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1 Through your efforts, blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we have been redeemed, cre- Lot 1823, Jalan Pasar, P.O. Box 423, 98107, Lutong,
ated, and sanctified. Although we have never understood the fullness of the Trinity, you have Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
granted us new life and have declared us innocent through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Tel: 085 - 650954 Email:
For this we worship you in humble adoration. Keep us in the faith until we join the chosen around Office Hours: Monday - Friday (8.00 AM - 4.30 PM),
Saturday (8.00 AM - 12.30 Noon),
your glorious throne.
2 Pray for Bishop Dr Titus Chung Kiam Boon Archbishop and Primate of the Province of the Vicar : The Revd. Pilu Gumba (012-845 4310) Day Off: Monday
Anglican Church in South East Asia. For Bishop Datuk Danald Jute our Diocesan Bishop and Asst. Priest :
Bishop Andy Shie his assistant. Retired : The Revd. Stanley Bunseng (013-848 3451)
For the Parish of Good Shepherd Lutong: Pray for the Vicar Father Pilu Gumba, Father Stanley
Bunseng, Subdeacons and Lay-Readers, the PCC, LWF, GSMF, PYF, Choir, Servers, Sunday “To Be A Vibrant Church, Committed To Knowing God & Making Him Known”
School, Chapel Epiphany Marudi, Musicians and Technicians.
Sunday Worship Services : 6.45am (English) 8.45am (Iban) 10.45am (Bahasa Malaysia)
3 For our Country Malaysia: Pray for our Yang Dipertuan Agong, our Prime Minister, his deputies Chapel of Epiphany, Marudi : 9.00am Sunday (SD. Jimmy Francis - 013-8419007)
and all other federal ministers. For the state of Sarawak; Pray for our Governor, our Premier and Chinese Service (Evening) : 5.00pm - 6.00pm (with Holy Communion Service)
his deputies and the representatives of the people, and all those in authority. We pray that you Mid Week Service (Wednesday) : 8.30am (with Holy Communion Service)
Lord will so rule their hearts that they may wisely and justly fulfil their trust, for the good and for Liturgical Colour: GREEN 6TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 07TH JUNE 2024
your greater glory. We pray for the Middle East and Ukraine. Lord, we raise Middle East and COLLECT: SAMPI: DOA RINGKAS:
Ukraine to you, and pray for those suffering. We ask that you provide peace in this crisis, and Merciful God, you have pre- Allah Taala ti pengasih, Nuan Allah yang Pengasih, Engkau
protection and comfort for all those who have been impacted. We lift our prayer to you, Lord, pared for those who love you udah nyendia orang ti rindu ka telah menyediakan bagi mereka
hear us. such good things as pass Nuan utai ti manah ti ngelui’ yang mengasihi-Mu, perkara
4 Give grace to us, our families and friends. Lord, I pray Your emotional, physical, and spiritual our understanding: Pour into penemu kami: Iri ke dalam ati yang baik yang melewati
protection over our family. Keep evil far from them, and help them to trust You as their refuge our hearts such love toward kami pengerindu nya ka Nuan pengertian kami: limpahilah ke
and strength. We pray You will guard their minds from harmful instruction and make them strong you that we, loving you in all awak ka kami ti rindu ka Nuan dalam hati kami kasih yang
and courageous in the presence of danger, recognizing that You have overcome and will set things and above all things, dalam semua utai sereta lebih sedemikian terhadap-Mu,
right all injustice. Help them to find rest in Your shadow, as they live in the spiritual shelter You may obtain your promises, ari semua utai, deka nerima semoga kami, mengasihi-Mu di
provide for them. which exceed all that we can utai ti disemaia Nuan, ti lebih dalam semua hal dan di atas
5 All those in need of God’s healing touch and comfort: the bereaved, the poor, needy, those expe- desire; through Jesus Christ ari semua utai ti di kedeka semua perkara, dapat perolehi
riencing abuses, those burdened with guilt, worries and anxieties. your Son our Lord, who is kami; ulih Jesus Kristus Anak janji-Mu, yang melepasi semua
THE SICK: Paul Ak Marau, Dominica Ado, Aulin Saiu, Andrew Ulin Ak Isau, Dugah Ak alive and reigns with you, in Nuan Tuhan kami, ti idup lalu yang kami inginkan; melalui
Madang, Sendi Ak Plum, Entia Ak Gu, Steffiza Joyce Ak Niru, Lineo Birot Junior, Telanjing the unity of the Holy Spirit, megai perintah enggau Nuan Yesus Kristus Anak-Mu Tuhan
Ak Abang, Jasmine Serini Martin, Dosie Ak Stor, Elliott Nibong Ak Michael, Lanyau ak Nge- one God, now and forever. enggau Roh Kudus, ti endang kami, Dia yang hidup dan
lambong, Betty Tan-Nobel, Jackson Dian Ak Bobbry Ganing, Stanley Ak Gandang, Silin ak Amen. Petara siko, ari diatu lalu datai memerintah dengan-Mu, dalam
Unding, Lau Siew Jin, Patricia Cheraring, Rabai Ak Abang, Adrian Kibong Getin, Sweelane ka belama-lama ia. Amin. kesatuan Roh Kudus, Allah yang
Gulot Bada & Lija Anak Jaroh. POST COMMUNION;
Tunggal, sekarang dan selama-
Pray for those taking care of them; at home, hospitals and care centers. God of our pilgrimage, SAMPI UDAH NYAMBUT:
lamanya. Amin.
you have led us to the living Allah Taala ti ngulu kami
6 Remember the recently departed; the Late Gudam Ak Manso and for those whose anniversary
water: Refresh and sustain dalam pejalai kami, Nuan udah DOA SELEPAS PERJAMUAN:
of death falls at this time. Pray that the Lord will give strength, comfort and hope to bereaved
us as we go forward on our mai kami ngagai ai ti meri Tuhan Allah, Engkau memimpin
families, and may the souls of the beloved departed rest in peace.
journey, in the name of Je- pengidup: Idup lalu saup kami kami dalam perjalanan kami,dan
sus Christ our Saviour. dalam kami ti majak ka pejalai sudah membawa kami kepada
Amen. kami dalam nama Jesus air kehidupan: hidupkanlah dan
SD Rudy Amat : 010-5253186 LR Bintang B. : 012-8503194 SD. Jimmy(Marudi) : 013-8419007 Kristus Tuhan kami. Amin. bantuilah kami dalam perjalanan
SD Christopher J. : 013-8567145 LR. Jalumi C. : 013-8628507 LR. Mary (Marudi) : 013 - 5779008 kami, dalam nama Yesus
SD. Charly Law : 016-8553169 LR. Patricia K. : 019-8276919 Kristus Tuhan kami. Amin.
SD Albert Tambi : 016-8838347 LR. Regina Lee : 019-4670185
A Very Warm Welcome To One & All To This Service. MARK 6:1-13
We Pray That Our Gracious Lord Will Bless Us As We Worship Together.
1 SANCTUARY FLOWER The people of Nazareth hear Jesus teach and basically say, “Who does he think he is? He’s just a
a. Wooden Cross: Given by Ata Rejap & Family in loving memory of their son/sibling the late Stanley carpenter and an illegal son.” The end of verse 3 says that “they took offense at him.” The word for
Sang Ak Ata 1st Death Anniversary. May his soul rest in peace. “offense” is the word where we get our word “scandal.” These people were “scandalized” by Jesus.
b. Altar: Given by Nora Uju & Family in loving memory of their beloved mother the late Piri Ak Jemat 14th
They wanted him out of there. They were ashamed that he was from their town. He was an embar-
Death Anniversary. May her soul rest in peace.
rassment to them. The people of Nazareth couldn’t tolerate someone who was from among them and
Cleanathon cards are available now! yet was so different from them. They didn’t know what to do with his authoritative teaching. So they
The Cleanathon is to raise funds in aid of Church Rejuvenation Project. rejected him. Jesus became a victim of intolerance.
Your Cooperation and generous contribution are very appreciated. Is Jesus an embarrassment to you? Are you ashamed to
3 MINISTRY FUND be identified with him? Is he like an old friend or family
Gentle Reminder: Please remit yours if you have not do so.
Payment Fraction:
member from your hometown that you’d rather not ever
i) Online. Please send your transaction slip to the Clergy once payment is made. Write down the details of the be caught in public with? Are you an undercover Chris-
payers (Name and status) tian, not wanting people to know what you really believe
ii) Cash: You can remit/pay yours after Sunday Service. Please proceeds to the Ministry Fund Registra for fear that they’d reject you? Do you fear people more
Counter or to the Parish office during Office hours. than you fear the Lord?
Year 2016 RM 150 - Per family
In verses 7-12, Jesus says that his disciples will also be
Year 2017 onward Working Adult : RM100
rejected. Up to this point, the disciples listened to and
(Individually—annually) Non working Adult (Pensioner/retiree/housewife): RM50
Children/those below 21 years old: RM15 watched Jesus perform his ministry. Jesus was preparing them for ministry. Now he sends them out
4. CENSUS FORM UPDATE to minister. This is the fulfillment of what Jesus had already told his disciples
Please fill in your updated census form and return it to the Parish Office or scan the QR to fill Armed with only a partial understanding of the gospel, the disciples were effective in telling people
the form.
about the kingdom. Although they were not yet filled with the Holy Spirit, they carried the authority and
grace of Jesus to expel demons and heal the sick. If they could do so much with so little, what can we
Pre-order date until 14 July 2024
Price: RM 45 do who know about the cross and resurrection, and who have been baptised in the Holy Spirit?
If interested, Scan QR Code and fill in your details in the google form and for more details
please contact Hazel (014-8946481).
Date: 19th July 2024 (Friday) Date: 13th July 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 7:30pm Time: 7:30 pm ****************************************************************************************************************************************
Venue: Good Shepherd Church Venue: St. Columba’s Church
Speaker: Archdeacon Ramdan Mejem (in Iban) Speaker: Revd. Stanley Bunseng BREAD & WINE BEARERS
07/07 Mr & Mrs Johanes
READINGS & READERS (07/07/2024)
Readings 1st Reading 2nd Reading ***************************************************************************************************************************************
(Old Testament) (Epistle) Intercession
Mark 6:1-13 1st Reading 2nd Reading
Services 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 Gospel
(Old Testament) (Epistle) Intercession
English Carol Willie Clarrisa Enjop Evelyn Woodford Readings Matthew 10:1-7
Iban Liun Mujap Julies Dundang Mercy Giri Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 Psalm 115:3-10
SBM Maysilda Jalan Cecelia Emelia Ivvan Jalie NEXT SUNDAY READINGS & READERS (14/07/2024)
SERVICES CELEBRANT PREACHER Readings 1st Reading 2nd Reading
6: 45 AM (English) Father Stanley Bunseng Father Stanley Bunseng (Old Testament) (Epistle) Intercession
Mark 6:14-29
Services 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19 Ephesians 1:3-14
8: 45 AM (Iban) Father Stanley Bunseng SD Charly Law
English Marina Donald Fionna Nott Jerry Esther Mary
10: 45 AM (SBM) Father Stanley Bunseng LR Regina Lee Iban Maysilda Jalan Joel Jengaing Kristina Anol
9: 00 AM (Marudi) SBM Noreen Laji Sasilia Gawon Juliana Unggom

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