GO MS No 743

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l(ead ngain :'

O.O.M3.No. l8J5 , Rcvcnuc
9'461 / 65 Dt l6'01-1963'
l rom thc boad ofRcvenuc D O

O llD EIt r'

I rnvieworbce$cr8,cncvcrrsrfl,iJ5l'llJ,i:1"::8ffii:1Jft"lt-,r*f rtl,fl:
Chincsc rnd thc consqucnt
ts' u-'tr;
hcavl rc:rurt
por'cil:;;;: if,.'riirl, "signm";i ;fsgr icultur rl la^rl s tq
covcrnmcnr fttr rhrr , sencrou' "f
.J"orrior,"o ,r,. er":ll::rJr:[Ttlr"lil.i;,lJ*,,0,,
€fHf::i'iJ;I:"i f t:o"i;"il:"i;;""^'i a-ii'a x-ir' rctz'r"
ilffi il';;;iili""r"oi'l"i"iit'i'o'"*,''*;n';:::;,,T,ffi {'iffiT5*[/',ilffiil
sp?cial tttlcs arc tssucd
dcnrobilizrtion. wi0r a vicw toexfin '"tf ii tiit tigttd ' lhc followinB jflwarrs wh$
J*ouirizstion nrrd to tbJfatnilia ot lhc
rcqardinp.lhe nssiBnm.nr or t"na' ro llJ#titf
i"f ,ro*"n rr,"it liJ"s *hile dclerrcing thc bordcrs '-
lhc dcfcncc forccs oflndia ' ir,ill tr0cr
(n All .lawans rJomrctlcd in Ardlul Pradcsh and scrvingin
forifr" foia lhcir ot n vilhg,cs or clsc rvhcrc rltdcr
dc.,;cbilizario, , U" "iJig"r.ri"f
thc rulcs.

the pcrlod of cmergoncv
il;ilil ;x tl.,i,r"a fir thc gmrrl of lrnd cvcn durlng

nlsJ bc ootitlcd to thc gmnt of lond

widowcd mothcr irr rhat order of prcfercncr , ifthere is mofe thtn onc son or un.marricd
drughlcr , thc cldcsl will get pnfcrtrrcc'

(lv) hw0lE who 8r. dismissed or dischargcd from scrvicc due to incfliciarcy or ntisconducl or
whosc chsrsctct is assessad a: brd on dcnrobilizltion arc nol cligiblc for 8,rutl ollaud undcr
thcse rules.

Coold.... .. .2.
, ,r{
. '_) _..\

2. Each ra *,an wrll rx crioible for rhc grad

oI ls!$ lrd exrenl or.Ac.2.50 rtu.:s wr:r ol. Ac.5,*
dry rrnd p.ovidcd rhar rhe rorrt cx.;r of
exc..d 4c.250 wct 0r.Ac.5.00 dry.
ts"J.d;;;";;ii;ir,Ji#'rlir"* ,o r,inr , shr, nol

Nctc:' For purposc of asignmc,t under thcsc rul.s onc lcrc of wct
rEnd wi bc cquar ro2acrcsofdry

(ll) Vrriitlons up lo l0% ofthc cxtcfit notcd rbovc nray

bc rllowcd whcrover ncccssary.

lsslgonlclrt o[ l6nds llull gancmlly bc frce ofrnrrkct valuc
cxccpt io rhc casc of
spccially vrluablc land rs dcfincd in B.s.o'is per"
cllsy rnsl.rllnrcnls,
iz , in *u"ii.*".irtl'u.rr. ,rri[ bc colccrcd ir

0,. Thc prohibrtron o[ assignmtnt in

o I lhc o ^ - . 'No.l I 42 Rcvcnue darcd r g-06- tcsrrct ofccrtarn clc$c,s of lands mentioncd in para (4)
^ o.Ms
195{ arso apprics ro essigrrruani ot rands in thcsc crscs.

Thc gront of lands undcr thcsc nrlcs , will bc subjcct to thc following conditions

(l)knd essigncd should nor bc aold or othcruisc rlicnlrcd for s pcriod ofrcn ycars.

Notg .:: can how€vcr bc hypothccltcd to Govcmmcnl ud ro-opcrativc socielirs or a l)ancluysrlr

Samithi for r lonc for the improvcmcnt ofthc larrd.

(ll) Landl aseigncd sh6lt bc brooghl udcr cultivrtion within 3 ycars.

(lll) Cultivation shall bc by thc asrigne or mcmbch oflamily or rvirh hired lobour
, ;.. urdcr tbc aulervision of himsclfor a mcmbcr of his fanrily.

Notc:- Foi brcbcli'of arrj/ ofthi above conditions ,lhc land is cligiblc for nsumprion.

Thc grant is subjccl to thc followin8 conccssioru.

(l) No sr,rb-division fcc shsll bc collccted frorn lhe assi8ncc.

(lr) Thc collcction of trcc valuc upto Rs.50/. will bc wlitcd.
(r r) No land rcvcnue or cascs will be collcctcd for lhc first lhrce ycErs exccpt for llre
cxlent, if &ly uhich had alrcady bccn broughl undcr cultiv&tion bcforc (hc datc oI
lssigrulcni , Wetcr ratc shall , howevct , bc ohargcd if ilrc lands are irrigated \vilh
Covernmcnt watcr.

7. Application for nssignnrcnt of land undcr thcsc rulcs , ihall bc sddrcsscd td an ofliccr not
bilow ttre rank ofa deputy Tchsildar , and shall corilain thc followilrS Particulurs'

(l) Nonrc a[d fsthq's rtonle

Ol) Pclnrrnenlrcsidcncc
(llt) Thc pcriod of scrvlcc in lhc Atmy
ilv) Tt. uni,,o "hich he wos l0sl all0chcd' Village , s.No. , chssification , total
iil o"tii, oriana appfi"a for viz., Dhrriu , Tatut ,
cxt?[l EPplicd tot i[ (hc srid S No

routcd rluough.thc xcrctary ' St$lc soldicrs

All tPPlicatiolls undcr thcrc rulcs ' shall bc
rr by the officc. @rnrnanding'
Sailor . rnd Ainnan,s uoanl , rnrt rtrc aiililiiiri
tii*ro o"rv
jawarl wants lanos
Disttici in which lhc
who has rpplied tot lalrd is an Ex
Soldrcr' Contd...... .1.

r'tt ttt llt':

' -' '- "'-'rh( t;'rrr tltc rlrrlu ol rlisultitrgu
.,!,r of thol or active ' servicc '

/ l'laY scnd thc apPlicatioos '

t0 assu
l,c the authority comt'clenl costs
in 8 3"0 l5 or rrpplicublc in thrs
to rcvisiorr ond lppctrls
l0 All the provisions pertairling
#;i',1,;; *["i'J"ffi:J:1il
0"11['lliJl lll!i;':li"jj1l'[]#ffi
iinrl eh*rblc lor irssigtrtrtcnl

l" which he is ottached will '

^ "l 5 which
r-:-L or conlllct wrth thcsc lnsttu.'lrons
rot in cot
l? Sucho(thcprovisronsintheBsO
- "T,::::i,"llil under coosicrc*rtiott
_ siEs ro rhc irwans is siparsrsly
,1".'- ,,,*n n"*"
l,lu"r, *,ll J",'rutely in rhis regnrd'

,,"pu,v r,I"3'?1Itl"..n-""''

' :rtit lr' rttr'lo

II 1'- """
lio Board of lte''en'dl-B)in' thr
ririi'" it'*ttors
stst? and
ci'rr"ir . r, rri^iar.R.rceDt p.S of chiel Mitristcr
oroll Ministe13 cxcer
P?rsonrtcr Assistsnts
:ll t#}x'S;:tio'iJo" ""a
l',lj',l *"',:'i:#;!il:H]:Jl':l'"'i:L'lllii*ll'J;
/// By ordtr //l
/// Truc copy /// Forrrardcd

Stl/x.x.x x x'

B/ 16i90.

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