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Republic of the Philippines

Barangay Cabingtan
Ormoc City


HON. RODELITO R. CANTAY - Punong Barangay
JESABEL Q. ALBA - Brgy. Secretary
NEMINDA L. PAQUIAO - Brgy. Treasurer




WHEREAS, Sangguniang Barangay of Barangay Cabingtan is a legislative body duly organized pursuant to law for
the enactment of ordinances and the adaptation of resolutions for the governance of Barangay Cabingtan.

WHEREAS, pursuant to the provision of Republic Act 7160 – Otherwise known as the Local Government Code of
1991, and Rule XVII, Article 101 of the Rules and Regulations Implementing the Local Government Code, Local
Sanggunian Bodies have the inherent right and obligation of adopting its own rules of procedure for the proper
discharge of legislative functions.

WHEREAS, in the maintenance of good order in sanggunian deliberates, it is necessary that specific rules be
adopted and enforced in the interest of effective legislative;


BE IT RESOLVED, by the Sangguniang Barangay of Barangay Cabingtan to adopt the following rules of Procedure to
govern its deliberations.


SECTION 1 – Composition, The Sangguniang Barangay of Cabingtan shall be composed of the Punong Barangay,as
Presiding Officer, seven ( 7 ) Sangguniang Barangay Member, and the Chairman of the Sangguniang Kabataan, all
elected at large.

SECTION 2 – Term of Office – The term of office of the members of the Sangguniang Barangay of Cabingtan shall
be as provided by the Local Government Code.

SECTION 3 - Oath of Office – All of the Sanguniang Barangay of Cabingtan Shall, upon assumption to office take an
oath of office or affirmation in the prescribed form, duly subscribed before a person authorized to administer oath.

SECTION 4 – The Presiding Officer – The Punong Barangay shall be the presiding officer of the Sangguniang
Barangay of Cabingtan. The presiding officer shall vote only to break a tie.

If the Punong Barangay cannot preside a regular or special session, the Sanguniang Barangay Members
present constituting a quorum, shall elect from among temporary presiding officer. The temporary presiding
officer shall not vote even in case of a tie but shall certify within ten (10) days from their passage all ordinance and
resolution enacted and adopted by the Sanggunian.

SECTION 5 - Powers and Duties of the Presiding Officer – The Presiding Officer shall:

a) Presides over the sessions of the Sanggunian Barangay.

b.) Preserve order and decorum during session and, in case disturbance or disorderly conduct in the session
hall or within the premises, take measure as he/she may deem advisable or as the Sanggunian may direct;
c.) Decide all question of order, subject to appeal by any Sanggunian member in accordance with these rules.
d.) Sign all acts, ordinances, resolutions, memorials, writs and warrants issued by, or upon orders of the
e.) Exercise such other powers and perform such other functions as maybe provided by law, ordinance or
regulation; and
f.)Ensure the regular submission of monthly accomplishment report of each Sanggunian member.

The regular presiding officer shall not be a chairman of any standing committee, but shall have a voice and
vote in all committee deliberations. He may, however, be elected as chairman of any special or ad hoc committee
which the Sanggunian may organize for specific purpose.

SECTION 6 - Powers, Duties, Functions of the Sangguniang Barangay - As legislative body, and as provided in
SECTIONS 391 AND 392 of Republic act 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991, the
Sangguniang Barangay shall:

1.) Enact ordinances as may be necessary to discharge the responsibilities conferred upon it by law or
ordinance and to promote the general welfare of the inhabitants
2.) Enact tax and revenue ordinances, subject to the limitations imposed in this code;
3.) Enact annual and supplemental budgets in accordance with the provisions in this code;
4.) Provides for the construction and maintenance of barangay facilities and other public works project
chargeable to the general fund of the barangay or such other funds actually available for the purpose;
5.) Submit to the Sangguniang Panlungsod or Sangguniang bayan such suggestions or recommendation as it
may see fit for the improvement of the barangay or for the welfare of the inhabitants thereof;
6.) Assist in the establishment, organization, and promotion of cooperative enterprises that will improve the
economic condition and well-being pf the residents;
7.) Regulate the used of the multi-purposed halls, multi-purpose pavements, grain or copra dryers, patios and
other post-harvest facilities constructed with government funds within the jurisdiction of the barangay
and charge reasonable fees for the used thereof;
8.) Solicit or accept monies, materials and voluntary labor for specific public works and cooperative
enterprises, of the barangay from residents, land owners, producers and merchants in the barangay ;
monies from grants-in-aid, subsidies, contributions, and revenues made available to the barangay from
national to provincial, city or municipal funds; and monies from other private agencies and individuals:
Provided however , that monies of properties; donated by private agencies and individuals for specific
purposes shall accrue to the barangay trust fund;
9.) Solicit or accept, in any or all the foregoing public works and cooperative enterprises, such cooperation as
is made available by national, provincial, city or municipal agencies established by law to render financial,
technical, and advisory assistance to barangay and to barangay residents: Provided however, that in the
soliciting or accepting such cooperation, the Sangguniang barangay need not pledge any sum or money
for expenditure in excess amounts currently in the barangay treasury or encumbered for other purposes ;
10.) Provide compensation, reasonable allowances or per deems as well as travel expenses for Sangguniang
barangay members and other barangay officials, subject to budgetary limitations prescribed under Title
Five, Book II of LGC: Provided however, that no increase in the compensation or honoraria of the
Sangguniang barangay members shall take effect until after expiration of the full term of all members of
the Sangguniang barangay approving such increase;
11.) Hold fund raising activities for barangay project without the need of securing permits from any national or
local office or agency. The proceeds from such activities shall be tax-exempt and shall accrue to the general
fund of the barangay: Provided, however, that in the appropriation thereof, the specific purpose for which
such fund-raising activity has been held shall be first satisfied: Provided, further, that no fund-raising
activities shall be held within a period of sixty (60) days immediately preceding and after a national or
local election , recall, referendum, plebiscite : Provide, finally, that said fund-raising activities shall
comply with national policy standards and regulation and morals, and safety of the persons participating
therein. The Sangguniang barangay, through punong barangay, shall render a public accounting of the
funds raised at the completion of the project for which the fund-raising activity has undertaken.
12.) Authorize the punong barangay to enter into contracts in behalf of the barangay, subject to the provisions
of RA 7160;
13.) Authorize the barangay treasurer to direct purchase in amount not exceeding one thousand pesos
(1,000.00) at any one time for the ordinary and essential administrative needs of the barangay ordinances;
14.) Prescribe fines in amounts not exceeding one thousand pesos (1,000.00) for violation of barangay
15.) Provide for the administrative needs of the lupong tagapamayapa and the pangkat ng tagapagpasundo;
16.) Provide for the organization of community brigades, barangay tanod, or community service units as
maybe necessary;
17.) Organize regular lectures, programs, or for a on community problems such as sanitation, nutrition,
literacy, and drug abuse, and convene assemblies to encourage citizen participation in government;
18.) Adopt measures to prevent and control the proliferation of squatters and mendicants in the barangay;
19.) Provide for the proper development and welfare of children in the barangay by promoting and supporting
activities for the protection and total development of children, particularly those below seven (7) years of
20.) Adopt measures toward the prevention and eradication of drug abuse, child abuse, and juvenile
21.) Initiate the establishment of a barangay high school, whenever feasible, in accordance with law;
22.) Provide for the establishment of a non-formal education center in the barangay whenever feasible, in
coordination of Department of Education;
23.) Provides for the delivery of basic services; and
24.) Exercise other powers and perform such other duties and functions as maybe prescribed by or ordinance;

In addition to their duties as member of the Sangguniang barangay, Sangguniang barangay member may:

1.) Assist the punong barangay in the discharge of his duties and functions;
2.) Act as peace officers in the maintenance of public order and safety and
3.) Perform such other duties and functions as the punong barangay;


SECTION 7 - The Barangay Secretary -

1.) With the concurrence of the majority of all the Sangguniang Barangay members, the Punong Barangay shall
appoint the Barangay Secretary who shall hold office at its pleasure and be intitled to an honorarium to be
determined by the Sangguniang Barangay;
2.) No person shall be appointed barangay secretary if he/she is a Sangguniang barangay member, a
government employee, or a relative of the punong barangay within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity
or affinity;
3.) The barangay secretary must report to the barangay hall (8) hours daily from Mondays through Fridays, as
provided for in Civil Service Commission – Department of Budget and Management joint circular No. 01,
series of 2004; and
4.) The barangay secretary shall perform his/her duties and responsibilities as provided in subpar (d), section
394 of Republic Act 7160 – otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991.

SECTION 8 – The Barangay Treasurer –

1.) The Punong Barangay shall appoint the Barangay Treasurer with the concurrence of the Sangguniang
Barangay. He/ she shall be entitled to an honorarium to be determined by the Sangguniang;
2.) The Barangay Treasurer shall be bonded in accordance with existing laws in the amount to be determined
by the Sangguniang Barangay, but not exceeding ten thousand pesos (10,000.00), premiums of which shall
be paid by the barangay.
3.) No person shall be appointed barangay treasurer if he/she is a Sangguniang barangay member, a
government employee, or a relative of the punong barangay within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity
or affinity;
4.) The barangay treasurer must report to the barangay hall eight (8) hour everyday from Monday through
Friday, as provided for in Civil Service Commission - Department of Budget and Management joint Circular
No. 01, series of 2004; and
5.) The barangay treasurer shall perform the duties and responsibilities as provided by sub par (e), Section
395 of Republic Act 7160 – otherwise known as the local government code of 1991.

SECTION 9 – Regular Sessions – The two regular sessions of the Sangguniang Barangay of Cabingtan shall be
on Every first Tuesday and third Tuesday of each month, at the barangay session hall, at such time as the formal
notice thereof shall stipulate, or as maybe decided upon in the immediately preceding session.

SECTION 10 – Special Session - As often as necessary, when public interest so demands, special session
maybe called by the punong barangay or a majority of the members of the Sangguniang.

In special session/s ¸a written notice to the Sangguniang Barangay members, stating the date, time and
purpose of the session, shall be serve personally or with the member of the household of the Sangguniang
Barangay member at his usual place of residence. Unless otherwise agreed upon by two-thirds (2/3) vote of
the members present, there being a quorum, no matter maybe considered at an especial session except that
stated in the notice.

SECTION 11 - Call to Order - The presiding officer shall open the session by calling the Sangguniang to order.

On each session day of the month, the national anthem shall be sung, followed by a one-minute silent
prayer or meditation, or at the discretion of the presiding officer, an invocation by a Sangguniang member
designated by him.

SECTION 12 - Attendance in Session - Every member of the Sangguniang shall be present in all session, unless
expressly excluded by it necessary prevented from doing so by sickness or other unavoidable circumstances duly
reported to the Sangguniang through the secretary.

SECTION 13 – Open the Public - Sangguniang sessions or meetings of any committee thereof shall be to the
public unless a closed session is decided or by an affirmative vote of the majority of the member present, there
being quorum the interest or for the reasons, or when confidential matters are being considered.

On a motion to hold a closed session duly approved, the presiding officer shall direct the session hall
cleared and doors closed.

Only persons specifically authorized by the Sangguniang shall be admitted to the closed session. They
shall preserve the secrecy of whatever maybe read or said at the session.

SECTION 14 – Suspension and Adjournment of Session - Sessions of the Sangguniang shall not be
suspended or adjourned except by direction of the Sangguniang itself, but the presiding officer may, in his
direction, declare a recess of short intervals.

SECTION 15 – Opening and adjournment to be entered in the Minutes - The exact hour of opening and
adjournment of a session shall be entered in the minutes.


SECTION 16 – QUORUM - A majority of all elective appointive members (replacement of) of the Sanggunian
shall constitute a quorum to transact official business.

Should a question of quorum shall be raised during the session, the presiding officer shall immediately
proceed to call the roll of the members and thereafter announce the results.

SECTION 17 – Absence of Quorum - Where there is no quorum in a given session, the presiding may declare a
recess until such time as a quorum is constituted, or a majority of the members present may adjourn from day
to day compel the immediate attendance of any member absent w/o any good cause by issuing the Philippine
National Police assigned in the area for the arrest and presentment of the absent member of the session.

If there is still no quorum despite of the foregoing, no business transacted. The presiding officer, upon
proper motion duly approved by the member present, shall declare the session adjourned for luck of quorum.

SECTION 18 - Motion to adjourn Vacates Call - At any time after the roll call has been completed, a motion
to adjourn shall be in order, and if approved by a majority of those present, all proceedings shall be vacated.

SECTION 19 - Standing Committees - The Punong Barangay of Cabingtan shall elect the chairman and the
members of the following standing committees, the general jurisdiction of which shall be as hereunder
a.) Committee on Women and Family Welfare - All matters relating to strengthening of family,
protection of women and children, protection from domestic violence and exploitation.
b.) Committee on Finance and Appropriation - All matters relating to the approval of the budget, the
appropriation of funds for the payment of obligation; the determination of compensation of
personnel; taxation ordinances and monetary and fiscal matters.
c.) Committee on Education - All matters relating to education, local schools, colleges and
universities; libraries and museums; non formal education, scientific research, development and
advancement; and moral religious formation of the community.
d.) Committee on Peace and Order and Security - all matters relating maintenance and preservation
of public order and security; civil defense; liaison with the Philippines National Police; organization
and maintenance of tanods; implementation of barangay ordinances; human rights; legal aid;
probation; maintenance of punitive or corrective institution; fire; accident and crime prevention.
e.) Committee on Infrastructure / Ways and Means / Maintenance of Public Utilities - All matters
relating to the planning, construction, maintenance, improvement and repair of public buildings,
highways, bridges, roads, parks, shrines, monuments and other public edifices, drainage, sewerage
and flood control and protection; irrigation and water utilities, tourism; land, sea and air
transportation, and telecommunication services.
f.) Committee on Health and Sanitation / Environment and Ecology - All matters relating to public
health, sanitation and public hygiene; medical and health services, hospitals and quarantine
services; the barangay health worker, the barangay nutrition scholar; the daycare worker; and the
strengthening and the development of family life and recreation. Like wise, all matters relating to
the protection and preservation of the environment, human ecology and settlements, exploration,
development, utilization and the conservation of the natural resources.
g.) Committee on Agriculture - All matters relating o agriculture, food production and agri-business,
agricultural economics and research, soil survey and conservation; agricultural education
extension services; animal industry and livestock quarantine and supervision of local cooperatives;
and development of cottage industries.
h.) Committee on Youth and Sports Development - All matters relating to the youth; promotion of the
youth’s moral, physical, intellectual and social well-being, the Sangguniang kabataan; and the
development of sports and sportsmanship in the community.

Whenever a measure covers subject matters falling within the jurisdiction of more than one committee, said
measure shall be referred jointly to the committees concerned.

SECTION 20 – Members, Officers, Election - each standing committee shall have a chairman and at least two (2)
members, who shall be elected by majority vote of the Sangguniang from its members.

SECTION 21 – Special Committees - The sanggunian may organize special committees as it may deem necessary.
The officers and members of special committee shall likewise be elected by majority vote of all the Sanggunian

SECTION 22 - Vacancy - whenever a vacancy occurs or is declared to exist of any of the committees, the same
shall be filled by election of the sanggunian.

SECTION 23 - Committee Meetings or Hearings - The committees shall determine the frequency of their
meetings or hearings, provided they meet at least once a month. A majority of all the members of the committee
shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION 24 - Committee Reports - When a committee submits a report, the members thereof shall be presumed
to have concurred in the report and shall precluded from opposing the same, unless they have entered their
objection thereto during the committee meeting.


SECTION 25 - Order of Business The order of business of the Sangguniang Barangay for every session shall

a. Call to Order
b. National Anthem and 1- Minute Prayer
c. Roll Call
d. Reading and Approval of the Previous Minutes
e. Reading of Communications Received
f. Committee Reports
g. Calendar of Business
a.) Unfinished Business
b.) New Business
h. Other Business/ Matters
i. Adjournment

SECTION 26 - Approval of Minutes - The minutes of session shall be submitted to the Sangguniang for approval.

SECTION 27 - Calendar of Business - The calendar of business shall consist of the following parts

a.) Unfinished Business - Business being considered by the Sangguniang at the time of its
adjournment. Its consideration shall be resumed until such unfinished business is disposed of.
Thereafter, the presiding officer shall call for new business.
b.) New Business - Proposed ordinances, resolutions and other measures to be considered in the
order in which they are listed in the calendar.


SECTION 28 - Ordinances and Resolutions, Distinguished - Legislative actions of a general and permanent
character shall be enacted in the form of ordinances, while those which are of temporary character shall be passed
in the form of resolutions. Matters relating to proprietary functions and to private concerns shall be acted upon by

SECTION 29 - Essential Parts of Ordinances and Resolutions - proposed ordinances and resolutions shall be in
writing and shall contain as assigned number, a title or captain, an enacting or ordaining clause and the date of its
proposed effectivity. In addition, every proposed ordinance shall be accompanied by a brief explanatory note
containing the justification for its approval. It shall be signed by the authors and submitted to the secretary who
shall report the same to the Sangguniang at its next session.

SECTION 30 - Distributions of Copies - The secretary furnishes copies of all proposed ordinances and
resolutions to the Sangguniang members at least three (3) days before a regular or special session.

SECTION 31 - Urgent Measures - Any legislative matter duly certified by the Punong Barangay as urgent,
whether or not included in the calendar of business, may be presented and considered by he Sangguniang in the
same session without need of suspending the rules.

The Sangguniang likewise, may consider a proposed ordinance as urgent and consideration thereof shall
be scheduled according to a timetable.

SECTION 32 - Debate - On the set for the consideration of a proposed ordinance or resolution, the proposal shall
be subject to debate and pertinent motions.

In the discussion of any measure, a motion to close the debate shall be in order after two (2) speeches for
and one (1) against, or after only one (1) speech for has been delivered and none of their opportunity to speak.

When several members have registered or signified their intention to speak on the matter under
consideration and when said matter has been sufficiently and thoroughly discussed by the member speaking, the
presiding officer, moto propio, or upon motion of a member, order that a member having the floor desist from
speaking further so that other members not be deprived of their opportunity to speak.

SECTION 33 - Five – Minute Rule - After the close of debate, the Sangguniang shall proceed to the consideration
of amendments. A member who desires to speak for or against an amendment shall have only five (5) minutes to
do so.

SECTION 34 - Approvals of Measures - The Sangguniang secretary shall prepare copies of the proposed
ordinance or resolution in the form it was passed and shall distribute to each Sangguniang member a copy thereof,
except that a measure certified by the Punong Barangay or Sangguniang barangay as urgent may be submitted for
final voting immediately after debate and/or amendments during the same session.

After the amendments have been acted upon the proposed ordinance or resolution shall be voted on.
SECTION 35 - Approval of Resolution - A resolution shall be adopted in the same manner prescribed for
ordinances, except that it need not go through another session for its final consideration unless decided otherwise
by a majority of all the Sangguniang members.

SECTION 36 - Majority Requirement - No ordinance or resolution passed by the Sangguniang shall be valid
unless approved by a majority of the member present, there being a quorum. Any ordinance or resolution
authorizing or directing the payment of money or creating a liability, shall require the affirmative vote of a
majority of all the Sangguniang members for its passage.

Upon the passage of all ordinances and resolutions, the Sangguniang secretary shall record the years and
days. Each approved ordinance or resolution shall be in a book kept for the purpose.

SECTION 37 - Special Provisions on the Budget Ordinance - The Sangguniang shall in no case increase the
appropriation for any project or program of the barangay over the amount submitted by the Punong Barangay in
his budget proposal.

After the Punong Barangay shall have submitted the annual general appropriation measure, supplemental
appropriation measure shall be considered only if supported by actually available funds as certified to by the City
Budget Officer or by funds to be raised by corresponding revenue proposal included therein.

SECTION 38 - Approval by the Punong Barangay - Every ordinance or resolution passed by the Sanggunian shall
be forwarded to the Punong Barangay for approval. The Punong Barangay shall affix his initial on each and every
page of the ordinance or resolution and the word ‘Approved’ shall appear with his signature on the last page

Within ten (10) days after receipt of the ordinance or resolution the Punong Barangay shall return the said
ordinance or resolution to the Sanggunian with either his approval or his veto. If he does not return it within that
time, the ordinance or resolution shall be deemed approved.

SECTION 39 - Review by the Sangguniang Panlungsod - Within ten (10) days after enactment, the Sanggunian
Barangay shall furnish copies of the barangay ordinance to the Sanggunian panlungsod for review, as to whether
the ordinance is consistent with law, and with city ordinances.

Failure on the part of the Sangguniang panlungsod to take action on barangay ordinances within thirty
(30) days from receipt thereof, said ordinance shall be presumed consistent with law and with city ordinances and,
therefore, valid.

If within thirty (30) days, the Sangguniang panlungsod finds the ordinance inconsistent with law or city
ordinances, the Sangguniang panlungsod shall return the ordinance with its comments and recommendation to the
Sangguniang barangay for adjustment, amendment or modification, in which case, the effectivity of the ordinance
shall be deemed suspended.

SECTION 40 - Enforcement of Disapproved Measures - Any attempt to enforce, promulgate or execute any
ordinance, resolution or executive order after the disapproval thereof shall be sufficient ground for the suspension
or dismissal of the officer making such attempt.

SECTION 41 - Effectivity of Enactment - Unless otherwise stated in the ordinance or resolution, the same shall
take effect after the lapse of ten (10) days from the date a copy thereof is posted in a bulletin board at the entrance
of the barangay hall and in at least two (2) other conspicuous places, such as the public market, church or chapel.

Not later than five (5) days after the passage of the ordinance or resolution, the Sanggunian secretary shall
cause the posting thereof in English together with a copy translated in the dialect used by the majority of the
people in the area, and shall record such fact in a book kept for the purpose, stating the dates of approval and
posting thereof.

SECTION 42 - Manner of Addressing the Chair - When a member desires to speak, he/she shall rise and
respectively address the chair , “ Mr. Chairman “ OR “ Mr. Presiding Officer “.

SECTION 43 - Recognition of Member to Speak - When two or more member rise at the same time, the
presiding officer shall determine and recognize the member whom is to speak first.

SECTION 44 - Time Limit for Speeches - No member shall be occupy more than five (5) minutes of debate on
any question or speak for more than once on any question without leave of the Sangguniang except as herein after
provided. The period of interpellation shall not be counted against to the tie of the member speaking.
SECTION 45 - Decorum to Open and Close Debate - In all cases the member who has obtained the floor shall
continue himself/herself to the question under debate, avoiding personalities. He/she shall refrain from uttering
words, or performing acts are inconsistent with decorum.

If it is requested that a member be called to under for words spoken in debate, the member such request
shall indicate the words excepted to and they shall be taken down in writing by the secretary and read aloud. The
member uttered such words shall not be held to answer, nor be subject to censure by the Sangguniang if after
debate or other business has intervened.

SECTION 46 - Conduct During Session - During the session, the member shall be proper attire and observed
proper decorum. No wearing of shorts, mini skirt, tube and or midriff blouses and Japanese styled rubber slippers
shall be allowed inside the session hall.

While the presiding officer is addressing the Sangguniang or putting a question, no member shall walk out
or cross the session hall.

SECTION 47 - Smoking in Session Hall Prohibited - Smoking shall not be permitted within the session hall.

SECTION 48 - Discipline of Members - As a general policy, “ no work, no pay “ and as provided in DILG-DBM
Joint Circular No. 90-1 dated February 14, 1990 ( Implementing Guidelines on the Release and Utilization of
Barangay Administration Fund of RA 6631 ) and corollary to this, Section 52 of RA 7160 provides that the
minimum number of regular session shall be twice a month for the Sangguniang barangay. Accordingly, while it is
settled that the Sangguniang barangay members are not required to report daily, they are, however, required to
attend the regular sessions. In that regard, as a general rule, the honorarium to be given shall be measured in the
actual attendance in the regular sessions.

As such, per absence in the regular session, it constitutes a 25% per session deduction from the
monthly honorarium of the Sangguniang members, and latecomers who come in during the regular session
will have a 5% deduction from the monthly honorarium of the Sangguniang members. Likewise, 10% of the
honorarium shall be deducted for each failure of the concerned official or personnel to report to the barangay
hall as scheduled by the Sangguniang and 10% for the failure to attend and/or participate in the other
activities of the barangay.

The barangay secretary and the barangay treasurer must be on duty at the barangay hall eight (8) hours
daily from Mondays through Fridays. Failure to report constitutes 2.5% per day deduction from the monthly

The Sangguniang barangay members may be disciplined, suspended and removed from office on the
grounds provided for in Section 60 of RA 7160, LGC of 1991.

The penalty of suspension or expulsion shall require to concurrence of at least 2/3 votes of all the
members of the Sangguniang.

A Sangguniang member convicted by the final judgment to imprisonment of at least one (1) for any crime
including moral turpitude shall be automatically expelled from the Sangguniang.


SECTION 49 - A Tie on Appeal - A tie on appeal on ruling of the chair sustains the decisions of the chair.

SECTION 50 - Who May Move - When a motion, report or proposed measures in adopted or lost, it shall be in
order for a member who votes with the majority to move for the reconsideration thereof on the same or
succeeding session day. Such motion shall have precedence over all other question, except a motion to adjourn to
raise a question of privilege and call to order.

SECTION 51 - Recording of Motions - Every motion shall be entered in a minutes with the name of a member
making it, unless it is withdrawn the same day.

SECTION 52 - Reading and Withdrawal of Motion - When a motion is made, the presiding officer shall state it
before being debated. Except as herein otherwise provided, a motion may be withdrawn any time before its
approval or amendment.

SECTION 53 - Amendments - When a motion or proposition is under consideration, a motion to amend that
amendments shall be in order. It shall be also in order to offer further amendment by substitution, but it shall not
be voted upon until the original motion or proposition is perfected. Any of said amendment maybe withdrawn
before a decision is had thereon.
SECTION 54 - Rider Prohibited - No motion or proposition on a subject different from that under
consideration shall be allowed.

SECTION 55 - Motion to Cover One Subject Matter - No motion shall cover more than one subject matter.

SECTION 56 - Amendment of Title - Amendments to the title of the proposed ordinance or resolution shall not
be in order until after the text thereof has been perfected. Amendments to the title shall be decided without debate.

SECTION 57 - Call to Order - A motion to read any part of the rules is equivalent to a call to order and takes
precedence over any motion other than the adjourn.

SECTION 58 - Question of Privilege - Question of privilege are:

a.) Those affecting the rights of the Sanggunian; its safety, dignity and the integrity of its members;
b.) Those affecting the rights, reputation and conduct of the members, individually, and in their capacity
as such members.

Subject to the five-minute rule, questions or privilege shall have precedence over all the other questions,
except a motion to adjourn.

SECTION 59 - Privilege questions - Privileged questions are those motions or subject matters with under the
rules, take precedence over other subject matters.


SECTION 60 - Vote Required - No rules shall be suspended except by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the
members, a quorum being present.
SECTION 61 - Interruption of Motion - When motion to suspend the rules is pending, one motion to adjourn
may be entertained. If it is lost, no similar motion shall be entertained until the vote is taken on a motion to
SECTION 62 - Effect of Suspension - If the Sanggunian votes to suspend the rules, it shall forthwith proceed to
consider the measure. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present shall be necessary for the passage of said
measure, a quorum being present.

ADOPTED, this 5th day of DECEMBER, 2023 by vote of 11 In favor and 0 against.

Presiding Officer

Brgy. Secretary

Presiding Officer

HON. JUDY T. ABOHELA SR. - SB Member ___________________

HON. HIPOLITO G. NAZARIO - SB Member ___________________

HON. JOHANAN R. CANTAY - SB Member ___________________

HON. BENJAMIN R. RIVERA - SB Member ___________________

HON. CRISTINO JR M. NAZARIO - SB Member ___________________

HON. MANUEL A. OMAPAS - SB Member ___________________

HON. RUBEN L. PARCO - SB Member ___________________

HON. CHERRY BLISS C. TORRES - SK Chairman___________________

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