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REVIEW SEMESTER TEST 1 - School year: 2023-20234

1. What’s your name?
My name’s ……...
2. How are you ?
 I’m fine, thank you.
3. How old are you ?
 I’m eight years old.
4. This is my doll.
5. This is your ball.
6. What’s your favorite toy ?
My favorite toy is a train.
7. What’s your favorite color ?
My favorite color is red.
8. That is her book.
9. That is his pen.
10. The teddy bear is on the slide
11. The ball is in the pool
12. The kite is under the slide
13. This is a monkey. I like monkeys.
14. This is an elephant. I don’t like elephants.
15. What’s your favorite animal?
 My favorite animal is a monkey.
16. Do you like yogurt?
 Yes, I do.
 No, I don’t.
17. What’s your favorite food?
 My favorite food is meat.
18. I have long hair.
19. I don’t have brown eyes.
20. He has short hair.
Exercise 1: Look and choose the correct words.

jar / jelly jacket / dress ball / ink

zoo / school family/pets ill / fan

Exercise 2: Read and tick () or cross ().

1. 2.

juice  milk

3. 4.

ink yogurt

5. 6.

water carrot

7. 8.

jacket jelly

Exercise 3: Read and match.

1. It’s a small cat.

2. It’s an elephant.

3. It’s a big lion.

4. This is a tall giraffe.

5. It’s a blue bird.

6. A monkey is little.

Exercise 4: Read and tick () or cross (x).

Exercise 5: Look, read and put a tick () in the correct box.
 It’s a book.
1.What is it?  It’s a bag.
 It’s not a book.

 It’s a crayon.
2. What is it?  It’s a pen.
 It’s a pencil.

 It’s a door.
3. What is it?  It’s a window.
 It’s a pencil case.

 It’s a bike.
4. What is it?  It’s a kite.
 It’s not a kite.

 It’s a doll
5. What is it?  It’s a ball.
 It’s an doll.

 It’s an egg.
6. What is it?  It’s an elephant.
 It’s a egg.

Exercise 6: Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words.There is one

Exercise 7: Read and fill the gaps. There are three extra words.

Exercise 8: Look and circle.

1. They are ……………………
a. monkeys
b. snakes
c. tigers
2. The elephant has a ……………………nose.
a. long
b. short
c. tall
3. The giraffe is ……………………
a. short
b. tall
c. little
4. The elephant has two ……………………ears.
a. little
b. big
c. tall
5. They are big ……………………
a. giraffes
b. snakes
c. lions

Exercise 9: Order the words
1. you / Do / meat? / like
2.What / name? / is / your
…………………………………………………………………………………. / That / blue / his / pencil. / small
4. animal? / What / favorite / your / is
5. An / two / elephant / big / has / ears.
6. are / toys / the / in / Our / kitchen.
7. She / hair. / curly, / brown / has
8. I / bread. / like / carrots / and
9. to / you. / Nice / meet
10. I / not / or / milk / bread. / do / and
11. you / water? / Do / like // not. / No, / I / do
12. lion. / is / brown / This / a / big,
13. An / pencil case. / eraser / is/ the / in
Exercise 10: Read and fill in the gap

Question 1: Listen and tick the box. There is one example.

A. B. C.

1. A. B. C.

2. A. B. C.

3. A. B. C.

4. A. B. C.
Question 2: Listen and choose the correct answer. There is one example.
Example: A. It’s her pencil.
B. It’s his pencil.
C. It’s her pen.
1. A. It’s her eraser. 2. A. Stand up.
B. It’s her book. B. Close the door.
C. It’s her teddy bear. C. Open the window.
3. A. I’m five 4. His ______ is blue.
B. I’m nine A. bag
C. I’m ten B. book
C. pencil case
Question 3: Listen and write Yes or No. There is one example.
1. This is Sam’s book. Yes
2. That is Lucy’s pencil. ______
3. This is Nick’s bag. ______
4. That is Tom’s bedroom. ______
Question 4: Look, listen and choose the correct words. There is one example.

Cousin / uncle
Cousin / aunt
Uncle / dad

mom / aunt
Uncle / dad


Question 5: Look and choose the correct words. There is one example.

Example: A. Water B. Juice

1. A. Short B. Straight 3. A. Little B. big

2. A. Meat B. bread 4. A. Mom B. Aunt

Question 6: Look, read and choose the correct words. There is one example.

A. C. D. E.

1. black 2. short 3. long 4. straight 5.curly

Question 7: Read, choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5.

Question 8: Order the words. There is one example.
Example : your / this / Is / teddy bear?
 Is this your teddy bear?
1. The / gray. / is / elephant / big / and
2. like / do / I / not / lions.
3.four / are / in / There / family / people. / my
4.She / long / have / does / black / not / hair /
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