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BODY - is the physical or material make up of yourself.

SPIRIT - is the non-material aspect of yourself.

EMBODIMENT - means to make something bodily, as with actions as making bodily

what is in the mind of the person.

EMBODIED SPIRIT- is the human person that is not only a composite of body and
spirit but a totality with all his capabilities and potentialities.

LIMITATION - refers to the dimensions of your body and what it cannot do.

TRANSCENDENCE - refers to your ability or capacity to surpass the limitations

imposed by your body.



- Soul and Body are one/united

3 Levels of Soul

Level Kind of Soul They have souls Incapable of….

because they
Plants Known to be They able to grow, Feeling and
Vegetative reproduce, and thinking
feed themselves
Animals Sensitive soul and They can grow, thinking
Rational reproduce, feed
themselves, and
have sensation
Humans Sensitive soul and Able to grow, none
Rational reproduce, feed
themselves, feel,
and have sensation
- Therefore, humans are known as “thinking animals”
- All life forms has a soul


- Soul and Body are separate

Body Soul
- Material - Immaterial
- Mutable - Immutable
- Destructible - Indestructible

- Therefore, body is dependent to the soul while your soul’s existence is

independent to the body. Thus, the soul existed prior to the body.

3 Parts of Soul

Part Location Function Enable us to….

Rational Head Guides Think, reflect and
Spiritual Chest Motion & Activity Abomination,
anger, other
emotional feelings
Appetitive Abdomen Motion & Activity Thirst, hunger, and
physical wants

Desire – Motivates
Spirit – Animates
Reason – Guides

Trans = go beyond
Scandare = climb

- A state of being that has overcome the limitations of physical existence and by
some definitions has also become independent of it.



- Sense of meaning purpose


- Having a 2 alternate options

- Power to chose according to your need and environment
- Always has the element of choice

Freedom is the ability to make choices and perform those choices.

Intrinsic and essential property of the human nature.

3 Types of Freedom

1. Physical Freedom
- Absence of any physical restraint and the freedom of mobility to act and go.
2. Psychological Freedom
- Freedom of choice
- The person is free to perform actions that he or she considers right and wise. A
person is also free to act or not to act.
3. Moral Freedom
- Freedom is a manner that upholds human dignity and goodness.
- Person becomes free when he or she uses freedom well but become less free
when he or she uses it in a bad way.

Freedom ends when the other person’s ends.

Freewill V.S Freedom

Free will is every person's natural birthright to make their own decisions and choose
their own path. Freedom is the physical and mental ability to exercise that free will,
and is also a person's birthright. You can be physically free, but not mentally free
(from stress, worry, anxiety, etc).

(ang freewill ay pwedeng manakaw/mawala sa’yo)

3 Steps in exercising prudence in choices:

1. Deliberation – act of inquiry

Gathering of information
2. Judgement – weighing all evidences fairly
Failure to make judgement leads to indecision/proscrastination.
Indecision – manifest lack of firmness of character and purpose
Proscrastination – slows down or delays in action.

3. Execution – carry out

Evidence of prudence in action.


- Studies the moral relationships between human beings and nature, as well as the
value and moral status of the environmental and its non-human contents

3 Views on Environmental Philosophy/Ethics

1. Anthropocentrism
o Ethical belief that human alone posses intrinsic value
2. Biocentrism
o Ethical belief that extends inherent value to all living things.
3. Ecocentrism
o Places intrinsic value on all living organisms and their perceived
usefulness or importance to human beings.
Environmental Aesthetics

- It contribute to the well being of the people and other organism living in it.


- A social movement or an ideology focused on the wellness of the environment.

Sustainable Environment

- Consist of fulfilling the needs of current generations without compromising the

needs of future generations, while ensuring the balance between economic
growth, environmental care and social well-being.


Environmental Integrity

- Maintaining the state of the environment.

Environmental Efficiency
- Prudence in decision-making regarding the use of resources to ensure that there
is minimum to zero-waste.
- Demands that we use our natural resources in such a manner that these are
conserved so that the next generation will be able to use them.


Prudence – a skill and good judgement in the use resources. (being careful about your
choices, stopping and thinking before acting.)

Frugality – Being thrifty with one’s resources. (careful management of material

resources and especially money.)

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