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Name : Class :

Lembar Kerja

1. Complete the sentence with like or likes

 Lala ………… Cendol betawi
 He ………….. selendang mayang
 Kinan, Gina, and Fani …………. doger ice
 I …………. es cendol
 Bayu ………… es goyang
2. Complete the sentence with do not and does not
 You………….. coffee
 She…………….. tea
 They…………. ice cream
 I ………………. cake
 Syifa …………. fried noodle
3. Please arrange these words into a good sentence!
 ! – open – please – the door. = …………………………………………….
 Careful – please - ! – Be = …………………………………………….
 Jacket – yellow – is – this – a = …………………………………………….
 have – black – a – I - cat = …………………………………………….
4. Arrange these letters into a good word
 W–I–E–H–T = ……………………………………………………
 W–Y–O–E–L–L = ……………………………………………………
 G – N – E – R- E = ……………………………………………………
 K–B–C–L–A = …………………………………………………….

5. please translate this word into English!

 “Merah muda” = …………………………………………….
 “jingga” = …………………………………………….
 “tolong tutup pintu” = …………………………………………….
 “saya punya seekor kucing putih” = …………………………………………….

6. Please translate this sentence into Indonesia!

 “Run faster” = …………………………………………….
 “Sit down please” = ……………………………………………
 “Stand up please” = ………………………………………………
 “Get up” = …………………………………………….

7. what is the color of elephant ? …………………………………………….

8. what is the color of eggplant ? …………………………………………….
9. what is the color of banana ? …………………………………………….
10. what is the color of carrot ? …………………………………………….

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