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Monthly Bulletin /Circular JULY 2024 /No. 142


Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:

1. THE MONTH OF JULY 2024: I warmly welcome you all to the month of July 2024. This
month falls within the liturgical season of the Ordinary Time of the Year. The season is chiefly
marked by the hope it offers, hence, the colour: green, used at this time in the Church,
signifies growth and life. Ordinary Time is a season which follows the Solemnity of the
Pentecost; a season where as Christians, we put into fruitful and profitable use, the gifts of
the Holy Spirit received at Pentecost. Hence, having been filled with His gifts, we are
expected to in this Ordinary season bear good fruits as we grow in the life of the Spirit. This
month also presents us with these important feast days: St. Thomas the Apostle (3rd July),
St. Maria Goretti (6th July), St. Benedict (11th July), St. Bonaventure (15th July), St.
Mary Magdalene (22nd July), St. James (25th July), Ss. Joachim and Anne (26th July), Ss.
Martha, Mary and Lazarus (29th July), St. Ignatius of Loyola (31st July).

2. POPE’S INTENTION FOR JULY 2024: For the pastoral care of the sick: We pray that
the Anointing of the Sick confer to those who receive it and their loved ones the power of the
Lord and become ever more a visible sign of compassion and hope for all.

3. ARCHBISHOP’S INTENTION FOR JULY 2024: For the Elderly: We pray for those who
are aged and elderly that they may not feel abandoned but realize that they are loved by God
and those around them. May they be blessed with vitality and derive joy and happiness in their
children and grandchildren.

4. LITURGICAL CELEBRATION GUIDELINES: Recall our Archdiocesan Special Circular, no.

048.01 released on 14th September, 2016, where we set out a few guidelines for liturgical
celebrations in the Archdiocese in order to arrest liturgical aberrations that sometimes find
their ways into programs in some parishes especially at so-called retreat and Open-Air events.
We wish to state unequivocally that the liturgy is an act of public worship celebrated in praise
of God and not for enhancing the image or popularity of any minister. It is not the individual -
priest or layman - or any particular group that celebrates the liturgy. The liturgy has its own
history, rich tradition, unique rubrics and norms, which we cannot add to or subtract from
without a due process.

We, hereby re-state that the following practices are not allowed, as a reminder:
 Issuing of account numbers apart from the hosting parish account to which moneys
shall be paid for any purpose is prohibited
 Selling of items such as candles, oil, salt, mustard seed, handkerchief, etc.
 Indiscriminate use of Sacramentals/oils during such programmes
 Distribution of personal envelopes/forms for prayer requests with any amount of
cash to be enclosed
 Using of formulas and books that are not approved by the Church for blessing of
various Sacramentals
 Asking people to perform or carry out any profane exercise and/or rituals that are
fetish in appearance.
 Blessing of items that are not religious articles such as crude oil, “back to sender oil”,
“coconut oil”, etc.
 Disrespect for the Blessed Sacrament in the form of dancing to traditional drum
beats in full vestments, walking along the aisles with the monstrance or carrying it
with one hand with the other holding a microphone, etc.
 Requesting the people of God to throw money onto the sanctuary
 Inviting people unto the sanctuary during fund-raising and launching
 Unnecessarily keeping people very late in the Church.
 Soliciting for money for oneself, for private project or requesting for gifts, cars and
other accessories. People should give voluntarily
 Celebrating Mass or exposing the Blessed Sacrament in private homes
 Celebrating Baptism and other sacraments in private homes
 Organizing so-called harvest and bazaar in private homes, Event Centres or Hotels,
 Invited priests bringing along the so-called ‘intercessors or ministers’ i.e. Lay persons
meant to perform functions and brought along on the entourage of such priests. If
there is any need, members of Prayer Groups in such parishes should be engaged.
In adherence to the principle that donors’ intentions must be respected, we instruct that
stipends may be given to invited priests but it shall not be based on such an agreement as
giving a percentage of funds generated for a given purpose to the priests so-invited.

The above regulations are made in order to preserve the integrity of the most precious gift of
God to His Church and the distinctive patrimony of the Catholic Church. No one has a right to
give an arbitrary interpretation to these guidelines different from what is expressed therein.
We shall take serious exception to any such attempt and it shall not be taken lightly.


a. Archdiocesan Finance Council Meeting: This comes up on Tuesday 2nd July, 2024 at the
Chancery by 10:00am. Those concerned should please take note.

b. Archdiocesan Curia Meeting: Members of the Archdiocesan Curia are hereby reminded of
their meeting scheduled to hold on Wednesday 3rd July 2024 at 10:00 am in the Chancery

c. Archdiocesan Education Week: This is scheduled to hold from Sunday, 7th July – Sunday,
14th July 2024. Please take note.

d. Archbishop Adewale Martins Catholic Faith Family Project: The Archbishop Adewale
Martins Catholic Faith Family project is a faith and moral advocacy project sponsored by
Knights of St. John International and Ladies Auxiliary in the form of a Quiz competition. It is
done in collaboration with the Archdiocesan Religious Education Department and the
Archdiocesan Laity Council. The schedule of remaining activities are as follows:
Regional Level: July 28th, 2024
Grand Finale: September 21st, 2024

The Program Syllabus are:

Old Testament: Books of Deuteronomy and Isaiah
New Testament: Gospel according to Mark and Letter to the Galatians
Catechism: The Church, the Liturgy of the Church, Sacred Vessels and Vestments, Sacraments
and Sacramentals.

There are a lot of exciting prizes to be won. For more information refer to the relevant Laity
Council bodies at the Parish, Deaneries, and Archdiocesan levels.
Note: The Regional level of the competition will take place at the Episcopal Vicars’ parishes or
any other parish that they may approve. The various Laity Council bodies are to please confirm
venues and forward them to respective participants.

e. Quarterly Returns and Special Collections: Every Parish is expected to fulfil the canonical
obligation of giving an account of its income and expenditures to the Chancery and make the
required financial returns. Please be reminded that the returns from the following Special
Collections are to be made in the third quarter of the year: (Peter’s pence – 07/07/24) and
(AUI Collection - 14/07/2024)

We reiterate the instruction that Parish Priests/Priests-in-charge should make Bank

Transfers to forestall the challenges of returned cheques, irregular signatures, and other
problems that cause cheques to bounce. We emphasize again that Parish Priests or Priests-in-
Charge should ensure that they log into the new digital platform (HYELLA) to make their


i. Registration for Catechism: The registration age for Catechism is now six (6) years old as
against seven (7) years old mentioned in the May circular. The registration at Age 6 will be into
the Prayer class which will last for one (1) year while at age seven (7), the catechumen will
begin preparations for First Holy Communion. The child/children must be duly registered in the
company of their parents for the prayer class and then they must be properly prepared for all
the sacraments as scheduled.

ii. Catechism Classes will henceforth hold ONCE A WEEK (Saturday or Sunday); a day each
for those preparing for First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Parents are required to teach
their children on the alternate days in the family catechetical session as laid out in the
approved syllabus. Everyone should please note that the period of catechetical instruction in
preparation for the sacraments shall not be less than TWO (2) YEARS.

iii. There should be a COMPULSORY meeting of parents, catechists, and parish priests to
review progress and help out where necessary to clarify some challenging questions or topics
while teaching the children.

iv. It is expected that the Life in the Spirit Seminar would be arranged for catechumens
before their reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. This is to help them to further
understand their roles and responsibilities as adults and soldiers of Christ.
v. Parish priests are expected to support the training of their catechists and provide them
with instructional materials like writing boards, markers etc for effective catechesis in their

vi. Priests should introduce new initiatives to offer ongoing formation in the faith for their
parishioners. This is to be seen as post-catechism classes instruction opportunities.

vii. There would be a Mandatory Seminar/Training for all Catechists, both full-time and
part-time Catechists.

Date: Thursday, 25th July, 2024

Venue: Director of Religious Education office @ 19, Maye Street off Montgomery Road,
Time: 9:00 am
Registration: N5,000.00 (lunch inclusive).

viii. Archdiocesan Spell and Explain Catechetical Competition (For Catechumens aged 10-14

Quiz Syllabus: Biblical names and places, Sacraments and Sacramentals, Liturgical Seasons,
Liturgical Vestments and Vessels; Signs and Symbols used in the Church.

Time Schedules for the Quiz Competition:

Parish Level - Saturday, July 20th, 2024

Deanery Level: Saturday, August 17th, 2024

Grand Finale cum Christeens Summer Camp, 2024 Edition (for all Children)

Date: Saturday, September 7, 2024; Time 9:00 am

Venue: Catholic Church of Ascension, Airport Road, Ikeja.

For information: 08037081933, 08092353612, 07038400333.

g. Mater Ecclesiae Monastery: Monthly Retreat: Mater Ecclesiae Monastery, Sangotedo,

Lagos, organizes a day of spiritual retreat for young girls 15 years and above to discern their
vocation. The retreat is scheduled to be held on the first Saturday of every month. Time:
9:00 am – 4.00 pm. Venue: Mater Ecclesia Monastery, Sangotedo, Lekki, Lagos.

Mater Ecclesiae Retreat Center: Mater Ecclesiae Retreat Center, located in the serene
atmosphere of the Monastery, is officially open to everyone for personal and Group Retreats.
Time for Public Adoration to the Most Holy Sacrament is from Mondays to Saturdays 9:00
am to 8:30 pm; on Sundays after 9:00am Mass to 12:15pm; and from 3:30pm to 5:00pm. Also,
you can visit the Book Centre. For more inquiries, call 09085648168.


This annual event is scheduled for 2 days: Friday 9th and Saturday 10th August 2024

Theme: The Family: The vocation and path to love of God.

Topic: Overcoming Drug and Pornography Addiction in Family Life.
Venue: St. Gregory College, S/W Ikoyi
Opening/Accreditation: 8.00 am on Friday 9th August, 2024, with registrations

The first-day will feature: Confession, Praise/Worship, Adoration (Evening times), Talks on
Family life on topic: Overcoming Drug addiction on Family Life, campfire, Cultural Displays,
Games, Medical Checkups/Tests and Advice, and Aerobics (all through the event period).

On the second day, the 10th of August 2024 Games/medical checks/ advisories contd.; talk on
part 2 of the topic chosen with a specific focus on Overcoming Pornography addiction in family
life (9.30 am)

The two (2) day talk/presentation features Dr. Mrs. Bridget Itsueli (a theologian, management
consultant/marriage counselor)
Chairperson; Dr. Deji Osasuna (Prominent Neurologist/Psychologist/Behaviour therapist);
Presenter: Dr. Wole Kushimo (a prominent medical consultant with special interest training in
pornography and internet addiction);
Presenter: Dr. Obielumani Ideh (Gynecologist with a special interest in addictions)
Networking; Mass/blessing of married couples of 30 years and above; Induction of new
members and lots more.

All are invited and encouraged to attend this important event!

For more inquiries contact:
Chief John Maka Ilechukwu Planning Committee Chairman (08032014522) or Kingsley
Ekwem LACMON President (08052471695)


i. Jobberman Softskills Training: The Jobberman soft skills training is an ongoing

partnership with CYON Lagos Archdiocese in certifying her youths with employability and
effective communication skills via Jobberman Nigeria Every Saturday by 10:00 am virtually via
this link

ii. CYON Archdiocesan Youth Day (AYD) 2024: The 38th Annual Archdiocesan Youth Day
(AYD) will take place on the 11th of August, 2024. It will be hosted by Isolo Deanery at
Chrisland Schools, Isolo. It will feature The Holy Mass, Talent and Vendor Exhibition,
Networking, and lots more. Parishes are encouraged to pay their parish levy of N 3,000 to
the Archdiocesan AYD account with details: CATHOLIC YOUTH ORGANISATION
and inform their respective councillors once payment is made. Upon confirmation of payment,
the parishes would be uploaded to the CYON website AYD portal where members of the
parish can register for the event. For more information and sponsorship contact:
+2349134745088, +2348090821736, +2348100867070, or visit the website for registration and further information.

iii. Terra Academy for the Arts (TAFTA): The Terra Academy for the Arts in collaboration
with MasterCard Foundation (MCF) is an initiative from Terra Kulture that offers youths an
opportunity to learn and pursue a career in industry through courses relevant to creative arts.
There is an ongoing partnership with CYON Lagos Archdiocese in certifying and hands-on
training in the following creative skills: Animation, Script Writing, Sound Design, and Stage
Lighting. Register for FREE using the website and pick CYON
as the referral code.

j. FAMILY WEEK 2024: The annual family week begins in the Archdiocese of Lagos from the
28th of July to the 4th of August 2024. The theme is Strong Catholic Families: Stronger
Intimate Community of Life and Love. Parish Priests and Priests-in-charge should encourage
their Parishioners to participate actively by getting the booklet and discussing the following
sub-themes in their parishes and at their meetings. The schedule for the week is as follows:

Day1- Sunday, July 28th: The marks of Strong Catholic Families (Celebration of the elderly
and grandparents)
Day 2: Monday, July 29th Destructive Lifestyles Affecting Marital Love and Family

Day 3: Tuesday, July 30th Fostering Vocations in a Catholic Family: The Role of Parents
and Guardians

Day4: Wednesday, July 31st Special Care for the Poor and Vulnerable Members of our

Day5: Thursday August 1st: Peaceful Parents, Happy Siblings

Day6: Friday, August 2nd Widowhood: The widows and the Widowers in our Parishes and

Day 7: Saturday, August 3rd Catholic Couples Forum

Day 8: Sunday, August 4th: Closing mass in Parishes, Collection for the work of Family and
Human Life Unit, Gifting Sunday, Renewal of Vows, and Special Family Blessings.

Everyone is invited to the thought-provoking Family and Human Life Unit (FHLU) conference
that inaugurated the Annual FAMILY WEEK.


Overcoming Today's Challenges in the Family

DATE: Saturday, July 27th 2024

TIME: 10 am prompt

VENUE: St. Anthony Catholic Church Gbaja, Surulere

k. JDPC Food Bank Project: The food Bank project organized by the Justice Development
and Peace Center (JDPC) Lagos is still in progress. We, therefore, appeal to Parish Priests and
all people of goodwill to kindly support the JDPC in cash or kind. Financial donations can be
made to JDPC FOOD BANK PROJECT, Zenith Bank- 1224609969 while food items can be
sent to the JDPC office @ 19, Maye Street, Off Commercial Avenue, Yaba, Lagos, or contact
the office on 08102580516.

l. Invitation of Priests for Retreats/Revivals: We hereby restate the regulation that Parish
Priests and Priests-in-charge of the various parishes must ensure that due permission is sought
and received from the Archbishop before inviting priests from outside the Archdiocese to
direct retreats and revivals in parishes. This is to forestall aberrations during liturgical
celebrations as well as provide an atmosphere for authentic worship.
m. St. Augustine College of Education, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos (Project T. I. M. E)
Affiliated to University of Ibadan: We call on Parish Priests and Priests-in-Charge to inform
their Parishioners that Admission is in progress for the 2024/2025 Session. With a minimum
JAMB score of 200 and above for Full-Time and below 200 for Part-Time Degree programs;
100 and above for NCE programs, the College is the place for you. Our programmes include:


Arts and Social Science:
B.Sc (Ed.) Economics
B.Sc (Ed.) Political Science
B.A (Ed.) English Language
B.Ed Social Studies
B.Ed Educational Management
B.Ed Guidance and Counselling
Science and Technology Department
B.Sc (Ed.) Physics
B.Sc (Ed.) Chemistry
B.Sc (Ed.) Mathematics
B.Sc (Ed.) Biology Education
B.Sc (Ed.) Computer Science

All Degree Certificates are awarded by the University Of Ibadan.

i. Computer science, Economics, CRS/IRS, Political Science, English Language, Social
Studies, Business Education (Accounting & Secretarial studies), Primary Education
Studies (PES), Early Childhood care & Education (ECCE), Adult and Non-formal
Education, and Mathematics.
ii. Science and Technology: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, and Integrated
All NCE Certificates are awarded by the College
DURATION: Full Time-3years, Part Time-4 Years
Requirement for Degree and NCE Programmes (Full-Time and Part-Time): 5 or 6 Credits
in One or Two sittings
PDE (Professional Diploma In Education)-First Degree or H. N. D. from any recognized
Tertiary Institution.
Catechesis- Practicing and intending Catechists or O' Level Certificate
Obtain your application form at St. Augustine College Of Education, 2, Moronfolu
Street, by Pako Bus stop, Close to FCE (Technical) and UNILAG, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos
OR LOG ON TO and follow the guidelines.
FOR FURTHER ENQUIRIES, PLEASE CALL: 08065954493, 08024582945 OR
08033244652(Catechesis), 07035121621.

n. The Archdiocesan Anthem: The Lagos Archdiocesan anthem is now available. We expect
Parish Priests and priests in charge of the various parishes to ensure that it is chanted on the
last Sunday of every month. This is to foster a spirit of oneness as we work together in our
Archdiocese. Kindly find the link below to download a copy of the anthem:

o. Late Monsignor Peter Oke Memorial Mass: This is to bring to our notice that the One
Year Memorial Mass for Msgr. Peter Oke comes up on the 17th of July, 2024 at St Stephen
Catholic Church, Iwaya by 10am. Let’s us all come together to offer Mass and prayers for the
continuous repose of his soul and the souls of the faithful departed.

6. Priestly Ordination Anniversary: We congratulate, rejoice with, and request your prayers
for Rev. Frs. John Agbolade, Paul Ighabor, Anthony Oyeniyi, Anthony Okeke, Emmanuel
Ogundele, Marcus Famosaya, Alfred Omoleye, Jude Okelue, Christopher Chafa, Jacob Usman,
Anthony Ojotule, Emmanuel Daikwo, Sebastian Appiah, JoeBen Onyia, Michael Afrifa, Paschal
Aggrey Seiku, Anthony Boateng, Mark Tizhe, Anthony Obiamalu, Jude Udemezue, Evaristus
Mbanusi, Bonaventure Ofolete, Bonaventure Ifedibo, Innocent Madubuko, Hyacinth Arinze,
Cornelius Offiah, Emmanuel Babalola, Charles Onuoha, Emmanuel Amadi, Jonathan Okafor,
Daniel Chigbu, Anthony Eboh, Kingsley Joseph, Patrick Akinrimisi, John Okoro, Francis Iwu,
Dominic Nnaedozie, Daniel Onyeayana, Jude Anyaehie, Marcellinus Igirigi, Emmanuel Ubi, Paul
Ameh, Peter Williams, Louis Ajinge, Philip-Mario Agada, AveMaria Erhariefe, Clement Uzoanya,
JudeMary Owoh, Samuel Akalite, Emmanuel Adama, Celestine Agwu, Augustine Ebido, Gabriel
Odin, Patrick Morrison, Joseph Osunde, Charles Chibogu, Alexius Agba, Victor Ukoh, Augustine
Obiosa, Paulinus Onyenuru, Barnabas Nwabor, Christopher Nze, Dominic Okpara, Augustine
Nwodo, Edogbo Andrew, Lambert Nlemadim, Joseph Aloo, Odey Kelvin, Chioma Nwosu, Aghadi
Onu, Agbo Chikere, Mike Offordum, Lukpata Clement, Donatus Essien, Innocent Uduak
Udomboh, Anthony Thompson, James Vembe, Thaddeus Egwu, Nobert Opara, Clement
Odoemene, Jude Dibia, JohnCross Nkanta, Noel Eshikena, Desmond Ebulue, Samuel Kurungu,
Hyacinth Agomuoh, Vincent Oko, Godfrey Udeh, Jude Nwachukwu, Joseph Yusuf, Babatunde
Pius, Kingsley Anoghala, Stephen Okechukwu, Paul Adegoriola, Michael Nzekwe, Philip Offor,
Chikezie Ekugbah, Okoro Maximus, Peter Morba, Julius Temuyi, Amuda John, Vincent Udoye,
Anthony Nworu, Edwin Nwalozie, Gordian Opara, Emmanuel Omoroke, Dilibe Sixtus, Jerome
Odiejije, Jeremiah Anande, Christiantus Ugwueze, Simon Iduh, Nicholas Ikpeme, Ignatius
Okoligwe, Emmanuel Nwaloka, Richard Igbangi, Elijah-Exodus Irekhiafe, Martins Adinnu,
Vincent Kipngetich, Paul Eniekop, Patrick Obot, Ekene Emelisi and Ikechukwu Nweje whose
sacerdotal ordination Anniversaries occur this month. May God grant them lasting joy and the
grace of final perseverance. Ad multos annos!

7. We announce with deep sympathy, the demise of Mrs. Christiana Ekwundayo Ahabue the
mother of Rev. Fr. PaulMary Otukpe. Kindly celebrate Masses for the repose of her soul and
consolation of her family. May God grant her eternal rest. Amen.


+ Alfred Adewale Martins

Archbishop, Metropolitan See of Lagos

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