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Develop positive and respectful relationships with children

Student Assessment


Student Details

Student ID MEL16808 Group 9

Student Name Nicomar Sabiano

Conditions of ● The student will have access to the relevant learning resources, listed under
Assessment the learning resource of this document, for this assessment.
● Assessment task may be completed at student’s own time.
● Responses to the questions must be typed.

Student Instructions ● This task requires you to read the case study provided. You must answer all
f or completion questions correctly to complete this assessment with a satisfactory result and
you may utilise the relevant learning resources related to this assessment.
● The questions within this assessment relate directly to the integrated
knowledge contained within the unit of competencies and are f undamental to
the student’s knowledge and performance evidence. Use of correct grammar
and spelling is required to demonstrate f oundation skills, so please ensure to
proofread your answers prior to submission.
● You may have up to three (3) attempts to be deemed Satisfactory outcome with
this assessment.
● Failure to receive the Satisfactory outcome af ter the three (3) attempts, the
result f or the unit will be deemed Not Yet Satisfactory, and you must re-enroll
and repeat the unit to be eligible to be assessed again.
● APA ref erencing must be used where original sources have been used. Do not
copy and paste text from any of the online sources. SCEI has a strict plagiarism
policy and students who are f ound guilty of plagiarism, will be penalised.
● The written assessment standards (8.2) outlined in the PP77 Assessment
policy and procedure apply to this assessment task.

Explanation of the ● List/identify/state/give/provide = present in brief form

common command ● Outline= give the main f acts about something, more than naming, but not a
words used in the detailed description
Assessment Task ● Describe = Give f ull details of characteristics and/or features, more needed
than an outline or than a list
● Explain/Discuss = Give reasonable argument to discuss cause and effect
and/or make links between things clear in your own words
● Analyse = Identify parts, the relationship between them, and their relationships
with the whole. Draw out and relate implications
● Demonstrate = Present, show or illustrate through example or action

Assessment ● You will be provided with a briefing on the assessment and the o pportunity to
Procedure seek clarification on the conduct of the assessment.
● You may seek clarification at any point in time during the assessment task. If
you f eel you need more time to complete the assessment, you must negotiate

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Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
Student Assessment

the time needed with the assessor prior to the assessment due date.
● Following the assessment, your responses are to be assessed and marked as
appropriate. Where responses have been assessed in one (1) or more
questions as unsatisfactory, students will be required to resubmit these
questions. For more inf ormation, detailed information can be f ound in PP77
Assessment Policy and Procedure
Due Date ● 14 days af ter the unit completion date as outlined in the PP77 Assessment
Policy and Procedure.

Student Instructions:

Read the f ollowing scenarios and answer the questions.

Scenario 1
Xavier (4 years) is standing next to the writing/drawing table and the paper and drawing items are on the
f loor next to the table. You see he is clearly upset and as you approach, he does not say anything and just
turns away f rom you. Imogen, who was sitting at the table, explains that one of the children told Xavier his
drawing was not very good.

a. What should you say to Xavier to help him recognise and label his emotion, using effective communication

Saying something along these lines could assist Xavier in identifying and categorizing his
feelings while utilizing appropriate communication techniques:

"Xavier, It's evident to me that you're upset. When someone says something hurtful, it's
acceptable to feel that way. You seem to be depressed by what transpired with your drawing. Do
you want to discuss it with me?

This answer validates Xavier's emotions and acknowledges them without passing judgment.
You're assisting him in identifying and labeling his feelings by speaking empathetically, which is
a crucial skill for emotional growth. Giving him the chance to discuss what transpired also
demonstrates your support for him and promotes candid communication.

You notice Xavier is sitting by himself during outdoor play. He tells you he is still upset about what the
children said about his drawings earlier and believes the others no longer want to play with him.

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Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
Student Assessment

b. How could you support Xavier in this situation to comfort him and promote his confidence and self -esteem?

Acknowledge Xavier's feelings and let him know that it's okay to feel upset. Provide reassurance
to Xavier that he is valued and accepted, regardless of what others may have said. Get Xavier
involved in something he enjoys and is good at, like painting, drawing, or other creative
endeavors. Encourage Xavier to join group activities or games where he can interact positively
with his peers.

Scenario 2
Children in the 3–5-year-old room have been exploring shapes and today’s experience is building a structure
using recycled material to test the strength of a created structure. Piper suggested that she prefers to use
LEGO® rather than recycled material.

a. How would you communicate with Piper to acknowledge her suggestion and encourage her to think about
the materials required to build the structure?

Saying something like this to Piper would be a good way to accept her suggestion and
encourage her to think about the resources needed to build the structure.

"Piper, I appreciate you sharing your thought about utilizing LEGO for today's structure. It's
wonderful to know what you prefer! It may be a lot of fun to build sturdy constructions using
LEGO. Let's consider the materials at our disposal and how they could enable us to construct a
robust and captivating structure. What characteristics of our materials do we require, in your
opinion, to ensure the strength of our structure?"

This response gently shifts the focus back to the activity's accessible resources while
acknowledging Piper's suggestion and validating her input.

b. How would you communicate with Piper to acknowledge her ef f orts and give her guidance when her
structure using LEGO® is the first to break?

1. Acknowledge Piper's creativity and effort in using LEGO® for the structure.
2. Encourage Piper to reflect on the experience and think about ways to improve her structure.

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Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
Student Assessment

Scenario 3
You are leading the children to play the outdoor activities. Coco (2 years) is standing at the door to go back
inside. Attempts have been made to encourage Coco to play and be involved in outdoor activities. Coco
stands at the door, shakes her head and points inside.

a. What might Coco be indicating she would like? Provide two (2) possibilities.

1. Coco might be indicating that he feels more comfortable or secure staying inside.
2. Coco could be showing an interest in specific indoor activities.

b. Describe what support you could give to Coco to comfort her and encourage her involvement in

1. Encourage Coco gently to explore outdoor activities by offering reassurance and praise.
2. Help Coco feel more comfortable outdoors by bringing along familiar toys or objects from
3. Begin by acknowledging Coco's feelings and letting her know that it's okay to feel the way she

c. What inf ormation could be accessed that may assist educators to comfort Coco on this occasion?

1. Educators could review Coco's previous experiences with outdoor activities by asking the
previous educators.
2. Educators could observe and document Coco's preferred activities, toys, or environments
both indoors and outdoors.
3. Gathering information from Coco's family about his preferences, routines, and any factors that
may influence his behavior can also be beneficial.

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Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
Student Assessment

Scenario 4
Hoo Chung Hui, (aged 4 years) will start care tomorrow. The Child Care Registration Form indicates that he
has just returned to Australia to live with his parents, after being cared for by his Grandparents in China for
the past 2 years. He speaks no English. On orientation, he seems lonely and unsettled and calls out for Nai
Nai, and YeYe. To understand what Hoo said, you speak with his parents and they explain that he is asking
f or his Grandparents in China.

a) What inf ormation has been collected to support your understanding of Hoo’s behaviours?

1. Child Care Registration Form

2. Observation during the orientation
3. Explanation from

b) Based on the collected information, identify:

Three (3) f actors that may affect Hoo’s behaviours.

1. Hoo may feel even more alone and frustrated as a result of his limited English proficiency.
2. Given that he lived with his grandparents for the majority of his first two years of life, Hoo
might have formed a close bond with them.
3. Hoo has lived with his grandparents in China, where he has been fully absorbed in a new
cultural setting. He's now moving to Australia and adjusting to a new culture, which could make
him feel lost, confused, and alone.

Three (3) behaviours that Hoo may present while at the service.

1. Hoo may be hesitant to interact with other children and educators.

2. Hoo may experience emotional distress manifested through crying and tantrums.
3. Since Hoo does not speak English, the language barrier can frustrate him.

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Student Assessment

c) List at least one (1) strategy the educator can implement with Hoo’s parents to assist him in the
transition from home to care.

Create a Transition Plan. This is a process that happens over time and continues until children
form relationships, learn new routines and feel a sense of connection and belonging in the new
setting. Positive transitions across early childhood have long-lasting benefits and help lay the
foundation for future learning success.

Scenario 5
A parent has insisted that you do not put their child (aged 2 years and 10 months) to sleep during the day at
the Center. They have been going to sleep at 11 pm at night. The child arrives at the service at 7.30 am,
rubbing their eyes and yawning, and is already asking for their security teddy bear.

a. Describe how this scenario will affect the child’s behaviours while at the service.

The child may have difficulty participating in structured activities or following routines, leading to
frustration for both the child and the educators.

b. Demonstrate how you would communicate effectively with the parents to assist the child to establish
a healthy sleep routine. Your description must be more than 80 words.

It's important to listen to the parent's concerns and emphasize the value of creating a healthy
sleep schedule for their child's wellbeing while also addressing the parent's concerns. I might
start by respecting the parent's perspective and their worries over their child's sleeping patterns.
I would then gently go over the possible harm that insufficient sleep could do to their child's
behavior, development, and general health, emphasizing how crucial it is to maintain a regular
sleep pattern. Furthermore, I would provide direction and assistance in establishing a nighttime
routine at home that supports improved sleep hygiene and corresponds with the child's natural
sleep demands.

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Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
Student Assessment

Scenario 6
Keira, 3 years old, attends your Service. She is more intellectually advanced than other children of the same
age. Keira is interested in numbers and letters and has a high level of counting and pre-reading skills due
to her interest. She enjoys including numbers and letters in most of her activities and can recognise the
numbers 1 to 99. She knows the letters of the alphabet and recognises some marketing symbols, such as
Hungry Jacks and McDonalds. Keira is now reading simple words and provides a story with her drawings.

Recently, Keira had been grouped in indoor and outdoor activities with children who are not as advanced as
she is. You have observed that Keira always likes to give directions to other children. She is easily frustrated
and tends to push and shout at the other children if they have difficulty f ollowing her directions. She also
likes to be the first person at each activity and doesn’t like sharing.

You ref lect on Keira’s current learning experiences and their inf luences on her behaviours based on the
service policies. You think they are inappropriate to her strengths, interests, and abilities, which may
negatively influence Keira’s behaviours.

a. Brief ly explain how Keira’s development stage and current learning experiences may inf luence her

Keira's advanced intellectual development, particularly in areas such as numbers, letters, and
reading, is significantly ahead of her peers at the Service. Her strong interest and skills in these
areas likely contribute to her willingness to incorporate them into various activities and
interactions. Keira's need for control and autonomy is the reason behind her readiness to offer
instructions to other kids and her irritation when they don't comply.

b. List an example of each of the indoor and outdoor activities that you would create for Keira to ensure
her learning environment is safe, stimulating and appropriate to her strengths, interests and abilities.

1. Mathematical/Numeracy Corner. Set up a designated area with various math-related materials

and activities to cater Keira's advanced numeracy skills.
2. Provide alphabet puzzles and books with simple words for her to engage with her emerging
literacy skills.

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Student Assessment

c. Identif y three (3) ways in which you would engage Keira in developing learning programs and agreeing
with expectations of behaviour.

1. Develop a personalized learning plan that is based on Keira's skills, interests, and capabilities.
2. Encourage her to listen to other people's thoughts and viewpoints in order to build empathy
and teamwork, rather than taking charge and giving orders all the time.
3. Provide positive reinforcement and praise when she demonstrates appropriate behavior, and
offer gentle guidance and redirection when needed.

d. Demonstrate how you would talk with Keira to correct her inappropriate behaviours in a positive,
engaging, and supportive manner.

"It's amazing that you're such a fantastic leader and at providing instructions! However, there are
instances when it's equally critical that we listen to one another and cooperate as a team.
Everybody has their own opinions and methods, and it's acceptable if they differ from ours. What
steps can we take as a team to improve our collaboration?

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Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
Student Assessment

Scenario 7
Jason (4 years, 3 months) is trying to make a sand castle with a bucket and dry sand. As he fills up the bucket
with the sand, then pours it out, the sand castle immediately collapses as the sand is not wet enough to
compact. He attempts to do this again, but it ends up with the same result. Now Jason is quite frustrated, and
takes a container to the drinking tap and fills the container with water and starts carrying it back to the sandpit.
As he gets back to the sand pit he tips the water over a patch of dry sand. An educator observes Jason adding
the water to the sand pit. She raises her voice to Jason and says, “Don’t put the water in the sandpit”. Jason
slumps down on the sand in defeat and sits there quietly.

The educator walks away f rom the area to assist in another matter. Jason takes this opportunity to take the
container back to the drinking tap to fill the container again. As he gets to the edge of the sandpit the educator
turns to find that Jason has not followed her instructions, and she now angrily orders Jason out of the sandpit.
Jason, who is now also f rustrated, throws the container which hits a younger child in the head. Jason walks
away crying and the injured child also cries and requires first aid. The educator asks Jason to go inside.

a. Did the educator model positive interaction with Jason? Why or why not?

No, the educator did not model positive interaction with Jason. The educator raised her voice,
this could be heightened Jason's frustration. Next, after Jason attempted to add water to the
sandpit again, the educator angrily ordered him out of the sandpit. Lastly, there was no guidance,
rather than merely instructing Jason on what not to do, the educator may have given instructions
on how to properly mix water into the sand to construct a sandcastle.

b. Identif y f ive (5) strategies the educator could implement to develop positive relationships with Jason
and to support his ideas and efforts.

1. Positive reinforcement
2. Directed supervision
3. Modeling positive behavior
4. Offering choices
5. Provide constructive feedback

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Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
Student Assessment

Scenario 8
You are concerned about one of the children in your care, Phoebe. Phoebe is two years of age and constantly
ref uses to adhere to the service’s expectations of acceptable behaviours. She communicates using grunts,
limited words, and sentences, pointing to things she wants, or just taking what she wants. She often performs
hand f lapping and has poor eye contact with others.

Phoebe easily gets angered and becomes disturbed by slight changes. She bangs her head while getting
angry. She likes playing alone and has difficulty communicating and arguing with others. She screams loudly
if attempts are made to guide her to behave more cooperatively. She is often physically aggressive towards
other children. Other children appear frightened and upset by her actions. This behaviour happens frequently
during the day and can be in short bursts or last for a few minutes.

Conversations have been had with Phoebe’s parents who say that she is doing the same at home with her
older brother who is almost 5 years old. They also say that the behaviour is getting worse and the outbursts
are lasting f or longer periods. The parents are becoming very concerned about Phoebe and seek f or your
You report your concerns to your supervisor and intend to seek her guidance on additional support for Phoebe.

a. List the areas of concern about Phoebe’s social interactions and behaviours that you need to seek
guidance and support from your supervisor.

1. Communication skills
2. Social interactions
3. Emotional regulation

b. Identif y two (2) other professionals and a test you may recommend to Phoebe’s parents to facilitate
understanding of Phoebe’s behaviours and development milestones.
• Prof essionals

1. Child Psychologist
2. Speech-Language Pathologist

• Tests
1. Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)
2. Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)

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Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
Student Assessment

c. From the scenario, identify the developmental challenges Phoebe may be experiencing and briefly
explain how these challenges are having an impact on her prosocial skills development and

1. Communication issues: Phoebe has limited expressing her needs and wants because of her
poor speech abilities, which include her reliance on non-verbal cues like pointing and her use of
grunts, few words, and sentences.
2. Social interaction deficits: Phoebe may have trouble interacting with people as evidenced by
her lack of eye contact, difficulty expressing herself and getting into arguments with them, and
preference for playing by herself.
3. Emotional regulation issues: Phoebe has emotional regulation issues as seen by her
inclination to become easily agitated, distressed by small changes, and participate in
self-harming activities like head banging.

d. Identif y at least four (4) support strategies that educators and family members can implement together
to reduce Phoebe’s stress, redirect her behaviours and promote her self-esteem and wellbeing.

1. Encourage Phoebe to participate in both organized and unstructured play activities with her
peers in order to foster the development of social skills.
2. Alternative coping mechanisms should be taught to Phoebe in order to improve her ability to
control her emotions and actions.
3. Establish regular routines and visual schedules: Phoebe will benefit from structure and
predictability brought about by regular routines and visual timetables, which will help her feel less
stressed and anxious when her surroundings change.
4. Assist Phoebe in regulating her sensory experiences by identifying her sensory triggers and
making accommodations for her.

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Student Assessment

Scenario 9
You are an educator in a room of preschool children. You notice that four children have been playing with
a train set f or much of the morning. You are busy with another group of children but in scanning the
environment you see that these children appear to be having some difficulty. They remain engaged in the
experience but you sense that their play is about to fall apart.

You wander over and ask them about their play and they tell you that they can’t get the track to connect into
a f ull loop. They seem frustrated and are unable to agree on how the tracks should be connected. They start
to argue with each other and grab the tracks, intending to connect them on their own. You notice that
Elmeera who is the only girl in the group sits at the corner. She looks very upset and tells you that the other
boys do not allow her to play as they say girls don’t know how to connect train tracks.

a. Identif y and describe two (2) observation techniques that you can use to observe and record social
interactions and behaviour patterns of children in this group play.

1. Anecdotal Record
2. Behavior Sampling

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Student Assessment

b. Brief ly explain how gender inf luences contribute to negative group dynamics and impact Elmeera’s
behaviour in this scenario.
Children's perceptions and interactions within the group might be influenced by stereotypical
beliefs about gender roles and talents. In this instance, the boys' claim that girls are incapable of
connecting railroad lines illustrates the stereotype that some tasks are better suited for boys and
others for girls. The boys may have excluded Elmeera from the train play because of her gender
as a result of social messaging or personal experiences that perpetuate the notion that particular
activities are gender-specific.

c. Demonstrate how you would communicate with children to encourage them to build a positive
relationship in the group. Provide at least two (2) points you will communicate.

1. I would start by acknowledging and apologizing to the kids for their irritation at not being able
to connect the train tracks. After that, I would show sympathy for Elmeera's depressive and
isolated sentiments.
2. I would emphasize the importance of working together as a team and cooperating to solve
problems and achieve their shared goal of building a complete train track loop.

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