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Activity 2:

Read and analyze the following sentences and they will

identify the correct answer from the word pool.

This means that sentences or paragraphs are connected, and the reader
can clearly follow the thought of the writer.

This pattern shows one event that is the reason another event happens.

In this pattern, the general idea is introduced first before the specific points
and illustrations.

The text presents a significant problem; then eventually elaborates the

answer throughout the paragraph.
This means that sentences or paragraphs are connected, and the reader can clearly
follow the thought of the writer.
This pattern shows one event that is the reason another event happens.
In this pattern, the general idea is introduced first before the specific points and

The text presents a significant problem; then eventually elaborates the answer
throughout the paragraph.
• are writing devices that serve to
maintain text coherence
• is a latin word meaning "to stick
• is the logical bridge between words
sentences and paragraphs.
I have to call mom. It is late at night.

I have to call mom even though it is late at night.

I have to call mom because it is late at night.
are writer’s strategies to organize ideas in writing.

These include a variety of logical ways to arrange an

entire text or individual paragraphs depending on one’s
purpose and audience.
is a method of developing a
paragraph by moving from a
broad observation about a
topic to specific details in
support of that topic.
The impact that global warming causing on earth is
extremely serious. There are many hazardous effects
that will happen in the future if global warming
continues. For instance, melting of polar ice caps,
leading to an increase in sea level drowning
coastlines and slowly submerging continents are
some of the specific effects of global warming.
The impact that global warming causing on earth is
extremely serious. There are many hazardous effects
that will happen in the future if global warming
continues. For instance, melting of polar ice caps,
leading to an increase in sea level drowning
coastlines and slowly submerging continents are
some of the specific effects of global warming.
The text presents a significant
problem and explains it in
detail. Then a possible solution
is suggested.
1. “Since pollution has a detrimental impact on
modern living standards, a key solution is
increased recycling of waste products.”
1. “Since pollution has a detrimental impact on
modern living standards, a key solution is
increased recycling of waste products.”
2.“Many children suffer long-term consequences
of bullying. However, the problem can be
remedied through a three-pronged approach:
educating the parents, encouraging a community
atmosphere, and implementing a peer mediation
2.“Many children suffer long-term consequences
of bullying. However, the problem can be
remedied through a three-pronged approach:
educating the parents, encouraging a community
atmosphere, and implementing a peer mediation
states why something happens.

it is something or someone that creates an

effect, brings about a result, has a consequence
or is the reason for a condition.
states the results or outcome.
is a pattern of idea development that
discusses either the reason for an
occurrence or predicts consequences of an
1. “Public schools should require students to
wear uniforms because they save parents money,
de-emphasize fashion, and create school spirit.”
1. “Public schools should require students to
wear uniforms because they save parents money,
de-emphasize fashion, and create school spirit.”
2.“The large movement of people from rural to
urban areas has major effects on a city’s ability
to provide housing, employment, and adequate
sanitation services.”
2.“The large movement of people from rural to
urban areas has major effects on a city’s ability
to provide housing, employment, and adequate
sanitation services.”
A claim tells what you think is true about a topic
based on your knowledge and your research.
Claims are not just opinions.

is just the opposite of a claim. Counterclaims

are also provable and supportable by reasons
and evidence.
however but to be different (from)
in contrast whereas on the other hand
in/by comparison while to be unlike
Ex. Alfonso insisted that he needs to buy a
new cellphone; however, her mother said
that he does not need it since his phone is
still working.
Read and analyze the given sentences. Identify the grammatical signal
and the pattern of idea development used in each sentences.

We have increasing waste products and we can resolve it thru recycling


2. I was not able to review my lessons, as a result I get a low score.

Some families move to other places because of so many reasons. For

instance, financial problem, family problem or personal choice.

4. My tooth really ached so I went to the Dentist for check-up.

Gina believes that homework should be required for every student, every
5. night. On the other hand, Gino thinks it would lessen the time for family
bonding of students.
We have increasing waste products and we can resolve it thru
recycling programs.

2. I was not able to review my lessons, as a result I get a low score.

Some families move to other places because of so many reasons.

3. For instance, financial problem, family problem or personal

4. My tooth really ached so I went to the Dentist for check-up.

Gina believes that homework should be required for every

5. student, every night. On the other hand, Gino thinks it would
lessen the time for family bonding of students.
Thank You!
Do you have any questions for me before we go?

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