Grade 10 _ Holiday Homework 2024-2025 (3)

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Grade 10 – Holiday Homework 2024-2025

Sl. No Subject Portions

1 English Art Integrated Project-GROUP/PAIR/INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY) based

on GLIMPSES OF INDIA, as per CBSE guidelines.
Prepare a presentation on a comprehensive comparison between
the states.

2 Hindi कला समेककत परियोजना कायय-

अपना ‘पोर्य फ़ोकलयो’ तैयाि कीकजए कजसमें कनम्नकलखित क िंदुओ िं का
समावेश ककया गया हो -
* व्यखिगत , पारिवारिक, सािंस्कृकतक एविं िेलकूद, शैकिक ,
रूकियााँ , िूक यााँ , कवकशष्ट उपलखियोिं की जानकािी दे ना ।
**आपका पोर्टय फोकलयो सकित्र एविं हस्तकलखित होना िाकहए ।

3 French Create a portfolio of yourself and add supporting pictures.

Innovation and creativity to be incorporated. A sample of the
portfolio to be created is uploaded in LMS for reference. Use
only “French Language” to present about yourself. Usage of
any other language is not appreciated.

4 CBSE Arabic Write a paragraph about any one of the topics ,

: given
)‫ عطلتي (إجازتي‬-3 ، ‫ مكتبة المدرسة‬-2 ، ‫ مدرستي‬-1
Minimum word limit (60 words)
5 Math 1.Worksheet.

2.Art integration project as per CBSE syllabus

3. completion of activities in Journal

6 Social Science Project Work on Consumer Rights OR Social Issues OR

Sustainable Development

7 Science Art Integrated Project as per CBSE Guidlines 2024

Completion of Lab Journal

8 Ministry Arabic GRADE 10:-

1- ‫اكتب فقرة عن االدمان علي مواقع التواصل‬
2- ‫اسباب القيادة المتهورة‬
3- PPT Or Dialogue Communication In
Arabic About National Day Or Flag Day

9 I.ED Choose one of the following

Make a booklet on the Great Leaders of United Arab Emirates with

the following title:

a) Name and short biography

b) Contributions of UAE Leadership

Learn surat Al Kahf verses (1-10) for the oral exam

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