Safety Topic 2_Hazards of Machines 23

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Machinery Safety

Hazards Analysis
Various hazards that can pose
risks to human health, safety,
 Fire and Explosions: Oil and gas operations
involve flammable substances, making the risk
of fires and explosions a significant hazard.
 Toxic Releases: Oil industry activities can
result in the release of toxic substances into
the environment
 Chemical Exposure: Workers in many
industry may come into contact with various
chemicals, such as drilling fluids, solvents, and
cleaning agents etc
 Falls and Falling Objects: Workers may be
at risk of falls from heights if proper safety
measures like guardrails, safety harnesses,
and training are not in place. Example in Oil
industry operations often take place on
elevated platforms, rigs, or equipment.
 Equipment Malfunctions: The many
industry relies on complex machinery and
equipment that can malfunction or fail,
potentially leading to accidents
 Transportation Hazards: Oil transportation
involves the use of tankers, pipelines, and
trucks, which carry flammable and hazardous
 Ergonomic Risks: These ergonomic risks
can lead to musculoskeletal disorders if
proper ergonomics and work practices are not
followed. Example in Oil industry work often
involves physically demanding tasks, such as
heavy lifting, repetitive motions, and awkward
Hazards of Machines
 When discussing the hazards, which are inherent
in machine, it is useful to remember the model of
the man-machine system
 Mechanical hazards which are inherent in
machinery but are also caused by flying or falling
 Electrical hazards which are particularly inherent in
portable, electrically powered tools
 Environmental hazards such as air pollution, high
temperatures, humidity, noise and vibration
Hazards of Machines - Cont
 The moving machine parts essentially
cause the hazards to which the workers
who operate the machines have been
exposed since their introduction
 Prime movers, flywheels and belt-driven
transmission machinery involve rotary
 The exposure of the workers to these
hazards can result in cutting or tearing
injuries or injuries through entanglement
Hazards of machines - cont
 Power presses and hammers involve
sliding motions
 the exposure to these hazards can result in
crushing or shearing injuries or in the
fracture of body parts
Mechanical hazards
Rotary Motion:
 the rotary motion as such
 projections from the revolving part
 apertures in the revolving part as they
are found in spooked wheel
 abrasive or cutting surfaces of rotating
Hazards of Rotary Motion
 Such hazards can result in cutting or
tearing of the skin
 entanglement by clothing or hair
 run-in or nip points
 Rotary motion creates centrifugal forces,
which can result in breaking loose
components or throwing of work pieces
Sliding Motion
 Horizontal or vertical (or at any inclination)
 Horizontal sliding motions are found on machine
tools such as shaper and grinder
 Vertical sliding motions on power presses and
 Such motions become hazardous when the
moving part approaches or passes a fixed object.
They create the so-called squeeze points
 When a moving part with a motion rectangular to
its cutting edge approaches a fixed part a shear
point is created
Hazard control
Separating the worker and the hazard
 removal of the hazard or the removal of
the worker
 commonly applied solution will
therefore be the isolation of the hazard
by one of the three following methods
 Separation of the worker and the hazard
by distance
 Installation of machine-guards
 Installation of safety device
Separation by distance
 Installation of a barrier or fence to prevent
or to limit access to the hazardous area
 Factories Ordinance Cap. 297 states that
every flywheel, which is directly connected
to any prime mover, and every moving
part of any prime mover, shall be securely
Machine guards
 Enclosure guards - must be designed in such
way that no access to the hazard is possible
 Interlocking guards - provides a mechanical,
electrical or other connection between the
machine guard and the controls of the
Enclosure Guards
 As no access to the hazard is required during
normal operation they will remain in the same
position over a length period of time and it shall not
be possible to remove them unintentionally and
without using tools.
 Example for fixed enclosure guards are the
casings of gearboxes, electric motors, flywheels or
table fans.
 If, for operational reasons some access to the
hazard area is necessary, an adjustable enclosure
guard can be appropriate
Interlocking Guards
 allow the machine to operate only when the
guard is closed;
 lock the guard in its closed position as long
as the machine is operating;
 stop the machine by cutting the power
supply or disengaging its drive when the
guard is accidentally opened or removed
during operation
Automatic Guards
 Automatic guards - prevent a hazard from
occurring or move a worker's body out of
the hazard area
 They are actuated by the movement of the
press and cause a worker’s endangered
body parts (arms, hands) to move out of
the hazard area before the hazard can
Safety devices
 Safety devices do not "guard", but they keep worker
and hazard at a distance
 Two-hand controls - ensure that a worker will not
reach with his hands into the hazard area while the
machine is in motion
 Feeding devices - allow the manual, semi-automatic
or automat feeding of the work pieces into a
 Trips - moving parts will be stopped by a trip when a
person approaches within a safe distance
 Overrun - protects from the hazard created by a
moving part, which is still in motion because of its
inertia after power has been cut off
 Common forms are mechanical trips and
tripe some operated by light beams or by
pressure mats.
 A moving part must be stopped immediately
or return to a safe position with the reset
device being located outside the hazard area.
 Trip is (a part of mechanical/ electrical circuit)
disconnected Automatically as safety
measure. The plugs will trip as soon as
any changes of current detected.
Accident Investigation
 When despite all precautions an accident
has occurred, it must be investigated.
 The purpose of accident investigation is:
 to identify the causes, which have led to
the accident,
 to prevent similar accidents in future,
 to comply with legal or administrative
regulations and
 to put the accident on record for future
Accident Investigations - Cont
 An accident investigation should be made
on the spot where the accident occurred,
and the following 5W questions should be
 WHO has suffered an accident?
 WHEN did the accident occur?
 WHERE did the accident occur?
 WHAT happened, and HOW did it
 WHICH were the consequences of the
Accident Investigation – Cont.
 The spot where the accident occurred should
be left undisturbed.
 In investigating an accident, it is desirable to
reconstruct the sequence of events, which
have led to the accident.
 If the failure of material or equipment has led
to the accident, it may be necessary to carry
out material tests or to solicit assistance by
technical experts
Accidents Statistics
 "Accident statistics" means the recording of
the events, which are considered to be
 A practicable definition of an accident with
regard to accident statistics is that all work-
related events which result in injuries or
occupational diseases and which cause a
loss of working days
 According to this definition a work-related
injury which only requires first aid and does
not result in lost working days not treated as
an accident
Accidents Statistics - Cont
 In order to get meaningful statistics it is
essential to:
 define which events shall be treated
as an "accident";
 define a classification scheme;
 define the working time which has
been lost because of an accident.
Accidents Classifications
 According to ILO, there are 4 classifications of
 According to the type of accident;
 According to the agency, which has been
involved in the accident;
 According to the nature of the injury;
 According to the bodily location of the
Loss of Working days
 The working time, which is lost because of an
accident in which one or several workers have
been injured, is usually expressed in workdays,
not counting the day on which the accident
 Loss of hearing in one ear 600 days
 Loss of eyesight in one eye 1800 “
 Loss of hearing in both ears 3000 “
 Loss of an arm above the elbow 4500 “
 Loss of eyesight in both eyes 6000 “
 Permanent disablement 6000 “
 Loss of life 6000 “
Safety Performance
 The absolute number of accidents as such
is not sufficient to make meaningful
comparisons between the safety
performances during different periods or
between units with similar risks.
 It is necessary to relate the number of
accident or workdays lost to the size of the
work force or to the number of man-hours.
 There are four relationships defined for
performance measurement
Frequency Rate
 The frequency rate relates the number
of accidents to the hours worked.
 It does not consider the severity of the
accidents, i.e. how many workdays
have been lost
Num ber o f Ac c id en ts
Frequen c y rate F  to tal ho urs w o rked /1000
Severity Rate
 The severity rate relates the number of
workdays lost to the hours worked.
 The day on which the accident occurred
is not counted as a lost day but the work-
free days are included

Num ber o f Wo rkd ay s lo st

S to tal ho urs w o rked /1000
Incidence Rate
 The incidence rate expresses the number of
cases, which are treated as accidents per
100 employees; it does not consider the
severity of the accidents
Number of cases
 I = (total hours worked in one year)
(100 x hours/week x weeks/year)
Alternate Incidence rate

 The alternate incidence rate considers the

severity of the accidents and expresses
the number of lost workdays per 100
employees. Only lost working days are
counted but not Sundays or holidays.
Number of workdays lost
 I^ = (total hours worked in one year)
(100 x hours/week x weeks/year)
The total recordable incident
 TRIR: The total recordable incident rate is
defined as the incident’s rate in 200,000 work
hours. The index is calculated
TRIR =Nx200,000/EH
 TRIR: total recordable incident rate; N that is
the Number of Recordable Injuries and/or
Illnesses in One Year period; EH is the Total
Number of Hours Worked by all Employees in
One Year period; 200,000: Equivalent of 100
Full-Time Employees Working 40 Hour Weeks
Point to note:
 For many safety rates, you must calculate
hours worked. The 200,000 number in
many formulas is a benchmark
established by OSHA to compare your
own hours to, because it represents
what 100 employees would work in 50
weeks based on the average 40-hour
work week. It should be noted that
vacation hours and leave hours cannot
be included in total work hours
Lost Time Incident Rate

DART Rate (Days Away/Restricted or Job

Transfer Rate)(LWD)
Lost Workday Incident (LWDI)
Different Btw Hazard Analysis
and FMEA
 There are many similarities between a hazard
analysis and an FMEA, and the fundamentals of
FMEA apply equally to hazard analysis.
 Both FMEA and hazard analysis examine
functions, failures modes, effects and causes.
 The primary difference with a hazard analysis is
that it focuses entirely on safety hazards,
whereas the scope of an FMEA covers safety as
well as performance, quality and reliability.
Design guidelines to be
used to address hazards
 Design the hazard out of the product. If the
hazard cannot be eliminated, minimize the
residual risk.
 Design for fail-safe default mode by
incorporating safety devices or fault-
tolerant features.
 ..
Design Guidelines Cont
 Provide early warning through measuring
devices, software or other means. The warning
should be clear and should attract the attention of
the responsible operator
 Implement special procedures and training when
the above means are unable to eliminate the
Risk Analysis Matrix

Source Suggested Mishap Severity Levels in MIL-STD-882D

Example of a hazard analysis of
a fuel control subsystem
 Hazard analysis is the process of examining
a system throughout its life cycle to identify
inherent safety related risks
 And note. Hazard also defined as "Any
real or potential condition that can cause
injury, illness, or death to personnel;
damage to or loss of a system,
equipment or property; or damage to the

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