CHCECE036_Student Assessment Task 3 - Role Play

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Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning

Student Assessment


Student Details

Student ID Group

Student Name

Conditions of ● For this assessment, the student will have access to the relevant learning
Assessment resources, listed under the learning resource of this document.
● The assessment is to be conducted in a SCEI simulated environment and
three (3) times in a regulated education and care service.
● This assessment must be deemed satisfactory by the trainer/assessor prior to
commencing work placement
● The student will have 5-8 minutes to complete the assessment in the simulated

Student Instructions ● Your trainer and assessor will provide you with a role play and you will be
for completion observed setting up a safe indoor environment indoors to guide and facilitate
children’s play and learning experiences in a simulated work environment
● To successfully complete this assessment task, you must achieve satisfactory
results f or the assessment task and you may utilise the relevant learning
resources related to this assessment.
● Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of
competency on each piece of paper you attach to this assessment document.

● You will be provided with a briefing on the assessment and the opportunity to
Procedure seek clarification on the conduct of the assessment.
● You may seek clarification at any point in time during the assessment task. If
you f eel you need more time to complete the assessment, you must negotiate
the time needed with the assessor prior to the assessment due date.

Due Date ● The trainer/assessor will provide a date and time for this assessment schedule
on the f irst day of the unit delivery.

Children in the 3–5-year-old room have been exploring shapes and today’s experience is building a structure
using recycled material to test the strength of a created structure. You are required to set up a safe indoor
environment to f acilitate children’s play and learning experiences and support their agency. A child in the
group, Piper ref used to build a structure using recycled material and suggested that she prefers to use
LEGO® rather than recycled material

Student Instructions
There are f our roles in this assessment (see below for the details). For the assessment purpose, every student
will take the role of educator to set up a saf e indoor environment to f acilitate children’s play and learning

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D

CHCECE036 Provide Experiences to support children’s play and learning
Page 26 of 37 RTO Number 121952
CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Student Assessment - Version 1.1 July 2022
Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
Student Assessment

experiences and support their agency with collaboration with the children and supervisor based on the provided

Educator (Student 1- being assessed).
● Set up a saf e indoor environment to f acilitate children’s play and learning experiences and support
their agency with collaboration with the children and supervisor based on the provided scenario
● Engage with Piper and another child (2 other students selected by the trainer and assessor) and
supervisor at the experiences set up to support Piper’s agency and choice
● Ref er to the observation checklist below for the detailed requirements

Piper (Student 2 – selected by trainer and assessor)

● Wait to be introduced to experiences
● Talk with the educator about the activity and Piper’s interests and choices
● Express the willingness of using LEGO® rather than recycled materials
● Become frustrated at an activity
● Compete for educators help

A child participating in the play (Student 3 – selected by trainer and assessor)

● Wait to be introduced to experiences
● Talk with the educator about the activity
● Participate in the play by following the educator’s instructions, without their own choices and interests

Educator’s Supervisor (Trainer and assessor)

● Listen to and discuss with the educator regarding the required play areas, resources and materials
and Piper’s interests and agency
● Provide consultation/suggestions on how to set up the play environment and support Piper’s agency

CHCECE036: Role Play Observation Checklist

Student Name

Student ID Date

1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt

Assessment Criteria

Did the student:

1. Conduct observations of the children

● Observe the children and take note of their
behaviours and interactions.

2. Identif y children’s interests and play opportunities for

learning and development using the information collected
f rom observations and communications

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D

CHCECE036 Provide Experiences to support children’s play and learning
Page 27 of 37 RTO Number 121952
CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Student Assessment - Version 1.1 July 2022
Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
Student Assessment

● Engage in conversation with the children about

activities they like
● Ask children about materials to be used during the
planning of activities

3. Select resources and materials that are developmentally

appropriate and suitable for kinds of play, including those
real, natural and recycled. e.g., puzzles, woods, rocks and
pebbles, books, construction, puppets, dress ups, playdough,
arts and craft table

4. Ensure the play areas, resources and materials are safe

and f ree of risks with appropriate measures, e.g., placing
table, chairs, and play mat, being aware of sharp ends and
sizes of materials, and separating activity areas with shelving
and dividers

5. Ensure that children have enough time to participate in

their learning experiences and play
• Provide sufficient time, space and opportunities for
children to complete play
• Provide time and space for children to take the
• Busy activities are set up away from quiet activities

6. Discuss with the supervisor regarding proposed play and

learning opportunities for the children, including:
• Identif ied interests of children.
• Identif ied resources to be used for proposed
• Explain the specific learning experience to be set up
f or the children

7. Initiate play and invite the children to participate

• be at the children’s eye level and ask if they would
like to come and join in what you’re doing

8. Allow children to lead the play, respect Piper’s choice not

to participate in the play and negotiate with her about other
alternative activities
• Be at children’s eye level and ask whether they
would like to play or what they would like to do first
• Show respect for Piper’s choices not to build a
structure with recycled
• Discuss with Piper about the alternative activities if
they ref use to participate in the play

9. Ensure a balance of teacher-led and child-directed

moments during learning experiences
• Lead the children to play; meanwhile, provide
opportunities for the children to express their
thoughts and make decisions on whether they want

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D

CHCECE036 Provide Experiences to support children’s play and learning
Page 28 of 37 RTO Number 121952
CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Student Assessment - Version 1.1 July 2022
Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
Student Assessment

to play and/or how to play and/or how to use

resources and materials for play

10. Engage with children during plan including discussion (as

appropriate) of their play and learning
● Be at the children's eye level to engage in
conversation with them
● Talk about what activity looks like completed
● Encourage to complete activity using positive
● Ask specific questions to determine the child’s
interests, choices and if the child is comfortable with /
is able to do the experience
○ Would you like some help or would you like to
start building on your own?
○ Can I help you with that?
○ What do you want to do now?

11. Catch spontaneous learning opportunities to undertake

intentional teaching
● Recognise children free play and use it to undertake
intentional teaching and extend play
● ask specific questions - “how will….?”, “how
does….?”, “What will happen if…..?”

12. Extend play by applying flexible learning experiences,

resources and materials
● Provide children suggestions on how to use the
provided resources in different ways
● Provide alternative or additional resources which are
needed to appropriately extend children’s play and

13. Assist children to participate in a variety of experiences

and to choose those which support their competency and
conf idence
● Allow children to choose materials and resources
they want to use to participate in learning experience
● Allow children to choose how they want to complete
the required learning activity
● Direct to an experience if child is unsure / needs
some guidance
● Comment on their progress
○ That’s a great picture
○ Wow! What a big tower you built.
○ You completed the puzzle all by yourself,

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D

CHCECE036 Provide Experiences to support children’s play and learning
Page 29 of 37 RTO Number 121952
CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Student Assessment - Version 1.1 July 2022
Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
Student Assessment

○ Encourage and assist them to participate in

new and unknown experiences

14. Encourage children to remain interested and challenged

in the play
● Create environments that are engaging, stimulating
and motivating
● Involve the children in active play-based learning
● Provide assistance if the children have difficulty and
lose interest in the play
● Ensure the children have all access to the resources
and meet their developmental needs
● Of f er alternative ways for them to explore their own
individual interests and also offers new interests for
them to try

15. Interact with children showing enthusiasm, playfulness

and enjoyment
● Engage children by showing your enthusiasm at the
craf t table.
For example
● Wow, look at all the different coloured paper we can
● Lets do this puzzle and find the hidden animals
Assessor’s general Comments/ Observations:

Date Assessor Name Assessor Signature Assessment Task Outcome

1st (Satisfactory) (Not Yet
Attempt Satisfactory)

Date Assessor Name Assessor Signature Assessment Task Outcome

(Satisfactory) (Not Yet

Date Assessor Name Assessor Signature Assessment Task Outcome

3 rd S NYS
Attempt (Satisfactory) (Not Yet

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D

CHCECE036 Provide Experiences to support children’s play and learning
Page 30 of 37 RTO Number 121952
CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Student Assessment - Version 1.1 July 2022

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