Review Question Bank

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Question 1. Which of the following features of Software development is referred to understandability and modifiability? a. Usability b. Correctness c. Maintainability d.

Portability Question 2. Identify the correct order of Software development processes: a. Requirements b. Coding c. Maintenance d. Testing e. Analysis f. Deploying

g. Design

Question 3.

Show the representation of the following values in twos complement notation:

a. -45 b. -30

Question 4.

Which of the followings is used to store the data that is read by CPU?

a. Address bus b. Control bus c. Data bus d. ALU

e. Control Unit f. RAM

Question 5. What is the output of the snippets?

Question 6. What is the output of the snippet?

Question 7. What is the output of the snippet?

Question 8. What is the output of the snippet?

Question 9.

Question 10.

Question 11.

Question 12.

Question 13. Function describe the form of a function without specifying the implementation details. a. Prototype b. Header c. Body d. Implementation

Question 14. Which of the followings refers to cohesion? a. a measure of the focus within a module b. a measure of the degree of interrelatedness of a module to its referring module(s) Question 15. Which of the followings are used to describe walkthrough? a. a record of the changes that occur in the values of program variables as a program executes and b. a listing of the output, if any, produced by the program. c. A data table must be prepared d. All output must be considered and tested

Question 16. Which of the followings is a concept that consists 4 bits? a. Byte b. Nibble c. Word

Question 17. Variable is a name reference to a data location? a. True b. False

Question 18. Which of the followings is identified as the octal representation in the C language? a. 0x123 b. 0123 c. 123

Question 19. Identify the type of representation of integral value in the figure? a. Little endian b. Big endian

Question 20. What is the difference between a variable and a constant?

Question 21. What is escape sequence? When are these sequences required?

Question 22. What are rules for naming identifiers? Can we include digits? Is lowercase equivalent to uppercase? How many characters can be included in an identifier name? Are all characters equally significant

Question 23. Explain the output of following statement: If (abs(z) < zmin ) ) z= (z>0)? Zmin:-zmin; Can we use switch statement be used in this instance? Question 24. Explain all compound statement that appear in the following program: int sum = 0, i, fag; do { scanf("%d", & i); if (i < 0) { i = -i; ++fag; } sum = sum + i; } while (i != 0);

Question 25. Describe output generated by following C programs: #include main() { int i=0,x=0; while (i<20) { if (i% 5==0) { x+=i; printf(%d,x); } ++i; } printf( = %d,x); }

main() { int i=0,x=0; do { if(i%5==0) { x++; printf(%d,x); } ++i; } while (i<20); printf( x= %d,x); } Question 26. Identify error if any in the following declaration statements: 1. int count(100); 2. float value[5,15] 3. float avg[row],[column]; 4. char name[30]; 5. int sum[];

Question 27. What will be the output of the following program segments?
a. main() { int a,b=0; int c[10] ={ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0} for(a=0;a<10;++a) if((c[a]%2)==0) b+=c[a]; printf(%d,b); } b. Main() { int a,b =0; int c[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0}; for(a=0;a<10:++a) b+=c[a];

pritf(%d,b); }

) Question 28. Which operator has the lowest priority ? a. b. c. d. ++ % + ||

Question 29. Which pair of functions below are used for single character I/O ? a. b. c. d. getchar() and putchar() scanf() and printf() input() and output() Non of these

Question 30. Which function is used to read character as you type ? a. b. c. d. getchar() getch() getche() Both (B) and (C)

Question 31. What is the output of this program ? void main() { int a=b=c=10; a=b=c=50; printf(\n %d %d %d,a,b,c); } a. b. c. d. 50 50 50 Compile Time Error 10 10 10 Three Gaebage Value

Question 32. Which format specifier is used to print the values of double type variable a. b. c. d. %If %Id %Iu %f

Question 33. What will be the output of the following program? void main ( ) { double x=28; int r; r= x%5; printf (\n r=%d, r); } a. b. c. d. r= 3 Run time Error Compile time Error None of the Above

Question 34. What the follwing function call mean? strcpy(s1 , s2 ); a. copies s1 string into s2 b. copies s2 string into s1 c. copies both s1 and s2 d. None of these Question 35. What will be the output of the following program? void main( ) { int x []= {10,20,30,40,50}; print f ( \n %d %d %d %d , x [4] ,3[x] ,x[2] ,1[x] ,x[0] ); } a. b. c. d. Error 10 20 30 40 50 50 40 30 20 10 None of these

Question 36. Which of the following is not s keyword of C ? a. b. c. d. auto register int function

Question 37. What will be the out put ? void main ( ) { char a[] = INFO ; a + +; printf ( \n %s, a); } a. Error b. INFO

c. NFO d. None of these Question 38. What will be the output ? #define SQUARE(X) X * X void main ( ) { printf (\n Square = %d , SQUARE(10+2) ); } a. b. c. d. Square = 144 Square =32 Square =122 Square =12

Question 39. By default a function returns a value of type a. b. c. d. int char void None of these

Question 40. What will be the value of x after executing the program ? void main ( ) { int x; x = printf(I See, Sea in C); printf(\n x= % d , x); } a. b. c. d. x= 15 x=2 Garbage value Error

Question 41. Study the following C program void main ( ) { int a= 0; for ( ; a ;); a++; } Question 42. What will be the value of the variable a, on the execution of the above program a. b. c. d. 1 0 1 None of these

Question 43. What will be the output of the following program code ? void main ( ) { char a[]= Hello World ; char *p ; p=a; printf(\n%d%d%d%d,sizeof(a), sizeof(p), stren (a), strlen(p) ); } a. b. c. d. 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 11 11 12 2 11 11

Question 44. The meaning of arrow operator in a->b a. b. c. d. ( *a).b a.(*b) a.b None of these

Question 45. What will be the output of the following program code? void main ( ) { printf (\n ABC\b\b\bInfo World); } a. b. c. d. Info world ABC Info world strxfrm strcut

Question 46. Which is valid string function ? a. b. c. d. strpbrk strlen strxfrm strcut

Question 47. What will be the output ? void main ( ) { printf(%d,B < A ); } a. b. c. d. Error 1 0 None of these

Question 48. int **x; a. b. c. d. x is a pointer to pointer x is not pointer x is long None of these

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