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Thăng Long Highschool Teacher: Đào Thúy Hạnh 0985 809 284

I. PRONUNCIATION : “s”/ “es” endings
1. Write /s/, /z/ or /iz/ to show how the -s ending is pronounced.
1. Potatoes /z/ 11. caves/z/ 21. Learns/z/
2. Rubs/z/ 12. plays/z/ 22. Stops/s/
3. Cooks/s/ 13. maps/s/ 23. Digs/z/
4. Rises/s/ 14. flats/s/ 24. Churches/iz/
5. Clothes/z/ 15. bathes/z/ 25. Comes/z/
6. Lengths/iz/ 16. baths/s/ 26. Rose’s/s/
7. Calculates/s/ 17. stages/iz/ 27. Daniel’s/z/
8. Reads/z/ 18. wears /z/ 28. Frank’s/s/
9. Massages/iz/ 19. thanks/s/ 29. Elizabeth’s/z/
10. laughs/s/ 20. coughs/s/ 30. Smith’s/s/

2. Use the pen to draw the way you go.

Practise this saying:

2. Choose the word with “s” endings pronounced different from the others.
1. A. proofs B. books C. points D. days
2. A. helps B. laughs C. cooks D. finds
3. A. neighbors B. friends C. relatives D. photographs
4. A. snacks B. follows C. titles D. writers
5. A. streets B. phones C. books D. makes
6. A. cities B. satellites C. series D. workers
7. A. develops B. takes C. laughs D. volumes
8. A. phones B. streets C. books D. makes
9. A. proofs B. regions C. lifts D. rocks
10. A. involves B. believes C. suggests D. steals
11. A. remembers B. cooks C. walls D. pyramids
12. A. miles B. words C. accidents D. names
13. A. sports B. plays C. chores D. minds
14. A. nations B. speakers C. languages D. minds
15. A. proofs B. looks C. lends D. stops
16. A. dates B. bags C. photographs D. speaks
17. A. parents B. brothers C. weekends D. feelings
18. A. chores B. dishes C. houses/hauziz/ house/haus/ D. coaches
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19. A. works B. shops C. shifts D. plays
20. A. coughs B. sings C. stops D. sleeps
21. A. signs B. profits C. becomes D. survives
22. A. walks B. steps C. shuts D. plays
23. A. wishes B. practices C. introduces D. leaves
24. A. grasses B. stretches C. comprises D. potatoes
25. A. desks B. maps C. plants D. chairs
26. A. pens B. books C. phones D. tables
27. A. dips B. deserts C. books D. camels
28. A. miles B. attends C. drifts D. glows
29. A. mends B. develops C. values D. equals
30. A. repeats B. classmates C. amuses D. attacks
31. A. humans B. dreams C. concerts D. songs
32. A. manages B. laughs C. photographs D. makes
33. A. dishes B. oranges C. experiences D. chores
34. A. fills B. adds C. stirs D. lets
35. A. wants B. books C. stops D. sends
36. A. books B. dogs C. cats D. maps
37. A. biscuits B. magazines C. newspapers D. vegetables
38. A. knees B. peas C. trees D. nieces
39. A. cups B. stamps C. books D. pens
40. A. houses B. faces C. hates D. places


1. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition and verb form.
0.Alice isn’t interested _in ______( look ) __looking _______for a new job
1. Henry is excited ______ ( leave ) about leaving ______for India .
2. You are capable ______ ( do ) of doing ______better work .
3. I have no excuse ______ ( be ) __ for being ____late .
4. I’m accustomed ______ ( have )_to having _____a big breakfast .
5. The rain prevented us ______( complete ) from completing ______the work . stop/band/forbid/discouragea from
ving: nhung tu chi su cam doan
6. Fred is always complaining _______( have ) about having _______a headache .
7. Instead _______( study ) of studying_______., Margaret went to a ballgame with some of her friends .
8. Thank you _______( help )_ for helping______me carry my suitcases .
9. Mrs Grant insisted _______( know ) _ on knowing ______the whole truth .
10. I believe _______( be )___ in being ____honest at all times .
11. You should take advantage _______( live ) __ of living _____here .
12. Fatima had a good reason _______( go / not )_for not going______to class yesterday .
13. Everyone in the neighborhood participated _______( search ) in searching_______for the lost child .
14. I apologized to Yoko _______( make )for making _______her wait for me .
15. The weather is terrible tonight . I don’t blame you _______( want / not ) __ for not wanting _____to go to the
meeting .
16. Who is responsible _______( wash )_ for washing ______and ( dry ) __ drying_____the dishes after dinner ?
17. In addition _______( go ) to going_______to school full time , Spiro has a part-time job .
18. I stopped the child _______( run ) _ from running ______into the street .
19. Where should we go for dinner tonight ? Would you object _______( go ) __ to going _____to an Intalian
restaurant ? phan doi lam gu
20. The mayor made another public statement for the purpose ___ of clarifying____( clarify ) _______the new tax
proposal .
21. The thief was accused ____ of stealing___( steal )_______a woman’s purse .
22. The jury found Mr Adams guilty ___ of taking ____( take ) _______money from the company he worked for and
( keep ) __ keeping _____it for himself . co toi
23. Larry isn’t used ___ to wearing ____( wear )_______a suit and tie every day .
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I’m going to visit my family during the school vacation .I’m looking forward ___to eating____( eat ) _______my
mother’s cooking and ( sleep ) ____sleeping ___in my own bed .

2. Complete this text with the correct answer

Being a student involves (1).taking (take) responsibility for (2)organizing (organize) your own time, therefore, you
need (3) learn..(learn) about planning your time and workload effectively. You can learn to do this through practice
and through stopping (4)..thinking..(think) about what works or doesn't work for you.
Try (5)... setting.. (set) yourself goals and target and give yourself small rewards. Don't try (6) do.. (do) too
much at once have regular breaks. If you fail (7) finish.. (finish) a piece of work as quickly as you expected, don't feel
bad, just be more realistic your planning next time. If you find that you avoid even (8)..starting.. (start) work, stop
(9)..making.(make) excuses and start today! You will! feel much better once you do.

Stop V-ing: dừng làm gì (dừng hẳn)
Stop to V: dừng lại để làm việc gì

Remember/ forget/ regret to V: nhớ/ quên/ tiếc sẽ phải làm gì (ở hiện tại – tương lai)
Remember/ forget/ regret V-ing: nhớ/ quên/ tiếc đã làm gì (ở quá khứ)

Try to V: cố gắng làm gì
Try V-ing: thử làm gì

Like V-ing = Enjoy: Cảm thấy thích thú làm việc gì đó, hưởng thụ
Like to do: Cảm thấy muốn làm việc gì đó

Prefer V-ing to V-ing: Thích làm việc gì đó hơn việc gì
Prefer + to V + rather than V: Thích làm việc gì đó hơn là việc gì

Mean to V: Có ý định làm gì.
Mean V-ing: Có nghĩa là gì.

Need to V: cần phải làm gì (nghĩa chủ động)
Need V-ing: cần được làm gì (= need to be done) (nghĩa bị động)


Used to V: thói quen từng làm trong quá khứ (giờ đã không còn thói quen đó nữa)
Be/ Get used to V-ing: quen với việc làm gì đó (thói quen ở hiện tại)

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Advise/ allow (permit)/ recommend + Object + to V: khuyên/ cho phép/ đề nghị ai đó (không
phải mình) làm việc gì.
Advise/ allow (permit)/ recommend + V-ing: khuyên/ cho phép/ đề nghị (có thể bao gồm bản
thân mình) làm việc gì.


See/ hear/ smell/ feel/ notice/ watch + Object + V-ing: Khi người nói chỉ chứng kiến 1 phần
của hành động.
See/ hear/ smell/ feel/ notice/ watch + Object + V: Khi người nói chứng kiến toàn bộ hành

- Nếu động từ thứ 2 diễn ra sau động từ thứ 1; thì động từ thứ 2 là “TO VERB”
- Nếu động từ thứ 2 diễn ra trước động từ thứ 1; thì động từ thứ 2 là “V-ING”
3. Put the suitable preposition(s) in each of the following blanks
1. He fastened his eyes _on the stranger who stood in the school yard: pay attention to sb
2. He’s quite careless _of/about danger.
3. She’s very nervous _about the new boss.
4. I’m faithful _to my principle.
5. I’ve been so anxious _about you.
6. This service is free _of charge.
7. They went ahead contrary _to my advice.
8. He was married _with Sue for a day.
9. His good health contributed _to his success.
10. His job seems to be _at risk. = at stake

4. Fill each gap in the sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. We need to lead more balanced lives to be .healthy and happy. (health)
Healthy: cơ thể khỏe mạnh
Healthful: good for your health
2. Families are classified by the occupation of the head of the .household (house)
3. This law is .(in)applicable to Companies employing more than five people. (apply)
4. The college attracts students of all nationalities (nation)
5. My father is engaged in .international trade. (national)
6. It's .marvelous what modern technology can do, (marvel)
7. I was very .nervous about driving again after the accident. (nerve)
8. Ask me again tomorrow. I’ll have to give it some .thought (think)
Give it some thought: to consider ( không có s trong thought)
9. Man species are now .threatened with extinction. (threat)
10. He solved the problem in a highly .professional way. (profession)
11. Make sure you are given a .receipt for everything you buy. (receive)
Receipt: hóa đơn để chứng nhận rằng mình đã mua sản phẩm ( thanh toán trc khi sd)
Khác Bill: hóa đơn khi mình sử dụng xong sản phẩm/ dịch vụ đấy ( thanh toán sau khi sd)
12. Mr. Brown spent all his .savings on an expensive car. (save)
13. David began to .............all his television heroes who smoked.
14. They are struggling to save their .marriage for the children's sake. (marry)
15. She has never been greatly concerned about her .appearance (appear)
16. The cave contained .evidence of prehistoric settlement. (evident)
17. The project attracted criticism from the .scientific community. (science)

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18. I don't doubt her .sincerity but I think some of her facts are wrong. (sincere)
19. She has some .ambitious expansion plans for business (ambition)
20. They’ve held the .championship for past five years. (champion)

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

1. The police gave him protection for his own...... safety..........

2. How many times do I have to ask you to pay.......attention....?
3. The company made hundreds of..... employees..... redundant.
Redundant: thừa ra, thất nghiệp
4. The store was.....crowded... with shoppers.
5. The show brought millions of viewers.
6. She listens to classical music for ....relaxation......
7. Cinema is a medium of mass..... entertainment........
8. He can calculate very quickly. He has an amazing ability to solve ..... mathematical ..... problems.
9. In 1963 he was appointed... professor .of history.
10. Dang Thai Son is a Vietnamese pianist with
1. Choose the best answer to tit each gap of the passage.
When we hear the name Nobel, we immediately think of the Nobel Prizes. But Alfred Nobel the (1) ....... of the
awards, was also a great (2)………. and inventor.
Born in 1833 in Sweden, Nobel first studied in Russia and then (3) .............
to the USA where he studied mechanical engineering. Afterwards, he returned to Sweden to work with his father.
Gradual1y, they made (4) ............. in explosives. Nobel (5) ............. out how to work safely with nitroglycerine, a very
dangerous and explosive (6) ............. His invention later became known as dynamite. Nobel continued throughout his
life to (7) ............. improvements in the field of explosives. He eventually owned (8) ............. explosives factories around
the world and became very wealthy.
When Nobel died, he left a wonderful gift to the world: The Nobel Prizes. Each year, these prizes are (9) ........ to
scientists, inventors and other creative people for their great (10)......... to the world.
1. A. holder B. creator C. discoverer D. receiver
2. A. scientist B. engine C. philosophy D. production
3. A. transferred B. visited C. joined D. emigrated
4. A. directions B. advances C. motions D. movements
make advances: tiến bộ; advances improvements: tiến bộ vượt bậc
5. A. figured B. solved C. granted D. introduced
6. A. shape B. form C. body D. substance
7. A. do B. have C. make D. take
8. A. numbered B. numerate C. numerical D. numerous
Numerate: biết tính toán, cộng trừ nhân chia )
9. A. awarded B. designed C. suggested D. implanted
10. A. involvement B. contribution C. development D. manufacturing
2. Choose the best answer.
Personal computers, or PCs, are an important part of our everyday lives. Many people cannot imagine life without
them. One the most important people in making these machines work is Bill Gates.
Bill Gates was born in 1955 in Washington State. He grew up in a rich family. His parents sent him to a private
school. There he met his business partner, Paul Alien. When they were in in the eight grade, they were writing programs
for business computers.
In 1973, Gates was accepted at Harvard University. His parents were happy. They thought he would get over his
obsession with computer and become a lawyer like his father. Two years later, Gates dropped out of Harvard to work on
a computer program with his friend Allen. They worked eighteen hours a day in a dormitory room at Harvard. They
were writing the program that would run one of the first personal computers. In 1975, they created a company called
Microsoft to sell their product.

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Allen became ill with cancer and left Microsoft in 1983. He recovered a few years later and started his own
company. Meanwhile, Microsoft became a giant company. By 1990, at the age of thirty-four, Gates was the youngest
billionaire in the history of the United States. He was the "King of Software". He achieved his success with a lot of hard
work. For more than ten years, he worked sixteen-hour days, seven days a week. He had a dream and the will to
succeed. By 1997, he was the richest man in the United States.
1. According to the writer,
a. people cannot live without personal computers b. computers play an important part of our lives
c. Bill Gates invented personal computers d. Bill Gates is the most important people in computer science
2. The words 'dropped out of mean
a. graduated from b. got over c. took part in d. stopped taking class at
3. According to the passage,
a. Bill Gate's parents wanted him to become a computer programmer.
b. Bill Gates and Paul Allen created Microsoft because they want to sell their program for personal computers
c. Paul Alien left Microsoft because he wanted to start his own company.
d. Bill Gates met his business partner at Harvard.
4. How old was Bill Gates when he became the richest man in the United States?
a. 34 b. 51 c. 42 d. 44
5. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?
a. In a few years, Microsoft became a very large company.
b. Bill Gates and Paul Allen first wrote programs for business computers when they were about fifteen.
c. Bill Gates earned his success by working very hard.
d. Bill Gates is the richest man in the United States.
IV. WRITING: Rewrite the sentences.
1. Tim insisted on being told the complete story.
Nothing but _ the complete story satisfy Tim.
Nothing but the whole story satisfied Tim
2. The teacher said to Jim, 'Would you give your book to Mary, please?
The teacher_ asked Jim to give his book to Mary.
3. Before Bobby went to bed, his father said, 'Don't forget to brush your teeth.
Before Bobby went to bed, his father _ reminded him to brush his teeth.
4. She never seems to succeed even though she studies much.
Much _ as she studies, she never seems to succeed.
5. The teacher said to the students, 'You will have exactly one hour to complete the exam'
The students_ were said that they would have exactly one hour to complete the exam by the teacher.
6. I last received my brother’s e-mail five months ago.
I haven’t_ received my brother’s e-mail for five months.
7. Although she was successful, she felt dissatisfied.
In spite of _being successful, she felt dissatisfied.
8. Andrew is the most generous person I have ever met
I’ve yet _to meet a more generous person than Andrew.
9. If she doesn’t work hard, she will fail the exam.
Unless _ she works hard, she will fail the exam.
10. I hate to play all days without doing anything.
I can’t stand_ playing all days without doing anything.
11. Giving up your job will make you regret later.
If_ you give up your job, you will regret later.
12. I never thought that I would win a prize

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It had _ been surprised that I won a prize
It had _ never crossed my mind that I would win a prize
13. I said to David, “When will I see you again?”
I said _to David when I saw him again.
14. There was so much snow that the ferry could not run.
So much snow prevented _the ferry from running.
15. She never seems to succeed, even though she works hard.
Despite _working hard, she never seems to succeed.
Hard _as/though she works, she never seems to succeed.
However _ hard she works, she never seems to succeed
16. She didn't get home until 11 p.m
It was not until _11p.m that she got home.
Not until _11p.m did she get home.
17. We didn't know the truth until the book was published.
It was not until _the book was published that we knew the truth.
Not until the book was published did we know the truth.

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