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#5 Paddle Board

Kids can sit or stand for this. They clasp hands together (fingers folded in front
of them) and pretend they’re holding onto a paddle.

They paddle side to side. Add a song or a chant.

#6 Pass the Ball in a Line

Have kids stand arms width apart. Encourage them to square up to the front of
the room and to keep their legs, head, and body still.

Using a gym ball, they reach with both hands to the left to grab the ball and
pass it in front of them to the person on their right.

Try more than one ball. You can also use balloons or beach balls. (A
combination of different sizes and weights would be an added motor challenge
for force modulation.)

If this set-up won’t work to use as a group activity, try having them mimic the
movement at their desk. They can sit like a statue and pick up an object with
both hands (block, pencils, eraser, etc.) They move the objects from the left
side of their desk and move it to the right side.

Then, repeat the activity and pass it all back to the left.

#7 Partner Ball Pass

Have two kids stand or sit back to back. They pass the ball using two hands,
from left to right for several rounds. Then, have them switch and pass right to
left. Use the same number in each direction to keep it equal.

Again, make sure their bodies and heads are still and they’re just reaching with
their arms.
#8 Simon Says

Play Simons Says or have kids imitate different body movements. You can
lead, or choose the helper of the week to lead the exercise.

You can also work on auditory skills and following directions. Give several
series of directions, such as:

“Touch your right hand to your left ear.”

“Tap your left hand to your right foot, three times.”

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