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1. Where are the Sulaiman and Kirthar hills located?

The Sulaiman and Kirthar hills are located In the modem day Pakistan.

2. Where are the Garo hills located?

The Garo hills are in the north-east of India

3. How was wood used in the past?

Wood was used as firewood. It was also used to make huts and tools.

4. Why do farmers grow some crops in some areas and not in other areas?
r: Farmers do this because different plants grow in different conditions.

5. When and how was the site of Harappa first encountered?

Around a hundred and fifty years ago, when railway lines were being laid in Punjab,
engineers stumbled upon the site of Harappa.

6. Name the four Vedas.

The four Vedas are: (i) Rigveda
(ii) Samaveda
(iii) Yajurveda
(iv) Atharvaveda

7. What does the solar family consist of

The solar family consists of the sun, planets, their satellites, and asteroids and meteoroids.
8. What are the advantages of the globe?
The globe is small in shape, is convenient to carry and use, and depicts all features of the

9. Why do seasons change?

Seasons change due to the change in the position of the earth around the sun.

10. Give an example of unity in diversity among Indians

All Indians share the same national pride of having India as their motherland.

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