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New Meher Communication

Shop No. 4,Rajplaza, Rajpur Road, Dehradun

Schedules to Account for the year ending March 31, 2023

Particulars Amount

1 Unsecured Loans
Inderjeet Kaur 500,000.00
Inderjeet Kaur(family) 200,000.00
Rahul Setiaji 50,000.00

2 Current Liabilities
Sundry Creditors 13,057,210.17
TDS Payable AY 2023-24 3,445.00
Output CGST 92,167.98
Output SGST 92,167.98
Provision for Income Tax A.Y 2023-24 114,329.28

3 Fixed Assets
Additions Depreciation
Particulars Opening WDV
1st Half 2nd Half Total Rate % Amount Closing WDV
Furniture & Fixtures 15,691.00 - - 15,691.00 10% 1,569.00 14,122.00
AC 14,603.00 - - 14,603.00 15% 2,190.00 12,413.00
DVD Player 984.00 - - 984.00 15% 148.00 836.00
Plasma T.V 6,890.00 - - 6,890.00 15% 1,034.00 5,856.00
LG refrigerator - 6,780.00 - 6,780.00 15% 1,017.00 5,763.00
Car KIA Seltos - - 1,505,350.00 1,505,350.00 15% 112,901.00 1,392,449.00
38,168.00 6,780.00 1,505,350.00 1,550,298.00 118,859.00 1,431,439.00

4 Cash & Bank Balance

Cash in hand 109,914.75
Autosweep Fixed Deposits with Andhra Bank 5,799,962.00
Fixed Deposit with # 120913030000364 Union Bank 576,977.00
Balance in Current Account # 510341000671328 with Union Bank 6,234.81
Balance in Current Account # 120911100004207 With Union Bank 938,623.55
Balance in Current Account # 02252020004596 with HDFC Bank 77,694.72

5 Cost of Goods Sold

Opening Stock 5,299,547.70
Purchase 97,314,317.99
Less: Closing Stock 4,886,777.37

6 Administrative Expenses
Professional and Legal Charges 58,001.00
Travelling Expenses 209.00
Electricity Charges 75,116.00
Water Charges 3,417.00
Rent, Rates and Taxes 21,500.00
Repairs and Maintenance 81,235.00
Mobile Expenses 15,023.60
Office Expenses 30,165.92
Discount Allowed 36,020.00
Printing & Stationery 12,598.00
Misc. Exp. 11,851.00

7.Financial Charges
Bank Charges 17,944.88
Sweep Charges 259,786.71
Late Fee 350.00
New Meher Communication
Shop No. 4,Rajplaza, Rajpur Road, Dehradun

Schedules to Account for the year ending March 31, 2023

8.Notes to Accounts

i) Significant Accounting Policies -

a) The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles in India under the
historical cost convention on accrual basis. The entity, as a going concern, follows the mercantile system of accounting and recognizes
income and expenditure on an accrual basis except in case of significant uncertainties.

b) Revenue/Income and Cost/Expenditure are generally accounted for on accrual basis as they are earned or incurred, except in case of
significant uncertainties.

c) Fixed Assets and Depreciation - Fixed Assets have been valued at their cost of acquisition and include all direct expenses attributable
to its acquisition till the asset is put to use, less depreciation accumulated thereon. Assets have been valued without claiming any
CENVAT. Depreciation has been provided for on the written down value of the fixed assets at the rates specified in the Schedule of
Fixed Assets being part of the financial statements.

d) Impairment of Assets - The management assesses at each Balance Sheet date whether there is any indication that an asset may be
impaired. If any such indication exists, the management estimates the recoverable amount of the asset. If such recoverable amount of
the asset is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount is reduced to its recoverable amount. The reduction, if any, is treated as
an impairment loss and is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account.

e) Interest and other borrowing costs attributable to qualify assets, are added to the cost of the qualifying asset, until such time as the
assets are substantially ready for their intended use. Qualifying assets for capital of general borrowing costs are those that necessarily
take more than one year or substantial period of time to get ready for their intended use.

f) Loans and Advances receivable in cash or kind - In the opinion of the management , current assets, loans & advances will have value
on realisation in the ordinary course of business at least equal to the amount at which they are stated.

g) Dues to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises - The information as required under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Development Act, 2006 has not been determined since such parties have not been identified by the management.

h) Inventories have been valued as per AS - 2 of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, wherein the inclusive method of
accounting for inventories is totally prohibited. Thus, the management has followed the exclusive method for valuation of inventories.
Raw materials, work-in-progress , finished goods, goods for trade and stores, spares, etc. are valued at cost or net realizable value,
whichever is lower. Materials and supplies held for use in production of finished goods are not written down below cost if the finished
products in which they will be incorporated are expected to be sold at or above cost. Cost comprises all costs of purchase, costs of
conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventory to the present location and condition. The cost formulae used is 'first in
first out' applied consistently. In terms of Section 145A, when the purchases, sales and inventory is valued inclusive of taxes, the net
impact of the same on profit and loss account is Nil. Carrying Cost, as defined in ICDS - II, thus has no impact.

i) The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India except AS -15 pertaining to Employee Benefits, whereto no amount has been provided for gratuity payable to employees
ascertained on an acturial valuation.

j) Provision involving a substantial degree of estimation in measurement are recognised when there is a present obligation as a result of
past events and it is reasonably certain that there will be an outflow of resources.

ii) In the absence of balance confirmations wherever required and not available, entries in the books of accounts have been relied upon.

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