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Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society

Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

Page ii of iii
Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

1.0 EFFECTIVE DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................. 1
not defined.
4.0 PRELIMINARY ................................................................................................................................. 4
5.0 DEFINITION OF TERMS ................................................................................................................. 4
7.0 ACCESSING UNIVERSITY SERVICES ......................................................................................... 8
8.0 GENERAL CONDUCT OF STUDENTS .......................................................................................... 8
9.0 CONDUCT WITH THE PUBLIC ..................................................................................................... 9
10.0 STUDENT WELFARE SERVICES ............................................................................................ 10
11.0 STUDENTS DISCIPLINARY..................................................................................................... 15
12.0 University Examination Regulations ........................................................................................... 22
13.0 LIBRARY CONDUCT ................................................................................................................ 40
ANNEX 1: STUDENT’S BOND OF GOOD CONDUCT................................................................. 46

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Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

1.1 This Student Handbook shall come into effect on 1st of March 2020.
1.2 All the previous handbooks are rendered irrelevant by the approval of this version
of the handbook.

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Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

Page 2 of 47
Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

Page 3 of 47
Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

These rules shall be cited as the Laikipia University Student Handbook, 2020.
These Rules and Regulations are subject to the provisions of the Laikipia
University Charter (2013), the Laikipia University Statutes (2019), and all other
relevant laws. The provisions of this Students’ Handbook (revised, 2020)
supersedes the earlier versions which are hereby voided. Any amendments to
these rules shall be subject to the provisions all relevant laws.


“A programme of study” refers to a Semester-by-Semester sequence of courses a
student is to undertake.
“Abscondment” is the failure to do a scheduled course(s) or part of it without
reasons acceptable to Senate.
“Academic Calendar” is the schedule of events that take place within an
academic year “Academic leave” means to postpone a course for one academic
year. This exemption is renewable only once.
“Academic year” means a period of study consisting of two consecutive
semesters of 15 to 17 weeks and any other additional period of study or research as
may be prescribed in the regulations for a particular programme of study. The
academic year shall normally begin in September of every year. However, some
programmes may be allowed to start at any other time with the approval of the
“Act” means the University act No 42, 2012 (2016)
“Admission” is the accepting of a student to join the University for a particular
programme “Appeals Committee” is the committee which deliberates on
disciplinary matter(s) after a formal appeal by a student, with regard to a ruling
delivered by the Student Disciplinary Committee, to the Chairperson of Senate.
“Appropriate Attire” should be such that no private body parts are revealed.
Should neither use bathroom slippers nor wear miniskirts (skirts whose lowest
point is less than 6 inches below the knee), trousers worn showing underwear, and
caps while attending lectures, practicals, attachments or teaching practice, and
“Award” means the decision to give respective Certificates/Diplomas on
Page 4 of 47
Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

successful completion of a course
“Bonafide Student” means any person who has enrolled and registered after
fulfilling the requisite admission requirements.
“Campus” means a campus running the programmes of the University.
“Certificate” means an award given to an individual upon completion of a
“Chairperson of Department (CoD)” means a person heading a teaching
department in a School or Institute in the University.
“Common units” are units offered across different courses in departments or
“Conferment” means the awarding of Degrees or a particular honour or right to
somebody by the University.
“Core units” are key units offered in a programme for the conferment of a
particular degree. “Course Units” are units offered to students for registered
programmes in the University. Dean is an academic head of a School comprising
several departments.
“Deferment” means to postpone a course for one academic year. This exemption
is renewable only once.
“Degree” means designation of Bachelor, Master or Doctor granted after
successful completion of a programme of study.
“Department” means an academic and administrative unit within a
Faculty/School of the University.
“Diploma” means an award or title conferred upon an individual for the
completion of a programme or course of study.
“Director” means the person appointed by the Vice Chancellor to be a Director of
the Institute/Centre/School/Directorate of the University.
“Disciplinary Committee” means a committee instituted by the University to hear
charges of misconduct brought against any student(s). This may be in the form of
minor, major or gross misconduct.
“Discontinue” means being terminated from the programme.
“Electives” are units that add value to areas of specialization in a programme.
“Examination Malpractice” is a gross misconduct prior to or during an
examination punishable by either discontinuation or expulsion or any other
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Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

punishment that the Senate may deem fit.
“Examination” means an evaluation aimed at verifying whether, in view of
his/her studies, the student has acquired the sub skills related to a course unit.
“Faculty” is a group of academic departments which specialize in particular
disciplines of the University as established under the Statutes.
“Incomplete” means an examinable component(s) of the course that was not
“Institute” means an institution of the University established by the Statutes.
“Lecturer” means a member of staff in the University who, in terms of
appointment, holds a teaching or a research position as recognised by the Council
“Options” are units that define a programme specialization.
“Prerequisite” means an essential unit to be covered before the current one.
“Programme” is an integrated course of academic studies. It also means a course
of study, or curriculum.
“School” means an academic unit of the University constituted by departments,
whose fundamental function is to teach and do research.
“Semester” is a period of study consisting of a stipulated period of 15 to 17 weeks
of teaching and examination or its equivalent in credit factor(s) as may be
determined by the Senate from time to time.
“Senate” is the academic governing body of the University.
“Staff Member” means any employee of the University.
“Statute” means the Laikipia University Statutes made by the Council pursuant to
the Charter and the Act.
“Student Association” means an association of students recognized by the
Council as being an organization representative of the students of the University
and as provided for by the Statutes.
“Student” means a person registered by the University for the purposes of
obtaining a qualification of the University. It also refers to any student, on
exchange programme from another University who is registered for study in
Laikipia University.
“Suspension” means temporary stoppage from continuing with studies for a
specified time as punishment for misconduct within the University.
“Trespass” means entering the University without due authorization.
Page 6 of 47
Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

“University Premises” means any land, location, building or premises belonging
to the University or used for purposes of university activities.
“University” is the term shall be used to refer to Laikipia University.

Page 7 of 47
Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

6.1 These Rules and Regulations are made by the Council and whose objective and
purpose inter alia, is to provide for the control, governance and administration of
students’ affairs at of Laikipia University.
6.2 These Rules and Regulations shall apply to all students of Laikipia University.
The students shall be required to observe and abide by these rules and regulations
which shall be interpreted and read together with the Laikipia University Charter
of 2013, and the University Statutes, 2019.
6.3 The Rules and Regulations shall take effect and be binding upon every student of
the University on registration, and so long as such a student remains registered.
6.4 Every student shall be required to read these Rules and Regulations and to sign
the declaration in Annex 1 that the contents and meaning hereof have been
understood and shall be adhered to.
6.5 Nothing in these Rules and Regulations shall prohibit the University from
requiring any student to execute any bond, assurance or undertake to be of good
conduct throughout his or her stay at the University.
6.6 Such bond, assurance and undertaking required and executed as such shall have
the same effect as if it were part of these Rules and Regulations.
7.1 The University shall from time to time provide means to access University
services which must be strictly adhered to by all students. Such means of
access shall be made known to students from time to time and shall not be
transferable except with prior written consent from the University.
7.2 The University, from time to time, offers bursaries, Work Study Programme
and other financial assistance to needy students. This shall be administered
through a competitive process and needy students are encouraged to apply
when advertised.
The University aims at providing a conducive environment for teaching, learning and
research so as to achieve academic excellence. In order to realize these objectives, the
students and the rest of the University community have a responsibility to create and
safeguard an orderly atmosphere. Consequently, all students shall within and outside
Page 8 of 47
Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

the University conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of
integrity, personal discipline and morality.



8.1 Respect and adhere to the established administrative and academic procedures and
structures of the University which may be amended from time to time for better
control, administration and operation of Laikipia University. Respect the rights and
privileges of other members of the University and the public at all times;
8.2 Refrain from any conduct that might bring the University or any section or
program thereof into disrepute or public odium. All students shall refrain from
posting on the internet forums and media, any offensive, abusive and hate
8.3 Conduct themselves in all public places with such demeanour and dignity as befits
their status as scholars and educated citizens;
8.4 Wear appropriate attire and be modest during study, at mealtimes in the dining
halls, and in all university functions;
8.5 Avoid drunkenness or other anti-social behaviour that would lead to the
disturbance of other students, staff, members of the university community, or of
the general public.
In addition to any other liability that may be attached hereto, students shall remain
accountable to the University in respect of their relationship with members of the
general public, and specifically their conduct and utterance in matters that shall lie in
the public domain wherefore;
9.1 All correspondence to the press or other mass media by students or LUSA officials
shall bear their names and private addresses unless sanctioned by the University.
9.2 All correspondence to outsiders including Government Ministries, Foreign
Governments, Members of Parliament, County Governments and other sponsoring
bodies shall be done by the Vice Chancellor or his/her representative. Such
requirement for correspondence shall be notified within adequate time to the Vice
Chancellor through the Dean of Students.
Page 9 of 47
Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


10.1 Organization of Students Government

The University Council recognizes the Laikipia University Students Association

(LUSA) as being the representative of students of the University. This Association
shall operate under the LUSA Constitution, Laikipia University Statutes and any other
relevant laws. The objectives of LUSA shall be:
10.1.1 To promote the academic and social welfare of students of the University;
10.1.2 To act as a link between students, the university academic staff and other
university administration;
10.1.3 To represent students’ opinion in matters affecting their welfare in the
University Senate;
10.1.4 To establish and enhance co-operation with such other student organizations
within the University and other institutions of higher learning as maybe
recognized by the University Council and the Senate;
10.1.5 To have membership of LUSA open to all registered students upon payment to
the University of such fees as may be prescribed by the Association;
10.1.6 Not to dissolve as established in accordance with these regulations save by the
Council upon recommendation by the Senate and/or by the requirements
provided for in their constitution.
Note: In the event of all the LUSA seats falling vacant before the expiry of the
prescribed term, an Interim office shall be put in place as prescribed in the
LUSA Constitution. The interim office shall constitute a minimum of five
students who shall hold office until the next General Election is held.

10.2 Requirements for Prospective Officials of LUSA

10.2.1 To contest for any position, a prospective candidate shall demonstrate that class
work shall not suffer by obtaining an average of at least a cumulative B grade
(60%) in the University Examination. The fulfilment of the above requirements
shall be confirmed by the Dean of the respective Faculty/School.
10.2.2 No student shall contest for any position if he/she has been suspended from the
University at any one time.
10.2.3 Eligibility for all elective posts shall be limited to bona fide students who have

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Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

cleared payments of ALL university fees that are due at that time as shall be
confirmed by the Finance Officer.
10.2.4 In addition to any other permits required by law, all meetings and other activities
of the LUSA (whether professional, academic or otherwise) shall be held within
the University precincts and shall not take place until permission is obtained
from the relevant university authorities.

10.3 Health Matters and Health Facilities in the University

10.3.1 Apart from complying with the general law of Health, all students shall be
required to comply with health requirements as may be laid down by the
University from time to time.
10.3.2 Students shall seek medical attention on all cases requiring such services at the
University Medical Centre.
10.3.3 All cases of emergency or serious illnesses in the Halls of Residence requiring
medical attention must be reported at once to the Halls Administrator
(Custodian), who shall then report the case to the Medical Officer.
10.3.4 Students are encouraged to utilize the University Medical Centre during
working hours; only emergency cases are handled outside the normal working
10.3.5 In all cases of absence from classes, the student shall present a medical report
to the Medical Officer who shall corroborate and notify the Registrar
Academic Affairs, Dean of Students and the relevant Dean of School.
10.3.6 In all cases, where a student seeks medical services outside the University
he/she shall within 48 hours notify the University Medical Officer and their
parents/guardian shall cater for the medical bill(s) incurred.
10.3.7 Students shall avail themselves for medical examination as and when required
by the University Administration.
10.3.8 Students are informed of the availability of a Voluntary Counselling and
Testing Unit (VCT) service at the Medical Centre in case one would wish to
have information or know his/her HIV/AIDS status.
10.3.9 Optical and Dental Services are not offered within the University Medical

10.4 Leave of Absence

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Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

10.4.1 The University shall upon production of relevant evidence grant leave of absence
from the University on the following grounds only:
a. Sick leave/maternity leave from the University Medical Officer.
b. Compassionate leave from the Dean of Students.
c. Academic leave from Registrar (Academic Affairs).
10.4.2 In all cases of absence from classes on account of illness and maternity issues, a
medical report to that effect shall be submitted by the University Medical Officer
to the Office of the Dean of Students. Where a private practitioner has treated a
student, the medical report shall be submitted to the University Medical Officer
for verification and recording.
10.4.3 Leave application forms are available at the Dean of Students’ office and must be
filled in by the applicant at least one (1) day before the leave begins. The
University shall not entertain any claims where a student leaves without prior
official permission. All documents must be availed before any approval is given.
In case of a breach, the rules of abscondment shall apply.

10.5 Student Counselling

The Student Counselling Office provides services aimed at improving the well-being
of students. Students with individual issues or concerns are advised to seek for these
services. All cases shall be handled with utmost confidentiality.

10.6 Sports and Recreation

The University encourages students to participate in as many sporting and recreational

activities as they are able to. Observance of such rules as may be enacted by the Games
Section must be observed.

10.7 Clubs and Societies

10.7.1 All activities of Clubs and Societies shall be approved by the Office of the Dean
of Students.
10.7.2 Clubs and Societies may be formed for the advancement of the functions and
objectives of the University.
10.7.3 Clubs and Societies shall be self-supporting in all financial matters and must
have a patron who is a full-time member of staff of the University.
10.7.4 No Club or Society shall operate in the University unless it has a constitution
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Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

and is registered by the University through the Dean of Students’ Office.

10.8 Accommodation

The University provides internal accommodation within the University and also liaises
with external hostel providers to accommodate students.

10.8.1 Internal Hostels

While the University is not obliged to provide accommodation to any student, it may at
its own discretion decide to accommodate a student on application subject to availability
of space in the halls of residence. Students who are so provided with accommodation in
the university halls of residence shall generally conduct themselves with responsibility
and with maturity and, in particular, shall:
10.8.1 Adhere to the laid-down guidelines for obtaining such accommodation and pay
all charges as maybe stipulated from time to time by the University.
10.8.2 Report any absence from the room to the Halls Officers responsible for that
10.8.3 Share rooms as may be stipulated as well as other facilities of common use.
10.8.4 Host visitors in their rooms’ only between10.00am and10.00pm.
10.8.5 Not move furniture or equipment from or into the halls of residence.
10.8.6 Not destroy, damage or vandalize any university property in the halls of
10.8.7 Immediately report any loss, missing items, or breakages in the rooms to the
Halls Officer.
10.8.8 Surrender all room keys and any other university property to the Halls Officer
and remove all personal belongings at the end of every semester or academic
period, or at any official closure of the University.
10.8.9 Ensure that the rooms are clean, tidy and devoid of defacement at all times.
10.8.10 Use audio-visual instrument(s) in the halls of residence only between 6.00am
and 11.00pm, provided that all sounds emanating from them do not cause
disturbance, inconvenience or nuisance to others.
10.8.11 Not cook or sell food in the rooms or boil water using any appliances in the
rooms of residence.
10.8.12 Not hawk or conduct any trading within the halls of residence.

Page 13 of 47
Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

10.8.13 Only use such electricity as is provided and authorized and not cause or expose
any person or property to risk by connecting extraneous electrical gadgets.
10.8.14 Sign at the reception for the appliances and furniture in the rooms.
10.8.15 Ensure all provided appliances and furniture are returned in good condition, or
else the student(s) shall make good the damage(s).

10.8.2 External Hostels

There are standard hostels surrounding the University. The students are advised to
liaise with the Halls Officer for a list of accredited hostels. Conduct in External Hostels

a. All non-resident students must register with the Halls Department.

b. The choice of residence is the responsibility of the student and the student
must abide by the rules and regulation of the respective hostel.
c. The students are expected to sign and retain a copy of the rental contract.
The Dean of Students’ office shall not handle any case concerning external
hostels without the said contract.
d. Students are expected to pay their rent on time and retain a receipt to avoid
unnecessary conflicts. They are also encouraged to live with respect and
dignity with the surrounding community.
e. Any breach of contract and security shall be the responsibility of the student;
the University shall neither be liable nor be drawn to it.

10.9 Residence during Vacations

10.9.1 Students are prohibited from residing in the University during the period of
closure for vacation except with the written permission of the Halls Officer
upon advice of the Senate or University Management Board through the Dean
of Students.
10.9.2 The University shall not be liable for any loss or damage of personal effects left
in the halls of residence during vacation.
10.9.3 Students on such authorized vacation residence shall be housed in a specified
hall of residence for which they shall pay in advance.

10.10 Dining Hall Conduct

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Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

To facilitate satisfactory and efficient services in the dining hall, students shall conduct
themselves in an orderly manner and shall be courteous to the catering staff, other
support staff and fellow students. In particular, students who utilize the dining hall
10.10.1 Not remove utensils or crockery from the dining halls.
10.10.2 Desist from entering the kitchen, service area, store or any restricted part of the
dining hall except as may be authorized by the Catering Officer.
10.10.3 Address any complaints or grievances whatsoever, arising from the
administration of the catering services through the correct channels of
communication and in this case, to the office of the Dean of Students through
the Catering Officer.


11.1 Disciplinary Authority

For the purposes of these regulations, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (ARSA) acting on
behalf of the University Management Board and the Senate, has the overall authority
on students’ discipline at the University and may in that capacity do the following:
a. Vary or add to the list of disciplinary offences specified herein.
b. Suspend from the University, pending further disciplinary action any students
suspected of committing an offence under these rules and regulations.
c. On behalf of the University Management Board and the Senate, take any
other measures necessary for proper operation of and maintenance of order in
the University.
d. Delegate any of these powers to his/her representative.

11.2 Enforcement of Rules and Regulations

The responsibility of maintaining discipline at the University is vested in the Vice

Chancellor who may from time to time delegate such authority and powers to other
university officers for purposes of investigation and enforcement.

11.3 Disciplinary and Criminal Offences

a. The following provisions shall apply to all disciplinary actions taken against

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Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

students in respect of the offences specified herein and their respective attempts.
However, the University has no EXCLUSIVE jurisdiction over its students in
criminal matters and other offences covered by the PENAL CODE CAP 63 of the
laws of Kenya.
A student who is charged with a criminal offence in the court of law shall not
resume studies until such cases have been dispensed with. Notwithstanding the
outcome of the court, the University has the right to institute its own
disciplinary process against such a student.
b. Students who are charged and convicted of an offence under the Penal Code shall
suffer the prescribed penalty in law.
c. Following the conviction of a student for an offence under the Penal Code, the
University Students’ Disciplinary Committee shall suspend or expel the student
depending on the severity of the offence.
d. Misconduct that warrant disciplinary action leading to either warning, surcharging,
suspension, expulsion or any other sanction determined by the committee shall
include but not limited to:
i. Drunken and disorderly conduct.
ii. Drug trafficking and use.
iii. Possession of illicit intoxicants and drugs.
iv. Possession of unlicensed weapons, e.g., guns, simis, daggers or swords.
v. Unlicensed and/or unlawful trade or hawking.
vi. Fighting and causing public disturbance.
vii. Physical assault and any assault causing bodily harm.
viii. Arson or attempts to commit arson.
ix. Robbery, theft and other related offences, e.g., extortion.
x. Impersonation of a student or authority figure.
xi. Forgery, fraud and counterfeiting of university documents.
xii. Rape or attempted rape.
xiii. Sexual harassment, indecent assault and defilement.
xiv. Indecent exposure.
xv. Unnatural acts, e.g., sexual acts with animals.

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Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

xvi. Inciting to violence of fellow students, staff or other members of the university
xvii. Obstructing the road, placing illegal blockages on the road or harassing
passers-by and motorists.
xviii.Violent protests, demonstration or picketing.
xix. Intimidation or issuance of threats; written or verbal, to students and staff with
intention to cause anxiety, chaos or disrupt an on-going activity or any other
xx. Vandalism, malicious or wilful damage to university property, that of other
students or members of the public.
xxi. Any attempt to convene or organize or any participation or involvement in
demonstrations, gatherings, processions, or public ceremonies for which
permission has not been obtained from the university administration or
government authorities.
xxii. Authorship, publication and/or distribution of anonymous letters or any other
literature or publication of a malicious or libellous nature, meant to cause
chaos and spread anxiety or hate.
xxiii.Raising false alarm: falsely raising a fire alarm or emergency alarm or falsely
calling for an ambulance will attract a fine of Kes. 5,000.00 (five thousand
only) or any other fines decided from time to time.
xxiv. Attempting suicide: This offence calls for a suspension from the University for
one (1) academic year and thereafter, one would be expected to bring a
certificate for counselling and other evidence of psychological treatment
prior to re-admission.
xxv. Committing a cybercrime which is strictly prohibited such as circulating
offensive texts and photographs on social media.
xxvi. Obstructing security officers or the university administration’s operations
which is prohibited.
xxvii. Boycott of scheduled lectures, practicals, other courses of instruction or
xxviii. Obtaining money or services by false pretence.
xxix. Providing false/malicious information to the university authority.
xxx. Uttering false documents or making false declarations.
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Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

xxxi. Failure to report a crime.
xxxii. Trespass.
xxxiii. Not keep any offensive weapon(s) including unlicensed guns, simis,
daggers or swords within the university premises.
xxxiv. Tampering with official documents that may come into their possession by
any means whatsoever.
xxxv. Making slanderous and/or irresponsible statements about matters affecting
the University or Students Association.
xxxvi. Publishing, writing and/or distributing anonymous literature of a malicious
nature including placards which shall be subject to disciplinary action.
xxxvii. Conspiring, aiding and abetting the commission of a crime.
xxxviii. All election offences as indicated in the LUSA constitution which shall be
subjected to disciplinary action.
xxxix. Committing any other obnoxious acts or repugnant conduct that may be
prejudicial to good order or the proper functioning of the University.

NOTE: Crime reporting

Students are encouraged to report any matter deemed to be criminal in nature to the
Security Department or the Dean of Students Office, who will investigate and take
necessary action.

11.4 The Dean of Students Disciplinary Committee

This Committee shall:

a. Be responsible for handling petty disputes and offences involving students
including and not limited to;
i. Relationship issues
ii. Disputes among students
iii.Petty theft
iv. Drug and substance addiction
v. Any other petty offences as may be determined from time to time
b. Have the power to issue a warning or recommend any other disciplinary
action to the Disciplinary Committee chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in
charge of Academic, Research and Student Affairs; and
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Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

c. Comprise the following members;
i. The Dean of Students - Chairperson,
ii. The University Security Officer,
iii. One Representative from the Registrar Academic Affairs, Secretary
iv. The Students Counsellor, and
v. One Student Council Representative.

11.5 Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic, Research and Student Affairs

Disciplinary Committee

This Committee shall:

a. Hear and determine all other student disciplinary matters except for
examination malpractices and/or offences;
b. Receive recommendations on disciplinary actions from the Dean of
Students’ Disciplinary Committee; and
c. Have power to caution or recommend to the Senate, a student for
suspension or expulsion;
The Disciplinary Committee shall comprise the following members:
i. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Academic, Research and Student
Affairs – Chairing;
ii. Registrar Academic Affairs-Secretary;
iii. Two Senate Representatives;
iv. Security Officer;
v. Dean of Students;
vi. Students Counsellor; and
vii. Two Students Association Representatives;
viii. Legal Officer-in attendance.

11.6 Disciplinary Procedure

i. The Chair of the Students Disciplinary Committee shall call a meeting

within one month of receipt of a report or complaint.
ii. The secretary of the Committee shall notify the student and complainant
of the date, time and venue of meeting and of the right to be present and

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to call a witness or witnesses.
iii. If upon notification, the accused fails to appear before the Committee
without any reasonable explanation, the Committee shall proceed with
the case nonetheless.
iv. The Committee shall hold due enquiry and shall not be required to adhere
to the rules of evidence or procedures as applied in a court of law.
In particular, the committee shall ensure that both sides are heard and
the witnesses required in the case do not act as members of the
v. At all meetings of the Committee before which a student is summoned,
the procedure adopted shall be determined by the Committee and the
student alone shall be entitled to appear in person. For avoidance of
doubt, the Committee shall not entertain the audience of an advocate or
legal agents on behalf of the student.
vi. The Committee’s decision shall be arrived at either by consensus or by
simple majority vote through secret ballot. The Chairperson shall have a
casting vote in addition to his/her ordinary vote.
vii. The Committee shall have powers to impose anyone or more of the
following sanctions subject to ratification by the Senate:
a. To dismiss the case against the Student;
b. To warn or caution the Student either verbally or in writing;
c. To prescribe community service for the offender;
d. To require the student to fully pay for any loss or damage as shall be
commensurate with the nature and gravity of the offence committed;
e. To recommend for the suspension of the student from the University
for a specified period;
f. To exclude the student from the hall of residence for such period as
the Committee may deem fit;
g. To exclude the student from attendance of lectures or other courses of
instruction or from taking examinations as it may deem fit;
h. To expel the student from the University;
i. To impose any other penalty or penalties as it may in its sole
discretion deem appropriate.
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viii. The Committee’s decision shall be communicated to the students by Registrar
(Academic Affairs) within fourteen (14) days from the date of Senate decision.
a. Any student aggrieved by a decision of the Dean of Students’
disciplinary committee may appeal the decision to the Deputy Vice
Chancellor, in charge of Academic, Research and Student Affairs.
i. The Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Academic, Research and
Student Affairs shall constitute and Chair an ad-hoc committee
consisting of at least three (3) members of staff to hear the appeal.
ii. All appeals shall be lodged in writing within fifteen (15) days from
the date the decision was communicated to the student.
iii. All appeals shall be dispensed with, within thirty (30) days from
the date of receipt of the letter of appeal.
iv. The decision of the Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of
Academic, Research and Student Affairs appeals committee shall
be final.
b. Any student aggrieved by a decision of the Disciplinary Committee
chaired by Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Academic, Research
and Student Affairs may appeal against the decision to the University
Council through the Vice Chancellor.
i. The Council shall constitute an ad-hoc committee consisting of at
least three (3) members of the Council, one being a member of the
Academic, Research and Sealing Committee.
ii. All appeals shall be lodged in writing within fifteen (15) days from
the date the decision was communicated to the student.
iii. All appeals shall be dispensed with, within thirty (30) days from
the date of receipt of the letter of appeal.

11.7 Saving Clause

The provision of these rules and regulations and any decisions made by the Students
Disciplinary Committee thereof shall not derogate from or prejudice the right of the
police or any member of public so entitled to bring any action or institute legal action
against any student in a court of law, nor shall anything herein preclude the state from
taking any action which it may deem necessary against any student.
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12.0 University Examination Regulations

These Regulations shall be applicable to all students undertaking various Academic

programmes leading to the conferment of Postgraduate and Bachelor’s degrees or
award of Diploma and Certificates of the University.

12.1 Examination Processing

12.1.1 All university examinations shall be conducted under the authority of the
Senate as specified under various rules and regulations.
12.1.2 Every candidate for a university examination shall pay to the University in
respect of such examinations, such fees as the Council shall prescribe from
time to time.
12.1.3 No student shall be permitted to proceed to the next year of study without
having satisfied all examination requirements of the preceding year.
12.1.4 A student MUST attend at least seventy five (75%) percent of all the
scheduled classes for the semester for him/her to be eligible to sit for the end
of semester examination.

12.2 Academic Assessment

12.2.1 Ordinary Examinations

i. The assessment of students’ academic achievement shall be on the basis of
percentage marks and each assessment shall consist of thirty percent (30%)
Continuous Assessment Tests (CATs) and seventy percent (70%) final examination at
the end of each semester unless otherwise specified. Continuous assessment shall be
compulsory for the award of the semester score.
ii. For postgraduate levels Continuous Assessments Tests (CATs) shall
constitutes forty percent (40 %) and sixty percent (60%) final examination at
the end of each semester.
12.2.2 Continuous Assessment Tests (CATs)
A student shall sit for a minimum of two (2) Continuous Assessment Tests
(CATs) before the end of every semester. CATs are a core component of an
examination. Failure to participate in Continuous Assessment Tests (CATs)
means one is not qualified to sit for the final Examinations.

12.3 Field Attachments and Teaching Practice

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a. Field Attachment and Teaching Practice are graded just like any other course.
b. Students on Field Attachment or Teaching Practice shall be subject to the
supervision and disciplinary authority of the mandated university staff and of
the officers of the host organization under whom they have been placed by the
c. For avoidance of doubt, the University Staff in case of teaching practice shall
mean a Zone Co-coordinator or Supervisor, and the officer of the host school
shall mean Head Teacher or CEO.

12.3.1 Guidelines for Students on Field Attachment

a. The conduct of students on industrial attachment shall be in line with the

provisions of Laikipia University Statutes, Field/Industrial Attachment Policy,
Student Handbook, Teaching practice Policy and Examination Policy.
b. The student should familiarize and comply with the Field/Industrial Attachment
Policy requirements in conjunction with University regulations.
c. The student shall be attached for at least eight continuous weeks in the same
d. A student can seek leave from the host supervisor and inform the CoD on the
same in case of an emergency. In such a case, the student’s attachment shall be
extended for the same number of days.
e. The student shall familiarise himself or herself and adhere to the host
organisation’s rules and regulations.
f.The student shall report to the University challenges that may hinder them from
having proper exposure during Field/Industrial Attachment.
g. The student shall conduct him/herself in a professional manner while on
Field/Industrial Attachment.
h. The student shall compile and submit a daily logbook report endorsed by the
host organisation supervisor.
i. The student shall compile an attachment report and submit to the department
within two weeks after completion of the attachment period.
j. In the event of a breach of these Rules and Regulations on Field Attachment or
Teaching Practice, and depending on the nature and severity of the offence,
the staff and officers responsible shall take the following actions:
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i. Warn, or caution the student either verbally or in writing;
ii. Report the student in writing to the Dean of School through the
Chairperson of Department enclosing all documentary evidence;
iii. Take any other action that may be deemed appropriate;
iv. In all cases, invite the student to make a written statement on his/her
behalf in response to the charges raised. The officer of the host
organization should also make a written statement; and
v. After receiving documentary evidence, the Dean of the School shall
proceed as per procedures indicated under Examination Irregularities
and Disciplinary Procedures and Penalties.

12.2.2 Timing of Teaching Practice

a. The determination of timing shall be guided by the prerequisite

courses and the type of programme (Post Graduate Diploma,
BEd./Diploma) as well as the national school calendar as provided by
the Ministry of Education.
b. Teaching Practice (TP) shall be a full semester engagement which
shall be carried out either in the First or Second term of the school
calendar as determined by the Ministry of Education.
c. A student teacher should have done and passed the relevant
prerequisite units offered in the final year for both BEd. and the
Diploma programme.
d. TP will be conducted when students have completed their course
work or as stipulated in their respective curricula.

12.2.3 Posting Student Teachers

a. The establishment of placement will be guided by the needs of

educational institutions and the posting traditions of the School of
b. The School of Education will provide to the University Management
Board, a posting schedule at the beginning of the academic year.
c. The University shall ensure the placement of the students in their TP
schools at least three months before the commencement of the actual

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Teaching Practice.
d. The Zonal Coordinators shall be facilitated for the placement on time.
e. The Zonal Coordinators will post student teachers with consideration
of their preferred choices of schools unless otherwise. These schools
shall be in clusters as far as possible in their zones.
f. Zonal Coordinators shall post at least 15 students per day considering
the following factors:
i. Vastness of the zone;
ii. Number of students per zone;
iii. Vacancies according to the needs of the schools; and
iv. Availability of the Heads of Schools during posting.
g. Students shall not be allowed to post themselves to any institution for
Teaching Practice.

12.2.4 Teaching Practice Funding

a. The funding of Teaching Practice shall be determined by the current

practice where students pay a fee for supervision.
b. Every student teacher shall pay a supervision fee recommended by
Senate and approved by the University Council from time to time.
This shall cater for posting and Assessment of TP and
teaching/learning resource projects.
c. Students unable to pay supervision fee shall not be assessed. Such
students shall be advised to defer their TP.

12.2.5 Teaching Practice Zones

a. The zoning shall be determined by the relevant School based on the

number of students undertaking Teaching Practice during a particular
session, marketing of the University, cost effectiveness and
satisfaction of client needs.
b. Senate shall approve the recommend zones by the School of
Education from time to time.

12.2.6 Misconduct by Student Teachers

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Students’ conduct during Teaching Practice will be guided by rules and
regulations governing conduct/discipline of students as outlined in this Laikipia
University Students Handbook and Teaching Practice Policy.

12.2.7 Pregnancy

a. A student who is pregnant for less than six months at the

commencement of TP shall be allowed to undertake the Teaching
Practice. However, a student who is pregnant for six months and
above at the commencement of TP shall defer TP.
b. All pregnant students shall produce a medical report from the
Laikipia University health facility before TP posting.

12.2.8 Dress Code

a. All Student-Teachers on Teaching Practice shall dress decently in the

respective institutions where they are carrying out their Teaching
Practice exercise.
b. Dressing is also part of the assessment in the new assessment tool.

12.2.9 Confidential Report

a. The Dean shall open a confidential report file for all students that
undertake the TP every session.
b. The reports may be used to institute a disciplinary action against the
student teachers and also to issue recommendation letters.

12.4 Grading System and Other Requirements

12.4.1 The performance of undergraduate candidates in the University Examinations

shall normally be determined by grades based on both Continuous Assessments
(30%) and end of Semester examinations (70%) unless otherwise approved by
Senate. However, for postgraduate levels, (40 %) for CATs and (60%) for end
of semester examinations shall apply.
12.4.2 Unless otherwise approved by Senate, each course shall be graded out of a
maximum of 100 marks.
12.4.3 A student who fails to sit for the end of semester examinations without any valid
reason shall be required to repeat the course.

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12.4.4 The final mark for each course shall be rounded off to the nearest whole number.
12.4.5 Unless otherwise approved by Senate, the pass mark for all undergraduate,
diploma and certificate courses shall be 40 percent, while for postgraduate
shall be 50 percent.
12.4.6 A candidate shall not be allowed to proceed to the next level of study unless he/she
scores an average of 40 percent in all undergraduate courses registered for in
an academic year of study and 50 percent in all postgraduate courses.

12.5 Grading

Table 1: Postgraduate Diploma, Masters and PhD Examinations Grading System

Percentage Grade Remarks

70 and above A Excellent
60-69 B Good
50-59 C Average
49 and below F Fail

Table 2: Undergraduate and Diploma Examinations Grading System

Percentage Grade Remarks
70 and above A Excellent
60-69 B Good
50-59 C Average
40-49 D Pass
39 and below F Fail

Table 3: Certificate Examination Grading System

Percentage Grade Remarks
70 and above A Excellent
55-69 B Good
40-54 C Average
39 and below F Fail

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12.6 Special Examinations

12.6.1 Special Examinations shall be offered to a candidate who having sat for CATs,
and due to circumstances acceptable to Senate (e.g. hospitalization, ill health,
bereavement or engagement in exchange programme) was unable to sit for
ordinary Examinations subject to prior notification.
12.6.2 Special Examinations shall be graded like ordinary Examinations.
12.6.3 No student shall be permitted to proceed to the next year of study without
having satisfied all the examination requirements.
12.6.4 Examination results shall be processed and approved by the School Board of
Examiners before being presented to Senate by the relevant Dean of School.

12.7 Supplementary Examinations

12.7.1 A student who fails less than 50% of his/her courses at the end of an academic
year shall sit and pass supplementary examination for the course(s) failed before
proceeding to the next year of study.
12.7.2 The Continuous Assessment/ practical marks earlier earned in a failed course
shall not count when grading the results of a supplementary examination.
12.7.3 A supplementary examination result shall be graded out of a maximum of 100
marks (with no Continuous Assessment component). A student can only earn a
maximum grade (D) equivalent to 40 marks which should be denoted by one
asterisk (*).
12.7.4 A student who fails a supplementary examination shall retake the course when
next offered or repeat the year if they may be allowed on request. NB: such a
student cannot proceed to the next academic year with a failed course.
12.7.5 A retake course will be graded as a normal examination with all components of
CAT and Final Examination. However, the grade will be denoted with a double
asterisk (**).
12.7.6 Supplementary examinations shall be held once in an academic year before the
commencement of the following academic year.
12.7.7 Application for supplementary examinations, retake and repeat shall draw a
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service charge and fees as determined from time to time by the University
12.7.8 All supplementary examinations shall be held at the Main Campus.

12.8 Repeating the Year

12.8.1 A student who fails 50% or more of the courses in an academic year shall repeat
the failed year. All courses sat for in a repeat year shall be denoted by triple
asterisk (***).
12.8.2 A student who fails fifty (50%) percent or more of the courses in a repeat year
will be discontinued on academic grounds
12.8.3 No student shall be allowed to repeat any academic year more than once.

12.9 Deregistration and Discontinuation

12.9.1 Deregistration
A Student shall be deregistered on academic grounds if he/she fails to:
i Register for courses or attend classes within Senate stipulated timelines; and
ii Complete their studies within Senate stipulated timelines.
12.9.2 Discontinuation
A Student shall be discontinued on academic grounds if he/she:
i Fails more than 50% of repeated courses;
ii Fails to register for and/ or attend scheduled classes for two (2) weeks or
longer without the consent of Senate;
iii Commits an Academic/ Examination malpractice as stipulated in the
Examination Policy; and
iv Fails to meet any other condition stipulated by the School, Institute or Campus
for the award of the Degree or Diploma.
NOTE: A deregistered or discontinued student can ONLY apply to become a bonafide
student as per the conditions stipulated in the University Admissions Policy

12.10 Graduation, Award of Degrees and Issuance of Certificates and Transcripts

12.10.1 Laikipia University student shall qualify for the award of a degree only after
passing all courses as per their syllabus.
12.10.2 Candidates who fulfil all the requirements for graduation shall be conferred with
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their degrees and awarded Diplomas at an official graduation ceremony.
12.10.3 A candidate shall be deemed eligible for the award of a graduation certificate if
there is evidence that (s) he:
i. Met Admission requirements to the programme;
ii. Met enrolment and attendance in the program as scheduled;
iii. Attained the required satisfactory performance in the required
iv. Discharged all obligations owed to the University including payment of
fees, and return of library books, and surrender of Students Identification
12.10.4 Names of candidates who qualify for graduation and meeting the requirement
stated in (12.10.3) above shall be published in the official University Graduation
Booklet released on the graduation day.
12.10.5 Only candidates whose names appear in the Graduation Booklet shall be
awarded certificates. To collect a certificate, a graduate will be required to
present to the Registrar, Academic Affairs a duly filled and signed Clearance
12.10.6 The Degree or Diploma Certificate and Official Academic Transcripts and their
certified copies shall be issued to the graduate in person by the Registrar,
Academic Affairs, after graduation and on presentation of official identification
documents. In cases of post humus graduation, the documents (certificate and
official transcripts) shall be given to the next of kin.

12.11 Rescinding of a Degree

12.11.1 The University Senate shall rescind any Degree or Diploma awarded to a
i. Who, while registered in a particular programme, committed an academic
offence which if it had been detected before graduation, would have
resulted in expulsion or discontinuation.
ii. Fraudulently or erroneously
12.11.2 Notification of a rescinded Degree or Diploma shall be communicated to the
public through the University website.

12.12 Graduation Ceremony

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12.12.1 Preparation of Graduation List
The Senate approved list of graduands shall be used to prepare the Graduation
12.12.2 Hire of Academic Dress
All the graduands must pay for hire of academic dress from Laikipia University.
12.12.3 The Convocation
i. Graduation ceremonies shall be held at Laikipia University Main Campus
ii. Each graduand must clear all liabilities due to the University and present
themselves to the University Registrars for final clearance. All graduands are
required to pay a compulsory graduation/convocation fee to be determined by the
Council from time to time.
12.12.4 Rehearsal
a. Rehearsals for all graduands shall be conducted at Laikipia University at least one
day prior to the graduation ceremony.
b. During the rehearsal, all graduands must be formally dressed and in full academic
attire. Seats for all the graduands are arranged, labelled and reserved by respective
12.12.5 Graduation Day
a. All graduands shall be seated by the specified time on the graduation day. No
person shall be allowed into or out of the graduation square when the ceremony is
in progress.
b. Only authorised photographers shall be allowed near the dais.
c. Each graduand must stand when the respective Dean reads his/her name.
d. The Chancellor shall confer degrees and award diplomas.
12.12.6 Academic Examination Misconduct/Malpractice
Any act that violates the LU Examinations Policy, LU Standard operating Procedures,
and any other Rules and Regulations governing the conduct of examinations shall
constitute examination misconduct/malpractice. These violations shall include but not
limited to:
i. Bringing into the Examination Room any unauthorized material relevant to the
Examination, e.g., books, notes, electronic devices with pre-set formulae, mobile
phones, pre-written answers, and such other similar material;
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ii. Disturbing or distracting any other candidate during an examination;
iii. Being engaged in any other misconduct relating to Examinations such as taking
an Examination Script out of the Examination Room instead of handing it over to
the Examiner at the end of examination time;
iv. Abetting, aiding or covering up an examination malpractice;
v. Electronic hacking into the any of the examinations processing systems
vi. Attempting to copy, copying or making reference to unauthorized material in
the examination room.
vii. Bribery so as to compromise examination credibility.
viii. Carrying examination scripts/answer sheets belonging to one or another
candidate out of the examination room.
ix. Causing actual bodily harm to the invigilator(s), those assisting in the
invigilation or fellow candidates sitting for the examination.
x. Copying, reading or writing from written walls, toilets, tables, desks, parts of the
body, or any other material.
xi. Destroying evidence which may be used as proof of an examination irregularity.
xii. Failing to submit the examination booklet at the end of the examination session.
xiii. Forging of examination documents.
xiv. Having unauthorized material in an examination venue (even when not using it).
xv. Impersonating or attempting to impersonate another candidate or being
impersonated knowingly.
xvi. Leaving the examination room before the examination scheduled time without
the authority of the invigilator(s).
xvii. Obtaining assistance from another candidate/non-candidate, and/or giving
assistance to another candidate, directly or indirectly in answering an examination
xviii. Permitting another candidate to copy from or make use of one’s answers/papers.
xix. Plagiarism and copying of other people’s academic work.
xx. Presenting for examination the works of another person (s) without
acknowledgement and with intent to deceive.
xxi. Reading answer scripts belonging to another candidate with intent to copy.
xxii. Refusing to write a statement after being asked to do so by the invigilator.
xxiii. Seeking or obtaining a deferment of examination on false pretences.
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xxiv. Sitting for examination with a forged examination card.
xxv. Sitting for examinations with fees balances without written authority.
xxvi. Threatening/intimidating invigilator(s), and obstructing the invigilator from
carrying out his/her duties or behaving in a manner likely to disrupt the
examination process or cause a breach of the peace.
xxvii. Unauthorized absence from the examination venue in which one is scheduled to
sit for.
xxviii. Committing any other examination misconduct/malpractice that may be
deemed so by the invigilating team.
xxix. Committing a breach of any other examination rule or regulation which may be
communicated to the candidates from time to time.

12.2.7 Penalties for Examination Misconduct/Malpractice Laikipia University Senate takes a serious stand on any breach of the
Examinations Rules and Regulations and Examinations Procedures and
Guidelines as they apply both to in-course and final assessment and shall
impose such a penalty as it deems fit. Having considered the evidence presented at the Disciplinary meeting, the
Committee shall recommend to the Senate an appropriate penalty from the list
below guided by the table of ‘Examination Irregularities and Respective
Penalties’. The recommendations shall include:
a. Warning letter to the candidate;
b. Cancellation of either in-course or end course examination results
or both;
c. Cancellation of results for the whole semester;
d. Cancellation of the results for the whole academic year;
e. Suspension from the University for one (1) year;
f. Suspension from the University for two (2) years;
g. Suspension from the University for three (3) years;
h. Expulsion from the University;
i. Reduction of the mark originally awarded;
j. Institution of criminal charges;
k. Any combination of the penalties defined above.
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Table 4: Examination Irregularities and Respective Penalties


1. Bringing into the Examination  Cancellation of examination
Room any unauthorized material results for that course
relevant to the Examination, e.g.,  Suspension of the candidate
books, notes, electronic devices from the University for Three
with pre-set formulae, mobile (3) Academic Years.
phones, pre-written answers, and
such other similar material;
2. Being engaged in any other  Cancellation of examination
misconduct relating to results in the course
Examinations such as taking an  Suspension of the candidate
Examination Script out of the from the University for Three
Examination Room instead of (3) Academic Years.
handing it over to the Examiner at
the end of examination time;
3. Abetting, aiding or covering up  Cancellation of examination
any examination malpractices, in results in the course
the examination room  Suspension of the candidate
from the University for Three
(3) Academic Years.
4. Attempting to copy. copying or  Cancellation of examination
making reference to unauthorized results in the course
material in the examination room  Suspension of the candidate
from the University for Three
(3) Academic Years.
5. Bribery so as to compromise  Cancellation of examination
examination credibility results in the course
 Suspension of the candidate
from the University for Three
(3) Academic Years.
6. Carrying examination  Cancellation of examination
scripts/answer sheets belonging to results in the course
one or another candidate out of the  Suspension of the candidate
examination. from the University for Three
(3) Academic Years.
7. Causing actual bodily harm to the  Cancellation of examination
invigilators, those assisting in the results for that course
invigilation or fellow candidates  Suspension of the candidate
sitting for the examination. from the University for Three
(3) Academic Years.
8. Copying, reading or writing from  Cancellation of examination
written walls, toilets, tables, desks, results in the course
parts of the body, or any other  Suspension of the candidate
material. from the University for Three
(3) Academic Years.
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9. Destroying evidence which may  Cancellation of examination
be used as proof of an examination results for that course
irregularity.  Suspension of the candidate
from the University for Two
(2) Academic Years.
10. Disturbing or distracting any other  Cancellation of examination
candidate during an examination results in the course
session.  Suspension of the candidate
from the University for One
(1) Academic Year.
11. Failing to write the registration  Cancellation of examination
numbers on the examination results in the course
booklet  Suspension of the candidate
from the University for One
(1) Academic Year.
12.  Cancellation of examination
Failing to submit the examination results in the course
booklet at the end of the  Suspension of the candidate
examination session from the University for One
(1) Academic Year.
13. Forging examination documents  Cancellation of examination
results for that course
 Suspension of the candidate
from the University for Three
(3) Academic Years.
14. . Having unauthorized material in  Cancellation of examination
an examination venue (even if not results for that course
using it).  Suspension of the candidate
from the University for Two
(2) Academic Years.
15. Impersonating or attempting to  Cancellation of examination
impersonate another candidate or results in the course
being impersonated knowingly  Suspension of the candidate
from the University for Two
(2) Academic Years
16. Leaving the examination room  Not allowed back into the
before the examination scheduled exam room
time without the authority of the
17. Obtaining assistance from another  Cancellation of examination
candidate/non-candidate, and/ or results for that course
giving assistance to another  Suspension of the candidate
candidate, directly or indirectly in from the University for Two
answering an examination paper. (2) Academic Years
18. Permitting another candidate to  Cancellation of examination
copy from or make use of one’s results for that course
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papers.  Suspension of the candidate
from the University for Two
(2) Academic Years.
19. Plagiarism and copying of other  Cancellation of examination
people’s academic work and results for that course
presenting for examination the  Undergraduate students -
works of another person (s) Suspension of the candidate
without acknowledgement them from the University for Two
and with intent to deceive. (2) Academic Years.
 Postgraduate students -
20. Possessing, while in the  Cancellation of examination
examination venue, any device results for that course.
that permits communication with  Suspension of the candidate
others or receive communication from the University for Three
from others (3) Academic Years
21. Reading answer scripts belonging  Cancellation of examination
to another candidate results in the course
 Suspension of the candidate
from the University for Three
(3) Academic Years
22. Refusing to write a statement after  Cancellation of examination
being asked to do so by the results for that course
invigilator.  Suspension of the candidate
from the University for Three
(3) Academic Years.
23. Seeking or obtaining a deferment  Cancellation of examination
of examination on false pretence. results for that course
 Suspension of the candidate
from the University for One
(1) Academic Year.
24.  Cancellation of examination
Sitting for examination with a
results for that course
forged examination card
 Payment of the fee balance
three times the value
 Suspension of the candidate
from the University for Two
(2) Academic Years
25. Sitting for examinations with  Cancellation of examination
tuition fees balances without results for that course
written authority  Payment of the fees balances
three times the value
 Suspension of the candidate
from the University for Two
(2) Academic Years

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Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

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26. Threatening invigilators, and  Cancellation of examination
obstructing the invigilator from results for that course
carrying out his/her duties or  Suspension of the candidate
behaving in a manner likely to from the University for Two
disrupt the examination process or (2) Academic Years.
cause a breach of the peace.
27. Unauthorized and undeclared  Cancellation of examination
acquisition of examination papers results in the course
prior to an examination, whether  Suspension of the candidate
or not that examination is to be sat from the University for Three
by the student concerned (leakage) (3) Academic Years
28. Committing a breach of any other  Warning letter
examination rule or regulation  Cancellation of results
which may be communicated to  Suspension for between One
the candidates from time to time. (1) and Three (3) Academic
29. Committing a subsequent  Expulsion or Discontinuation
examination irregularity from the University

12.3 School Disciplinary Committee

The school disciplinary committee shall handle all matters related to examination
12.3.1 The membership of the School Disciplinary Committee shall be as follows:
a. The Dean of the School where the student is registered – Chairperson;
b. Director, Graduate School (only if the exam irregularity involves a
postgraduate student);
c. Two (2) CoDs; one from where the course is taught and the other from
where the student is registered.
d. Two Examination Officers; one of whom must be from the department
where the student is registered, and the other from any other department;
e. The School Senate Representative; and
f. The School Administrative Assistant who will take the minutes.
NOTE: In the event that any of the panel members is an invigilator or
witness, an equivalent representative shall be appointed.
12.3.2 The School Disciplinary Committee shall conduct its proceedings, unless
otherwise stated, in accordance with procedures stipulated in the examinations
policy and the statutes.

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12.4 Examination Malpractice Handling Procedures

a. Any examination malpractice shall be reported immediately in writing, by

the invigilators through the Chief Internal Examiner (COD) of the
department or director of Campus where the course was offered to the Dean
of School where the student belongs within twenty-four (24) hours. The
report shall include statements by the student involved, invigilators and
b. The CoD shall forward the student’s, the invigilator’s and the witness (es)’
report to the Dean of school where that course is taught within two (2)
working days. In the event that the student belongs to another school, the
Dean where the course is taught shall then forward the malpractice to the
Dean where the student is registered.
c. On receiving the report of the examination malpractice, the Dean shall
convene, not later than two (2) weeks after the end-of- semester
examinations, a School Disciplinary Committee to deliberate on the case.
d. The Dean shall present the report of the students’ disciplinary committee
during the next Senate meeting.
e. The decision of the Senate shall be communicated to the student by the
Registrar (AA) within seven (7) working days from the date of Senate
f. Discontinued or suspended students may appeal in writing to the
Chairperson, Grievances Handling and Appeals Committee of Council
through the Vice Chancellor within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date
the decision was communicated to the student. No appeal shall be admitted
after the expiry of the time limit.

12.5 Re-Marking of Examinations

12.5.1 Applications for remarking shall be done within one month after issuance of the
provisional transcript to the Registrar (AA) through the CoD or Director of
12.5.2 The student shall pay a non-refundable fee to be determined from time to time by
the Council.
12.5.3 The CoD shall appoint an Internal Examiner other than the one who marked to
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remark the script/scripts.
12.5.4 Remarking of the appealed cases must be done within one week (1) after the
student submits the request on Official School Appeal forms.

12.6 Classification of Degrees and Diplomas

12.6.1 Bachelor’s Degree and Diploma shall be classified on weighted average

percentage (%) marks of all courses, except audited courses, undertaken in all
the years of study at the University.
12.6.2 For the purpose of the Degree, a certificate in subject enhancement and Diploma
classification, the final percentage mark shall be arrived at by first multiplying
each mark scored in a unit by the respective CF for that unit and summing up all
these for all the courses undertaken in all years of study divided by the total
number of CFs units undertaken in all years of study. The final weighted mark
shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
12.6.3 Subject to exemptions by Senate, undergraduate degrees shall be classified into
First Class Honours, Second Class Honours (Upper Division), Second Class
Honours (Lower Division) and Pass and graded as in Table 5.
12.6.4 A student who has repeated a year or retaken a course shall not graduate with
“Honours” degree title. Their grading shall be: First Class; Second Class (Upper
Division), Second Class (Lower Division) and Pass.
12.6.5 Masters and PhD degrees shall not be classified.
12.6.6 Certificate, Diploma and Postgraduate Diploma courses shall be classified into
Distinction, Credit, pass and graded as shown in Tables 6-8.

Table 5: Undergraduate Degree Classification

Percentage % CWA Classification

70-100 First Class Honours
60-69 Second Class Honours (Upper division)
50-59 Second Class Honours (Lower division)
40-49 Pass

Diploma and Certificate courses to be classified into Distinction, Credit, and Pass.
Grading shall be done as shown in Tables 6-8

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Table 6: Postgraduate Diploma Classification
Percentage % CWA Classification
70-100 Distinction
55-69 Credit
50-54 Pass

Table 7: Diploma Classification

Percentage % CWA Classification
70-100 Distinction
55-69 Credit
40-54 Pass

Table 8: Certificate Classification

Percentage Remarks Classification
70-100 Distinction
55-69 Credit
40-54 Pass


These rules and regulations have been put in place for efficient delivery of services and
enforcing disciplinary procedures in the Library. All users are advised to adhere to them.

13.1 Operating Hours

a) During the Semester

Monday to Friday
Issue Desk 9am – 6.00pm
Reserve/short loan 9am – 8.45pm
Africana 9am – 8.45pm
Reference 9am – 4.45pm
Archives 9am – 4.45pm
Resource centre 9am – 4.45pm


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Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

Issue Desk 9am – 4.00pm
Reserve/short loan 9am – 4.45pm
Africana 9am – 4.45pm

NOTE: The Library is closed on Sundays and during Public


b) During Vacation
Monday to Friday 8am – 5.00pm
Saturday Closed

13.2 Membership

i. Membership of the Library is open to registered students and staff.

ii. Members of staff to be recommended by their Heads/Chairpersons of
iii. Registration of students will be done within the first month after admission in
the first year subject to undergoing orientation.

13.3 Admissions

i. University Librarian reserves the right to demand identification from

registered members and may withhold admission into the library.
ii. University Identification and Service Access Cards must be shown at the
Library entrance. External Users shall produce National Identification Cards.

13.4 Borrowing Books and other Reading Materials from the Library

i. The term ‘book’ is deemed to cover all types of library materials containing
ii. All registered members are allowed to borrow books and will be expected to
identify themselves at the time of borrowing.
iii. Readers are advised not to bring into the library;
a. Borrowed books under any circumstances unless they are meant for
b. Personal books are strictly not allowed in the library unless with
permission from the Security Officer stationed at the Library.
iv. Books with labels marked ‘Ref’, ‘Afr’, ‘Spe’, ‘Theses’/’Dissertations’ and
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Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

‘Archival Materials’ are meant for use in the library.
v. Users shall present their University ID cards which entitles them to borrow
books as follows:
a. Undergraduate students, 4 books for two weeks and a reserve/short
loan/Africana book for one hour.
b. Post graduate students, 4 books for two weeks and a reserve/short
loan/Africana book for one hour
c. Teaching staff, 5 books for one month.
d. Non-teaching staff, 2 books for one month.
vi. The librarian may recall, withhold or restrict the circulation of any
information material in the library should it be required for special purposes.
vii. Reserved/Short loan/Africana resources are available for overnight loan after
8.00pm for return the following day by 9.00am. Books for weekend loan may
be signed out after 4pm on Saturday for return by 9.00am on Monday.
viii. All materials on loan must be returned before, or on the time/date due.
Borrowers must ensure that they get their borrowers’ cards back.
ix. Library materials returned by post must be registered and receipt for the same
kept for verification.
x. Borrower’s accounts for materials returned by a third party are subject to
verification by the owner on production of University ID and service access
xi. Members who repeatedly fail to return books on due dates will lose their
membership privileges.
xii. Library loans are not interchangeable but borrowers are encouraged to share
borrowed materials outside the library.
xiii. Library borrower’s tickets are not interchangeable.
xiv. Borrowers are responsible for any damage or loss of information
materials in their custody. They should inspect the information material
before borrowing.
xv. A member who loses a borrower’s ticket shall make a written report to the
Librarian immediately and a copy given to the Security officer not later than
(2) days after the loss. Documentary evidence in support of such cases will
be required where upon a duplicate ticket may be issued on payment of a fee
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of Kes. 100/=. However, this is not a guarantee.
xvi. All borrowers’ tickets must be surrendered to the library at the time of
clearing. In their absence, the current stipulated fee shall be paid. This does
not absolve the client’s concern of any liability from the library in the event
of the original tickets being wrongly used.

13.5 Library Fines

i. Overdue books accumulate fines at the rate of Kes. 5/= per day; Kes. 5/= for
the first hour on reserve; and Africana Kes. 10/= for every subsequent hour.
Defaulters will be taken to the University Disciplinary Committee.
ii. Recalled materials charges accumulate Kshs. 10/= per day from one week
from the recall. Fines must be paid promptly. Reader’s ticket shall be
withheld until payment is made.
iii. A user attempting to remove a book from the library in an unauthorized
manner shall be fined Kes. 1000/=, have his/her membership cancelled and
taken to the University Disciplinary Committee.
iv. The librarian reserves the right to suspend one’s membership until
accumulated fines are cleared.

13.6 Conduct in the Library

i. Silence shall be strictly observed in the Library.

ii. Mobile phones should be in silent mode and no receiving or making calls in
the Library.
iii. Wearing of caps, overcoats, heavy jackets and similar wear is not allowed in
the Library.
iv. The security staff shall reserve the right to inspect books and check all bags
leaving the Library.
v. Marking or defacing of books is forbidden. Razors and pocket knives are not
allowed in the Library.
vi. Readers are requested not to return books to shelves but to leave them in the
carrels, desks or tables.
vii. Reservation of desks, carrels, tables and seats is not allowed.
viii. Readers are requested not to interfere with the light switches, windows

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Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

and library arrangements.
ix. Materials not properly borrowed from other libraries will be confiscated and
returned to the institutions of origin with particulars of the user found with
them for necessary action by the offended institutions.
x. Cases of misbehaviour or dishonesty by the library staff or unwillingness to
provide services shall be reported to the Librarian or Deputies during his/her
absence. The same applies to rude clientele.
xi. Smoking, spitting, eating, hawking, sleeping and drinking are strictly
prohibited in the library. Defaulters will be charged a minimum fine of Kes.
200/=. The same fine will apply for dishonesty, improper conduct or any
breach of library rules and regulations.
xii. The Librarian may require any person who is guilty of disorder, improper
conduct or any breach of the rules and regulations to withdraw from the
library and surrender his/her membership for a specified period.
xiii. Library users are free to report any complaints/compliments concerning
library services to the Librarian or fill in complaints/complements register.

13.7 Photocopying Services in the Library

i. All photocopying is subject to Copyright Act.

ii. Users are not allowed to photocopy any library material without the
Librarian’s authority.
iii. Photocopying of theses and dissertations will only be done with the written
permission of the Authors.

13.8 Library Charges

i. In case of loss, the borrowers will be charged as follows:

a. Three times the current cost of books in print.
b. Five times the cost of replacement for books out of print.
ii. In case of damages, the borrowers will be charged twice the current cost of
replacement or repair. Damaged copies will remain in the library until the
library receives payment due.
iii. A 25 percent of the current cost will be charged on a book returned after
being declared lost.

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13.9 Black Outs

In case of power blackout, the Library will remain open for 10 minutes to allow users to
clear from the library.

13.10 Library Clearance

Library clearance to registered members will be done upon payment of:

i. Overdue fine/lost library materials in full.
ii. Return of library cards or Kes. 100/= for each missing one.

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Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


P.O. Box 1100-20300,

TEL: +254-(0) 20 2696596;
Cell: +254 726-292115/ (0)733-292115


(All students should sign two copies of this document. One copy should be returned to the Dean
of Students)

I, …………………........................ ID number………...…… of ……………. County,

Understand that,
1. Laikipia University’s Student Disciplinary Process is not negotiable and will therefore,
not be sympathetic to students who may be called upon for disciplinary action or
interfere with the due process of disciplining students.
2. Rules and regulations governing the association, conduct and discipline are not
designed to prohibit interaction and other activities by students but instead to regulate
and guide so that the interaction and activities are carried out in a manner that is socially
and morally acceptable and facilitative of an environment in which the University’s
academic endeavors can thrive.
3. If disciplinary action is taken against me, the University shall communicate the same to
DISCIPLINARY HEARING. Sponsors including HELB shall be informed. HELB
will be at liberty to consequently withdraw my support.
4. I undertake to be of good behavior as stipulated in the said rules and regulations. Failure
on my part to fulfill any of this requirement will result in the University taking any
disciplinary action it deems necessary against me.

Name………………………… ………………………… …………………………………….

Reg. No………………………………………National ID. No………………………………

Permanent address:…………………………… ……………………………………………….

Cell phone

Email address………………………………………………………………………………….
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Witnessed (Parent/Guardian) …………………………………Tel:

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Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified

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