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Study advice

Faculty of Business and Economics

Information about the bachelor's degree program

Business Administration and Economics


Website of the course Information sheet as PDF

Valid from the start of studies in the winter semester 2023/2024.

As of: 09/23
Short description

Well-trained specialists in economics are needed in almost all organizations. The course combines
three major areas: In business administration, you will learn theories and methods for making
business decisions (e.g. management, marketing, taxes, financing). Economics deals with the
functioning of markets, international trade or economic policy. In addition, business informatics and
statistics are also relevant.

The study program, which was reformed for the winter semester 2023/24, enables a very flexible
choice of focus to develop individual professional profiles. Two new majors are offered: Business
Analytics and International and Sustainable Business.
Numerous company contacts and lecturers from practice enable a practical relevance to the studies.
At the Language Center at the University of Passau, you can learn foreign languages in a subject-
specific manner and prepare for a possible semester abroad. The course opens up numerous
national and international perspectives for you.
The Faculty of Economics offers three master's degree programs that build on the bachelor's degree

Career prospects

After completing the bachelor's degree program in "Business Administration and Economics", the
entire spectrum of business and economic tasks is open to you. You can work in national and/or
international companies in various functions, such as central corporate functions (e.g. business
development, business intelligence and business analytics), finance or controlling, marketing and
sales or human resources. Auditing firms, tax consulting firms and management consultancies are
also attractive employers. You can also hold management positions at cultural institutions or work in
the public service, in social organizations, at parties and associations. The course also provides
specialized offers and consulting services for working in start-up companies or for your own start-up

Study content

The course is divided into three major areas:

Economic methods
In this area you will acquire fundamental quantitative and empirical methodological knowledge for
Basics of economics
Here you will acquire basic knowledge in key business and economic areas (e.g. accounting,
financing, micro- and macroeconomics) and in relevant legal areas. You can do an initial orientation
as to whether you want to focus your studies on business administration or economics.

Economics specialization
In this area you can comprehensively deepen your knowledge in your personal areas of interest and
set a very individual focus. You can choose one or two specializations in central business functions,
economics or business informatics, as well as innovative interdisciplinary specializations:

• Accounting, finance and taxation

• Economics
• Information Systems
• Management, innovation, marketing
• Business analytics
• International and Sustainable Business
You will also acquire knowledge of the foreign business language English. In addition, you can
acquire key qualifications and knowledge of a second foreign business language.
In preparation for thebachelor thesisYou will create your first research paper as part of a seminar. In
your bachelor's thesis, you will independently work on a research question
scientific methods. During the bachelor's colloquium you have the opportunity to present your results
and receive feedback.
In the appendix of this information document you will find a detailed description of the course content.

Before the study

Start of studies:Winter semester

Study requirements:
General university entrance qualification or subject-specific university entrance qualification with a focus on business

Studying economics requires English language skills as well as basic mathematical knowledge and
skills. We recommend that you complete a career-oriented internship of at least three months before
starting your studies or during the lecture-free periods.


The bachelor's degree program in Business Administration and Economics is free of admission. This means
prospective students with a university entrance qualification from Germany or the EEA area1
(e.g. Abitur, Austrian Matura) can apply directly for the course during the enrollment periodenroll .

This is responsible for questionsStudent secretariat the University of Passau, Innstraße 41, 94032
Passau, Tel. +49 (0)851 509-1127;

International prospective students

Please find out more online how to do thisApplication for international prospective students expires.
If your native language is not German, you mustKnowledge of German on theLevel B2GER or an

Start of study

Orientation week

One week before the start of lectures there will be oneOrientation week (O-week). During this week
you will receive, among other things, help with creating your timetable and can take part in library
and campus tours.You should definitely take advantage of this offer!

Orientation weeks for international students

International students are also cordially invited to attend before the start of their first semester
Orientation weeks of the International Office/International Office to participate. You should plan
three weeks for this before the winter semester and around two weeks before the summer semester.

Foreign language placement test

To imModule area Dforeign languageEnglishTo attend, you must attend one linguistic placement
test participate. This also applies if you have onesecond business foreign language in module area
C(major in International and Sustainable Business). The result of the language test is crucial for
placement in the language courses appropriate to your previous knowledge. With the exception of
English, you can start with all languages without any prior knowledge.
Many language tests are conducted online. If you have previous knowledge of a language for
which there is no placement test, please clarify the appropriate placement

1These include the following countries:Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy,
Croatia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden,
the Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Cyprus.
in a personal conversation with an editor in the relevant language in good time before the start of
your studies.
Placement test dates

Course catalog / Stud.IP / Search for courses

Before you are enrolled, you canCourse catalogue Find out which specific courses are offered in your
degree program.
Stud.IP( ) stands for “Internet support for face-to-face teaching during
your studies”. It is a learning management system with which you can, among other things, search
for courses and register for them, create your timetable and access teaching materials and news
about your events. You will receive the ID and password required for registration by email after
HerCoursescan be found in Stud.IP,by selecting “Search” in quick access on the home page. Under
“Course directory” select “Courses”, “Bachelor” and “Bachelor Business Administration and Economics
(BWL/VWL) (version WS 2023) (Bachelor)” in order. In this way you can reach the module areas of your
degree program to which the specific courses of the semester in question are assigned.

During the orientation week and online you will receive important information about the Online
systems of the University of Passau by the Center for Information Technology and Media
Management (ZIM).

Semester schedule

In theSemester schedule you will find the current and future onesLecture timesas well as important
dates in the semester. Both“semester break”It's not really a "vacation"; it's just thatlecture-free
period. During this time, many findexamsinstead of. In many degree programs, homework and
internships have to be written during the semester break.

In studies

Modularization / European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

The course offering is divided into modules: A module is a complete study unit that consists of one or
more courses with a close thematic connection. The modules are associated with a certain number of
ECTS credit points (ECTS-LP or ECTS credits) depending on the time required for successful
participation (1 ECTS-LP corresponds to 30 hours of working time).

You provide study and examination achievements by regularly attending the respective course in
combination with exams, term papers, presentations, portfolios, reports, colloquia or similar
achievements. A module is usually completed with an examination for which you receive a grade and
a fixed number of ECTS credits, independent of the grade, provided you have passed the proof of
Since a bachelor's degree program includes 180 ECTS credits, in order to be able to complete the degree within the
standard period of study, you should:Approximately 30 ECTS credits each semesteracquire.

Module areas and overall grade calculation

The degree program consists of module area A: Economic Methods (20 ECTS-LP), module area B:
Basics of Economics (70-75 ECTS-LP), module area C: Economics specialization (at least 63 ECTS-LP),
module area D: Business foreign language English (10 ECTS-LP) and the bachelor's thesis (12 ECTS-
LP). In module areas B and C you complete a total of 138 ECTS credits. You can find detailed
explanations inAttachmentthis information leaflet.

All modules are examination modules. The overall grade calculation includes the grades of the graded
examination modules weighted according to ECTS-LP, with the exception of the “Legal Basics” module, as well as
the grade of the bachelor's thesis weighted according to ECTS-LP.

In theModule catalog You will find detailed descriptions of the content of all courses as well as
information on the type of examinations to be taken.

stay abroad

As part of your studies, we recommend that you take onestay abroad to improve your language skills
and gain experience in an international environment. For example, you can spend your stay abroad
as:Internship abroador asStudy abroad to plan.

bachelor thesis

The prerequisite for admission to the bachelor's thesis is the successful completion of a seminar
module worth 7 ECTS credits in module area C: Economics specialization. You must also have
acquired at least 110 ECTS-LPs. The bachelor's thesis should be completed in the sixth semester at the
The processing time is a maximum of 12 weeks. It must be written in German or English or – with the
approval of the examination board – in another foreign language. You will receive for completing
your bachelor's thesis12 ECTS credits.

study graduation

You have passed the bachelor's examination if all required modules and the bachelor's thesis were
graded at least "sufficient" (4.0) or if successful participation was confirmed for modules for which no
grading is provided and you have at least 180 ECTS credits have acquired. This will give you the
degree "Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)". The focus chosen in module area C is shown on the certificate.

TheIssuance of your certificate Please apply at the examination office.

Key skills and career planning

The University of Passau offers you the so-calledZKK courses(Future: career and skills ) a
comprehensive, free range of seminars to promote skills (module area C: maximum 3 ETCS-LP). In the
compact seminars and IT courses, you will acquire important interdisciplinary qualifications alongside
your studies.
You also have access to a comprehensive range of advice and servicesCareer orientationand
Internship searchavailable to make it easier for you to start your career later on. In a job exchange
you can find out about internships, working student positions and permanent positions. In addition,
scholarships are available for internships abroad, for which you can apply. Towards the end of your
studies, ZKK will support you with special application seminars and information on starting a career at
home and abroad.

Additional qualifications and certificates

If you have acquired more than the required 180 ECTS credits in your degree program, these additional
achievements will be shown separately in the certificate documents. The grades are not taken into account
when determining the overall grade for the bachelor's examination.
In addition, you can use variousAdditional qualifications and certificates acquire. The following are
particularly suitable for students of this course of studyCertificate programs “Digital Technology and
Entrepreneurship” (“Pathfinder Certificate” and “Honours Degree”) and the “Subject-specific foreign
language training " at.
The best-performing students are invited to take part in the “Honors Program “ to participate in the
Faculty of Economics.
In addition, all students at Bavarian universities have access to the courses offered by theVirtual
University of Bavaria open.

Master planning and career orientation

You should find out about the entry requirements for the Master's degree programs you are
interested in at least one year before completing your Bachelor's degree in order to be able to
complete any necessary achievements for admission.
You can find information about many different professions in the portalCalledet the employment agency.

The employment agency offers Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.mopen consultation hoursto "Study
and career advice and to “Academic Employment Services”.

Important examination regulations

Study and examination regulations / module catalogue

TheGeneral study and examination regulationsfor bachelor's degree programs at the Faculty of Economics
and the one valid for your degree programSubject study and examination regulations as well as the associated
onesModule catalogcan be found online.

Standard period of study / maximum period of study

The standard period of study issix semesters.(This is also the standard period of study according to BAföG.)

All repeat options are only within theMaximum duration of studyfromeight semesterspossible. If
all examinations have not been passed after the eighth semester, the bachelor's examination is
considered to have been failed for the first time and the missing achievements can be made up within
the following two semesters. This period is not interrupted by leave of absence or de-registration.

If all examination achievements have not been completed after the end of the tenth semester, the bachelor's
examination is deemed to have been definitively failed.

Missing the deadline after the 2nd or 3rd semester

By the end of the second semester you must have completed at least 30 ECTS credits in module
areas A and B (economic methods and fundamentals).Will this requirementnotfulfilled, you must
demonstrate a total of at least 40 ECTS credits from these modules by the end of the third semester.
If you are unable to meet these requirements by the end of your third semester, you will lose your
right to take the examexmatriculated.

Repeating examinations due to failure

Each module graded as “insufficient” or “failed” can have a maximum oftwice be repeated. Each
retake should be taken within one year of notification of the examination results.

Upon an informal written request addressed to the Examinations Secretariat, the Examinations Board
may request up totwo modulesfrom theModule areas A and Bonethird repetition grant.

Failed elective modules can be canceled if the necessary ECTS credits can be demonstrated through
other elective modules in the individual module areas.
A failed bachelor's thesis may only be repeated once and with a new topic.

Repeating examinations to improve grades

The maximum that can be used to voluntarily improve grades is:sevenRepeat passed examination
modules once. Only the better grade achieved will be included in the certificate and in the overall
grade. The opportunity to improve grades must be taken advantage of at the latest in the semester
following the last examination. TheRegistration to improve your grades takes place via the
examination office.

Recognition of examination achievements

This is for the recognition of study and examination achievementsExamination office responsible. The
recognition of achievements in the fieldLanguagesis done through thatlanguage Center .
In module area C: Economics specialization, you can submit additional examination results from
other universities upon request to the examination board.

Illness/inability to take exams

If you become ill before an exam, you mustbefore the examdecide whether you want to withdraw
from the exam due to illness. You need one for thismedical certificate. Should your illnessduring
the examto use it, you must have oneofficial medical certificatesubmit.
In both cases you must get one at the earliest possible dateApplication for inability to take exams due to illness place.
Please submit the certificate and application as described belowInformation sheet for the application described, to the
examination office. Please be sure to follow the information given in the information sheet!

You should already during the semesterbecome ill in the long term, so it may make sense for you to
leave due to illnesslet. In this case, you will need a certificate from a practicing doctor confirming
that you are unable to study or take exams this semesterApplication for leave of absence place. A
leave of absence after the end of the semester is not possible. If you have any questions, please
contact the student office or the advice center for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses.

If you are studying forlonger than three monthsIf you have to take a break due to illness, you will receive
it no BAföGmore. Please contact themSocial advice from the student union .

Compensation for disadvantages

If you have a disability or are chronically or mentally ill, you may be able to apply for compensation
for disadvantages (e.g. extension of time for exams or extension of the length of study). You submit
the application to the chair of the examination board via theExamination office . TheAdvice center for
students with disabilities and chronic illnesses will be happy to advise and support you with your

Housing, financing and support

Living in Passau

The Studentenwerk operates four state-run residential complexes for students in Passau. There are
also other residential complexes run by churches and private individuals. Of course, the private
housing market is also open to you. You can find a comprehensive guide on the topic onlineLiving in
Passau . With theSemester ticket, which you automatically receive when you pay the semester fees,
you can use all Passau buses for free. This means that apartments in districts that are further away
from the city center are also accessible.


If you want financial support after theFederal Training Support Act (BAföG) If you would like to take advantage of this,
you should submit your application in good time before the start of the semester.

For theContinuation of your BAföG fundingis usually after the fourth semester A report is required
that certifies that you have completed your studies in a regulated manner . Please apply for further
funding before the end of the fourth semester. If you have any other questions about BAföG, please
contactLower Bavaria/Upper Palatinate Student Union .


There are a variety ofScholarships for students (e.g. the Germany scholarship awarded at the
university). Take advantage of your opportunities and find out about the various funding
opportunities early on.
Advice centers

Study advice

The employees of theStudy advice Give you general advice about all study programs and any
questions that may arise during your studies, e.g. B. with decision-making problems, questions about
study organization, personal concerns, a change of course or subject, a double degree course and
considerations about dropping out. You can arrange and attend consultation appointments in
person, by telephone or online.
The student advisory service also organizes eventsInformation eventssuch as the study information day,
the trial study program or “Study for a day” and conducts webinars.
Student advisory service, Innstraße 41, 94032
Passau Tel. +49 (0)851 509-1154
Reachable by telephone: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 12:00
p.m. Personal consultation with appointment Open
consultation hours: Wed. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Email:

Course coordination

TheCourse coordination The Faculty of Economics serves as an organizational interface between

students, teachers and administration. It provides particular informationorganizational issuesduring
the study:
Catherine Beck
Room 218 WIWI, Innstraße 27, 94032 Passau
Tel.: +49 (0)851 509-2408

Subject-specific study advice

The subject-specific study advisory service provides information in particular about the content of the individual
majors, the choice of subjects in majors, possible career fields and profile development during the course as well
as further study options.

Business Administration Department: Prof. Dr. Dirk Totzek

Room 115 WIWI, Innstraße 27

Tel. +49(0)851/509-3261
Economics department: Dr. Oliver Farhauer

Room 219 HK14B, Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Str.14 b

Tel.: +49 (0)851 509-2413
Department of Business Informatics: Prof. Dr. Thomas Widjaja

Room 212 HK12, Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Str. 12

Tel.: +49(0)851/509-2570

Examination office

TheExamination office is responsible for examination matters. Here you will find important
information and applications relating to your course of study.

Lower Bavaria/Upper Palatinate Student Union

TheStudent Union operates the cafeteria, cafeterias and residential complexes for students, supports
you in financing your studies (e.g. BAföG) and promotes cultural commitment to theater, film,

Photography, art, dance and music. The employees also offer advice on social and financial concerns.

Start-up support

The city of Passau has been one of the top start-up regions in Germany for years. Companies founded
out of the university have already created numerous jobs in the region. If you are interested in
starting a business yourself, there are many options available at the University of Passau while you
are studyingSupport options through start-up funding. In Passau there is alsoINN.CUBATOR of the
Lower Bavaria Digitalization Start-up Center.

Overview of all advice centers

All advisory services offered by the University of Passau

Student groups

Student council of the Faculty of Economics

TheWiWi student council represents the link between students, lecturers and administration at the
faculty level. It informs and advises students on all study-related questions. The WiWi student council
also represents student interests in university policy committees and organizes, among other things, the
orientation week and numerous other leisure activities.
Innstraße 27 (WiWi), Room 025
Tel.: +49 (0)851 509-2404 Email:


• ECTS-LP - credit points according to the European Credit Transfer System

• SWS – weekly semester hours
• FFA – Subject-specific foreign language training
• V – Lecture • SE – seminar
• Ü – exercise • KS – compact seminar
• WÜ – Scientific exercise • K – Colloquium
• P – Internship

B.SC. bUSINESSADMINISTRATION ANDECONOMICS(business administration/economics)

Please use the for your specific study planningModule catalog and note the one that applies to you Study and
examination regulations. In the module catalog you will find, among other things, information about the requirements,
content and examination forms of the courses.

Module area A: Economic methods

In module area A you complete compulsory modules amounting to:20 ECTS credits.

teaching form Module name Exam form2 SWS ECTS credits

Compulsory modules

V+O mathematics Exam 6 5

V+O statistics Exam 8th 10
V+O Econometrics Exam 4 5
Total: three modules 18 20

Module area B: Basics of economics

In module area B: Fundamentals of Economics there are modules in the scope ofat least 70 ECTS creditsand
complete a maximum of 75 ECTS credits. The module area includes the module groups Business Basics,
Economic Basics and the Legal Basics module.

Module group business basics

You will complete this group of modulesCompulsory modulesto the extent of20 ECTS creditsas well as Elective modules to the
extent ofat least 15 ECTS creditsand a maximum of 25 ECTS credits.

teaching form Module name Exam form SWS ECTS credits

Compulsory modules

V+O Business accounting Exam 4 5

V+O Cost accounting Exam 4 5
V+O Corporate Finance I Exam 4 5
V+O Introduction to business informatics Exam 4 5
Total: four modules 16 20
Elective modules
V+O Balance sheets Exam 4 5
V+O Corporate Finance II Exam 4 5
V+O Tax planning Exam 4 5
V+O marketing Exam 4 5
V+O staff Exam 4 5
V+O Supply Chain and Operations Management Exam/portfolio 4 5
V+O Decision theory Exam 4 5
Total: three to five modules 12-20 15-25

2If several forms of examination are available for a module, the lecturers decide on the type of examination.
Module group economic fundamentals
You will complete this group of modulesCompulsory modulesto the extent of10 ECTS creditsas well as Elective modules to the
extent ofat least 10 ECTS creditsand a maximum of 15 ECTS credits.

teaching form Module name Exam form SWS ECTS credits

Compulsory modules

V+O Microeconomics Exam 4 5

V+O Macroeconomics Exam 4 5
Total: two modules 8th 10
Elective modules
V+O Macroeconomics of open economies Exam 4 5
V+O Market failure and economic policy Exam 4 5
V+O Industrial economics Exam 4 5
Total: two to three modules 8-12 10-15

Legal basics module

This is a compulsory module worth 10 ECTS credits.

teaching form Module name Exam form SWS ECTS credits

Compulsory module

V+O Legal basis Exam 7 10

Overall: one module 7 10

Module area C: Economics specialization

In module area C: Economics specialization there are modules in the scope ofto complete at least 63 ECTS
credits, of thatat least 30 ECTS-LPs in a module group.Choosing a focus is mandatory.

You can choose a second focusorCombine modules from all areas of focus as desired.
The modules in module area C: Economics specialization are compulsory elective modules. Modules that are
offered in several module groups can only be credited in one module group.
The module groups cover the following focuses:
• Accounting, Finance and Taxation
• Economics
• Information Systems
• Management, innovation, marketing
• Business Analytics
• International and Sustainable Business

Please note:
• You need to focus on oneCompulsory seminar worth 7 ECTS creditsprove that is a prerequisite for
registering the bachelor's thesis.Information about the seminar offering and the allocation of seminar
• In addition to the modules listed below, additional in-depth modules may be offered in the individual
study areas. Please note the applicable regulationsModule catalog.
• You can inModule area Calso seminarsKey competenciesto the extent of 3 ECTS credits and one
Bachelor colloquium(max. 3 ECTS credits). The also selectablesecond foreign business language
belongs to the focus on International and Sustainable Business (max. 10 ECTS-CP credits can be taken
into account).
• In theModule areas B and Cyou need modules to the extent ofa total of 138 ECTS creditsprove.

Focus on accounting, finance and taxation

teaching form Module name Exam form SWS ECTS credits

Elective modules
V+O Controlling Exam 4 5
v Digital Finance Exam 2 5
V+O Financial and banking management Exam 4 5
V+O Financial valuation Exam 3 5
V+O Futures and options management Exam 3 5
V+O Income taxes and tax balances Exam 4 5
V+O Corporate governance and auditing Exam 4 5
Group accounting and international
V+O Exam 4 5
v International taxation Exam 2 5
V+O Digital production and Industry 4.0 Exam 4 5
v Controlling with standard software Exam 2 5
Evidence-based decisions based on big
v Exam 2 5
data analytics
V+O Financial Data Analytics Exam 4 5
v Tax Data Analytics Exam 2 5
V+O Data analysis and reporting Portfolio 4 5
U Computer-aided statistics Exam 2 3
V+O Time series analysis Exam 4 5
v Financial and estate planning Exam 2 5
U Software applications in financial controlling Exam 2 3
Bachelor seminar with a focus on accounting,
SE Portfolio 2 7
finance and taxation
V (+Ü) or Deepening in accounting Exam or 2-5 3-7
SE housework or
V (+Ü) or Deepening in finance Exam or 2-5 3-7
SE housework or
V (+Ü) or Deepening in taxation Exam or 2-5 3-7
SE housework or

Focus on Economics
teaching form Module name Exam form SWS ECTS credits

Elective modules
V+O Labor market economics Exam 4 5
Exam or
V+O Growth and Development 4 5
V+O Institutional Economics Exam 4 5
Exam or
V+O International Trade 4 5
Exam or
V+O Public finance 4 5
V+O Social policy Exam 4 5
Economic effects of European
V+O Exam 4 5
U Computer-aided statistics Exam 2 3
V+O Time series analysis Exam 4 5
SE Bachelor seminar with a focus on economics Portfolio 2 7
Exam or
V (+Ü) or
Trends in Economics housework or 2-5 3-7
Exam or
V (+Ü) or
Trends in International Economics housework or 2-5 3-7

Focus on information systems (business informatics)

teaching form Module name Exam form SWS ECTS credits

Elective modules
V+O Operational application systems Exam 3 5
V+O Data management Exam 4 5
V+O Information Management Exam 4 5
V+O Internet economy Exam 4 5
V+O IT management Exam 4 5
V+O Knowledge management Portfolio 4 5
Exam or
V+O Fundamentals of Management Science 4 5
v Practical Course: Management Science Portfolio 2 5
Exam or
V+O Human-machine interaction – user behavior oral 4 5
Exam +
U Business applications – processes presentation or 2 5
V+O Business applications – systems development Exam 4 5
V+O Programming with script languages Exam 3 5
V+O Databases for minor students Exam 5 5
v IT and data law Exam 2 5
v Internet law Exam 2 5
U Computer-aided statistics Exam 2 3
V+O Time series analysis Exam 4 5

Bachelor seminar with a focus on information
SE Portfolio 2 7
Exam or
V (+Ü) or
Deepening in information systems housework or 2-5 3-7
Exam or
V (+Ü) or
Trends in Information Systems housework or 2-5 3-7

Focus on management, innovation, marketing

teaching form Module name Exam form SWS ECTS credits

Elective modules
V+O organization Exam 4 5
v Strategic Management Exam 2 5
V+O Technology and innovation management Exam 4 5
v Change Management Portfolio 2 5
Fundamentals of Digitalization and Digital
v Exam 2 5
V+O Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship Portfolio 4 5
V (+ T) online marketing Exam 2-4 5
V+O International marketing Exam 3 5
V+O Marketing Research Exam 4 5
SE Marketing practical project Portfolio 1-2 3-5
Empirical methods in the areas of management,
v House work 2 5
human resources and information

U Computer-aided statistics Exam 2 3

V+O Time series analysis Exam 4 5
SE 5 euro business competition Seminar paper 4 5
Bachelor seminar with a focus on
SE Portfolio 2 7
management, innovation, marketing
Exam or
V (+Ü) or
Deepening in management housework or 2-5 3-7
Exam or
V (+Ü) or
Deepening into innovation housework or 2-5 3-7
Exam or
V (+Ü) or
Deepening in marketing housework or 2-5 3-7

Focus on business analytics
teaching form Module name Exam form SWS ECTS credits

Elective modules
U Computer-aided statistics Exam 2 3
V+O Time series analysis Exam 4 5
V+O Data management Exam 4 5
v Controlling with standard software Exam 2 5
Evidence-based decisions based on big
v Exam 2 5
data analytics
Exam or
V+O Fundamentals of Management Science 4 5
v Practical Course: Management Science Portfolio 2 5
V+O Financial Data Analytics Exam 4 5
v Tax Data Analytics Exam 2 5
V+O Data analysis and reporting Portfolio 4 5
V+O Marketing Research Exam 4 5
Bachelor seminar with a focus on business
SE Portfolio 2 7
Exam or
V (+Ü) or Trends in Business Analytics:
housework or 2-5 3-7
SE Statistics & Data Analytics
Exam or
V (+Ü) or Trends in Business Analytics:
housework or 2-5 3-7
SE Optimization
Exam or
V (+Ü) or Trends in Business Analytics:
housework or 2-5 3-7
SE Quantitative Planning
Exam or
V (+Ü) or Trends in Business Analytics:
housework or 2-5 3-7
SE Prescriptive Business Analytics

Focus on International and Sustainable Business

teaching form Module name Exam form SWS ECTS credits

Elective modules
Exam or
V+O International Trade 4 5
V+O International management Exam 4 5
V+O International marketing Exam 3 5
v International taxation Exam 2 5
Group accounting and international
V+O Exam 4 5
v Change Management Portfolio 2 5
Empirical Methods in International
v Portfolio 2 5
Management Research
V+O Institutional Economics Exam 4 5
Intercultural communication and
V + KS Exam 2 5
intercultural management
V+O Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship Portfolio 4 5
v Ethical concepts in a global economy Portfolio 2 5

Exam or
Sustainable Business Transformation &
V (+ T) housework or 2-4 5
Exam or
V or WÜ Introduction to Sociology 2 5
U Computer-aided statistics Exam 2 3
Bachelor seminar with a focus on International
SE Portfolio 2 7
and Sustainable Business
Exam or
V (+Ü) or
Trends in International Business housework or 2-5 3-7
Exam or
V (+Ü) or
Deepening in sustainability management housework or 2-5 3-7

Second foreign business language

In the module groupInternational and Sustainable Business(Module area C) depending on the result of a
placement test to be taken, a module can be completed with a total amount of10 ECTS creditsin one second
Foreign business language can be introduced.
AsBusiness foreign languagesIn addition to English, the following are currently offered:

• Chinese, • Russian,
• French, • Spanish,
• Italian, • Polish,
• Portuguese, • Czech.
You are not allowed to choose a language that is your mother tongue.
As part of the application for your certificate to be issued, you can decide at the end of your studies which
language should be counted as a “second foreign business language”. As a rule, the grades of the highest,
fully completed module are included in the overall grade calculation.
In foreign business languagesFrenchandSpanishbecomePrior knowledgeprovided.

level Course name SWS ECTS credits

(French and Spanish only
from level 2)
Level 1 Basic level 1.1 4
Basic level 1.2 4 10
Level 2 Basic level 2.1 4
Basic level 2.2 4 10
Level 3 FFA advanced level 1 4
FFA advanced level 2 4 10
Level 4 FFA main level 1.1 4
FFA main level 1.2 4 10
Level 5 FFA main level 2.1 4
FFA main level 2.2 4 10
total 8th 10

Bowl qualifications
In theModule area CYou can include up to three events that impart key skills relevant to your studies and
career. You can watch events from Future: Careers and Skills (ZKK) visit. In some cases, an ECTS-LP can be
acquired there. This will not be graded, but will be counted towards the 180 ECTS credits to be acquired.
Recognition takes place by presenting the certificate to the examination office and is available ona maximum
of 3 courses and a maximum of 3 ECTS creditslimited.

Current offerCourses in the area of key skills

teaching form Module name SWS ECTS credits

KS Key competencies: Personal competence 1 0.5-1

KS Key competencies: Social-communicative competence 1 0.5-1
KS Key competences: methodological competence 1 0.5-1
KS Key competences: Methodological competence II 1 0.5-1
KS Key competencies: IT competence 1 0.5-1
KS Key competencies: IT competence II 1 0.5-1
KS Key skills: Social skills 1 0.5-1
Total: max. 3

Bachelor colloquium
In addition to the bachelor's thesis, a bachelor's colloquium must often be attended, in which, for example,
the status of the thesis is presented. The bachelor's colloquium, which is not graded, can have a volume of up
to3 ECTS creditsbe introduced into module area C:

teaching form Module name Exam form SWS ECTS credits

Bachelor colloquium
colloquium presentation 0.5-1 1-3

Module area D: Business foreign language English

In module area D you take one module totaling10 ECTS creditsfrom theSubject-specific foreign language
training English for economics.
10 ECTS credits must be earned at least at the advanced level 1 level. However, if the language placement test
places you at a lower level, complete the lower levels first; However, these cannot be included in the

level Course name SWS ECTS credits

Module 1 FFA advanced level 1 4 5

FFA advanced level 2 4 5
Module 2 FFA main level 1.1 4 5
FFA main level 1.2 4 5
Module 3 FFA main level 2.1 4 5
FFA main level 2.2 4 5
Total: 8th 10

credit points.
from various focuses.The courses are usually offered annually.The numbers given indicate the ECTS
These sample study plans refer to a course of studywith a focus of studyand other freely chosen modules
BSc Business Administration and Economics:
Example of a study planwith specialization in the area“Business Analytics”

introduction into the

mathematics Microeconomics economic
(5 ECTS) (5 ECTS) computer science
(5 ECTS) Legal
statistics (5 ECTS)
(10 ECTS)
Corporate (10 ECTS)
Macroeconomics Cost accounting

Finance I
(5 ECTS) (5 ECTS) economic
(5 ECTS)
5. FS 4. FS 3. FS 2. FS 1. FS

foreign language


Market failure English
Industry- (10 ECTS)
Econometrics marketing and economic Tax planning
(5 ECTS) (5 ECTS) politics (5 ECTS)
(5 ECTS)
(5 ECTS)

Supply chain etc Seminar in

marketing Computer-
Operations main emphasis organization
Personnel (5 ECTS) Research supported statistics
management Business Analytics (5 ECTS)

(5 ECTS) (7 ECTS) (3 ECTS)

(5 ECTS)

Controlling with Case study Technology and

Data- institutions-
Default- Time series analysis Workshop innovation
management economics
software (5 ECTS) marketing management
(5 ECTS) (5 ECTS)
(5 ECTS) (3 ECTS) (5 ECTS)

Evidence-based Data analysis and

decisions Financial Data

bachelor thesis Market Research Digital reporting

the basis of Analytics
(12 ECTS) Big Data Analytics
(5 ECTS) with Python
(5 ECTS)
(5 ECTS) (5 ECTS)

Module area A: Economic Methods (20 ECTS)

Module area B: Basics of economics (70-75 ECTS)
Legend Module area C: Economics specialization (63-68 ECTS), of which 30 ECTS are in the focus
Module area D: Foreign business language1e8thEnglish (10 ECTS)
Bachelor's thesis (12 ECTS)
BSc Business Administration and Economics:
Example of a study planwith specialization in the area“International and Sustainable Business”

introduction into the

mathematics Microeconomics economic
(5 ECTS) (5 ECTS) computer science
(5 ECTS) Legal
statistics (5 ECTS)
(10 ECTS)
Corporate (10 ECTS)
Macroeconomics Cost accounting

Finance I
(5 ECTS) (5 ECTS) economic
(5 ECTS)
5. FS 4. FS 3. FS 2. FS 1. FS

foreign language

Industry- (10 ECTS)
Econometrics marketing more open Tax planning
(5 ECTS) (5 ECTS) Economies (5 ECTS)
(5 ECTS)
(5 ECTS)

Supply chain etc Seminar in

International main emphasis Change
Operations organization
Personnel (5 ECTS) management International and management
management Sustainable Business (5 ECTS)
(5 ECTS) (5 ECTS)

(5 ECTS) (7 ECTS)

Ethical concepts Case study Technology and

International International institutions-
in a global Workshop innovation
marketing Trade economics
Business Marketing (3 management
(5 ECTS) (5 ECTS) (5 ECTS)

Corporate Data analysis and


bachelor thesis Sustainability & Market Research Digital reporting

(12 ECTS) entrepreneurship (5 ECTS) with Python
(3 ECTS)
(5 ECTS) (5 ECTS)

Module area A: Methods (20 ECTS)

Module area B: Basics of economics (70-75 ECTS)
Legend Module area C: Economics specialization (63-68 ECTS), of which 30 ECTS are in the focus
Module area D: Business foreign language English (10 ECTS)
bachelor thesis1(912 ECTS)

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