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1. ____ work and family is difficult for any working mom as both demand much time.
A. Maintaining B. Maintain C. Balancing D. Balance
2. I am writing in connection with the volunteer opportunities which ____ on 10 November.
A. appeared B. were appearing C. have appeared D. appear
3. My brother ____ programing a few months ago but he a qualification in it yet.
A. learned - has not obtained B. learned - did not obtain
C. has learned - has not obtained D. has learned - did not obtained
4. My mother let me ____ a charity and I am happy to give my time and resources.
A. to run B. run C. running D. to running
5. Volunteering can help you gain confidence by giving you the chance to try something new and do
something ____ for the community.
A. meaning B. meaningful C. meaningless D. meaningfully
6. I adore ____ at a summer camp because it is a great way to stay active while cranking out those service
A. to volunteer B. volunteering C. to volunteering D. volunteer
7. Local organizations often host holiday parties or gift giveaways for children in need and war ____.
A. handicaps B. invalids C. disadvantages D. orphans
8. He's a ____ scientists who has participated in a wide variety of research projects.
A. portable B. economical C. versatile D. functional
9. Simon Lake drew the inspiration ____ La submarine of undersea travel and exploration from Twenty
Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
A. at B. by C. for D. of
10. - “I like to work part-time for a non-profit organization this summer.”
- “____”
A. Me too. I'm thinking of applying for 'Hope'.
B. I do, but I don't have enough time for studying.
C. That's great. You have been coming of age.
D. Is that all? How about using time wisely?

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
11. Robert H. Goddard, an American scientist, built the first liquid-fueled rocket, which he has successfully
launched on March 16, 1926.
12. The innovators behind objects like the cellphone or the helicopter took inspiration from work like "Star
Trek" and War of the Worlds.
13. How many people know that the Brooklyn Bridge, built in 1883, were the world's first suspension bridge?
14. An X-ray microscope enables a person seeing through solid materials such as metal and bone.
15. Inventor Granville Woods received him first patent on January 3, 1884, for a steam boiler furnace.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions.
Science is a very important indicator of the future. Every scientific advance or discovery gives us a clue about
what the future will hold for society. Perhaps the most amazing scientific discovery in recent times was the
birth of Dolly the sheep. Dolly was the first successful cloned animal - that is, she was the first animal ever to
be created from a single adult cell. She is an exact copy of her biological mother. Since Dolly's birth, there has
been debate about what this means for society in the future - because if we can clone sheep, we can surely
clone humans. Some think that there are already signs that such things will eventually happen. For example,
couples in the United States who can't or don't want to have children by natural methods can now select the
human egg and sperm they want through catalogues, audiotapes or even computer order systems. One
journalist has commented, "Ordering a frozen embryo is a little more emotionally complicated than ordering
a home-delivered pizza - but not so different logistically". (Hewitt 1998).
16. According to this passage, future changes in society are ____.
A. unexpected B. amazing C. complicated D. predictable
17. What do some people think is a sign of the future cloning of humans?
A. The birth of Dolly the sheep.
B. The present selecting of a human egg and sperm through catalogues, audio tapes and computer order
C. Thinking about the future of humanity.
D. Ordering home-delivered pizzas.
18. Which phrase best defines "cloned?"
A. The first animal to do something. B. Dolly the sheep.
C. Created from a single adult cell. D. An exact copy of a biological mother.
19. Hewitt states that ordering a frozen embryo in some aspect is ____ ordering a home-delivered pizza.
A. totally different from B. same as C. as complicated as D. similar to
20. The underlined word "logistically" most nearly means ____.
A. in theory B. in practice C. motionally D. culturally
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, (31) ____ children all races, nationalities, religions, and
political systems in more than 100 developing countries. Its purpose is to help provide (32) ____ better life
for children and their mothers. It gives (33) ____ long-term assistance and emergency help.
This program is very necessary. Today 800 million humans live in conditions of (34) ____ and
hopelessness. Two-thirds of (35) ____ are children and mothers of small children. Four-fifths of these children
have no (36) ____ health services. Nine out of ten are not protected against childhood diseases. One hundred
million do not have (37) ____ of the right foods. (38) ____ of them drink impure water. (39) ____ water is one
of the reasons millions of people die every year.
UNICEF works (40) ____ governments to provide three kinds of services. They plan and organize
programs, they train people to work in the program, and UNICEF provides supplies and equipment.
21. A. works B. benefits C. serves D. follows
22. A. a B. this C. the D. an
23. A. neither B. both C. either D. not only
24. A. poor B. hunger C. starvation D. poverty
25. A. which B. them C. whom D. all
26. A. regular B. normal C. common D. steady
27. A. many B. plenty C. some D. enough
28. A. All B. None C. Almost D. Most
29. A. Drinking B. Running C. Unsafe D. Boiling
30. A. for B. on C. in D. with

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences.
31. No one solution matches the needs of all communities.
A. There exists no single solution to solve all communities' problems.
B. Not communities share the same problems, hence no single solution.
C. All communities have their own needs but require the same solution.
D. There is no one solution to meet the needs of all communities.
32. Volunteering has a considerable impact on the education system itself.
A. The education itself has been considerably impacted by volunteering activities.
B. The impact of volunteering on the education system itself is worth considering.
C. There is a considerable impact of volunteering on its education system itself.
D. It is the volunteering activities that have considerable impact on education.
33. Volunteering makes a significant contribution to the economy all around the world.
A. A contribution from volunteering to the economy has been significantly made.
B. The economy all around the world benefits significantly from volunteering.
C. Volunteers around the world have made significant contribution to the economy.
D. Volunteering has significantly contributed to the world economy in all sectors.
34. Drugs are tested in patient volunteers to monitor adverse reactions to long-term use.
A. Patient volunteers help test drugs to monitor their adverse reactions to long-term use.
B. Patient volunteers are tested by drugs to monitor adverse reactions to long-term use.
C. Volunteers test drugs for patients to monitor their adverse reactions to long-term use.
D. Adverse reactions to long-term use are monitored after being tested in patient volunteers.
35. Nine volunteers were recruited to take part in the study.
A. The study attracted nine volunteers to take part in.
B. They recruited nine volunteers to take part in the
C. All the nine recruited volunteers took part in the
D. The recruitment of nine volunteers helped the study a lot.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given.
36. It is recognized that students' volunteer work will benefit communities. However, its primary purpose is to
contribute to students' development.
A. Although it is recognized that students' volunteer work will benefit communities, its primary purpose
is to contribute to students' development.
B. As it is recognized that students' volunteer work will benefit communities, its primary purpose is to
contribute to students' development.
C. As the primary purpose of students' volunteer work is to contribute to students' development, its
benefit to communities is recognized.
D. To recognize the benefit of students' volunteer work to communities, it is to note that its primary
purpose is to contribute to students' development.
37. Volunteer work is a component of informal work. This has become a focus of increased attention by
policymakers throughout the world.
A. Volunteer work is a component of informal work, which has become a focus of increased attention by
policy makers throughout the world.
B. Policy makers around the world pay increase attention to volunteer work as it is a component of
informal work.
C. Because it is a component of informal work, volunteer work has drawn attention of policy makers
throughout the world.
D. Policy makers throughout the world now are paying increased attention to volunteer work as a focal
component of informal work.
38. The lack of systematic data on volunteer work is not simply an academic matter. It also limits the ability to
make the most effective use of this important resource.
A. Because the lack of systematic data on volunteer work is not simply an academic matter, it limits the
ability to make the most effective use of this important resource.
B. The lack of systematic data on volunteer work is not only simply an academic matter, but it also
limits the ability to make the most effective use of this important resource.
C. Due to the lack of systematic data on volunteer work, it is now not only a simple academic matter but
also limits the ability to make an effective use of this important resource.
D. Because the lack of systematic data on volunteer work limits the ability to make the most effective
use of this important resource, it is not simply an academic matter.
39. Some volunteers are not willing to travel. They prefer instead to seek opportunities nearer home.
A. Seeking opportunities nearer their homes makes some volunteers unwilling to travel.
B. Being able to seek opportunities nearer home, some volunteers are not willing to travel.
C. When volunteers are not willing to travel, they will try to seek opportunities nearer home.
D. Because some volunteers are not willing to travel, they seek opportunities nearer home.
40. Volunteer work includes a wide range of activities. Among them are coaching children and youth.
A. Coaching children and youth are the most common activities included in a wide range of volunteer
working activities.
B. Coaching children and youth are included in a wide range of activities of volunteer work.
C. Including a wide range of activities, volunteer work involves coaching children and youth.
D. Volunteer work includes a wide range of activities, among which are coaching children and youth.

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