supercritical fluids is necessary for rational design and
synthetic processes. A supercritical fluid (SCF) is any substance at a temperature
and pressure above its critical point, where distinct liquid and gas phases do not
exist, but below the pressure required to compress it into a solid.


1. Its density can be modulated by adjusting pressure and temperature

within the supercritical region, so the properties of the solvent can be
varied just by modifying the operating conditions and without having to
change the medium.

2. They also have the high diffusivities inherent to gases (one or two orders
of magnitude greater than those of liquids) and low viscosities (an order
of magnitude lower than liquid solvents), which contribute to improving
mass transfer processes.

3. The supercritical processes consume less energy than those based on

organic solvents, since they do not require working at high temperatures
or the transitions between distillation and condensation.

4. The use of SCF eliminates the environmental and safety drawbacks of

organic solvents such as volatility, residue, flammability, and toxicity.

5. The viscosity is much lower than that of liquids, which gives it very
favorable hydrodynamic properties.

6. They have high penetrability through porous solids and packed beds due
to their low surface tension.
Comparison of gases, supercritical fluids and liquidS]

Density (kg/m3) Viscosity (µPa·s) Diffusivity (mm2/s)

Gases 1 10 1–10

Supercritical fluids 100–1000 50–100 0.01–0.1

Liquids 1000 500–1000 0.001

Supercritical fluids have no surface tension and can be adjusted by changing

pressure and temperature. Solubility is crucial, increasing with density at
constant temperature. However, near the critical point, solubility can drop
sharply with temperature, causing it to drop and then rise again.

Q.No.3: Describe the various developments in the production

techniques for nanoparticles.

Developments in production techniques

As the market for nanoparticles in high-tech areas, such as the computer and
pharmaceutical industry, continues to expand, the demand for nanoparticles
with a well-defined size and/or shape in high volumes and at low cost continues
to increase. This trend is responsible for a continuous refinement of existing
manufacturing technologies and for the development of novel production
 Supercritical fluids (SCFs) as a medium for metal nanoparticle growth
 Electrodeposition Process
 Coating and chemical modification of nanoparticles.
Supercritical fluids (SCFs) as a medium for metal nanoparticle growth.
Latest technique (used started in past two years)
Supercritical fluid precipitation processes can produce a narrow particle
size distribution. SCFs possess properties that are intermediate between
liquids and gases.
Example: Generally, CO2 is used because of its relatively mild supercritical
conditions. Critical Temperature = Tc = 31°C, Critical pressure = Pc = 73
A gas becomes a supercritical fluid above a critical point, at a certain
temperature (critical temperature, Tc) and
pressure (critical pressure, Pc).
Sumitomo Electric development

Electrodeposition Process

Sumitomo Electric has recently developed an electrodeposition Method

Electrodeposition Process is very cost competitive compared with
chemical vapor deposition (CVD) approaches. Process in which metallic
ions are dissolved in an aqueous solvent, which is subsequently reduced
to produce metallic nanoparticles at.

Coating and chemical modification of nanoparticles

Silicate nanoparticles are hydrophilic and need to be chemically modified to

make them more hydrophobic
for example: with larger molecules such as polyhedral Oligomeric
silsesquioxanes (POSS—see glossary),
larger molecules such as POSS are popular both for coating silicate
nanoparticles and as a filler for composites
on their own.
The customizable side groups on POSS can assist in making polymers easier to
graft to each other and hold promise for initiating protein adhesion in
biomaterials. At about 1.5 nm in radius, POSS are themselves sometimes
classified as nanoparticles.
Q.No.4: Describe the following terms
a): Describe the role of surface area to volume ration in
improving the magnetic properties.
b): What are optomagnetic materials, write down their
mechanism and application in daily life.
Nanoparticles are materials with dimensions between 1 and 100 nanometers (nm) and contain
hundreds to 105 atoms. Magnetic materials are those that respond to an applied magnetic field and
are classified into five main types: ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, diamagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and
ferrimagnetic. In ferromagnetic materials, an atom has a net magnetic moment due to unpaired
electrons, while in paramagnetic materials, the magnetic moments align along the direction of the
applied magnetic field. In diamagnetic materials, atoms have no unpaired electrons, resulting in zero
net magnetic moment. Antiferromagnetic materials have equal and opposite magnetic moments,
while ferrimagnetic materials have different magnitudes and do not cancel out. Magnetic
nanoparticles (MNPs) show some response to an applied magnetic field, allowing physicists, chemists,
material scientists, and engineers to synthesize systems with nano sizes. As the size of the NP
decreases, the surface-to-volume ratio increases, leading to novel physical, chemical, and mechanical

Optomagnetic coupling materials have great potential applications in faster and less dissipative
magnetic random access memory and all-optical manipulation of the magnetization in magneto-
optical recording.

Magnets are found in some toys. For example, a toy train set often has magnets that attach
the carriages to each other, or you can get building blocks that stick together with magnets

In compasses, magnets are used to make sure that the needle always points north. You can
even make your own basic compass at home using this same method. All you need is a bowl of
water, a cork and a needle. You'll see how the magnetic pull of the north pole changes the
direction of the needle.
In some medical processes, they use magnets. For example, in some scans such as NMR and
MRI, powerful magnets are used. An MRI machine is a large, cylindrical scanner that uses a
powerful magnet to create images of the inside of the body. These images are used to diagnose
medical conditions.

Fridge Magnets
One of the most obvious magnet uses: fridge magnets! They can be used to attach pictures to
your fridge. Alphabet magnets can be used to spell out words on your fridge and spell out fun

Furniture and Household Appliances

Some cupboards and drawers use magnets to keep the doors closed, as well as fridges too.
There are also some cool new designs that use magnets to appear like they are floating in the
air! There are also a few household appliances that use magnets, and you probably have one
at home! Things like microwaves, speakers, earphones and fans all use magnets to work.

Some pieces of jewellery have magnetic clasps to clip the ends together around your neck or
arm. There are also magnetic earrings for people who don't have their ears pierced.

Magnets are also a great way to separate different metals. This is because some of the metals
will stick to the magnet and some won't. This means they can use magnets when splitting up
materials and use this to recycle things faster!

Industrial Machinery
There are special vehicles that have strong magnets on them, for picking up cars and scrap
metal. Magnets can also be found in the motors of machinery, as they help to keep the parts
moving. In a computer, there is a hard drive that contains a powerful magnet. This means the
data can be saved to your computer and then kept safe for a long time too! It also means the
data can be read by the computer too. The integrated speakers also need a magnet to make
sound by vibrating.

Mag-Lev Trains
Mag-Lev trains are trains that use magnets to hover above the ground. This is because there
are huge magnets on the bottom side of the train and on the tracks that repel each other.
Because of this, these trains can travel very fast - even up to 200mph!

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