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8, APRIL 15, 2023 2261

Space Laser Communication Assisted Protection

Scheme Against SRLG Failures in Terrestrial
Optical Networks
Xin Li , Member, IEEE, Wei Xu , Hong Wang, and Shanguo Huang

Abstract—Survivability has already been an important research that AI makes the complex work easier, 5G makes the data
focus for the terrestrial optical network (TON). Various surviv- transmission faster, IoT makes the perception wider, and satellite
ability technologies such as the pre-configured structure scheme, networks make the interconnection far-reaching. Among these
the multi-path protection scheme, the link/path-based restoration
scheme, the disaster-aware network deployment scheme, and the new things, satellite networks which are the product of human
degraded service tolerant provisioning scheme, have been devel- space exploration have been given a special attention. Over the
oped to achieve the uninterrupted traffic transmission. However, past decades, tens of thousands of satellites have been launched
most of the survivability technologies strongly rely on the network into space to construct powerful satellite constellations such as
connectivity of the TON, and thus it is difficult to deal with shared
Iridium [1], Globalstar [2], Thuraya [3], BeiDou [4], Starlink [5],
risk link group (SRLG) failures caused by natural disasters or man-
made destructions. Recently, the space laser communication (SLC) and Galileo [6]. To achieve the high-rate and large-capacity data
is widely studied and obtains rapid development. It can provide transmission between satellites, the space laser communication
homogeneous spatial light-paths between two satellites or between (SLC) instead of the radio frequency communication (RFC)
a satellite and an optical ground station (OGS). The SLC brings has been adopted by inter-satellite links and satellite-to-earth
a new solution to improve the survivability of the TON. In this
links. In [7], the high-rate satellite communication links with
paper, we study the SLC assisted survivability technologies against
SRLG failures caused by natural disasters occurring on the ground. the data rates of 1 Gbps to 8 Gbps up to 80 km distance and
The SLC assisted dedicated protection (SLC-DP) scheme and the data rates of 10 Gbps to 100 Gbps up to 6 km distance were
SLC assisted shared protection (SLC-SP) scheme are proposed. achieved. In [8], the performance of the inter-satellite optical
Heuristic algorithms are developed to realize those two schemes. wireless communication system with the data rate of 40 Gbps
Numerical results show that the SLC-SP scheme has a low blocking
by using the channel diversity technique was measured. Being
probability and the capacity of satellite-to-earth laser links plays a
more important role than that of inter-satellite laser links. different from the laser communication between satellites, the
laser communication between a satellite and an optical ground
Index Terms—Dedicated protection, shared protection, shared station (OGS) is easily influenced by atmosphere refractivity
risk link group (SRLG), space laser communication, survivability,
terrestrial optical networks. and turbulence. In [9], a novel collaboration protocol for the
hybrid communication media of free space optical (FSO) and
I. INTRODUCTION ground fiber network was proposed to realize the efficient and
N RECENT years, a variety of new things have emerged stable link quality. The data rate of 40 Gbps using a single wave-
I in our lives such as big data, cloud computing, artificial
intelligence (AI), unmanned aerial vehicle, virtual reality (VR),
length was achieved. In [10], a duplex optical communication
link was verified between a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite and
augmented reality (AR), 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), and the an OGS where the down link used the modulation format of
air-space-ground integrated information network. These new differential phase shift keying and supported the transmission
things change our way of life and enhance the quality of life rate of 5.12 Gbps. In [11], a demonstration of 1.72 Tbps trans-
mission of a geostationary earth orbit (GEO) uplink using the
dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) technology
Manuscript received 8 June 2022; revised 11 October 2022 and 19 December
2022; accepted 22 December 2022. Date of publication 26 December 2022; date was presented. With the development of the laser communi-
of current version 17 April 2023. This work was supported in part by the National cation in inter-satellite links and satellite-to-earth links, the
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61821001, 62171050, and satellite optical network (SON) is formed and will become
62125103, in part by the State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture under
Grant CARCH201906, and in part by the Open Fund of State Key Laboratory an important information and communication infrastructure in
of Information Photonics and Optical Communications, BUPT, under Grant the space area. Based on this, some researches focus on the
IPOC2021ZT15. (Corresponding author: Xin Li.) routing and resource allocation problem in SONs. In [12], a
The authors are with the School of Electronic Engineering, Beijing
University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China (e- mixed integer linear programing (MILP) formulation and a data
mail:;;; relay request provisioning algorithm was developed to address the light-path provisioning problem for data relay services in
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at a GEO satellite network. In [13], an ant colony optimization
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JLT.2022.3232110 (ACO) based routing and wavelength assignment strategy was

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developed in SONs. It used the small window strategy to improve the established working light-path and the backup light-path
the convergence speed. In [14], [15], a cross-layer optimization must be disaster-independent. To realize these two schemes,
model which considers the Doppler wavelength shift of the four regulations are defined and two heuristic algorithms are
physical layer and the transmission delay of the network layer developed.
was presented. In this model, the ACO was used to conduct The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II
the routing and wavelength assignment. In [16], a dual routing elaborates related works. Section III describes the integrated
engine for a two-layered and multi-domain SON was proposed. architecture of GEO satellites and the TON, as well as the
In [17], a topology reconstructed networking algorithm was proposed SLC-DP scheme and the SLC-SP scheme. Heuristic
developed to find the minimal set of optical inter-satellite laser algorithms are developed in Section IV. Section V presents
links under the guarantee of quality of service (QOS). numerical results. Section VI discusses the limitations of the
Compared with the SON, the terrestrial optical network proposed protection schemes and presents corresponding solu-
(TON) is studied and commercial for several decades. It has tions. Section VII concludes this paper.
been deployed in many scenes such as mobile backhaul, access
network, metro network, and core network. The TON is a huge II. RELATED WORKS
system including a large number of hardware and software
We first summarize the existing survivability technologies
equipment. Optical fiber and optical transmission devices are
proposed for the TON against different types of failures. Then,
two types of hardware. For optical fiber, a slight bending can
the survivability technologies using heterogeneous media are
cause deterioration of signal quality. For optical transmission
introduced. To realize the proposed protection schemes, two
devices, some components such as laser, optical amplifier, opti-
heuristic algorithms are developed. The adopted routing and
cal multiplexer, are sensitive to temperature, humidity, and jitter.
wavelength assignment (RWA) strategy in the developed heuris-
Due to their characteristics of wide distribution and high sever-
tic algorithms is also elaborated. At last, the contributions of this
ity, natural disasters can easily influence the normal operating
paper are summarized.
of the TON. Natural disasters such as earthquake, rainstorm,
etc., can cause optical fibers to be cut off completely. Then,
a TON is destroyed into several disconnected parts and the A. Existing Survivability Technologies in the TON
survivability technologies which strongly rely on the network For the TON, various survivability technologies have been
connectivity of the TON are useless [18], [19]. In 2008, the developed against different types of failures such as indepen-
7.8-magnitude Wenchuan earthquake in China led to around dent link/node failures, cascading failures, and even natural
30,000 km of fiber optic cables cut and 4000 telecom offices disasters. These survivability technologies mainly include the
becoming ineffective. Rescuers cannot contact the outside world pre-configured structure scheme [29], [30], [31], [32], [33], [34],
merely using optical networks and this poses great difficulties to [35], [36], [37], [38], [39], [40], [41], [42], [43], [44], [45], [46],
rescue works [20]. Besides relying on the TON itself to achieve the multi-path protection scheme [47], [48], [49], [50], [51], the
the uninterrupted traffic transmission, other mediums such as dedicated/shared protection scheme [52], [53], the link/path-
the photonic millimeter-wave, satellites, and the LTE, are also based restoration scheme [54], [55], [56], the disaster-aware
used to recover the interrupted traffic [21], [22], [23], [24], network deployment scheme [57], [58], [59], and the degraded
[25], [26], [27], [28]. Satellites which locate at space area over service tolerant provisioning scheme [60]. Among these sur-
400 kilometers are disaster-independent with the TON. Even if vivability technologies, the disaster-aware network deployment
serious disasters occur on the earth, satellites can run properly. scheme and the degraded service tolerant provisioning scheme
Moreover, it can provide homogeneous spatial light-paths for are specially designed in response to natural disasters.
interrupted light-paths in the TON and avoids complex trans- 1) The Pre-Configured Structure Scheme: For rapid traffic
formations of communication protocol, signal type, and signal recovery, spare spectrum resources are usually organized into a
rate. Therefore, the satellite provides a promising method to specific structure such as cycle, cube, polyhedron, and prism.
improve the survivability of the TON against natural disasters. In This kind of survivability technology can be referred to as the
this paper, we study the SLC assisted survivability technologies pre-configured structure scheme. The pre-configured structure
against natural disasters occurring on the ground. The SLC scheme includes the 1+1 protection scheme [29], [30], [31],
assisted dedicated protection (SLC-DP) scheme and the SLC [32], the p-cycle scheme [33], [34], [35], [36], the p-polyhedron
assisted shared protection (SLC-SP) scheme are proposed. Be- scheme [37], [38], [39], [40], [41], [42], the p-cube scheme [43],
ing different from traditional protection schemes, the proposed [44], the p-ball scheme [45], and the p-prism scheme [46]. These
SLC assisted protection schemes establish the backup light-path pre-configured structures are optimal only for specific types
in the TON or through satellites. At present, the inter-satellite and of failures. For example, the p-cycle is optimal only for the
satellite-to-earth laser links have been verified by many research single-link failure and the p-cube is optimal only for dual-link
groups [7], [8], [11]. It is feasible to establish the end-to-end failures. Constructing a pre-configured structure relies on the
light-path through satellites. Compared the fiber link, the cost connectivity of physical topology and thus the pre-configured
of the space laser link is higher. And the capacity of the space structure is still easily destroyed by natural disasters.
laser link is relatively smaller. Therefore, the difficulty of the pro- 2) The Multi-Path Protection Scheme: The multi-path
posed SLC assisted protection schemes is how to collaboratively protection scheme is another important survivability technology
use satellites and the TON to establish the working light-path that can be used to resist multi-failures. For the multi-path
and the backup light-path for each user request. Moreover, protection scheme, a data stream is split into multiple low-rate
Authorized licensed use limited to: Georgia Institute of Technology. Downloaded on May 23,2024 at 05:13:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

streams, each of which is routed and assigned to a separate disasters. In [57], the datacenter placement and content man-
path. In [47], an ILP formulation and a heuristic algorithm agement techniques in cloud networks were presented. Those
were developed to solve the static survivable multipath routing techniques can mitigate huge data loss and service disruptions
and spectrum allocation (SM-RSA) problem. In [48], an ILP by avoiding placement in given disaster-vulnerable locations.
formulation and a heuristic algorithm were developed to solve In [58], the optimal traffic provisioning strategy under service
the dynamic SM-RSA problem. In [49], a novel energy efficient heterogeneity was proposed to alleviate the dramatic decrease
multipath-based survivability scheme against single link failure in network resources caused by large-area failures or a traffic
in static traffic scenario was proposed. In [50], Shan et al. surge. In [59], the nature of possible disruptions in telecom
proposed a survivable shared multipath protection scheme networks caused by disaster events was presented. The authors
in flexible-grid optical networks against multiple failures. shed light on how to prepare the network and cloud services
In [51], the maximum independent paths problem was reduced against disasters, and adapted them for disaster disruptions and
to the maximum independent set problem to prove maximum cascading failures. This scheme can help to reduce the impact
independent paths problem is NP-hard. The time required to of natural disasters on optical network facilities. However, when
solve NP-hard problems increases rapidly as the size of the some areas that have high probability of natural disasters must
problem grows. In other words, there don’t exist polynomial be deployed with bandwidth resources, this scheme is still
time algorithms addressing this kind of problem. The limitations powerless.
of the multi-path protection scheme have two aspects. On the 6) The Degraded Service Tolerant Provisioning Scheme:
one hand the number of independent paths between a source The degraded service tolerant provisioning scheme only recov-
and destination node pair is limited for a given small network, ers parts of important interrupted traffic. In [60], a metric of
and on the other it is difficult to search maximum independent degraded-service tolerance which can reduce protection cost
paths for a source and destination node pair when the network and network disruption, and support maximal carried traffic
size grows large. in case of disasters was developed. Degraded-service-tolerant
3) The Dedicated/Shared Protection Scheme: Since the connections can be admitted and recovered with reduced band-
implementation complexities of the pre-configured structure width under resource crunch. However, this scheme is power-
scheme and the multi-path protection scheme are very high, less when a large number of traffic is required to be restored
the simplest dedicated or shared protection schemes are often under the circumstance of few or no bandwidth resources are
applied. For the dedicated protection scheme, an end-to-end available.
backup path without spectrum sharing is established for the
working path. For the shared protection scheme, the backup
spectrum on a common link can be shared by backup paths as B. Heterogeneous Media Assisted Survivability Technologies
long as their working paths are shared risk link group (SRLG) Except relying on the TON itself to recovery the interrupted
independent. In [52], a novel network design algorithm that traffic, other mediums such as the photonic millimeter-wave,
yields the hierarchical optical path network with dedicated pro- satellites, and the LTE, are also used.
tection was proposed. In [53], a survivable routing algorithm 1) The Photonic Millimeter-Wave Scheme: The photonic
with partial SRLG-disjoint protection based on differentiated millimeter-wave scheme uses the millimeter-wave technology
reliability constraints was proposed. However, a natural disaster to recover the interrupted traffic in the TON. It serves as a
can easily destroy both the working and backup paths of a bridge and represents a seamless and transparent integration of
service. the wireless link into optical networks. In [21], a millimeter-
4) The Link/Path-Based Restoration Scheme: The restora- wave bridge based RF frequency doubling was proposed to
tion scheme tries best to establish a new recovery path for the overcome accidental fiber cuts in optical access networks. In
interrupted working path employing the remaining available [22], a resilient optical and MMW wireless transmission system
spectrum resources after failures. In [54], a dynamic restoration was developed for a novel span protection scheme in disaster
scheme based on the software defined networking (SDN) frame- recovery. In [23], the RoF-based transparent waveform transfer
work was proposed. It exploits centralized path computation was proposed to provide low latency media conversion between
and node configuration to avoid contentions during the recovery optical and radio-wave signals. It can make seamless integration
procedure with the aim of minimizing the recovery time. In [55], of wireless and wired links that can provide resilient and low
three network operator policies were proposed to yield different latency networks. However, the transmission capacity of the
restoration mechanisms according to different inter-domain fail- photonic millimeter-wave is low and the transmission distance
ure exchanges. In [56], a restoration-based survivability strategy is short. The resilience of the photonic millimeter-wave scheme
was proposed. It combines the benefits of both cloud service is limited.
relocation and service differentiation concepts. The restoration 2) The LTE Scheme: The LTE scheme is also used to recover
scheme cannot guarantee 100% recovery and consumes more the interrupted traffic in the TON. In [24], a network architecture
time compared with the protection scheme. Moreover, it is based on the integration of satellites and LTE networks was de-
inefficient and even useless when a large number of services signed to address the vulnerabilities of terrestrial infrastructure-
need to be restored after natural disasters. based networks in major incidents and disaster scenarios. In
5) The Disaster-Aware Network Deployment Scheme: The [25], the study of the aged optical fiber deployment in various
disaster-aware network deployment scheme deploys spectrum optical networks including FSO links as a part of modern optical
resources in the area which has low probability of natural communication networks was presented.
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3) The Satellite Assisted Protection Scheme: Natural disas-

ters such as earthquake, rainstorm, fire, mountain torrent, land-
slide, etc., usually occur on the ground or close to the ground.
Satellites locate at the space area over 400 kilometers high. Nor-
mally there does not exist a natural disaster which can destroy
both the TON and satellites simultaneously. In other words,
even if serious natural disasters occur on the ground, satellites
run properly. Therefore, satellites are disaster-independent with
the TON. Satellites provide a promising method to recover the
interrupted traffic in the TON. Early in 1988, a protection scheme
by the use of suitable satellite capacity was proposed in [26].
With the development of SLC, the SLC assisted survivability
technologies become more efficient and practical. In [27], a
SLC assisted shared backup path protection (SBPP) scheme Fig. 1. Natural disasters modeled by SRLGs in 24-node network [59].
was proposed for satellite-to-earth links. This work focuses on
protecting satellite-to-earth links. In [28], a SLC assisted p-cycle
protection scheme against SRLG failures was proposed. This A. Natural Disaster Modeling
work focuses on the p-cycle structure. Natural disaster can cause a large number of fiber links or
optical transmission devices useless. The influence scope of a
C. The RWA Problem in the TON natural disaster can be modeled by a SRLG which represents
a group of elements that will fail simultaneously. In Fig. 1,
In this paper, we assume the TON and the SON both adopt
SRLG-A, SRLG-B, SRLG-C, and SRLG-D represent the
the wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology. The
influence scopes of earthquake zones, SRLG-E and SRLG-F
routing and wavelength allocation (RWA) problem is proposed
represent the influence scopes of tornado zones, SRLG-G and
for wavelength channel establishment. In [61], five adaptive
SRLG-H represent the influence scopes of hurricane zones.
RWA algorithms were investigated. The results show that the
To improve the survivability of the TON, four regulations for
exhaustive wavelength search algorithm has the lowest blocking
the light-path protection and the data center backup were defined
probability. For the exhaustive wavelength search algorithm, all
[18]. For the space laser link, the transmission delay is large, the
wavelengths are searched for the shortest available path and the
bandwidth is relatively small, and the physical impairment is
shortest path among them is selected. In [62], the concept of
severe. Considering all those factors, we defined the following
wavelength plane (WP) was proposed. Each WP corresponds to
regulations for the SLC-DP scheme and the SLC-SP scheme.
a specific wavelength. In this paper, we adopt the shortest path
1) The working light-path and the backup light-path of a user
algorithm and the exhaustive wavelength search algorithm in the
request must be SRLG-independent. In other words, the
proposed protection schemes.
two light-paths cannot pass through a common SRLG.
We assume the physical impairment of each space laser
D. Our Contributions link is compensated at the intermediate node and does not
Nowadays, the quality of global environment continues to accumulate along the whole space light-path. Therefore,
deteriorate and natural disasters occur frequently. It is essential a space laser link is assumed to be available or not.
and urgent to design the disaster-resilient TON. Since the TON 2) The working light-path of a user request can only be
is disaster-independent with satellites, the SLC can be used to established in the TON. This ensures that the transmission
restore the interrupted traffic in the TON when it is difficult delay of the working light-path is acceptable. Since OGSs
to find recovery paths in the TON. In this paper, we study the are distributed only in several specific areas, the backup
SLC assisted protection schemes in the TON against natural light-path of a user request can be composed of a space
disasters. Based on the integrated architecture of GEO satellites light-path and multiple terrestrial light-paths. These light-
and the TON, we propose the SLC-DP scheme and the SLC-SP paths are concatenated together to form the full backup
scheme. Heuristic algorithms are developed to realize those two light-path.
schemes. The performances of the proposed protection schemes 3) For the space laser link, the cost is high and the bandwidth
are evaluated. Moreover, the limitations of the proposed protec- is relatively small. The proposed protection schemes es-
tion schemes are discussed and the corresponding solutions are tablish the backup light-path through satellites if and only
presented. if the backup light-path cannot be established in the TON.
4) For the SLC-SP scheme, the spectrum resources in backup
III. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION light-paths should be shared as much as possible.

In this section, natural disasters are first modeled by multiple

B. Integrated Architecture of GEO Satellites and the TON
SRLGs. Then, the integrated architecture of GEO satellites and
the TON is presented. Finally, the SLC-DP scheme and the SLC- According to the orbital altitude, satellites can be classified
SP scheme are proposed. into three categories, i.e., LEO satellite, medium earth orbit

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Fig. 2. Integrated architecture of GEO satellites and the TON. Fig. 3. The SLC-DP scheme.

OGS has been realized. Moreover, some works have focused

(MEO) satellite, and GEO satellite. These satellites are located at
on the all-optical switching at satellites. In [64], an all-optical
the space area which is about 400-6000 kilometers high. For the
forwarding relay (AOFR) system which provides all-optical
LEO satellite, the altitude is about 400-2000 kilometers high. For
operation and arbitrary switching without signal processing was
the MEO satellite, the altitude is about 2000-36000 kilometers
proposed. In [65], a novel timeslot-based optical packet switch-
high. And for the GEO satellite, the altitude is about 36000 kilo-
ing architecture for GEO/LEO based satellite backbone network
meters high. In [63], the National Institute of Information and
was proposed. In [66], a satellite optical switching hardware
Communications Technology (NICT) in Japan have successfully
platform based on optical burst switching (OBS) technology
conducted several laser communication experiments between
was designed and implemented. However, achieving all-optical
GEO and LEO satellites and OGSs. The integrated architecture
switching with low power consumption, small size, small weight
of GEO and LEO satellites and OGSs was also presented. Since
and low insertion loss is still a challenge. In this paper, we do
the locations of LEO satellite and MEO satellite change over
not require GEO satellites to support all-optical switching. In
time, the duration of a light-path established through one or
other words, the wavelength continuity constraint is ignored for
more LEO/MEO satellites is limited. If the backup light-path
the space wavelength channel.
of a user request is established through one or more LEO/MEO
satellites, it may require multiple dynamically established light-
paths which continue in time. The implementation complexity C. The SLC-DP Scheme and the SLC-SP Scheme
of the proposed protection schemes is very high. In this paper, For a user request, the SLC-DP scheme requires that the
we only use GEO satellites to realize the proposed protection working light-path is established in the TON and the backup
schemes. light-path is established in the TON or through satellites.
In Fig. 2, the integrated architecture consists of two parts, In some cases, part of the backup light-path is established
i.e., GEO satellites and the TON. All GEO satellites and the through satellites and the rest is established in the TON. More-
TON are interconnected through OGSs and satellite-to-earth over, the working light-path and the backup light-path are
laser links. In USA, OGSs have been deployed in many areas, SRLG-independent. The spectrum resources along the backup
such as Maryland, California, Florida, and Virginia. Therefore, light-path cannot be shared by other backup light-paths.
we assume that Node-3, Node-22, and Node-24 are deployed A user request is modeled by r(s,d), where s is the source
with OGSs. Since Node-1, Node-5, Node-14, and Node-19 are node and d is the destination node. We assume each user
surrounded by disasters, we also assume these nodes are also request only occupies one wavelength. In Fig. 3, there are
deployed with OGSs. There are four GEO satellites locate at the two user requests. For user request r(1,20), the working
geosynchronous orbit. Those four GEO satellites are intercon- light-path of 1→6→11→15→20 and the backup light-path of
nected by space laser links and form a ring topology. The ring 1→OGS-A→GEO-C→GEO-D→OGS-G→19→20 are estab-
topology has the advantages of providing sufficient satellite- lished. These two light-paths are SRLG-independent. Since the
to-earth laser links, high connectivity and high survivability. Node-1 is surrounded by a disaster, the backup light-path cannot
The interconnections between two GEO satellites and between be established in the TON. For user request r(24,20), the working
a GEO satellite and an OGS are presented in Fig. 2. Besides, we light-path of 24→23→22→21→20 and the backup light-path of
assume any inter-satellite laser link and satellite-to-earth laser 24→OGS-E→GEO-B→GEO-D→OGS-G→19→20 are estab-
link support the wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). In lished. Along the working light-path, the wavelength continuity
other words, a point-to-point space wavelength channel can be constraint must be satisfied.
established between two OGSs. At present, the point-to-point Being similar to the SLC-DP scheme, the SLC-SP scheme
SLC between two satellites and between a satellite and an requires that the working light-path is established in the
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Algorithm 1: Searching the Shortest Path in WPs.

Input: request r(s,d) and WPs
Output: path and index
1: for each WP (from the lowest to highest index) do
2: search the shortest s→d route current_route using
Dijkstras’s algorithm;
3: if ((current_route = null)&&(path = = null)) do
4: path = current_route, index = the index of
current WP;
5: else if ((current_route =
null)&&(length(current_route) < length (path)))
6: path = current_route, index = the index of
current WP;
7: end if
8: end for
9: return path and index;
Fig. 4. The SLC-SP Scheme.

Algorithm 2: RWA for the Working Light-Path of the SLC-

TON and the backup light-path is established in the TON
DP Scheme in the TON.
or through satellites. The working light-path and the backup
Input: request r(s,d), T(V,E), SRLGs
light-path are SRLG-independent. The SLC-SP scheme al-
Output: w_path, w_index, w_SRLGs
lows the spectrum resources along the backup light-path to be
1: w_path = null, w_index = null, w_SRLG = null,
shared by other backup light-paths and the backup resources
current_route = null;
are shared as much as possible. In Fig. 4, since the working
2: create a list of WPs according to the T(V,E) and remove
light-path of 1→6→11→15→20 and the working light-path
all links from each of the WPs if corresponding
of 24→23→22→21→20 are SRLG-independent, the allocated
wavelength is not available, i.e., occupied by another
wavelength along link(GEO-D→OGS-G) and link(19→20) is
shared by their backup light-paths. It can be seen that the SLC-SP
3: call Algorithm 1 with <r(s,d), WPs> to find the shortest
scheme consumes less wavelength resource than the SLC-DP
path w_path and wavelength index w_index;
4: if (w_path = null) do
5: for each SRLG SRLG ∈ SRLGs do
IV. HEURISTIC ALGORITHMS 6: for each link l ∈ w_path do
In this section, heuristic algorithms are developed for the 7: if ((l ∈ SRLG)&&(SRLG ∈ / w_SRLGs)) do
SLC-DP scheme and the SLC-SP scheme. The computational 8: add SRLG into w_SRLGs;
complexities of these algorithms are also presented. 9: end if
10: end for
A. RWA for the Working Light-Path of the SLC-DP Scheme 11: end for
12: return w_path, w_index, w_SRLGs;
In this paper, the shortest path algorithm and the exhaustive
13: end if
wavelength search algorithm are adopted. Algorithm 1 is a
fundamental algorithm for the SLC-DP scheme. It scans all WPs and length(current_route/w_path) indicates the length of route
to choose the shortest path in distance. current_route or light-path w_path.
The time complexity of Algorithm 1 is O(|V |2 ∗ |Λ|), where The time complexity of Algorithm 2 is O(|V |2 ∗ |Λ| +
|V | is the total number of nodes and |Λ| is the total number |SRLGs| ∗ |E|), where |V | is the total number of optical nodes
of wavelengths in each link. Algorithm 1 is guaranteed to in T(V,E), |E| is the total number of fiber links in T(V,E),
run in polynomial time. According to the second regulation in |SRLGs| is the total number of SRLGs in SRLGs, and |Λ| is
Section III-A, the RWA algorithm for the working light-path of the total number of wavelengths in each fiber link. Algorithm 2
the SLC-DP scheme scans all WPs in the TON to search the is guaranteed to run in polynomial time.
end-to-end light-path with the shortest distance. Algorithm 2 is
used to search the working light-path of the SLC-DP scheme in
B. RWA for the Backup Light-Path of the SLC-DP Scheme
the TON for each user request. In Algorithm 2, T(V,E) indicates
the topology of the TON, V indicates all optical nodes in the According to the first and third regulations in Section III-A,
TON, E indicates all fiber links in the TON, SRLGs indicates the RWA algorithm for the backup light-path of the SLC-DP
all SRLGs in the TON, w_path indicates the working light-path scheme firstly scans all WPs in the TON to search the end-to-end
with shortest distance, w_index indicates the index of assigned light-path with the shortest distance. If the backup light-path
wavelength, w_SRLGs represents all SRLGs passed by w_path, cannot be established in the TON, then it scans all WPs in the
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Algorithm 3: RWA for the Backup Light-Path of the SLC- Algorithm 4: RWA for the Backup Light-Path of the SLC-
DP Scheme in the TON. DP Scheme in the Integrated Network.
Input: request r(s,d), T(V,E), w_path, w_index, w_SRLGs Input: request r(s,d), ST(SV,SE), w_path, w_index,
Output: b_path and b_index w_SRLGs
1: b_path = null, b_index = null, current_route = null; Output: b_path, b_index_fiber, b_index_satellites
2: delete all links in w_path from T(V,E); 1: b_path = null, b_index_fiber = null, current_route =
3: delete all links in each SRLG of w_SRLGs from null, b_index_satellites = null;
T(V,E); 2: delete all links in w_path from ST(SV,SE);
4: create a list of WPs according to T(V,E) and remove 3: delete all links in each SRLG of w_SRLGs from
all links from each of the WPs if corresponding ST(SV,SE);
wavelength is not available; 4: create a list of WPs according to the T(V,E) and
5: call Algorithm 1 with <r(s,d), WPs> to find the remove all links from each of the WPs if
shortest path b_path and wavelength index b_index; corresponding wavelength is not available;
6: if (b_path = null) do 5: for each space laser link l in SE do
7: return b_path and b_index; 6: if there exist at least one available wavelength in l
8: else if (b_path = = null) do do
9: call Algorithm 4 to search the backup light-path in 7: add l into each WP of WPs, b_index_l is set to
the integrated network; the available wavelength with the lowest index;
10: end if 8: end if
9: end for
integrated network of GEO satellites and the TON. Algorithm 3 10: call Algorithm 1 with <r(s,d), WPs> to find the
is used to search the backup light-path of the SLC-DP scheme shortest path b_path and wavelength index
for each user request in the TON. If the backup light-path b_index_fiber;
cannot be established in the TON, Algorithm 4 will be invoked. 11: if (b_path = null) do
In Algorithm 3, b_path indicates the backup light-path with 12: for each space laser link l in E do
shortest distance and b_index indicates the index of assigned 13: if l ∈ b_path do
wavelength in the TON. 14: add b_index_l into b_index_satellites;
The time complexity of Algorithm 3 is O(|V |2 ∗ |Λ|), where 15: end if
|V | is the total number of optical nodes and |Λ| is the total num- 16: end for
ber of wavelengths in each fiber link. Algorithm 3 is guaranteed 17: return b_path, b_index_fiber, b_index_satellites;
to run in polynomial time. Algorithm 4 is used to search the 18: end if
backup light-path of the SLC-DP scheme for each user request
in the integrated network. In Algorithm 4, b_index_fiber indi-
Algorithm 5 is a fundamental algorithm for the SLC-SP
cates the index of assigned wavelength in the TON, b_index_l
scheme. It scans all WPs to choose the path with minimum cost.
indicates the index of assigned wavelength on space laser link l,
The time complexity of Algorithm 5 is O(|V |2 ∗ |Λ|), where
and b_index_satellites is the set of all b_index_l.
|V | is the total number of nodes and |Λ| is the total number of
The time complexity of Algorithm 4 is O(|SV |2 ∗ |Λ|), where
wavelengths in each link. Algorithm 5 is guaranteed to run in
|SV | is the total number of optical nodes and satellites in
polynomial time. Algorithm 6 is used to search the backup light-
ST(SV,SE) and |Λ| is the total number of wavelengths in each
path of the SLC-SP scheme for each user request in the TON.
fiber link. Algorithm 4 is guaranteed to run in polynomial time.
If the backup light-path cannot be established in the TON, Al-
gorithm 7 will be invoked. In Algorithm 6, w_path indicates the
C. RWA for the Backup Light-Path of the SLC-SP Scheme working light-path with shortest distance, w_index indicates the
For the SLC-SP scheme, we use Algorithm 2 to search the index of assigned wavelength, w_SRLGs represents all SRLGs
working light-path for each user request. The SLC-SP scheme passed by w_path, b_path indicates the backup light-path with
allows the spectrum resources along the backup light-path to shortest distance, b_index indicates the index of assigned wave-
be shared by other backup light-paths as much as possible. length in the TON, and length(current_route/w_path) indicates
According to the second and third regulations in Section III-A, the length of route current_route or light-path w_path.
the RWA algorithm for the backup light-path of the SLC-SP The time complexity of Algorithm 6 is O(|V |2 ∗ |Λ|), where
scheme firstly scans all WPs in the TON to search the end-to-end |V | is the total number of optical nodes and |Λ| is the total
shared light-path with the shortest distance. The SLC-SP scheme number of wavelengths in each link. Algorithm 6 is guaranteed to
updates this cost once one working light-path is obtained. In run in polynomial time. Algorithm 7 is used to search the shared
(1), m is the number of backup light-paths that are sharing the backup light-path of the SLC-SP scheme for each user request
wavelength [67]. in the integrated network. In Algorithm 7, b_index_fiber indi-
 cates the index of assigned wavelength in the TON, b_index_l
1 if λ is free indicates the index of assigned wavelength on space laser link l,
Cλ = (1)
1/(m+1) if λ is shareable and b_index_satellites is the set of all b_index_l.

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Algorithm 5: Searching the Path With Minimum Cost in Algorithm 7: RWA for the Backup Light-Path of the SLC-
WPs. SP Scheme in the Integrated Network.
Input: request r(s,d) and WPs Input: request r(s,d), ST(SV,SE), w_path, w_index,
Output: path and index w_SRLGs
1: for each WP (from the lowest to highest index) do Output: b_path, b_index_fiber, b_index_satellites
2: for each link l in current WP do 1: b_path = null, b_index_fiber = null, current_route =
3: update the cost of link l using (1); null, b_index_satellites = null;
4: end for 2: delete all links in w_path from ST(SV,SE);
5: search the shortest s→d route current_route with 3: delete all links in each SRLG of w_SRLGs from
the lowest cost using Dijkstras’s algorithm; ST(SV,SE);
6: if ((current_route = null)&&(path = = null)) do 4: create a list of WPs according to the T(V,E) and
7: path = current_route, index = the index of remove all links from each of the WPs if
current WP; corresponding wavelength is not available, i.e., the
8: else if (current_route = wavelength is not free or sharable;
null)&&(length(current_route) < length (path))) 5: for each space laser link l in SE do
do 6: update the cost of link l using (1);
9: path = current_route, index = the index of 7: if there exist at least one available or shared
current WP; wavelength in l do
10: end if 8: add l into each WP of WPs, b_index_l is set to
11: end for the available or shared wavelength with the
12: return path and index; lowest cost;
9: end if
10: end for
Algorithm 6: RWA for the Backup Light-Path of the SLC- 11: call Algorithm 5 with <r(s,d), WPs> to find the path
SP Scheme in the TON. with minimum cost b_path and wavelength index
Input: request r(s,d), T(V,E), w_path, w_index, b_index;
w_SRLGs 12: if (b_path = null) do
Output: b_path, b_index 13: for each space laser link l in E do
1: b_path = null, b_index = null, current_route = null; 14: if l ∈ b_path do
2: delete all links in w_path from T(V,E); 15: add b_index_l into b_index_satellites;
3: delete all links in each SRLG of w_SRLGs from 16: end if
T(V,E); 17: end for
4: create a list of WPs according to the T(V,E) and 18: return b_path, b_index_fiber, b_index_satellites;
remove all links from each of the WPs if 19: end if
corresponding wavelength is not available, i.e., the
wavelength is not free or sharable;
5: call Algorithm 5 with <r(s,d), WPs> to find the path
with minimum cost b_path and wavelength index
b_index; each request only occupies one wavelength. We evaluate the
6: if (b_path = null) do blocking probabilities of the SLC-SP scheme and the SLC-DP
7: return b_path and b_index; scheme. For comparison, the results of the conventional DP
8: else if (b_path = = null) do (C-DP) scheme and the conventional SP (C-SP) scheme are
9: call Algorithm 7 to obtain the shared backup also presented. The C-DP scheme and the C-SP scheme search
light-path in the integrated network; both the working light-path and the backup light-path for each
10: end if user request in the TON. The working light-path of the C-DP
scheme and the C-SP scheme is established through Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2 scans all WPs and uses Dijkstras’s algorithm to
The time complexity of Algorithm 7 is O(|SV |2 ∗ |Λ|), where search the end-to-end light-path with the shortest distance. The
|SV | is the total number of optical nodes and satellites in backup light-path of the C-DP scheme is established through
ST(SV,SE) and |Λ| is the total number of wavelengths in each Algorithm 3. Algorithm 3 searches the backup light-path with
fiber link. Algorithm 7 is guaranteed to run in polynomial time. the shortest distance in the TON. The backup light-path of the
C-SP scheme is established through Algorithm 6. Algorithm 6
searches the backup light-path with the maximum sharing degree
In this section, the SLC-DP scheme and the SLC-SP scheme The simulation network is presented in Fig. 2. It contains
are verified in the integrated architecture of GEO satellites and 24 optical nodes, 43 fiber links, 4 GEO satellites, 7 OGSs, 7
the TON as presented in Fig. 2. The requests are generated satellite-to-earth laser links, and 4 inter-satellite laser links, and
at each optical node according to the uniform distribution and 8 SRLGs. A SRLG corresponds to a disaster. And we assume
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Fig. 5. The operation process (a) the SLC-DP scheme (b) the SLC-SP scheme.

only one disaster occurs at any given moment. The operation pro-
cesses of the proposed SLC-DP scheme and the SLC-SP scheme
are elaborated in Fig. 5. Take the SLC-SP scheme as an example.
When a user request arrives at the network, the SLC-SP scheme
first uses the Algorithm 2 to search a working light-path in the
TON for this user request. If the working light-path cannot be es-
tablished, this user request will be blocked. Otherwise, the SLC-
SP scheme uses Algorithm 6 to search a backup light-path for
this user request in the TON. If the backup light-path cannot be
established in the TON, the SLC-SP scheme uses Algorithm 7 to
search a backup light-path for this user request in the integrated
network. If the backup light-path cannot be established in the
integrated network, this user request will be blocked. When the
working light-path and the backup light-path are established, this
user request is accommodated. When a disaster occurs, the des-
tination node of this user request only needs to conduct the pro-
tection switching without regard to the location of the disaster.

A. Blocking Probability With Increased Traffic Load

We first evaluate the blocking probability of the proposed
SLC-DP scheme and the SLC-SP scheme with different number
of wavelengths in space laser links. It is assumed that each fiber
link contains 80 wavelengths and each space laser link contains
Fig. 6. Blocking probabilities when each space laser link contains (a) 16
at most 64 wavelengths. In [11], the GEO-to-earth laser uplink wavelengths (b) 32 wavelengths (c) 48 wavelengths (d) 64 wavelengths.
with 40 DWDM channels was demonstrated under worst-case
turbulence conditions. We believe more wavelengths are avail-
able in GEO-to-earth laser links in auspicious conditions. In the SLC-DP scheme and the SLC-SP scheme increase with the
order to make the proposed algorithms more widely used, the increase of the traffic load per node pair especially when the
number of available wavelengths in each space laser link is number of wavelengths in each space laser link is small.
assumed to be 16, 32, 48, and 64 respectively in simulations. The SLC-SP scheme can greatly reduce the blocking proba-
Fig. 6(a)–(d) show the relationship between the traffic load bility than other schemes. It can reduce the blocking probability
per node pair and the blocking probability when the number by an average of 80.4%, 98.5%, 99.9%, and 99.9% than the
of wavelengths in each space laser link is 16, 32, 48, and 64 C-DP scheme when the number of wavelengths in each space
respectively. The results show that the blocking probabilities of laser link is 16, 32, 48, and 64 respectively. It can reduce the

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results show that the blocking probability of the SLC-SP scheme

has a relatively small improvement when the number of wave-
lengths in each inter-satellite laser link is greater than that in
each satellite-to-earth laser link. Fig. 8(a) shows that the SLC-SP
(32/16) scheme reduces the blocking probability by approxi-
mately 92.7% than the SLC-SP (16/16). Fig. 8(b) shows that
the SLC-SP (48/16) scheme reduces the blocking probability
by approximately 97.3% than the SLC-SP (16/16). Fig. 8(c)
shows that the SLC-SP (64/16) scheme reduces the blocking
probability by approximately 98.1% than the SLC-SP (16/16).
Fig. 8(d) shows that the SLC-SP (48/32) scheme reduces the
blocking probability by approximately 95.9% than the SLC-SP
(32/32). Fig. 8(e) shows that the SLC-SP (64/32) scheme reduces
the blocking probability by approximately 98.7% than the SLC-
SP (32/32). Fig. 8(f) shows that the SLC-SP (64/48) scheme
Fig. 7. SRLG-A failure occurs in the TON.
reduces the blocking probability by approximately 52.9% than
the SLC-SP (48/48). All those results show that the capacity
blocking probability by an average of 80.3%, 98.5%, 99.9%, and of satellite-to-earth laser links plays an important role than
99.9% than the C-SP scheme when the number of wavelengths that of inter-satellite laser links. When establishing the backup
in each space laser link is 16, 32, 48, and 64 respectively. It light-path in the integrated network, the number of available
can reduce the blocking probability by an average of 24.6%, satellite-to-earth laser links is smaller than that of available
80.9%, 98.5%, and 98.9% than the SLC-DP scheme when the inter-satellite laser links. Therefore, some satellite-to-earth laser
number of wavelengths in each space laser link is 16, 32, 48, links must be selected and the inter-satellite laser links can
and 64 respectively. For the user requests of which the source be selected according to the sharing degree. Thus, the sharing
node is node-1, node-5, node-14, or node-19, the C-DP scheme degree of satellite-to-earth laser links is smaller than that of inter-
and the C-SP scheme are powerless. Since all adjacency links satellite laser links. Therefore, the capacity of satellite-to-earth
of node-1, node-5, node-14, or node-19 pass through a common laser links plays an important role than that of inter-satellite
SRLG, this SRLG will destroy both the working light-path and laser links. Fig. 8(a)–(c) show that it is easy to reduce the
the backup light-path. Take the node-1 as an example. In Fig. 7, blocking probability of the SLC-SP scheme merely by increas-
the adjacency links of node-1 are link(1→2) and link(1→6). ing the number of wavelengths in satellite-to-earth laser links
These two links both pass through SRLG-A. When SRLG-A is when the number of wavelengths in inter-satellite laser links is
destroyed by a disaster, node-1 will become an island. At this small.
time, the C-DP scheme or the C-SP scheme cannot establish the
disaster-independent working light-path and backup light-path. C. Blocking Probability With Added OGSs
Therefore, the blocking probabilities of the C-DP scheme and
the C-SP scheme are very high even when the traffic load per To evaluate the influence of the number of satellite-to-earth
node pair is very low. laser links in the proposed SLC-SP scheme, we add two OGSs
in the TON. As presented in Fig. 9, node-7 is added an OGS
OGS-H and node-11 is added an OGS OGS-I. Then, the satellite-
B. Increased Capacity in Satellite-to-Earth Laser Links to-earth laser link between OGS-H and GEO-C is added and
To evaluate the importance of satellite-to-earth laser links, the satellite-to-earth laser link between OGS-I and GEO-D is
we modify the number of wavelengths in satellite-to-earth laser added.
links and inter-satellite laser links in simulations. In the TON, We use the SLC-SP (7) scheme to denote the SLC-SP scheme
each fiber link is also assumed to contain 80 wavelengths. We use where node-7 is deployed with OGS-H. We use the SLC-SP
the SLC-SP (m/n) scheme to denote the SLC-SP scheme where (7&11) scheme to denote the SLC-SP scheme where node-7 is
the number of wavelengths in each satellite-to-earth laser link deployed with OGS-H and node-11 is deployed with OGS-I.
is m and the number of wavelengths in each inter-satellite laser Fig. 10(a)–(d) show that the blocking probabilities of the SLC-
link is n. We evaluate the blocking probabilities of the SLC-SP SP (7) scheme and the SLC-SP (7&11) scheme when the number
(m/n) schemes when (m/n) is (16/16), (32/32), (48/48), (64/64), of wavelengths in each space laser link is 16, 32, 48, and 64
(32/16), (16/32), (48/16), (16/48), (64/16), (16/64), (48/32), respectively. The results show that the blocking probability of
(32/48), (64/32), (32/64), (48/64), and (64/48) respectively. In the SLC-SP scheme is very close to that of the SLC-SP (7)
Fig. 8(a)–(c), the blocking probability of the SLC-SP (16/16) scheme and the SLC-SP (7&11) scheme.
scheme is close to that of the SLC-SP (16/32) scheme, the Fig. 10(a)–(d) show that with the increase of the number of
SLC-SP (16/48) scheme and the SLC-SP (16/64) scheme. In wavelengths in each space laser link, the relative performances
Fig. 8(d)–(f), the blocking probability of the SLC-SP (32/32) between the SLC-DP scheme and the SLC-DP (7) scheme, and
scheme is close to that of the SLC-SP (32/48) scheme, the between the SLC-DP scheme and the SLC-DP (7&11) scheme
SLC-SP (32/64) scheme and the SLC-SP (48/64) scheme. These vary slowly. However, the blocking probability of the SLC-DP

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Fig. 8. Blocking probabilities of the SLC-SP (m/n) scheme (a) the SLC-SP (32/16) scheme (b) the SLC-SP (48/16) scheme (c) the SLC-SP (64/16) scheme
(d) the SLC-SP (48/32) scheme (e) the SLC-SP (64/32) scheme (f) the SLC-SP (64/48) scheme.

scheme is larger than that of the SLC-DP (7) scheme and the is low, more wavelengths in each space laser link can be used
SLC-DP (7&11) scheme. The SLC-DP scheme increases the and thus the growth rate increases greatly. When the number of
blocking probability by an average of 11.2%, 15.3%, 6.6%, and wavelengths in each space laser link continues to increase, the
6.4% than the SLC-DP (7) scheme and by an average of 14.9%, available wavelengths in each fiber link do not change. At this
47.2%, 39.8%, and 21.4% than the SLC-DP (7&11) scheme time, the growth rate of the blocking probability of the SLC-DP
when the number of wavelengths in each space laser link is scheme decreases. The results indicate that the added OGSs can
16, 32, 48, and 64 respectively. The blocking probability of the help to reduce the blocking probability of the SLC-DP scheme.
SLC-DP scheme is subject to the number of wavelengths in each However, it does not significantly improve the performance of
space laser link and the number of wavelengths in each fiber the proposed SLC-SP scheme. For the SLC-DP scheme, the
link. When the number of wavelengths in each space laser link added OGSs can help to search the backup light-path with

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Fig. 9. The integrated architecture with added OGSs.

low distance. Therefore, the added OGSs can help to reduce

the blocking probability of the SLC-DP. The proposed SLC-SP
scheme tries its best to search the backup light-path in the TON.
Moreover, it prefers to use the backup resource with high sharing
degree as expressed in (1). Therefore, the added OGSs have
only a small impact on the blocking probability of the proposed
SLC-SP scheme.

D. Blocking Probability With Added Satellites

To evaluate the influence of the number of GEO satellites in
the SLC-SP scheme, we add two GEO satellites in the SON.
In Fig. 11, GEO-E is added between GEO-A and GEO-B, and
GEO-F is added between GEO-B and GEO-D. The satellite-to-
earth laser link between OGS-C and GEO-A is changed to the
satellite-to-earth laser link between OGS-C and GEO-E, and
the satellite-to-earth laser link between OGS-F and GEO-D is
changed to the satellite-to-earth laser link between OGS-F and
Here, we use the SLC-SP (E&F) scheme to denote the SLC-SP
scheme where GEO-E and GEO-F are added. Fig. 12(a)–(d)
show the blocking probabilities of the SLC-SP (E) scheme and
the SLC-SP (E&F) scheme when the number of wavelengths in
each space laser link is 16, 32, 48, and 64 respectively. The results
show that the added GEO satellites have a little impact on the
blocking probabilities of the SLC-SP scheme. That is because
the added GEO satellites do not change the ring topology of the
SON. Fig. 10. Blocking probability with added OGSs when each space laser link
contains (a) 16 wavelengths (b) 32 wavelengths (c) 48 wavelengths (d) 64
VI. DISCUSS wavelengths.

To design the disaster-resilient TON, we propose the SLC

assisted protection schemes. Those protection schemes can help problem, OGSs can be deployed on movable trucks or other
to improve the survivability of the TON against natural disasters movable vehicles which can be quickly deployed at specific
since GEO satellites are disaster-independent with the TON. areas. The movable OGSs add more flexibility and resiliency for
GEO satellites are communicated with the TON through OGSs. the proposed protection schemes. Moreover, the GEO-to-earth
Since OGSs are still parts of the TON, the GEO-to-earth laser laser links are easily influenced by clouds and weather. Even
links are still possibly affected when OGSs are destroyed by when OGSs and GEO satellites are both working, the GEO-to-
natural disasters. In other words, the proposed SLC assisted earth laser links may be completely blocked. At this time, the
protection schemes still have a risk of useless. To address this site diversity technique can be applied. For the site diversity

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Fig. 11. The integrated architecture with added OGSs.

technique, several OGSs are deployed at different places with

different weather conditions to provide alternative GEO-to-earth
laser links. Although section 6.3 shows that the added OGSs
have only a small impact on the blocking probability of the
proposed SLC-SP scheme, the added OGSs increases the num-
ber of available GEO-to-earth laser links. In future, the site
diversity technique assisted SLC-SP scheme will be our research
Compared with the TON, the cost of manufacturing and
launching a satellite is very high. If the deployed OGS and satel-
lites are only utilized for the proposed protection schemes, the
cost will be very high. However, this paper focuses on designing
a disaster-resilient TON. The proposed protection schemes can
be applied to very important communication services such as
disaster rescue, military affairs, etc. In addition, the OGS and
satellites can be shared with other tasks. The delay problem is
another big challenge to the proposed protection schemes. To
address this problem, we stipulate that the working light-path of
every user request can only be established in TON. This ensures
that the transmission delay is acceptable most of the time. The
proposed protection schemes aim to establish the backup light-
path through GEO satellites when the backup light-path cannot
be established in the TON under disaster scenarios. For some
important and urgent communication service such as disaster
rescue, military affairs, etc., although the transmission delay is
relatively large, the communication is achievable for all required
users and the important information can be transferred to the
demander. Fig. 12. Blocking probability with added GEO satellites when each space laser
link contains (a) 16 wavelengths (b) 32 wavelengths (c) 48 wavelengths (d) 64
Due to wide distribution and high severity, natural disasters links, four regulations are defined. The fiber spectrum resources
have always been big threats to the normal operating of the TON. are used as much as possible and the spectrum resources in
To design a disaster-resilient TON, two SLC assisted protection backup light-paths are shared as much as possible. Heuristic
schemes are proposed. Those two schemes collaboratively use algorithms are developed to realize the proposed protection
satellites and the TON to establish the disaster-independent schemes according to defined regulations. We evaluate the
working light-path and backup light-path. Considering the ca- blocking probability of the SLC-SP scheme compared to the
pacity, cost, time delay and physical impairment of space laser SLC-DP scheme, the C-SP scheme and the C-DP scheme under

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Dec. 2014. and performance analysis.

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