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Why Are Midline Crossing Activities Important for Kids?

Crossing midline activities encourage communication of the two sides

(hemispheres) of the brain. This is VERY important for development and

Midline crossing activities help to make motor movements more efficient. They
help with the development of hand dominance and bilateral coordination.

When these motor skills are addressed, kids can effectively manage classroom
materials. Tasks such as cutting, getting dressed, and tying shoes are easier
and less awkward.

Drawing and writing tasks are easier when kids can automatically cross the
midline. They can form letters and numbers properly and write across a page
without difficulty.

An inability to cross the midline may cause letter and number reversals as well
as difficulties writing left to right. The two sides of the brain need to
communicate effectively for writing.

Crossing midline activities help eye movements needed for learning tasks
such as reading. They help the eyes smoothly move back and forth across

In summary, midline crossing activities are essential for the developing brains
and bodies of all kids. They’re especially beneficial for kids who have motor or
learning difficulties.

18 Quick Midline Crossing Activities for Academic Tasks

The activities are divided into two sections: quick exercises / games and
YouTube Videos. The exercises and games can be plugged into any part of
your day. In between lessons, when kids need a quick brain break, etc.

The YouTube videos are fun if you’d like someone else leading a classroom
brain break!

Quick Brain Break Exercises

#1 Arm Scissors

Students can sit or stand for this exercise. Tell them to hold arms straight out to
the sides. Keep arms straight as they cross them in front of their body. Return
the arms out to the sides.

Encourage them to alternate which arm goes on top. For example, right arm
crosses over left arm. Arms return to the sides. Then, left arm crosses over
right arm.

Have them count as they scissor their arms in front of their body.

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