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June/July 2024
1. (a) The message of angel Gabriel about John to Zechariah with reference to Luke
1:13 -17.
i) John would be God’s prophet
ii) He would prepare the way for the Messiah
iii) He would bring joy to Zachariah and others
iv) He would be not take strong drinks or wine
v) He would call people to repentance
vi) He would have the spirit and power of Elijah
vii) He would be courageous in carrying out his duties
viii) His name would be John to show that God is gracious to his people
ix) He would be great in the sight of the Lord
x) He would be filled with the Holy Spirit. Any 7 points x1=7marks
(b) Activities that took place during the dedication of Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:
22 - 40).
i) Jesus parents were to offer a sacrifice of a pair of turtle doves or two young pigeons
ii) Simeon was led by the Holy Spirit and took the child into his arms
iii) He praised and gave thanks to God
iv) He prophesied about Jesus mission i.e. He was the salvation
v) The parents of Jesus marveled at Simeon’s prophecy
vi) Simeon blessed the parents of Jesus
vii) He told Mary of the rejection Jesus would undergo and that it would cause grief to
viii) Prophetess Anna came at that hour and thanked God
ix) She prophesied that Jesus was the redeemer of Jerusalem
x) The parents of Jesus went back to Nazareth. Any 7 points x1=7marks

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(c) Six ways in which Christians show respect to places of worship in Kenya today.
i) Christians maintain cleanliness in places of worship/ wash/slash the compound/ collect
ii) Christians observe silence in the places of worship/ putting off or on silent mode mobile
phones while in such places
iii) Places of worship are treated with reverence for example in some cases shoes are
iv) Christian dress in decent clothing as they go to place of worship
v) Order is maintained in places of worship/only authorized people are allowed to
talk/make announcement
vi) Posters/notices/decorations/flowers are put to remind people that they are in sacred
vii) They ensure that places like the altar is treated as sacred
viii) Social activities are not carried out in places of worship
ix) Constructing special places for worshipping God/dedicating them.
First 6 points x1=6marks

2. (a)What Christians learn about Jesus from the incident when he was baptized
i) Jesus is prayerful
ii) Jesus is obedient/loyal to God
iii) Jesus has a human nature
iv) Jesus is humble
v) Jesus is the son of God/divine
vi) He is loved by God/pleases God
vii) Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit. Any 6 points x1=6marks

(b)The temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness. (Luke 4: l -13).

i) Jesus was led into the wilderness where he stayed for forty days
ii) He ate nothing and therefore he felt hungry
iii) The devil asked him to command a stone to become bread if he was the son of God
iv) Jesus told him that man could not live by bread alone
v) The devil took Jesus up and showed him the kingdoms of the world and asked him to
worship him, so that he could give him everything
vi) Jesus told the devil that only God along is to be worship
vii) The devil took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple and asked him to throw himself
down for God would command angels to guard him
viii) Jesus told the devil that one should not tempt God
ix) When the devil had ended all temptations, he departed from Him until an opportune
time. Any 7 points x1=7marks
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(c)Seven lessons Christians learn from the temptation of Jesus.
i) Christian should be knowledgeable in scriptures/biblical verses
ii) They should resist the devil
iii) Temptations are part and parcel of Christian life
iv) They should have faith in God
v) They should worship God along
vi) They should not put God to test
vii) They should desire to have the Holy Spirit
viii) They should not misuse the power of the Holy Spirit
ix) They should be contented with what they have
x) Fasting is important in their lives/ they should also fast.
First 7 points x1=7marks

3. (a) Accusations that were made against Jesus during his trial (Luke 22: 66 - 23: 1 -
i) Jesus called himself the Christ or Messiah
ii) He claimed to be the son of God
iii) He was inciting people in his teachings
iv) He was opposing the payment of taxes
v) He made himself the King of the Jews
vi) He was stirring a revolt
vii) He was equating himself to God; committed blasphemy. Any 6 points x1=6marks

b) How Jesus revealed himself to the two men going to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-31).
i) Jesus joined the two men as they walked to Emmaus
ii) He listened to what they were discussing/their conversation
iii) He questioned them on what they were talking about
iv) Jesus rebuked them for their foolishness/lack of faith in the scripture
v) He explained the scriptures about the life of Christ to them
vi) He went to stay with them for the evening
vii) At the table, he took bread/gave thanks
viii) He broke the bread/served them/their eyes were opened/they recognized Jesus.
Any 7 points x1=7marks

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(c) Seven reasons why Jesus appeared to His disciples after resurrection.
i) Jesus wanted to strengthen their faith
ii) So as to comfort them in their moment of distress
iii) In order to empower them to serve
iv) He wanted to reassure them that he was the messiah
v) So as to commission them to be his witness in all places
vi) He wanted to tell them about the coming of the Holy spirit/wait for the Holy Spirit
vii) So as to bless them
viii) In order to confirm to them the Old Testament prophesies had been fulfilled
ix) He wanted to confirm to them that he alive/had power over death
x) He wanted to represent to them the correct interpretation of the suffering
messiah/scriptures. First 7 points x1=7marks

4. (a) Seven ways in which Peter’s life was transformed on the day of Pentecost (Acts
i) Peter was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit
ii) He spoke in tongues
iii) He defended the apostles that, they were not drunk
iv) Peter becomes courageous/ bold
v) He preached the word of God and about 3,000 people were converted
vi) He became a witness of the work/death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
vii) He was able to remember/narrate Old Testament scriptures
viii) He gained wisdom/advised the people on what to do
ix) Baptized believers
x) Took up leadership roles. First 7 points x1=7marks

b) The unity of believers as expressed in the image of the People of God (1 Peter2:9-10)
i) The believers are chosen people/race/they have been selected
ii) They are a royal priesthood/they are to serve the greatest King/God
iii) They are a holy nation/expected to lead holy/righteousness lives
iv) They belong to God/they form a family of God’s own possession
v) They are to declare wonderful deeds of God/they are to lead a life of worshipping
God/testifying about God
vi) They were called from darkness to light/their lives had been transformed and should
not be dominated by evil
vii) They were once not a people/they were outside the covenant way of life but are now
God’s people
viii) They are led by the mercies of God/have received God’s grace.
Any 7 points x1=7marks

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(c) Five reasons why the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit brought disunity in the
church at Corinth.
i) The people who had the gifts of speaking in tongues despised those who did not
ii) There was competition in speaking in tongues
iii) There was no interpretation of tongues hence messages were not understood
iv) People did not show love to one another as they used the gifts of the Holy
v) There was disorder/ confusion in worship as people with different gifts tried to outdo
one another
vi) People did not use their gifts for the growth/ development of the church
vii) Gifts such as prophecy/ teaching/ preaching were looked down upon.
First 6 points x1=6marks

5. (a) Seven causes of premarital sex among the youth in Kenya today.
i) Lack of self-control/sexual curiosity
ii) To prove one’s manhood/womanhood/fertility
iii) Fear of being jilted/ fear of being rejected/desire to maintain a relationship
iv) Poverty/unemployment/ idleness/ boredom
v) Availability of contraceptives
vi) Negative peer pressure
vii) Negative media influence/ permissiveness in the society
viii) Frustrations in life/ stress
ix) Drug and substance abuse
x) There is erosion of traditional/Christian values
xi) Some youth lack guidance/counseling
xii) Desire for money/affluence
xiii) Poor role models. First 7 points x1=7marks
(b)The Christian teaching on marriage.
i) Marriage is instituted/ordained by God/sacred
ii) Christian marriage should be monogamous
iii) Marriage should be between a man and a woman, /not between individuals of the
iv) Marriage is complete with/without children
v) Marriage is for procreation/companionship
vi) Husband and wife should complement each other
vii) Marriage should be based on mutual love/respect/faithfulness
viii) The husband is the head in marriage/wife to submit to the husband
ix) Marriage unites husband and wife as one flesh
x) Marriage is permanent/divorce/separation is not allowed
xi) Marriage partners should satisfy each other’s sexual needs/conjugal rights
xii) It is not a must for one to marry/be celibate
xiii) Re-marriage is allowed after the death of a partner. Any 7 points x1=7marks

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(c)Six reasons why virginity is encouraged in both traditional African communities
and Christianity.
i) In both it ensures purity /chastity of an individual before marriage
ii) In both, it upholds the moral values of the community
iii) In order to protect the gift of sex from being misused in both cases
iv) To protect the youth from suffering/unwanted pregnancies/disease
v) To uphold the dignity/reputation of individuals
vi) It is a source of joy/prestige to the couple. First 6 points x1=6marks

6. (a) How science and technology has improved human life.

i) Modern means of transport enables human beings to travel faster
ii) Use of electronic/print media: human beings are able to access/pass information to
large audience
iii) Use of industrial machines enables work to be done faster/efficiency
iv) Use of fertilizers/agricultural machinery has led to increased
productivity/yields/preservation of food
v) Use of medicine/medical equipment has prolonged human life/reduces suffering;
vi) Use of equipment related to weather forecast assist human beings in understanding
their environment
vii) New sources of energy have enhanced human life
viii) Scientific devices enhanced security
ix) Use media technology in teaching and learning
x) Improvement in trade through e-commerce. Any 8 points x1= 8 marks

(b) Six reasons why Christians are opposed to euthanasia.

i) God is the only one who gives life and thus should be the one to take it away
ii) Euthanasia equals to murder which is biblically condemned/thou shall not kill
iii) It destroys God's image in human beings
iv) Human judgment is limited and therefore cannot make correct decision on
termination the life of others
v) Medical ethics only allows a doctor to sustain life and not to take it away
vi) It is against Jesus mission on earth to heal the sick
vii) Suffering is part of a Christian's life from the teachings of Jesus and therefore it
cannot be used to justify euthanasia
viii) The works of mercy involve saving life/not destroying it
ix) It is against the constitutional right to uphold human life
x) Some also argue that some patients have recovered after long period of comma.
First 6 points x1=6marks

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(c) Ways in which science and technology negatively has affected the environment
i) Use of chemicals has led to the pollution of water/soils
ii) Emission of smoke from industries/nuclear factories leads to pollution of air
iii) Falling trees has led to desertification/drying up of rivers
iv) Manufacturing of plastic materials has led to environmental degradation
v) Science and Technology has led to the over utilization of natural resources like
vi) Quarrying/mining had led to environmental degradation
vii) Science and technology have contributed to un employment
viii) Modern means of transport has led to increased death through accidents.
Any points x1=6marks


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