Days of the week

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Days of the week

Each word ends in day.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Friday Saturday Sunday

Look at the way the word is broken down.

Mon day Tues day Wed nes day Thurs day

Fri day Sat ur day Sun day

Fill in the gaps with the missing letter

M _ _ day M__d__

Tu _ _ d _ _ T__s___

Wed _ _ _ d _ _ W__n__d__

Th _ _ _ day T_u__d__

F _ _ da _ __i___

_ _ _ urda _ Sat _ _ day

_ _ _ _ ay S__d__

Days of the week

Each word ends in day.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Friday Saturday Sunday

Look at the way the word is broken down.

Mon day Tues day Wed nes day Thurs day

Fri day Sat ur day Sun day

Fill in the gaps with the missing letter

M _ _ day M__d__

Tu _ _ d _ _ T__s___

Wed _ _ _ d _ _ W__n__d__

Th _ _ _ day T_u__d__

F _ _ da _ __i___

_ _ _ urda _ Sat _ _ day

_ _ _ _ ay S__d__

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