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Name: Class: $9 SterLink Date: ‘Tel: 038 255 2594 GLOBAL ENGLISH 9: UNIT 6~ RULES AND LAWS, VOCABULARY I A. VOCABULARY *Luru $2: Cac tie vung mé rdng thay c6 cho ghi trong v6 (néu cb) va cic tit vung ma réng trong phiéu dé c6 chit thich nghia: con vé nha chép moi tie 1 ding dé ghi nho nhé, No.| New words Meanings No.| New words Meanings pharmaceutieal | cong ty sin xuat Stay behind after , 1 ‘ 10 1a tg sau gids hoe company (n) luge phim school —=—e 2 | detention (n) availa 11 | a phone-free zone (n) | KY Ye Kone si dune khang cho ra ngoai ign thoai 3 | efficieney (n) higu qua iz iron (¥) i 4 | executive (n) naudi digu hinh | 13 | noticeboard (n) bang ghi chi 3_|_ productivity (a) ning suit 1 Dan (0,9) Teah im, elim © | workload (n) _| EhSi long cing vige | IS | screen time (n) Thai gian Ten hin 7 hectic (@) Tatbsi, bin ron | 16 | ask permission (v) xan php ® | pitehin (phr.v) | lim vige cingnhau | 17 | get into trouble ip rie r5r 9 | resentment (n) | sirphinnd, byctte | 18 | be charged for hai thanh toan *Note: ‘n— noun: danh tir adjective: tinh tr, vv verb: dng tis phr.v — phrasal verb: cum dng tr *Con hge thuge nghia cia tir, chép méi tir 1 ding vio v6 ghi B. HOMEWORK tinh phiit am theo tir dién. I. Guess the correct words using the given definitions. 0, (a picture made by) painting on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling = fresco 1. the state of being kept in a place, especially a prison, and prevented from leaving, 2. a feeling of anger or unhappiness about something that you think is unfair 3. a board for puttin, wg notices on 4, to make clothes flat and smooth 5. the amount of work that has to be done by a particular person or organization IVEWORKSHEETS IL, Choose the correct answers. 0. It’s hard work teaching a class of children. A. car-free lively C valuable 1. Ellie gets considerably more time than other characters inthis episode. A. sereen B. sceen .sreen 2. She is now a senior . having worked her way up through the company. A. efficiency B. productivity C. executive 3. They've got a schedule planned A. hectic B. resentment C. detention 4, You don't want to with debt (ng) over your side business. A. piteh in B. get into trouble C. be charged for Be companies making acid suppressants (thudc ite ché axit) have not heard of this. A. Pharmac B. Pharma C. Pharmaceutical 6. Teachers are always complaining about their heavy : A. detentions B. workloads C. executives IIL Fill in the blanks with the given words in the box. productivity | ask permission | freseo | efficiency | pitch in | stay behind after school 0. Michelangelo's famous fresco is in the Sistine Chapel. 1. A team of inspectors will be monitoring the of the new system. 2. You must. for all major expenditures (chi teu) 3. Asa punishment, several of the children had to 4. Local companies with building materials and labour. 5. If you want to stay in this job, you'll need to get your up. IV. Make sentences with the given words/ phrases. aphone-free zone | freseo | becharged for [ ban | detention | screen time 0. Michelangelo's famous fresco is in the Sistine Chapel, vk ee LIVEWORKSHEETS C.IELTS PRACTICE MINDSET FOR IELTS 3 - UNIT 6- READING HOLOGRAPHICS US lout BY For hundreds ofyears, the more formerd-thinking elemeriso’ science and technology have stoked Imaginationsin the world of entertainment, For example, 2 ‘huge numberof scence fiction moves were produced over the 20th century, a period euring which space exploration became firsta possibilty, then a reality. Many suchfilms depict situat onsin which one character (iaful badly torr) Interacts with 2 30, holographic image of another, Despite the cotimismin some quarters, genuine interaction with holograms in the real woridis still as farfrombecominga reality as ever. Acditionally there's seme doubt as to whether the existing, limited ho.cpraphic technology iseven worth exploring any ‘urther. However, what ‘scurently available has bbegua to be used for entertainment purposes ina wide range ofiedustries Ei tremuscindusvyisre. thassouphttowate advanlageothstechroogysncetsnancy Therehave Been nomerousesamples- concerts and events cing ‘ich buenceshave been bleto watch modern volts Shane the stage hologaicinagesof sonnets who conte ts wortsometine ago Infect, the ecology hur beendeveloped tsuchancterced lage atk set posateta ape a entre concet peste by dont ockstars ies hove arpcd tat thsisexlotaiveo! bet arience and musican portngeut the questondtle rovalltyl puting onstagean atuhohas nowy ol singiobe ere On the other hand, it mightbe argued that, to modern audiencesso accustomed :0 a daly intake of entertainment Viewed almost entirely on 20 screens, or stgeanimation allows paople once again toembrace the excitementaf the 30, live arena, Such shows, its advacatesargue, are likely to becomecammonplace as che wosté of enterta nment exzands itshor ons. (Greet actors could also be resurectec to take their place on the theatrestage,forexample) Thisis, due iano small partto the fact thet the on-stage technology making this possible actualy less complex than one might expect, certainly if rather than ative holograghic performance, reflective technology mused instead, BA to achievethis, alaser projector shoots down an image beam thar isser up tate exactly perpendicularto theft. If the angleof projection is greater or lessthan SC degrees, even bythe tiniest ermaunt, the projection wil fal As the song is being played, the animated image's projected onto mirroredsurfece which has been set into the tape foot. This setup means that ‘suspension dishaliel can becreated IND ANIMATION > PERFORMANCE ‘th he raking eee collet tes the Tmovngimage wiles the sre ine, he varcpaer fl Usedto make thesceensinvsblsechedbackasRisat ease dog oed Tras assert height al which projection sto wert and, er asenesof Fabel Snplecacutions the ser poector canbe sino fed toa hing igsel uphigh above thesage. EH thetic othoiogaoticperermance does pee ‘ater Ine, honeve para thecon eto! DPN ruskiarabat tof inthaway Parone, Imossbete create newpetimancetom od videotape arethee a lied amourtof orginal lolgect hese eosin was soca they werelve Utetey thea del ore beloureFelowingon or Bi they way to generate on entirely new show would be through Computer Geneatedimagery CG adh for mst ns, rose defeat ecbjetol herr ene Fay, mest ait pastfocagemasshotonaceatefim, which ahnot camecoset the modern ts HO echnlog thatthe taxeminmar eqled fora tual kereanrabon. Cara ened sori ede eset as, however muchote cael theexerence might on ven have oy irom the rev ofpstperermesitsnow pessbletolimand projctuta HObelogaphieviaslsia Folio insite sare ey soley migptoppesrna20 fee inthis the indvial mcidanaind gu could iperortgetit on hes sngs even igh ey teincomoletl derentlcaions ol hat mament nce "Mis hesledsomepeopeinide themuscindutyte predict a faureolbordstourhgwahoutneedngtlesethe rehearsal studle, butaryimestment afte time or money ino sea docs seer would be highly uly anylanto boy cet fo wath the Inuit art, inoningthat he periomance they have alto ste snot techiclyalive show, ond the muscansthey die Jorot wish tobepesentin the same oom asthe ar Leeson, to, stage projection deceased starsot tertanment sostlgntorwarderdeoveur btere ined both nviualappel and arlble source material Retin SDrepteentalonsol estareBecomingerer ove ccutte, but hveleseppel or adiencesthan authentic performancesdo. As soften the case, the willtocreate Something new and exciting for consumers of entertzinment ishindered by thetechnology currently available tot saLIVEWORKSHEETS ‘While the music industry has begun to explore Questions 1-5 potential uses fr holographic technology in the Complete the summony using thelist of words, AJ, below context of live performance, critics argue that the Write the conecteter, Ad stagingof a1 toinclude a fake performance from a deceased artist is both A appeal B event C rehearsal D animation E screens exploitativeand morally questionable. Despitea _—~F footage G concert H artists belief elsewhere that 3D 2 5 innovation J studio in liveshowswill inevitably become commonplace, it is more likely that the lack of original 3 will limit how much can be achieved. Additionally, real-time holographic concerts and tours could potentially be staged that allow the artists to remain in a practice 4 while performing, but tis thought that this is unlikely tohold much 5 foraudiences. Questions 6-9 Label thediagram below. ‘Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage foreach answer. The projection of on-stage 3D animation Laser projector attached to Images sentina 7 from projector soLIVEWORKSHEETS MINDSET FOR IELTS 3- UNIT 7 - LISTENING Cée con mé link nghe bing may tink nbé: /uips:// T]afg Listen and complete gaps 1 to in the flow-chart. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Making a TV news report You must start by 1 Think about the five Ws: Who, What, When, Where, Why. Writea 2 Keep it easy to understand J ing: Givean introduction to the story, avoiding needless 3 Cae con mé link nghe bing may tinh nhé: /ips://inyurl com/r7Sphs3 [TB] Listen andcompletegaps 405, Un Interviews: First interviewee should have direct. involvement in the story, such as a4 . 4 Second interview: Choose someone whose opinions 5 with those of the previous interviewee so the report gives both sides of the story. + End of report: Summarise the main points of story at this stage and mention potential 6 in the on-going story. saLIVEWORKSHEETS con mé link nghe bing may tin més /nps-/ rr Questions 1-5 Complete the sentences. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. 1 Abasic definition of the news story is ky inte tach TV nd rtd es tated at TV Tata ieee 3 Nowadays news stories engage the reader if theyhave 4 What an editor chooses to report is highly dependent on their : 5 Agood news editor also needs to pay attention to the stories being published by Questions 6-10 Complete the flow-chart below. Choose SIX answers from the list below and write the correct letter, A-H, nextto Questions 6-10. A plate € edition E gathering G process B colour D size F prototype H printingpress, How anewspaperis put together News 6. : Researching and writing news items, arranging advertisements, 4 Editing: Each type of editor marks their changes using adifferent 7 4 Pre-press: Designing the pages. A& cf each page is produced, t Press/lithographie stage: When the design process iscomplete, each pageis transferredtoametal9 + Impressionstage: These are inserted on the 10 and the newspapers are printed. L Circulation: newspapers sent out nationwide. saLIVEWORKSHEETS

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