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SECTION- 1 3*2=6

1. What responsibility has been placed on the government by the Constitution?

Ans: It is the responsibility of the government to take specific steps to realise right to
equality for poor and other marginal communities.

2. Give one example to show why diversity is important in our lives.

ANS-If all had similar lives in aspects of region, religion, opportunities, etc., then writers
would lack innovation.

3. What would happen if the earth did not rotate

ANS-In such a condition the portion of the earth facing the sun would always experience
day, and thus there would be continuous warmth in the region. At the same time the other
half would always remain dark and be freezing cold all the time. These are extreme
conditions which are not suitable for life. Thus, we can say that if the earth did not rotate life
would not have been possible.


1. Why do we have the concept of time zone?

The sun does not shine with the same intensity over all parts of the world at a particular
time. If it is overhead at one place (midday), then it does not shine at all (midnight) at the
place directly opposite to that place on the earth. So if we have the same time, then 12 noon
will mean midday at one place, and midnight at another. To avoid such an awkward system,
we have the system of time zones, so that everywhere a particular time means the same
stage of the day

2. What is the Pole Star? How can the Saptarishi be used to locate it?
The Pole Star is the star that is known to retain its position in the sky always. We can
locate the position of the Pole Star with the help of the constellation Saptarishi. If an
imaginary line is drawn joining the “pointer stars” of the Saptarishi and extended
further, it will point to the Pole Star.
3. Write a short note on the Rigveda
The Rigveda is the oldest of the Vedas. It indicates over a thousand hymns in Vedic (old)
Sanskrit. These hymns (called ‘Sukta’ — well said) are in praise of various gods and
goddesses, mainly: Agni, Indra and Soma. These hymns were composed by sages, who
learnt them and made their children learn. Finally, they were printed about 200 years

1. On the outline map of India, mark these sites : Burzahom, Mehrgarh, Koldihwa,
Chirand, Mahagara, Daojali Hading, Hallur. Paiyarnpall

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