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Subject : English
Grade /semester :1

Meaning Application
1. An introduction of the application
2. Purposes of the application
3. Features of the application
4. Founder of the application
5. Benefits of the application in learning language.

Lesson planning structure

1. Name of the teacher :Ms Tiara and Ms Yuli

2. Theme of the lesson : improving grammar skills in composing sentences through the
sentence scramble game
3. Class : Elementary student or Junior high student
4. Time Allocation : 2 hour
5. Indicator :
 As an effective learning medium in improving student grammar
 As a guide for students in composing sentences
 As a learning medium to help practice mixing and sentence construction with this simple
English word game.
6. Objective of the lesson :
 The children will be able to explain the components of a simple sentences
 Students will be able to identify subject and predicate in a sentence, and recognize different
types of sentences.
 Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of sentence parts and types.
 Students will be able to differentiate between three different sentence structures.
 The children will be able to write simple sentences, breaking them down into their separate
7. Method of Teaching
The learning method that will be delivered to students is that the teacher uses visual learning
through google meetings, and uses power points as the teacher's learning media to explain the
material besides that the teacher also prepares Game-based learning from the desire to
involve students in more active learning in class as well as to test students' abilities based on
what the teacher explains.
8. Tools
Power Point
sentence scramble
9. Pre-Activity
 Sharing about students’ conditions and attendances
10. Main Activity
 The teacher provides vocabulary that will be used to make simple sentences through power
 the teacher gives examples of the kinds of simple sentences
 the teacher explains grammar in simple sentences
 the teacher asks the students to make simple sentences
 the teacher reviews the explanation of the material and grammar
 the teacher asks the students to open the application sentences scramble games
 The teacher asks students to screenshot the score when they have finished playing sentences
of scramble games
11. Evaluation
The teacher reviews today's learning material by asking students about Simple sentence
the teacher tells the name of the student who got the highest score
12. Summary of the lesson

Simple Sentence
A simple sentence is a sentence that consists of just one independent clause. A simple sentence
has no dependent clauses. (An independent clause (unlike a dependent clause) can stand alone as
a sentence.)

Examples of Simple Sentences

Below are examples of simple sentences.

1. Key: Yellow, bold = subject; green underline = verb, blue, italics = object, pink, regular font
Independent clause: An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence. It contains a subject
and a verb and is a complete idea.

o I like spaghetti.
o He reads many books.

2. Modals are: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must

( subject + modal + v1 )

I can sing
3. Adjective with sentences (subject +to be +adjective) adverb

They are clever

My teacher is good

I am very hungry

4. examples of compound nouns:

adjective + noun full moon I always feel crazy at full moon.

blackboard Clean the blackboard please.

big dog She has a big dog

noun + adjective truckful We need 10 truckfuls of bricks.

13. References

Step on How Using the Application

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

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